Transcending Limits

Chapter 61

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Opening his eyes, Sheng Tian saw Xiao Lian sitting cross-legged in front of him. Looking at the breathtaking beauty so close, he felt his heart beat faster. Today, she tied her dreamy silver hair into a pony tail. She looked cheerful and sweet yet dreamy and ethereal.

Her white dress shone with an angelic glow, her countenance absolutely divine!

What he loved the most was, of course, her smile that always washed away all his worries and made his life colourful.

A happy smile, a cheerful smile, proud smile, a cunning smile, a sly smile, a sweet smile, a yandere smile—no matter how she smiled, he always loved it.

When he thought of their relationship, which was a bit ambiguous yet looked clear, Sheng Tian didn't exactly know what he wanted for their future. But one thing was clear, he wanted to protect that smile of hers and never let it fade. He would not allow the cheerful young girl to be harmed.

With a new found determination in life, Sheng Tian's gaze sharpened which soon softened when he looked at the person in front.

He poked her nose lightly waking her up as he smiled playfully " What's up Demoness? You're thinking about how many children we should have?"

Xiao Lian, who woke up from meditation or at least seemed to, had a bright blush on her heavenly face. She waved her hand "Who wants to have children with you? If you want children, go find a pig. Humph!" she turned around and pouted.

Sheng Tian looked at her puffed cheeks and almost wanted to pinch them. At that moment, she slowly muttered as if talking to herself and also to him "Besides, we are too young. I'm not ready at all."

Now, Sheng Tian turned away. 'Did she think that I was serious? I am only 16, alright! And she is only 16 as well!' He urged himself to stop thinking and turned around only to meet her smiling at him with a tinge of craftiness.

Sheng Tian understood, she said the last intentionally to screw him up for a light payback. 'She is not the one to eat losses.' he thought.

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Her expression turned serious as she spoke: "You have done one good thing in your life besides escaping at the right time."

"What was it?" he asked, curious.

"Of course, staying with me and serving me well!" she replied with a smug smile.

"Ugh! So it seems like my decision to slip out is a good one. This means you already found a devil who entered the city to deal with the matter. And I'm guessing they are in this inn, yes?" Sheng Tian spoke after a second.

"You are too smart for a self-proclaimed Transmigrator." Xiao Lian said, helpless at his reasoning abilities and logical deductions even with unreasonable and illogical things.

The next second, though, the helpless smile turned into a playful one "But you would have never guessed that they are in the next room."

Sheng Tian was shocked. He didn't really see this coming when he secretly changed the inn he was staying at due to the female army.

Sheng Tian sighed in exasperation "Who is the devil? You can still use your divine sense, right?"

"I can but only with you as the base." she signalled.

Sheng Tian complied and closed his eyes. Suddenly his Spirit Sense was sucked into Xiao Lian who already removed her seal. Then she used him as the base and with her as the outlet, his Spirit Sense gained the quality of "Divine", thus they named this "Semi-Divine Sense".

Through this method, Xiao Lian is not using any energy but is just an outlet for Sheng Tian's spirit sense. This won't cause her any harm, so Sheng Tian had no objections.

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The fundamental quality of his spirit sense ascends to a level between Spirit and Divine Sense.

The downfall is that it is not as strong and efficient as the actual Divine Sense. It's range is also limited to the original range of his Spirit Sense. But still, this is a terrifying ability in its own right .

Xiao Lian came up with this idea as Sheng Tian forbade from using powers. She is a genius, eh.

Earlier, she detected the devil arrival as she was more sensitive to profound energy. And even if her cultivation is sealed, her senses are extremely high. Although she couldn't see it clearly, she could still confirm that a mature lady and little young man were present.

Sheng Tian used their semi-divine sense as it easily passed through the barrier set by the woman and the special talismans to block spirit sense from other rooms.

Xiao Lian too closed her eyes and focused on the semi-divine sense. Both of them saw the Mature Woman flirting with the Young Little Boy.

They were able to see everything clearly, even hear the sounds.

Sheng Tian sighed inwardly at the hotness of the woman. But it's a pity she is hunting a shy little virgin.

