Transcending Limits

Chapter 54

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It was already evening by now. He stretched his body and got up.

As he exited the Imperial heaven, Sheng Tian thought of the banquet at night. There will be guests from the noble families, basically, all the top dogs of the Qin Capital.

As he entered the Qin Clan Estate, the Sun was setting, diving deeper and deeper into the horizon.

Sheng Tian slowly turned around and walked towards Qin Qing's residence. After all, he was staying as her guest.

But just as he was about to take a step forward, his sight caught three people.

One of them had a Snow White Dress and gave off an Icy feeling. A veil covered her face. She was the Cold Beauty, Ice Goddess.

Sheng Tian turned around to greet her and they happened to pass by Sheng Tian at the same time, thus when he did turn around, they confronted each other.

In the trio, a young woman with fairy grace was present.

She emitted a calm, serene aura.

Even without any cultivation, she would possess a great bearing and be the Saintess of all mortals.

A veil covered her face only showing her bright eyes which shone with a tinge of golden light. But those eyes showed a startled expression as her movements came to a sudden halt.

The cute young girl beside the woman was confused as to why they suddenly stopped. Then she saw a young man who is somewhat handsome blocking their path and staring right at her Senior Sister.

The lass became annoyed seeing another hedonist young master trying to woo her Senior Sister.

Her cute face showed a threatening smile "Hey, don't be a toad who lusts after swan's meat. Get lost! Or else even your backing can't bear the consequences."

Seeing that the fellow might not listen she added: "If you don't leave in three seconds, you will pay."

Sheng Tian stared into the young woman's eyes.

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The Young girl took out her sword and it was instantly filled with profound energy. Before she could slash at Sheng Tian, the young woman caught her arm and shook her head.

The Young girl was confused yet obeyed.

Sheng Tian regained his composure soon. The reason he was shocked so long was not because of seeing this beauty's appearance rather the person being his fiancee, Meng Xin.

He recognized her straight away from her body and eyes.

The astonishing part? Even with his disguise, she seemed to recognize him too!

Meng Xin only took a moment to recognize him. Other than the shock of seeing him, she felt a bitterness which she couldn't explain. She had a sudden urge to cry. She felt something she always lost returned to her the moment she saw him.

She had an inexplicable feeling. It was like they met each other countless times, known each other, lived a life. There was however, no memory whatsoever of such things in her mind.

A sense of lost familiarity filled her heart as she stared at the smile on his face.

Then Meng Xin turned to Leng Yue Yan "Yue Yan, I want to talk to him for a while. Could you arrange a place?" her voice was soft like cotton, sweet like honey melting hearts.

Leng Yue Yan nodded and looked at Sheng Tian with curiosity. Meng Xin was the only friend of the Ice Goddess, their relationship was very close. Even She never heard of 'Ling Tian' from her. But with her indifferent and cold attitude, she wouldn't ask Meng Xin unless she told her. So, it would not be surprising not knowing about him.

Sheng Tian didn't speak a word as he just went with her. They reached Qin Qing's residence.

Leng Yue Yan spoke to the maids and left with Ke'er leaving Sheng Tian and Meng Xin alone in a living room. They sat opposite to each other.

Sheng Tian already calmed himself. He had two questions to ask her immediately.

Was she also having those weird feelings when she looked at him? Like, he knew her from somewhere, and somehow wants to hug?

Meng Xin lips curled up into a peaceful smile " I didn't expect to see you here, especially the way you are now."

He smiled back "Me too. I am more curious about who you are thinking I might be."

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He wanted to confirm from her if he was really identified or was mistook as someone else.

Meng Xin only shook her head, "Sheng Tian. I would never recognize a person wrongly." Although her tone was calm, the confidence was evident.

Sheng Tian's curiosity was piqued. "I am curious. But since you recognize me, It would be rude of me to talk to you still being in disguise."

Saying so, he waved his hands lightly as a light flashed and his true form was revealed. The somewhat handsome face from before was gone, in its place now was something otherworldly.

Vibrant Silver hair showing its uniqueness, with swords like eyebrows, his sky blue eyes shone like stars, the face seemed t be sculpted by the universe to perfection.

His skin was smooth, his face was handsome beyond compare. His lips were slightly arched upwards showing a faint smile which had a tinge of playfulness.

Meng Xin was stunned and felt her whole vision completely focusing on his face and eyes.

His eyes were like deep abysses sinking all her attention while the smile on his lips was a dangerous thief stealing the hearts of countless maidens.

Meng Xin hurriedly looked away from him.

Only after a little while did she turn again. It was not just his face which was under disguise, even his body was too.

She was too captivated by his face that she failed to notice it.

Previously in his disguise, his golden blue clothes looked like show off from a young master. Now with his true face and body revealed, they felt a little low grade for him.

Meng Xin herself didn't notice these subconscious thoughts. She calmed herself and looked at him with a hint of caution now. She asked carefully "Are you really Sheng Tian?"

Not her, no one who saw him before would recognize him if they saw the current Sheng Tian.

The difference is farther than Heaven and Earth! No wonder Meng Xin asked such question!

Sheng Tian laughed in amusement and quoted " 'I never recognize a person wrongly' was what you told me a moment ago, right?"

