Transcending Limits

Chapter 36

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Forest of Bones. Qin Ancestral Grounds:

A bright light flashed as a figure appeared on the ground and immediately was collapsed due to exhaustion. Huffing and puffing, Sheng Tian slowly stood up and focused his vision.

Looking around, Sheng Tian spread his spirit sense.

Lush green grass on the ground, the canopy blocking all the sunlight with endless plants and trees, at first sight this terrifying place could be mistaken as a beautiful forest.

Sheng Tian pointed the Jade Seals he had and found two directions giving the same intensity of glow.

There was a third direction with weaker glow indicating the Cold Beauty's direction but Sheng Tian just kept it aside, he wanted to take it slow.

The last one was a faint light, this was probably only one Jade Seal.

Tracking was easy using jade seals. Each jade seal would glow at a particular intensity when subjected to a direction with a particular number of Jade seals.

The only downside is it is distance independent.

Sheng Tian knew that one of those directions is the centre and the other is Qin Cheng.

He knew that facing Qin Cheng is inevitable, only a matter of time.

Sheng Tian dashed into a direction at full speed.

*Shhh* air was pierced suddenly.

Sheng Tian dodged to the side and looked at the thing that almost hit him. A thin spike at the length of a finger and breadth of a hair missed him hit a flower on the ground. The next moment, pink flower turned dark purple and withered.


Sheng Tian sucked in a breath of cold air. A Sword soundlessly appeared in his hands as he slashed at his right.


When his attack filled with deep profound energy arrived at the Old Tree, the tree's branches moved at a rapid pace and created a shield brimming with profound energy. At the same time, countless spikes shot at Sheng Tian.

However, Sheng Tian's attack broke through every single barrier of the tree monster and blasted it to smithereens.

He conjured a simple barrier and blocked the attacks before resuming his travel.

The farther he went, the tougher the tree monsters got; conforming that this is the way to centre.

Sheng Tian encountered a variety of tree monsters on the way. There are the ones which released toxic gases, some which sneak attacked him with their spikes, some which used their body parts as explosives.

But the one which Sheng Tian felt dread the most was a plant type monster with tentacle-like branches and releases a drug into the air which worked like an aphrodisiac. Under its effects, the tentacles appear to be extremely 'attractive' and something inappropriate for children would happen.

..... ..... ..... .....

All the people from the blood lake were randomly teleported. They started searching the Jade Seals.

Right now, out of 12 seals in Blood Lake, Sheng Tian has 7, Cold Beauty 2 and Qin Cheng 3.

Qin Cheng was traveling in the forest when he saw a green fruit similar to a pear fruit hanging on the top of a tree. Seeing it, he smirked.

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All the contestants knew that like Blood Lake which provided with blood crystals, the Forest of Bones has Profound Fruits with different uses.

For example, the green fruit on the tree. If one consumes it, they would lose their Profound Energy for an entire hour. It can be used as a poison.

.... .... .... ....

Sheng Tian observed the red fruit in his hand.

According to the data, it could instantly restore one's profound energy as long as they are under Sky Profound Realm.

Shaking his head in disappointment, he threw it inside his fruit basket.

It is filled with different coloured fruits.

Red, Pink, Yellow, Green.

The red cherry shaped fruit is the Energy restoration fruit.

Yellow fruit is for Increasing cultivation speed by 2 times for a month. It is very precious.

Green fruit makes anyone who ate lose their profound energy for one hour.

And the most important pink one is an aphrodisiac. Just crush it and get ready for an entertaining show.

It is the legendary medicine that created many unexpected situations in countless novels and created relationships.

Sheng Tian heard rustlings of trees. Without turning around, he took the three Jade Seals and saw them glow pointing at his back.

After the incident at the formation of the Lake, he had a speculation that the entire trials might have had a different purpose.

At the same moment, all the five members of Qin Lie's group in Bone Forest arrived behind him.

Unlike in the lake, it is quite easy to identify the location of others here.

As everyone knew about the forest already, they set up their signature attacks which they would blast high into the air and then, they would select a point of meeting at the converging point of the attacks.

Qin Lie's and Qin Cheng's group have all gathered their members. Sadly, in Qin Qing's group now present in the Forest, there are only three members: Sheng Tian, Leng Yue Yan, and Gu Song.

Leng Yue Yan; the Cold Beauty, refused to work together.

Gu Song didn't want to work together with Sheng Tian while Sheng Tian himself felt free acting alone instead of the burdens.

So, the trio didn't even bother sending their location signals as it would instead expose them.

Sheng Tian turned around maintaining that lazy smile on his face and he saw these 'wolves'.

Qin Lie's group had the two Sacred Sword Sect brothers, a Mystic Ice Sect disciple, the fiancee of Qin Lie and his follower from Qin Clan.

