Transcending Limits

Chapter 57

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The banquet ended peacefully. In the banquet, Sheng Tian had the disguise of 'Ling Tian'.

Later that night, he met up with Ling Chen and Liu Feifei.

When he asked her about Meng Xin, Leng Yue Yan gave him a strange look and said that she left in the early evening. And before she left, she gave her a letter for him when he asks her about her.

'Thoughtful' he added to Meng Xin's qualities.

He expressed to the couple that he wanted to have a nice chat. The apple of the event, Qin Qing was busy toasting to everyone and was lost from the discussions.

They reached the guest room of Qin Qing's residence. Sheng Tian sat opposite to the couple and spoke nonchalantly "I guess you guys could already guess what I wanted to talk about."

Ling Chen and Liu Feifei looked at each other. She said slowly "It's better if you don't know a few things in the world. Knowing what you shouldn't only bring you harm."

Ling Cheng followed up "And it's best you forget about the events transpired. Even if you know the truth, you would only be a moth rushing towards the flame. In the grand scope of things, your strength would only be a pebble against a flood. So, pursue your own road of cultivation."

Sheng Tian looked at the two of them like they were some idiots. It seems like they thought he was a good youngster upon seeing his performance. But wasn't it him who saved them? Why was there not even a hint of gratitude from these people?

As expected. Ungrateful bastards and their show offs.

He gave them a bright smile "What do the two of you think is going on in the continent currently? Cultivate my own way? I'm afraid the whole continent would be drawn into the flames of war soon! I got to know that there was a place in Eternal Frozen Land where a devil's remnants were dug out. It was less than 5 years ever since.

You guys don't have to deny what I'm saying. If I'm not wrong, there was a war between humans and devils. My guess is it happened around 5,000 years ago as, from that time in history, the cultivation of the human civilisation was said to rise, but in reality we were just recovering after being seriously crippled.

You guys were the 'heroes' who didn't clean up your mess and dumped it on the next generations. Honestly, that's pathetic." Sheng Tian face had no emotions and even less of respect.

"You...."Ling Chen's face turned red and he gnashed his teeth. They fought endlessly in the war, put their lives on the line to protect people. They were respected in their whole lives and lived with glory, now someone is calling them pathetic. How could he tolerate that?

Seeing them react to his words, Sheng Tian chuckled and said "See? This could be said to be a major difference between a Warrior and a Hero. You can't bear an insult to your fragile ego. As they say, 'A man's ego is as fragile as a woman's heart'.

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You might be the so-called War God and Battle Queen, but not like I give a bull or two about it. You were reincarnated, so have fun. But do tell me what mess is left up before you enjoy. I don't want my stay here to be ruined by incompetent planning and inadequate information. And fret not, I won't bother spreading the news about you two, It's worthless to me.

And if you want to silence me, feel free to try. But, you may not be able to .....reincarnate again." saying so, he looked at the two people from one to other and added "Even if you did, probably you won't be together like this. So, don't waste the chance of this life the plot armor gave you!"

Some badass lines those were.

Sheng Tian spoke those lines with a calm face like he was not faking it.

Of course, he was not sure if they had some trump cards with them. If they did, he would be in trouble if they really fought. But this was never a battle of strength, it was a battle of the minds. He was showing his stance that he is not afraid of the turbulent storm which would reign chaos.

Ling Chen didn't lash out nor did he glare, instead he laughed. He laughed out loud. Liu feifei also joined his. Tears threatened to fall as they barely controlled themselves.

They didn't know that all the tempo of the conversation was led by Sheng Tian or maybe they knew but let it be.

He first enraged them then said what he wanted. A common person would say no due to the anger he first felt but with the pride of a hero, they would definitely not back down from the challenging words.

Their pride would fill their hearts as they would brag how hard things were and how they achieved what they did and conclude that someone else can't do it. Their pride would want to prove that they were right and great in doing the things they did. It is this pride that Sheng Tian banked on.