........ ........ ........ ........ ........

In the Next Room:

The Woman and boy pair didn't know there was audience watching their show intently, especially the male—he didn't even blink.

The Young Little Man was feeling very tensed as the woman put her hand on the back of his neck while her other hand was slowly tracing his chest, stomach going lower...finally...

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"Kyaaa~" he moaned as he felt her touch his virgin dragon over the pants.

In a minute, he also felt something coming out as a euphoric feeling like never before hit him as he felt like floating in the clouds, with incomparable pleasure but the next second, his vision turned blank.

The woman's look at him changed from sultry to utter disdain and contempt. Her hand on his neck was withdrawn revealing a strange symbol on the back of his neck.

Then she tossed him onto the floor. With her feet on his chest, she looked at the little young man "What is your name?"

"Original name: Shota, known name: Jie San." the little shota didn't open his eyes but his lips moved as he answered like a robot.

"Tell me what happened in the Ancestral Tombs. Don't leave out any details." she commanded.

"I was in Qin Lie's team. I was staying with Miss Qian Ye and in the Blood Lake a person....." the narration covered everything he experienced, every detail he saw.

"After I sat in the circular formation, I heard a voice claiming itself Blood Wolf claiming that it would be unsealed soon. I tried to remove the link of my profound energy, but it was very difficult and soon my body lost control, I fell unconscious.

After I woke up, the whole place was in ruins. I tried to find out any treasures but we only saw a broken formation behind a wall. It had nothing inside. All of us woke up in the formation while some of us were nowhere to be found. This includes Qin Cheng. Now, Ling Tian is missing. So, Qin Clan suspects that it might be his doing."

The woman was frustrated that there was no useful information. She felt that it was a waste. But as cunning she was, she wouldn't waste an opportunity "Tell me about this 'Ling Tian'."

"He should be the person who came to rob us in the Lake. He is very strong, in fact, one of the top 4 fighters of the whole group. But he suffered a defeat in the hands of Qin Cheng. Even though he is very strong, he doesn't possess the strength to go against the whole group. He too woke up in the formation." the Shota explained.

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"Even if he is strong, the power of Brother Wolf should at least be at the peak of OverLord since he was the least injured of us all. It should be impossible for any of these ants who went inside to harm him. He should have escaped. But this Ling Tian, did he get turned into a devil and joined Brother Wolf faction and disappeared for training?" she wondered.

However, she had a strange feeling that she was kept in dark of the matter.

She looked at the Shota and said "You are from one of those four sects. I don't want to have more troubles, so I won't kill you. Consider yourself lucky as I am yet to recover and can't afford to be found by those Old Geezers.

Remember, you spent good time with me and lost your virginity and I left afterwards. You should wake up after 5 minutes and leave. Don't search for me again." with a flick of her fingers, the snake mark behind the neck of the Shota disappeared.

The woman left the room in a flash. She had an uneasy feeling like she was walking naked on the street.

........ ........ ........ ........ ........

Sheng Tian saw the woman disappearing from the room and said with a bitter sigh " How good it have been if this Semi-Divine sense can see through clothes. Aii~ Ouch!"

Rubbing the back of his head which was hit, he turned towards the fuming Young Lady who looked so angry that she would eat him alive.

Looking at his face which didn't show even the lightest remorse, Xiao Lian sneered "If you want the pleasures of flesh so much, Why don't you just become a gigolo? With your figure, I think you will be popular and have a good income."

"Cough, Cough" Sheng Tian coughed twice to get over the embarrassment and said with all seriousness "Xiao Xiao, I was talking from a scientific perspective. Don't you want to know how devils increase in their number? I was trying to see if the reproductive organs are still the same or evolved! It can help a great deal if we know the information. As they say, information is power."

"Go drop dead you thick-skinned, shameless pervert." she scolded and went to the Snow Glazing Lotus.

"Aii~ Women nowadays. They can't see the technical reasons and only have improper thoughts. Who is more perverted, honestly?" he thought as he sat with a face showing great grievance.

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