Transcending Limits

Chapter 63

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In front of Qin Qing's residence, the Head Grand Elder Qin Mu appeared together with Qin Qing.

"Senior Qin Mu, this way." Liu Feifei was already anxious and signalled them to conceal their auras.

They appeared in front of the residence Ling Chen was staying at.

Qin Mu spread his spirit sense and locked it on the woman in the room. The woman's cultivation was deeply hidden. At first, he didn't sense anything unusual, until he found a trace of a terrifyingly dark and sinister aura hidden beneath and the cultivation of first level of OverLord Realm!!!

Even with his deep cultivation, cold sweat poured down his forehead in horror.

Qin Qing immediately said "GrandFather, Don't harm Ling Chen. He is my life."

Qin Mu was once again shocked at this love declaration but was in no mood to let such a terrifying potential threat do as she wishes in Qin Clan.

He immediately broke a token and five auras spiked in an instant and the five grand elders appeared behind them.

The Snake Devil inside—Lu Xiya sensed a powerhouse approaching her. She didn't want to believe that she was deceived and schemed against by the young man, but the truth is bitter.

A surge of profound energy gushed out of her palms and landed on Ling Chen's chest blasting him away as he broke the walls of dozens of houses.


What she didn't observe was a faint golden light covering Ling Chen before her attack landed on him.


The next second, the whole house itself was blown away under the palm attack of Qin Mu. Now, all that is left is a floor.

Lu Xiya's green eyes and hair turned pitch black as her body released an extremely malevolent aura. Her cultivation base was revealed as the pressure of first level OverLord Realm manifested itself!

Dark clouds covered the sky as a gloomy atmosphere surrounded the Qin Capital. The mortals in the Qin Capital felt a suffocating pressure on their lungs as the air itself started shaking.

With a flash, Lu Xiya used her movement arts to the extreme and tried to escape, but she almost collided into a silhouette that arrived in front. She gnashed her teeth at Qin Mu who blocked her way.

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With a flash, dozens of Emperor Realm Experts evacuating the surrounding area upto 5 miles. The Qin Estate was vast beyond compare, yet that didn't make it a safe haven under the threat of an OverLord!

The Five Grand Elders quickly gathered their profound energy and formed a sealing formation with Qin Mu and Lu Xiya inside. The catch is anyone can enter the formation but they can't exit it.

"You really don't know what's good for you." a hoarse cold voice escaped her lips as Lu Xiya glared at Ling Chen who mysteriously managed to survive her attack.

She turned to Qin Mu "Head Grand Elder of the great Qin Clan, I can only tell you one thing. If you are going against me, your Qin Clan will be the first to be ruined. You will gain nothing from blocking me."

Her words didn't waver the calmness on Qin Mu's wrinkled old face. He asked in a calm tone "You are related to that Blood Wolf, aren't you?"

His words brought an amused smile to her face "What if I am? What if I am not? Fuck off human!"

"You are related to the death of my grandson and tainting my Qin Clan's reputation. I will cut you and that Blood Wolf to countless pieces and feed you to dogs and vultures." a threatening killing intent rose from the Old man as the gloomy dark clouds above started turning blood red.

"Oh? You are willing to cut your Qin Clan's Ancestor to pieces?" the Alluring Snake devil sneered with contempt.

"What?!" everyone listening to the conversation—Qin Mu, the Five grand elders, Ling Chen, Liu Feifei and Qin Qing exclaimed in shock!

"Chen. Pathetic ants. He was not the legend you believed him to be. He was always one of us—the Devils! He is Blood Wolf—Supreme Commander of the Holy Devil Army! A heavenly devil!" pride soared in her heart as Lu Xiya talked about Blood Wolf's origins, her eyes shone with infatuation and lust.

"Impossible!" a hysterical cry escaped Qin Mu as a ball of profound energy shot at her with tremendous strength. His cultivation was already at the third level of OverLord realm making him one of the strongest in the continent. His crazy attack was enough to blow away a town to smithereens.