However, Ling Chen had a great share of experiences, so he didn't throw a bet as Sheng Tian expected him to, but the outcome was still the same.

Ling Chen looked at him with great interest and said: "They say 'Heroes come from youths'. I think it is not false seeing you like this. It is astonishing to see a character like you in this era. I shall tell you a few things, not because your threat frightens us but your courage deserves the reward.

A War which broke the earth and destroyed heaven took place 5,000 years ago. Blood was flowing, corpses were everywhere, the air was filled with stench, families were broken, the human" Ling Chen got into the mood as he started narrating like a story opening which is full of fillers.

"Hold your horses! Sum it up in two lines."Sheng Tian's words were like a bucket of cold water as Ling Chen's expression darkened.

He coughed a little to hide his embarrassment "Humans can become devils through some means. Devils wished Human extinction which led to the Apocalyptic War called the War of Heroes and.....Baddies."

"Pfft" Sheng Tian instantly spilled out the tea he was sipping. Fortunately, Liu Feifei already made a shield to cover them expecting his reaction.

"*COUGH*. Haha, Sorry, my manners." Sheng Tian tried to compose himself. "Who the hell had such a great naming sense? Are you sure it's not a joke?"

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Ling Chen put out a serious face and shook his head "No. It's not. To prevent that the term 'devil' being known to the future generation, this title was brought up.

In one way, it can allow others to forget 'devils' over time. And the other and the most important thing, they would treat this as a joke. If Humans knew that there was once a cataclysm that threatened their very existence and might return one day, the civilisation would never tread on a proper path."

Sheng Tian had confusion written all over his face, then he voiced out "You mean, People living in fear leading to a fundamental change in the way of their lives and thus hindering development of the society and cultivation?"

Ling Chen nodded and didn't disagree. Sheng Tian felt it made some sense.

If people know that they might die and their whole families might be exterminated along with the whole world overnight due to this so-called threat of 'devils', their outlook on life and power would be drastically different than how they usually see their lives.

Power would no longer be a way to improve their life but becomes life's way itself. People would do anything as long as they could become stronger, no longer caring for morals and ethics.

Society would crumble and the world would be thrown into a turmoil. This would intrinsically lead to the wide bloodbath over the fights for limited resources and mass genocides to gain power.

If it happens, the collective strength of the humans would have a high chance to fall drastically. This would mean that even without the devils, humans would be destroyed from within. And if devils were to ever revive under such circumstances, humans would fail to even put up a resistance.

Thus, letting the future generations be ignorant of the looming threat is by no means a mistake, rather it is a choice to play safe instead of choosing to bet on humans increasing their power due to the potential threat of devils under massive pressure.

Sheng Tian guessed this much. He knew that history is much more complex than one usually thinks but now he confirmed one crucial thing— Humans can turn into devils. And looking at the couples' faces, it seems like they won't cough up anything else.

He brushed it off and stood up. "Well then, I hope you two can take care of the mess without pulling me into the conflict. See ya~"

He walked lazily and disappeared from their view.

"What an amusing fellow! I feel like he guessed the motives behind the decisions taken back then." Liu Feifei said.

"Hm,... But to be honest, I feel like he gives zero fucks about it as long as it doesn't bother him. He is very apathetic about this world's future. What a selfish fellow!" Ling Chen cursed.

"Altruism was not the motive for our struggle. Maybe he too finds no point bothering about a threat which didn't cause any chaos in his life yet. It's not like he knows the terror of the devils. See, Ignorance is really a bliss." Liu Feifei sighed.


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South of Red Star Continent, in a normal town far away from Qin Capital:

At one of the streets lay a large mansion with a gloomy aura. It was magnificent, totally unfitting for the small town. The whole street is desolate but there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

In one of the rooms of the mansion:

"Bastards. What happened?" A terrifying voice sounded as the person sitting in the seat yelled.

All the devils kneeled on the ground on one knee.

One of them said "Senior, none of the devils we sent in came out. Qin Clan investigated the issue, but nothing suspicious was found."