Looking at the group, Sheng Tian smiled cheekily "What a bunch of righteous people, you came here to deliver the Jade Seals you got. And you too, honest men behind the bushes. I thank you for your generosity and will not act pretentiously."

Qin Cheng and his members hiding nearby were startled.

The silver pupils of Qin Cheng narrowed as his brain started making plans.

On the other side, Qian Yi leading the group was flustered. She didn't expect the Sheng Tian to flame both of them.

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Anger surged in her heart as she snorted "What galls! You don't know what's good for you. We will surely show you our generosity. "

She signalled to her team. The Sword Brothers duo dashed forward as their swords shone with intense glow.

They were both at the 7th level of Earth Profound Realm. While Sheng Tian himself only found himself to be at the 7th level of Nascent Soul.

Two arcs of light flashed in the air as the sword brothers executed "Sacred Twin Slashes"—a famous sword move of the Sacred Sword Sect.

Sheng Tian chuckled lightly seeing this famous move from his 'ex-sect' being used against him.

With a flick of his sleeve, his profound energy transferred to his sword and shone with a deadly black light.

Sheng Tian swung his sword. The dazzling light from his sword consumed the the attacks of the Sword Brothers duo and attacked them.

The Sword brothers hurriedly used their profound energy to protect themselves, but it was sadly too late.


The duo were sent flying backwards as they hit a tree, smashing it to half before crashing on the ground. They spit out mouthfuls of blood and felt their strengths seep out before passing out.

Sheng Tian didn't cripple them nor did he wish to kill them for something so trivial. He merely knocked them out.

Before he could turn his head, a Spear with extreme penetration power in the front, a sword with heaviness and a slash with ice elemental powers came down at him.

Sheng Tian saw Qian Yi and the two others attacking. He used his nimble agility and formed a counterattack arc with his sword blasting the three back.

But humans are humans, they exploit each other's weakness.

Seeing him having a good command at the front, Qian Yi attacked from the front quickly and the two young men attacked from behind.

They also changed their weapons and brought out more lethal ones. To them, this isn't about winning or losing anymore, it is about upholding the honor of their Leader Qin Lie.

They have long since recognised the sword Sheng Tian used the moment he brought it out to attack the sword brothers.

Regardless of how he got that sword, he became their enemy.

Sheng Tian saw their weapons as his eyes shined with greed. These could sell for a pretty good amount. In that split second, the trio felt their asses tightening up due to some unknown fear.

But they nevertheless lunged forward to severely injure him.

Sheng Tian momentarily spaced out thinking of money and he almost took the attacks directly.

Walls of blue Ice appeared, blocking the attacks.

Due to the strength of the attack, the walls had numerous cracks but they didn't crumble.

Sheng Tian turned around to see Leng Yue Yan who appeared silently beside him. 'Thanks. I owe you one.'he thought.

"Go... Goddess, Ice Goddess!" the Mystic Ice sect member from Qin Lie's team shouted as his face revealed extreme reverence and surprise.

Every knowledgable person on the scene was stupefied, except the self-proclaimed prodigy Sheng Tian—who didn't read the latest news,*ahem*, didn't know the contemporary issues of the continent.

Qian Yi was astonished seeing the famous Ice Goddess appear.

Ice Goddess is someone favoured by the heavens and is one of the leading disciples of the Mystic Ice Sect.

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It was also rumoured that she would be the head contestant for the upcoming "Dragon Prodigy Championship" or simply known by the masses as "Tournament of Younger Generation".

Qin Cheng's lips twitched hearing the title of the young woman.

Someone like him would do everything to gather information about possible variables beforehand. But this "Ice Goddess", who was very famous yet said to be alone and only pursued cultivation without distractions.

So, how could he guess she would join Qin Qing's team?

But no matter God or Goddess, they are not allowed to stop his goal.

Leng Yue Yan didn't talk and just waved her hand as a sword appeared in her hand and she gracefully shot forward towards three the people clashing with them at the same time.

The trio felt a chilling cold from each of her attacks and their limbs started getting numb.

Just as Leng Yue Yan was about to deliver the final blow knocking them back, seven attacks of different types silently rained on her.

Qin Cheng wanted a win even if it means despicably ambushing. Leng Yue Yan expected them to attack but not the seven of them at the same time with some of their best weapons. She backed off and used the Defense Profound Art 'Ice Wall'.

It stopped all the attacks but the trio she just left suddenly attacked her.

She was in no time to properly block it and would sustain minor injuries.

Just as she was about to conjure the 'Ice Armour', a sword light flashed as all the attacks.

The three attacking members of Qin Lie's group were sent flying as the bones in their chest broke.

Sheng Tian landed infront of Leng Yue Yan calmly. He did't even speak as he stared at the seven of Qin Cheng's group. Qin Cheng's eyes met his as Qin Cheng glared at him with maliciousness.

Sheng Tian laughed and said "What are you staring so intensely for? I am not into men. Look for someone else." Saying so, under their eyes, he bent over to the Mystic Ice member who was struggling to get up along with the other three.