"You'll regret this." Lu Xiya's expression was still relaxed but her body tensed for a moment before a glow emerged from her and shot at the ball as she shouted "Serpent's clutch"

The glow turned into a green serpent that coiled the ball of profound energy. The serpent tried to destroy, devour and ruin the ball to no avail.

Without any warnings, Lu Xiya's aura soared as it turned pitch black with a greenish boundary. Her Cultivation base rose from the first level of OverLord Realm to the second level. She twisted her waist and flew high into the air.

The real battle has only begun!

The Grand Elders realised her cultivation and drenched in cold sweat. Only three of them were at the second level of OverLord realm. Two are still in the peak of the first level. But even they were not sure if they could fight her to a draw.

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"Wind of Terror" Qin Mu said. A gale blew along with terrifying profound energy as a huge wind sword was formed. Wherever the air sword flowed, everything in the way was reduced to smithereens. This is a Wind Profound Art of Qin Clan!

Lu Xiya saw all the incoming wind concentrating at her second by second. She was in trouble now. But there was no signs of panic on her face. Only overwhelming calmness and coldness.

She made a hand seal as a loud roar was heard shaking the entire city. A huge python phantom was released with its length being more than 100 meters long as it pounced at the Wind of Terror.

The Wind of Terror and the Python Phantom attacked each other as they fought for victory.

The phantom of the python gave a hateful roar before dissipating into nothingness.. The Wind of Terror also lost all of its power and dissipated shortly.

The thunderous roar of the Python shook everyone in the city. The citizens raised their head and saw two small dots floating in the Qin Clan't territory.

Hearing the roar coming from far, a faint smile formed on Sheng Tian's face.

Liu Feifei held Ling Chen as Qin Qing took a precious pill and fed him without hesitation. His wounds began to heal at a visible rate. The two ladies breathed a sigh of relief while Ling Chen's eyes were still focused on the battle in the sky.

Qin Mu didn't hesitate after seeing her counter-attack and took out his spear. It was a black spear with red inscriptions on it. Lu Xiya felt a sense of danger coming from it. A leather green whip appeared in her smooth hands.

The thrust of the spear and the lash of the whip produced enormous shockwaves as all the nearby houses were blown away. The people felt as if something was stuck in their chest as it became hard to breathe.

The core seniors of Qin Clan were watching the battle while some managed the people.

"Lend me your strength—Jade Qin Formation." Qin Mu signalled to the grand elders. Instantly, they formed a pentagon on the ground with Qin Mu on the line passing through the formation's centre.

Pure wisps of profound energy was released from the grand elders and gathered at the centre of the pentagon which quickly transferred to Qin Mu right above.

Feeling the surge in strength, Qin Mu revealed an expression of confidence. With the combined strength of the five grand elders, coupled with his own cultivation base of third level OverLord Realm, he is confident enough to hold his ground even against the fourth level OverLord!

"Tornado of Blade" a sparkling aqua blue spear in his hand. Qin Mu waved the spear and a horrifying tornado was born from it.

The wind in it was as sharp as the tip of the spear as it cut everything it came in contact with. The huge green tornado was over 100 meters tall as it dashed towards Lu Xiya. All the air was sucked into it from the surroundings as everyone involuntarily stepped back. The suppression they felt was too high.

Lu Xiya looked at the incoming tornado, a cold smile on her lips as she chanted a strange verse and a huge python manifested in front of her body.

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Unlike the previous python phantom which had a very faint body, this one could be said to have a more corporeal form. The python had pitch black scales like the dark night. The scales covered every inch of its body. On its triangular face was a horn.

The Black Python looked like a black inked rope. Its length was over 200 meters. Its thickness was that of a house. Everyone in the Qin Capital felt their breaths stopping the second they saw it due to fear and shock.

The Python emitted a sinister expression and used its aura to the fullest. Everyone human in the vicinity of 2 km felt like ants who can be trampled on. This is suppression by life's natural order.

Sheng Tian clicked his tongue in amusement as he saw able to see the Jet Black Python Phantom from far away. Jet Black Large Python.

In the highest room of the Myriad Treasure Star house, a masked young lady gazed through the window as her beautiful eyebrows furrowed.