"Tell me what I want." The person clenched his fist in anger as the devil who spoke earlier exploded into chunks of meat and bones.

Everyone was silent. The person on the seat roared "If you don't speak, then all of you will die."

One of the bravest one stepped forward "Senior, We sent the spies to the Qin Capital. This is the full information we have on the ones who came out." he gave a paper to the person.

The person took the paper and read its contents. Then he murmured "Just who is daring enough to stand in our way?"

"Those who can't wait to die!" a female voice came as a Woman stepped into the room.

Sounds of gasps could be heard. The Woman seemed to be in her early twenties. She had beautiful dark green hair, a pair of beautiful eyes and a ravishing body. The short green dress stuck to her body and exposed ample of her skin making her look very seductive.

But everyone in the room immediately knelt on the ground on two knees, showing more respect than to the person on the chair earlier. Even the person who was seated earlier was also kneeling! Sweat covered his forehead as he held his breath.

The Woman narrowed her eyes as her green pupils glittered. She let out a charming laughter as and spoke enchantingly "You have done well. Failing such an important task and leaving my Brother Wolf's whereabouts unknown. How do you think you should compensate?"

Her words sent a shiver down his spine and everyone present.

The man kowtowed and begged "Supreme Commander, I did everything properly. But..But... something unexpected happened there. Please give me a quick death my Lord." he didn't beg for mercy rather he begged for a quick death.

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He knew the woman in front who looked extremely seductive was like a terrifying snake which emitted a sweet fragrance. Approach it and you will die. He only wanted a less painful death!

Everyone else followed suit but they didn't dear to speak. They knew who the woman in front of them was. They only heard about her legends and didn't see her. But when they finally got to see her, it was time for their death.

For low devils like them, dying in her hands was already a blessing, if she decides to not torture them, that is.

The Woman in green chuckled as her chest heaved up and down, making a mesmerising scene.

She smiled sweetly "What? A quick death? Greedy, aren't you? hehe" her laughter sounded very captivating binding their souls. But her words gave them incomparable terror.

They knew their fate, yet they couldn't resist.

Just by standing there, she emitted a huge pressure. It is not the pressure brought by her cultivation, but by life's natural order itself.

It is just like the difference between life order of a cat and tiger. Both coming from the same roots yet their standing in life's order is that of preys and predators.

A cat would naturally feel suppression when facing a tiger which shared the same roots with it, due to the difference in their natural order.

This woman who was also a devil also emitted a pressure, she was a higher life form—A Heavenly Devil!

The woman slowly spoke, the enchanting smile never leaving her face " Don't say that I didn't give you a chance, no one stopped you from giving your all to release Brother Wolf. If you had done it properly, you would have been generously rewarded by me. But failure calls for greater punishment. Don't worry, your lifeblood would not go waste."

She waved her hand. All of a sudden all the devils who were kneeling on the ground felt their blood boil, nerves cut, flesh bitten and every part scream in pain.

The man also was no exception. They all rolled on the floor with miserable howls. Their wails filled the building as they turned more and more heart wrenching and pitiful. Their tears mixed with blood and snot filled the floor.

The woman still had the same charming smile on her face as if she wasn't able to see the scene in front. Yet, in her eyes was deep coldness and indifference akin to seeing an ant trampled. Their lives felt too low for her to even bother.

Slowly their skin stripped as they howled. Then, one by one, muscles and nerves were removed. After a few hours, all that was left were few skeletons with their internal organs, blood, nerves, muscles stripped aside.

The woman's charming smile was long gone as she emitted a terrifying smile which looked more sinister than a ghost's. She waved her hand and all that is on the ground was collected into her spatial ring.

The woman walked swaying her hips in an alluring way, yet she covered a large distance in a few steps.

She arrived in front of the table and took the paper. After glancing at it, her face had a cold smile and she muttered: "Brother Wolf, Even if it dangerous, I will find your whereabouts."

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