Transcending Limits

Chapter 33

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Sheng Tian had been searching for the Jade seals and Blood crystals for the past few hours continuously.

He only found another Jade Seal.

Xiao Lian only agreed to help him if there is something really valuable.

Recently, she stopped using her powers to help him and started preaching that he should take care of himself and repeated 'Experts only depend on themselves'.

Even though Sheng Tian felt that it was a bit impractical to not use all the ways to get the maximum benefit, he still respected her wishes and acted independently.

As Sheng Tian was taking his time searching the Jade Seals, he remembered that one can only stay in the lake for 2 days at most.

After that, they will be teleported out.

This teleportation also works in a weird way.

The Entry token they were given at the beginning fused with their skin.

Now, it will be the source for teleportations within this place.

Sheng Tian was not sure if this is just some other secret place or some pocket dimension. If it was the latter, then it would be really awesome.

Using a pocket dimension just to serve the purpose of the test, stating it as extravagance would be an understatement. But this is how things worked.

With these thoughts in his minds, Sheng Tian wandered in the waters before he felt very light ripples of force coming from a certain direction.

He quickly took off followed by the blasts of water.

After traveling a bit, he finally saw a group of people fighting.

As the fight's scale escalated, the lake became a small place and the reinforcements arrived on both sides and the fight only got fiercer.

Seeing the situation, Sheng Tian brew a plan in his mind.

He could more or less guess the reason for the fight.

Blood crystals were enticing for sure, but not enough to cause a fight during this limited time period of stay.

So, it should only be Jade Seals and not less than two.

Sheng Tian didn't go there instead, he talked in his mind, "Xiao Lian how many of those things do we have? "

The charming voice of Xiao Lian was on the verge of exploding:

"Ugh! I just want to puke. Why did you store so many of these uglies here? Surely, you didn't want to make a harem with them, right?"

Xiao Lian just wanted to throw up after seeing so many of those creatures tightly packed in her space. She shut off her five senses and sunk into meditation after restricting them.

Sheng Tian rolled hi eyes and didn't bother to answer.

He took a spot and released hundreds of fish monsters close to the group and vanished for a limited amount of time into the void using Formless Void Steps.

He carefully observed the appearances of all the ones present.

The fight is between the Eldest Youngest master, Qin Lie's group and the Youngest Young Master Qin Cheng's group.

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The only onlooker would obviously be the group of Qin Qing.

Qin Lie's group was being led by a pretty female as their group of 5 fought against the 7 of Qin Cheng's group.

However, the ones fighting in Qin Cheng's group were only 6.

Qin Cheng is not fighting and is just standing at the back guiding his group when necessary.

Qin Cheng's group had two females with ice-cold auras and cold faces along. They wore icy blue robes and had a symbol of Snowflake on their belt indicating their identities as disciples of Mystic Ice sect.

They conjured Ice Swords filled with chilling profound energy as they rained them upon their opponents.

The Ice Swords froze everything in their way and slashed at their opponents.

Meanwhile, in Qin Lie's group, two young men with thin yet imposing bodies blasted the Ice attacks apart with a single stroke of their sword.

They used their swords as if their extended hands and sent sword attacks to cut down their enemies.

The two young men were wearing light brown robes and the symbol of a Sword pointing at the heavens on their belt. They are from the Sacred Sword Sect!

The disciples of the sects were in a battle with each other to prove their supremacy.

This is a testament of the rivalry deeply etched in the factions since ages.

Qin Cheng liked using people than doing things himself.

Clearly, putting the people from sect against another sect would make the two unable to concentrate on other fights.

Meanwhile, his team with its superior numbers can slowly suppress and take over the jade seals. If those two sword guys interfere, it will become difficult for them.

Just before Qin Cheng was about to smile seeing his group suppressing the opposite party, he was shocked.

Hundreds and hundreds of those nasty fish monsters appeared and swarmed towards them.

