Transcending Limits

Chapter 30

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Sheng Tian didn't linger in his guest residence any longer and started out to Qin Qing's residence.

Qin Qing's residence:

After entering the waiting room, he sat down without a shred of politeness.

Soon, Qin Qing came, a bit surprised at his arrival. And with her was also Liu feifei who tagged along.

Sheng Tian was a bit surprised at the addition of this lass, but nonetheless, he looked at Qin Qing and got straight to the point.

"I think your good brother wants to deal with me. I don't like wasting energy. So, I will be staying in your residence until I leave the capital. Don't thank me."

Damn. Why should I thank you for staying at my home?

Qin Qing could only nod in response.

"Alright. Then I shall be the host."

Liu Feifei suddenly spoke " Fellow Cultivator, What is your name?"

"Ling Tian, you are?" Sheng Tian casually said.

Now it is her turn to be a bit shocked.

He just looked at her and talked without even having a change in expression.

It is the first time she was seeing someone treating her like a common person. Was he blind or is she not beautiful enough? Humph!

Hiding her thoughts, she smiled and said "Nice to meet you, Brother Ling Tian. You won't mind me calling so, right? I'm Liu feifei."

"Oh, Then I shall call you sister Liu feifei." Sheng Tian replied perfunctorily.

Sheng Tian didn't want to get involved with these people who had MC halo much because they are bound to get into trouble all along the way. But it seems like there is no escaping it.

He silently sighed to himself.

"Tap. Tap. Tap." vigorous footsteps sounded and Ling Chen entered the room.

Sheng Tian and Ling Chen's gaze met.

Sheng Tian didn't feel a bit of pressure or sharpness that people usually feel from Ling Chen.

However, he had a sudden urge to laugh thinking back to the scene where he tied Ling Chen and Qin Lie to the tree.

Finally, Ling Chen smiled "I'm Ling Chen. You are also a member of our team, right? I hope we work together well."

Sheng Tian maintained a calm face "I'm Ling Tian, nickname, the Fourth Most handsome man to ever exist." His face when saying so didn't even blush or look embarrassed at all but the ones who heard it felt really wanted to bang their head.

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Qin Qing wanted to shout to her friends that she didn't know this fellow.

Ling Chen was taken back by this boasting and felt that he himself is more handsome than Sheng Tian.

Of course, it is due to the disguise of Ling Tian, else Sheng Tian's current handsomeness would kill him with jealousy.

Ling Chen was curious "Then who is the Most Handsome person to ever exist?"

Surely, since this fellow said he is fourth, he must know the first, right?

Sheng Tian laughed humbly and pointed at himself. Everyone was taken back as Ling Chen asked in confusion "You? Didn't you just say that you were fourth?"

Sheng Tian replied in a rather humble tone which only made it more haughty " Yes, It is indeed me. But the first is also me, It is my future self."

The trio felt that they saw a new level of shamelessness and narcissism than the world ever knew. How can someone be so shameless!

Sheng Tian took a parchment square in shape and said in a solemn tone

"This is the sheet made after looking into heaven's secrets costing my ancestor's life. But he still sacrificed his life selflessly to make this, which from then on became my family's heirloom.

Seeing that you are going to be my teammates, I will show this to you. But remember, Heaven's secrets must not be told openly. Keep them sealed deep in your heart." he gave the parchment to the trio.

Qin Qing, Ling Chen and Liu feifei all became very curious when they heard the history of the Parchment and they wanted to know what was written on it. Perhaps, with this, their life would take a new turn. So they soon checked the parchment out.

Position and Person

1st Ling Tian(at the age of 18)

2nd Ling Tian(at the age of 17)

3rd Ling Tian(at the age of 16)

4th Ling Tian(at the age of 15)

6th Ling Tian(at the age of 14)




19th Ling Tian(at the age of just born)

Note: This is the list of the most handsome people to ever exist with their rankings. Made from sacrificing the Life Force of a Cultivator at the Heaven Realm to know Heaven's secrets.