But Meng Xin was not convinced, she stared at him as her gaze turned cold and a huge pressure fell on him as she said in her still calm voice which contained anger, worry, and guilt "What did you do to him? Who are you? Did you take over his body?"

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Now it was Sheng Tian's turned to be stunned.

He felt that the conversation was going somewhere it shouldn't. Wasn't this girl's imagination a bit too high? Why doesn't anyone believe the truth?

He made a face with light sadness and said " Then tell me how I should prove that I am myself. Got any ideas?"

Meng Xin was a bit taken back seeing his attitude which didn't contain a tad of worry. Hence, she decided to talk things out before taking any action.

However, even before she thought of the method, Sheng Tian started "Actually, I have an idea.

See if this proves anything. You are Meng Xin, my fiancee. I got to see you for the first time a few weeks ago. You are wearing snow-white robes. Accompanying you was your Martial Uncle who was pretty rude, he also warned me to stay away from you. What was that? Oh yeah,...' You won't know how you died.'

And you, you gave me this ring and a Nascent Core pill. Oh, and the most obvious thing, your boobs seemed to be bigger now!"Sheng Tian's voice rose as he just realised the truth staring at her perfect bosom.

Meng Xin was stupified. There was no one else there, that means he must be...But how dare he speak such words about her? Isn't it decent manners to respect her when speaking?!

She looked at him angrily as her eyes showed clear anger. If it was someone else, they might have already gotten beaten up. But this guy is her fiancee, she give some face and not bully him. That wouldn't mean she would allow him to speak like that. She said with her voice raised "How can you speak such words to a lady? Apologize now."

He smiled " I am your fiancee and not an outsider. And I just spoke about the growth of your body. As your fiancee, I have full responsibilities to make sure that you 'grow' healthily everywhere. How can you say that I was rude when all I have are good intentions?" his face looked an honest man who was wronged.

Meng Xin just wanted to punch him for twisting the facts and hiding intentions. But she is still a calm person and yes, the person who spoke is her fiancee.

If it was someone else, even with this explanation, they would be in serious trouble. Reminding herself that she is not staying with him and is partly responsible for his brazen behaviour, she calmed herself with great effort.

Sheng Tian nodded in appreciation "I get that you got what I was getting at. Well then, I am curious. How did you know it was me?"

Meng Xin got over her shocks already and replied with a question "How did you manage to make a disguise that I can't see through?"

'This girl likes to be in control, eh..' Sheng Tian thought and said nonchalantly "I asked first."

Meng Xin was a bit silent before she replied "It is one of the abilities of my Cultivation Technique. I can sense a person by their heart."

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Sheng Tian clicked his tongue in amazement. This is definitely an OP ability. No one can disguise from her. Then doesn't it mean devils also can't disguise themselves from her? It's pretty amazing.

He almost wanted to ask what is this cultivation technique but stopped himself as it is a personal matter. Though they were fiancees in name, they were not close to share such things. He gave his answer "Well about my disguise, it is a profound art. That's all I can say."

Meng Xin nodded and asked the important question "What happened to you in the little time? I sent someone to search for you in all the cities and towns nearby the sect to find you. You are nowhere to be found. At first, I thought you were not found yet, but after a month I began to worry. I would have gone to search there myself after my training this time If I didn't find you."

Her grumbling didn't make him annoyed but made him feel like a husband listening to the complaints of his dear wife when he would be late for dinner due to work.

The same expression, the same tone, the same choice of words, everything felt the same. They were just younger. He felt at home. A small smile surfaced on his face unknowingly.

Meng Xin who was speaking caught his smile. She felt that this situation is so familiar. Her complaining and him smiling in response. Even with her calm personality, she couldn't bear it and said with blame: "Why are you always smiling when I speak?"

Sheng Tian replied unconsciously, still being in a daze with the line he always spoke "I'm just smiling looking at my beautiful wife's grumblings."

Caught off guard with the word "wife", Meng Xin looked at him shocked. At the same time,

Sheng Tian also woke up and cursed his tongue for being so loose. 'This is awkward.' he felt.

"What did you say?" Meng Xin said, this time, the profound energy around her was growing chaotic with each passing second.

"*COUGH*, Meng Xin, you are always calm. So, to let you experience other emotions, I just spoke that game. Haha." Sheng Tian threw a lame excuse and tried to laugh it off.

But Meng Xin couldn't laugh because what he said just now felt really....natural and right.

Like how he would always say. But why 'always'? She also recalled how she felt when talking to him and her subconscious and conscious thoughts. Instantly, She felt bewildered about what is happening.

She had a strong feeling that whatever is happening definitely is linked with the 3-day sleep she experienced a while ago.

Judging from Sheng Tian's actions and words, it seems like he too is feeling the same. It was all pointing to the possibility that they somehow knew each other very well and lived together. So, something must have happened between them. The question is did he know something she didn't?

Seeing her looking at him seriously, Sheng Tian thought that she was still angry, so to divert the topic, he answered her earlier question " I just happened to move to the south after passing by the Soaring Cloud City. Honestly, I had no idea that I would travel south. I didn't want to disturb you from your goals. So, it's not like you can blame me for that." he shrugged.

Meng Xin listened to his explanation finding it plausible but her focus was on something else. She asked in a soft voice like cotton " Sheng Tian, do you have memories of us living together?"

"What?" Sheng Tian shouted out loud, his voice covering the entire room and out.

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