There was an Old Woman in the dark secretly guarding her from threats. Watching the fight unfold, the old woman showed surprise, but not a single thread of apprehension.

Meanwhile, Lu Xiya's face turned completely pale. She didn't have the strength to attack one more time. But there was still the same indifference in her eyes.

The next moment, their attacks clashed. The Tornado was coiled by the python as its pitch black scales were under the constant attack of the sharp winds of the tornado.

The Whole City shook. The ground trembled as the gravel rose to the air. Air itself became heavy all of a sudden. The glasses of the buildings shattered and many kneeled on the floor due to pressure. All the actions in the city came to a halt and only the fight carried on.

The crowd cowered in fear watching the fight of titans. The sheer scale of the destruction in the vicinity of the fight area reached an unprecedented level.

Almost every building within 2 kilometres was reduced to pieces. Thankfully, the ones living there were already evacuated but still many coughed up blood continuously. The injured people only went on increasing.

The tornado and the python in a stalemate. The tornado was not able to cut the scales or was the python able to break the tornado.

The grand elders all coughed up a mouthful of blood and Qin Mu's aura suddenly brightened. The tornado was strengthened and the python phantom started to lose its ground.

Lu Xiya only wanted to escape but knew that if she did try it at this moment, Qin Mu would easily attack her thus making things worse for her.

She bit her lower lip and coughed up a mouthful of blood. Consequently, the pitch black python turned blood red and the tornado started losing.

Qin Mu decided to use all his energy to kill the python phantom and this woman.

Just as he was about to do that, he felt an imminent sense of danger.

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Since he was completely focused on the battle with this dangerous woman, he didn't concentrate on others. But with the experts of Qin Clan guarding the area and having his back, he was not on guard for attacks from inside.

So, he was a bit late even when tried to dodge as his stomach was impaled by a spear.


He coughed up a mouthful of blood. If not for him defending, his neck would have been snapped off. And even with him using profound energy to defend himself at the last moment, it was already too late.

Lu Xiya took this moment as her golden chance as she burned a bit of her blood essence and used the profound arts to escaped into the horizon.

All the experts on the scene were unable to catch her as she literally disappeared from her thin air. They couldn't sense any trials. The only thing they could do was to search everywhere and in every direction.

But most of them turned their heads towards the one who sneak attacked Qin Mu. The moment they saw him, they sucked in a cold breath.

It was Yu Yang!

His white hair is now jet black, so are his pupils and aura. He and the woman had so many similarities. All the experts didn't hesitate to attack him with all their might.

Yu Yang snorted coldly as numerous defensive and offensive treasures he got as an Alchemist came out. All the experts were engaged with the treasures.

Yu Yang gritted his teeth and used a forbidden movement art at the cost of large blood essence. In the next second, he too disappeared from the spot. His aura was undetectable.

Ling Chen and Liu Feifei both clenched their fists and muttered coldly "Devil's Blood Escape"

... ... ... ... ... ...

Lu Xiya traveled to the North of the city. It is the commoner's district and there are no experts in this direction to sense her aura.

She was relieved. Soon, she was already outside the city. She quickly traveled to the most unexpected route. She already had old injuries which were yet to recover, now this battle costed her blood essence which would lead to a great loss if she doesn't take any replenishment.

She swore to torture Ling Chen and Liu feifei as to let them tell the secrets they were hiding. There was no way they were not related to the incident regarding Blood Wolf. She also wanted to know how they knew she was a devil and a powerful one at that.

With all the plans of revenge in mind, she subconsciously chose the most deserted routes and soon, she was traveling in a desolate path. There was a mountain nearby.

Still thinking of how she was going to torture the Ling Chen couple, she laughed crazily, her mind on the verge of madness. Suddenly, a sense of danger loomed over her as her senses kicked and she hurriedly tried to dodge. But too bad the attack was well calculated and cut off all the routes of escape as a sword beam slashed at her shoulders and thighs.

"Are you planning to scare this Young Master to death with that creepy laugh of yours? But honestly, OldFoggy, Aren't you tired of living yet?" a voice filled with utter ridicule and contempt entered her ears as 'Ling Tian' landed in front of her.

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