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Back Story: When Ling Tian was born, due to his handsomeness, The Heavens found their existence to be meaningful. But all the men who came to attend his birth ceremony felt that he was too handsome.

So they all joined hands to kill him due to jealousy. But, all the women present didn't allow it and sacrificed their lives to protect him.

Even though a baby, Ling Tian is far more intelligent than an adult. He found that the situation is very intense, so he called out to the heavens for help telling that he would smile as a payment.

How could the Heavens refuse such an offer which could only be prayed for but not obtained?

Immediately, Heavens used the Lightning to kill the attackers. But alas, the Heavens were overexcited due to the deal and killed the ladies too.

Ling Tian shook his head and let out a sigh of regret. Now, Who is going to praise him for his awesomeness and worship his handsomeness?

'It's so lonely at the top' he thought. It was true as there was no one else present as everyone other than him was dead.

Still in his birthday suit, he smiled at the heavens and it rained three years non-stop as Heavens cried in happiness.

Ling Tian began his journey of awesomeness, ahem, the journey of adventures. But everyone who saw his handsomeness either wanted to kill him or marry him. Sometimes even men chased after him to give him their first time.

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control with his ever-increasing handsomeness, Ling Tian decided to descend to the Mortal World so that he could have some peace.

Nowadays, he randomly travels here and there. He might even be the person standing next to you, acting like a normal person covering his handsomeness with disguise. He might look ordinary but he is not. Evidence is he gives you this paper. If you ever find him, Contact the Heavens Customer Service. Customer Service No: 448883 ****. No charges.

The Only One chance in your life to change your fortune!!!!!

Lifetime offer!!!

Don't miss it!!!! We are not scamming you!!! 100% Real!!!

For those who inform his whereabouts, you will have your cultivation raised by 3 Whole Realms, awarded with a Planet and 5000 divine Pills.

If, If and only If you ever manage to give him to our Heavens Customer Service, you will have your cultivation raised by 6 Realms, a medium sized galaxy, Heavenly Emperor's art, and 9999999 Divine Pills and Divine Artifacts.

Warning: The text of 'Back Story' and 'Warning' cannot be seen by Ling Tian himself. So, If even if you tell him, he will not believe you. Good Luck!~

Black Lines formed on trio's faces.

They felt that the lives they led till now were shattered.

What is this? Backstory? Warning? Heavens cried for you and it rained for three years? All the men wanted to kill you just because you are too handsome even when you were a baby?

Big Brother, Why don't you just ascend the Heavens?

The trio's gaze locked onto Sheng Tian who was standing in front of them with a humble expression as if he was a saint.

Sheng Tian felt that they were being flooded with gratitude that they couldn't even speak. But how can he, a man of awesomeness, allow this?

Seeing them still looking at him, Sheng Tian said with a humble smile waving his hands "alright, alright. Don't be flooded with so much gratitude that your dams below break.

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Don't worship me. I have a long queue of my worshippers. But, since you are my teammates, I will tell you a top secret.

If you can worship me by offering 10,000 mid-grade Energy Stones as your offering, I might, I mean, I just might accept your service. Think carefully. Afterward, you won't get the chance even if you want to.

Actually, I don't want so many worshippers either but they threatened me that they will rather die than to live without worshipping me.

I am but a humble person, So I shan't boast about anything. I only hope that you will benefit from this heirloom of my family." saying that, he gazed at the sky through the window as if he was reminiscing all the times he helped others. Vicissitudes of life could be seen on his face.

The trio was utterly speechless.

Worship your sister! Who the hell are you trying to fool?

And what is with that face, I just wish I can punch you to death!

As Sheng Tian was about to put away the parchment, Liu feifei pointed at it and said to Qin Qing with her eyebrow raised "Sister Qin Qing, Why are there strawberries designs on the parchment?"