Because they were fighting, blood was naturally spilled and these creatures like blood more than anything else.

Just like how a man in the desert dying due to thirst would rush to water, the fishes literally rocketed towards the fighting group.

If it was twenty or fifty of these fishes, then a single person would be easy to kill them.

Even if they are a hundred of them, it would be alright.

However, seeing hundreds and hundreds of those nasty creatures rushing towards them as if they couldn't wait to devour them, the fighting group felt a chill down their spines.

'Fuck! How could this happen?' this was that everyone thought.

Meanwhile, the creatures arrived at the group.

Using profound energy on their tooth to sharpen and enlarge them, their tail dashed forward as they salivated for a chunk of flesh.

The fight immediately came to a halt.

Qin Cheng tightened his fist and trembled with rage.

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There is one thing that people like him who schemed against others hated the most—having unknown and uncontrollable variables appear in their schemes.

The group dispersed in all directions as they tried to break the fishes into various packs and deal with them or better, just flee in this vast lake.

Thanks to their superior cultivation level, even though they are in water, they were able to escape the fish monsters.

Sheng Tian stood far away from the mess he created took out the two jade seals.

The two Seals started glowing when pointed in one direction, then dimmed when the direction is changed.

They glowed in three directions.

Sheng Tian chose a direction with the most number of people and dashed forward.

He also sighed sadly as the fishes he collected for over 8 hours were gone just like that.

But Xiao Lian was incredibly relieved seeing her 'home' being pure and clean again.

Her silver hair danced as she spun and hopped joyfully enjoying the simple things in life and finding happiness in it.

..... ..... ..... .....

At a far away distance:

A group of three were fleeing. They were members of Qin Lie's group.

It consisted of the female leader who led them in the fight earlier.

"Miss, we should thank those nasty fishes. If not our Jade Seals would have been stolen." the male disciple of Mystic Ice sect in Qin Lie's group who was weak compared to those two girls from Qin Cheng's group spoke.

Hearing his words, a frown appeared on the face of the girl's face.

She was Qian Yi—fiancee of Qin Lie and young miss of a noble family.

With her experience and foresight, she had a feeling that this was all planned.

But who could do such a thing? The only one to suspect was Qin Qing's group, but it is too stupid to even suspect them for such a ridiculous thing.

Who can even possibly control so many fishes?

They can't even be stored in storage rings, so how can a person do that?

Maybe they appeared due to the thick scent of blood though the groups fought far above the fish monsters range to avoid this exact situation. That is the only possibility, right?

While she was trying to answer herself, her spirt sense caught a figure rushing towards them.

She was shocked to see a member of Sacred Sword Sect coming towards them.

Didn't the Sword brothers duo leave in the opposite direction? Why is he coming here?

The young man of the Sacred Sword Sect rushed towards them and said excitedly "I will show you guys something interesting I just found."

Then, without waiting for their response, he took out a creature which looked like an octopus from his space ring.

It was apparently dead.

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Everyone in the group were shocked to see the red creature with 8 arms.

This creature was very difficult to kill. So, they just avoided it. How come this fellow killed it? and more importantly, what is the interesting thing he wanted to show?

While they were busy observing the creature, the young man's hand casually pressed a certain part.


A jet black ink suddenly spread in a radius of 100 meters.

The group were stunned for a second and felt themselves losing control. They immediately started moving away, but after they came out of the ink, they didn't feel anything wrong.

"Kyaaah~" Qian Yi moaned.

Covering her mouth, her face showed a terrible expression.

The jade seals she had were stolen.

Jade seals couldn't be stored in storage rings and only be carried manually. She lost the two jade seals their group worked so hard to obtain. They even fought hard against Qin Cheng's group to protect them.

After a while, the same thing happened to the original Sacred Sword Brothers Duo.

At a deep place in the waters of the Blood lake:

Sheng Tian was playing with the three Jade seals he acquired through his hard work. He felt a little lonely.