He said "Don't cause trouble. It won't be pleasant, I promise." the trio shuddered at his smile full of good intentions.

The moment he bent over, seven attacks came and as if he was prepared for it, the Sword which he held at his back with loaded profound energy cut forward as it negated all the attacks. He retrieved the seals and chuckled "Don't be so excited to attract my attention, Young Master Qin."

Qin Cheng eyes had a dangerous glint as he said "I never expected someone of your strength to appear here. But nonetheless, It shall be futile. You can't change anything."

Sheng Tian was a bit confused as those words felt like they meant something else. He asked perplexed " What do you mean?"

Qin Cheng relaxed his face as he said "No matter what you do, the path is pre-ordained, that is death. Now, die."

Sheng Tian felt that things might be not so simple but facing the six crazed attackers, he shut his mouth for good to avoid his previous mistake and took his stance.

Leng Yue Yan appeared next to him to which he simply nodded at her.

Somehow he got a dangerous feeling from some members of both the groups, especially so for Qin Cheng.

And he also felt that some of Qin Lie's group members were knocked out a bit too easily. He was perplexed. Was his intuition wrong? Or were they acting?

Sending those speculations to the back of his head, he faced the team of 6 consisting of the Mystic Ice sect sisters, noble family young masters, and Qin Cheng's followers.

The Mystic Ice Sect sisters didn't speak a word when they saw Leng Yue Yan but inwardly they were jealous.

Leng Yue Yan didn't care about their antics and treated them the same as normal opponents, not sect sisters in this battle.

The Mystic Ice twin sisters used the famous profound skill "butterfly of winter" as each of them formed a half of an ice butterfly which froze everything in its way and shot towards Sheng Tian.

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Two followers of Qin Cheng and two noble family youngsters also attacked using their famous and lethal attacks.

Sheng Tian, though he could negate them if he uses his Profound Arts, didn't do it.

He wasn't using profound arts as his profound arts might lead to the leakage of identity.

He simply couldn't kill these people just for seeing his profound arts, right?

Leng Yue Yan was also in a similar state as she didn't want to use lethal attacks on them but have to defend.

Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan used their own Defense Profound Arts and tried to block off the attacks while at the same time trying to destroy them.

As the attacks struck, their barriers were almost breached, but they held on. Just as they were about to breathe a sigh of relief, they were both blasted away.

At the end of the group was Qin Cheng, his hand holding a bamboo-like pole. It had various inscriptions on it. This was a treasure he acquired through many difficulties and schemes.

Upon use, it can stealthily deal an attack equal to Peak Earth Profound Realm.

It is reusable but it takes relatively time to recharge again. But nonetheless, Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan were taken back by this sudden attack and were blown away.

When the attack was about to arrive, Sheng Tian's soul and physical instincts and senses kicked in, he hurriedly set up a barrier but before it was completely set up, he was blasted away.

Leng Yue Yan was in a worse condition, her soul was not like Sheng Tian's, so she has to take much more damage than him as she set up the barrier at the last moment.

Thankfully, they at least set up a barrier which saved their lives.

*Thud* *Thud* They both fell on the ground spitting out a few mouthfuls of blood.

They tried to take recovery pills but the opponents clearly didn't intend to give them a chance as they attacked immediately leaving them with no option but to defend.

The six-member team had four members on Sheng Tian and the twin sisters on Leng Yue Yan. In those sisters eyes, Sheng Tian saw gloating and ruthlessness.

He guessed something bad would happen to Cold beauty if he didn't interfere.

With his strong physical body and the protection from the barrier, Sheng Tian didn't suffer any serious injuries but he felt his internal organs shaken.

The same could not be said to Leng Yue Yan. Her Physical body was far weaker and she received less protection. She had some serious injuries which needed immediate treatment or else, they would affect her future cultivation.

Sheng Tian saw the oncoming attacks and grit his death as he saw the half-conscious Ice Goddess a little distance away from him and used the fastest speed he could muster and reached her.

His sudden outburst put a strain on his body but he didn't have the leisure to consider it.

The twin sisters attacked were in the form of icicles and they all slashed at Leng Yue Yan's dantian and profound veins network.

This is clearly an attack intended to cripple the half-conscious young woman!

Sheng Tian reached and pulled her into his arms to protect her just in time.

This was the first time he touched her. Her body gave off an icy cold aura as if she was a Snow mountain herself.

Sheng Tian didn't want to leave her like this. He tightly hugged the young woman and used Formless Void Steps and vanished.

But before he did so, he took an ordinary looking token which was already in his hands and crushed it. Then they both disappeared as Sheng Tian received some of the Icicle attacks on his back.

Everyone saw Sheng Tian rushing at a mad speed to Leng Yue Yan and crushing a token, disappearing the next second.

They yelled involuntarily "Teleportation Token".

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