Qin Qing too found it strange for an ancient parchment to have strawberries on it. And why does it seem so familiar?

Just as Qin Qing was about to talk, a maid in her 60's who usually receives guests came to the room.

Upon seeing the Parchment in the hands of Sheng Tian, her face lit up and she came to Sheng Tian and took the parchment from him swiftly and said with an embarrassed smile

"Thank you, Young Master for retrieving my lost undergarment. I didn't know you were so naughty." saying so, she winked at him and ran off like a shy teenager holding her underwear.

Everyone in the room fell silent.

Even the wind seemed to stop.

Only now did Qin Qing understand the reason she felt those strawberries were familiar.

It was the design of underwear of her maid in her sixties who likes to wear such teenage underwear so as to feel that she is still in her youth.

But now...

Sheng Tian, even with his thick skin couldn't stay any longer as he coughed a bit and said "Ahem, Miss, the Old Lady must be mistaking it for something else.

After all, She is in her old age. But I won't ask it from her, for I am a forgiving person. I will be going to my room first." trying to cover up by saying so, he hurried, no, ran towards his room.




Three bursts of laughter sounded the moment he exited the guest room.

Sheng Tian forehead was full of black lines. And the most torturing thing was the laughter sounding in his mind.

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Xiao Lian was on the ground holding her stomach and laughing her head off. She exclaimed while laughing " haha, no, I can't bear it any hahaha...more. Are you trying to ...kill me? Worship you? hahaha. Your heirloom is... haha..that Old Lady's..haha...nono...that Teen's underwear....hahaha." Xiao Lian laughed while rolling on the floor. Tears fell from her eyes as her stomach hurt from laughing so much.

The trio wasn't much better.

However, Sheng Tian's depressed face instantly returned to normal after he entered his room in Qin Qing's residence.

"You..." Xiao Lian was dumbfounded at his sudden change in expression.

"What? You seriously thought it was for fun?" Sheng Tian smirked.

"Was it not? Just what were you thinking?"

"Let their guards down and build a better relationship. Funny people are often seen as harmless.

I have a hunch that I will need the Ling Chen couple in the future, at least once." Sheng Tian's expression calm as if he was saying something normal.

But Xiao Lian felt a chill run down her spine, he is a schemer who will do anything for his goals!


"Young Master, That person started living in Miss Qin's residence."

"Oh, So, My Elder Brother failed it seems. Not that I expected anything from that 'TRASH'.

But this brat, does he think I won't dare to lay a hand on him once he went to her house? Heh, too naïve. Should I poison him to death or drag him out?" The Young Master Qin Cheng spoke with a sinister tone as he thought of ways to kill the brat.

"But Young Master, Alchemist Yu Yang will be coming to the capital today. It would be disrespectful to him when it is done with him presen…"

"Humph, so be it then. Let him live a few more days." Snorting, he gave the command.

Yu Yang is one of the famous alchemists in the Royal Capital. He is the person who requested the Qin Clan to acquire the herb "Yin Death Grass".

Having an extra alchemist is always beneficial, not to mention someone with great capabilities like Yu Yang. His mastery in alchemy is so famous that it overshadowed his cultivation base of OverLord Realm!


At a far away place from the Qin Capital:

In a room, a person was sitting in a rock chair with his eyes closed. Due to the lighting in the room, it is impossible to see his face and features.

"Is everything prepared?" in an emotionless voice, the person spoke.

"Yes, Master. We have infiltrated the members without any suspicions. They are ready to retrieve 'Bloody Wolf'." a figure shrouded in black spoke from the darkness.

"Hm, Who else is coming?"

"Disciples from the Rising Valley Sect and Mystic Ice Sect are coming."

"Then don't miss the opportunity. Create as much chaos as you can. But don't kill everyone, make it seem like inner conflict and conspiracy." he said.

'It doesn't matter even if they find out, Sooner or later, we will be known. This Red Star Continent will return to its rightful owner.' the person thought.

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