'Aii, I am a kind and gentle man. I never hurt a soul. All I did was take back what was rightfully mine.

Why is no one praising me yet? Oh, right, they must be shocked speechless by my performance' he thought.

Looking at the lotus tattoo on his arm, Sheng Tian shook his head in melancholy.

The only person with him is not even giving a damn about his awesomeness and is meditating leaving him to face this cruel world all by himself!

And dear brother shameless, where are the promised semi—naked mermaids? Am I going to die without seeing a beautiful mermaid?

Without beauty, life turns monotonous.

Aii, this boring life!

..... ..... ..... ..... .....

Ling Chen carried Qin Qing and ran off. Suddenly, his moments halted.

In front of him was the young lady Little Jing who ambushed earlier.

"Move." Ling Chen coldly spoke.

Little Jing narrowed her eyes and laughed in disdain. "You wish. I will see how you will get the two Jade Seals."

With a flash, brother Yang also appeared behind Little Jing. However, he seemed to avoid Ling Chen's gaze and stared at Qin Qing.

"I guess I have no choice."sneering, Ling Chen brandished his sword.

After a while, Ling Chen looked at the two people in front of him.

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There were multiple cuts on their body. There were even bruises at multiple parts.

"You should let this go. You shouldn't go too far. You already got the jade seal we have. Our Sect members are not easy to bully." Little Jing roared yelled.

Since she was a woman, Ling Chen showed mercy and left her with fewer injuries.

Alas, not always kindness is reciprocated with kindness.

If Sheng Tian was in his place, he would have beaten the shit out of these two and let the call the guy him granddaddy and let the girl shout in a begging tone "Spank me, daddy. I've been naughty."

(Alas! I have read something I shouldn't. The author's thoughts turned lewd)

Ling Chen looked at the girl in amusement as he showed a token to her and put it back.

"Sacred Sword Sect!" the woman exclaimed. He is also a disciple of a sect, so why should he be afraid of the retribution?

Brother Yang sighed. Ling Chen's identity was not leaked except the rumour that he had a one night stand under the stars with Qin Lie.

How could they guess that he was a disciple of the Sacred Sword Sect? An Inner disciple at that.

After all the routes were cut off, they could only apologise to Qin Qing for forgiveness.

Ling Chen finally let them go after their apologies.

They didn't try to kill Qin Qing in the first place and only wanted the Jade Seal. So, there is no need for going overboard as he isn't a person who enjoys torturing others.

Seeing Ling Chen's broad back, Qin Qing for the first time felt something sweet in her heart.

The young maiden's heart started to melt seeing the reliable shoulders of Ling Chen and the safe feeling he brought as unknown feelings welled in her heart.


Accomplishment: Another Jade Beauty down!

If Sheng Tian was here, he would have yelled 'Fucking *ahem* Saving Damsel in Distress troupe!'

Ling Chen, being the gentleman he always was, swore to protect and love Liu Feifei for the rest of his life after reincarnating.

Alas, he didn't know that it was the overused line many harem kings used right after their reincarnations.

Ling Chen looked at Qin Qing and said in a friendly tone "Let's go find the Jade Seals and our group members. I have to search for Liu feifei."

"Y-Yes.." shuttering to answer her prince charming, Qin Qing felt unnaturally shy for her status and mentality.

The question of the Millennia: Has she already or Will she become retarded after falling in love?

{Author's note: A Scientific view on an average harem member's brain after they fall for the protagonist:

What does the data say? The results show us that their rationality, decision-making ability, basic common sense, self-dependence, and intelligence degrade faster than the speed of light.

They start feeling sweet in their hearts instead of their tongue!

They will start slowly integrating into the background, meaning always present in the story and given presence but not dialogues.

Now, this Humble Author takes his leave.

Side Note—Top Secret: Actually, there are some harems which actually have stable personality characters in the harem.

*Cough* for example: Transcending Limits. Check it out today. available at :P}

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