Transcending Limits

Chapter 75

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Looking at the building made of pure blue ice, Sheng Tian gawked.

He remembered, that every building he saw was made of sky blue ice. The ice was sturdier than metals and was pleasing to the eye.

Sheng Tian entered his residence. It was much better than the one he had at the Sacred Sword Sect. It goes without saying that this is the residence of an Inner Disciple of the Sect, which his predecessor felt too high for a life goal. Yet here he was, the same status meant nothing in his eyes. His sights were at the Peak of the realm, the Peak of the world.

His residence had three rooms. A living room, A room for cultivation and a bedroom. Probably, no one really uses it for sleep. Sheng Tian sat on the rocking chair in the living room as his gaze pierced through the window and looked at the Mystic Ice Sect.

The inner region was divided into different districts. There is a wide road and either side were the houses of the disciples. Every inner disciple had their own courtyard and practice ground for honing their profound arts. It was a rare luxury for any cultivator in the World. Yet, here they were.

Sheng Tian knew from his stay at Sacred Sword Sect the basic structures of a Sect. There will be a library, a plaza with all sorts of goods, Arenas for battles, Mission Hall, Treasure Vaults, Special Cultivation Abodes, Alchemy Hall, Hall of Fame, etc.

However, the core of the sect would be its elites. For they, represent the sect, not the other way around.

Sheng Tian rested for a while before he got out. There was snow all around. But it was very orderly and didn't obstruct anything. As Sheng Tian looked ahead, he saw groups of disciples walking towards their residence.

Sheng Tian walked towards them and smiled lightly as he asked "Fellow Disciples, May I ask where the Sect Grounds are?"

His face held a trace of politeness as his tone carried a rare touch of elegance.

The five disciples; three male, and two female, snapped out of their gazes by his words. Since he is not wearing a mask now, each and every movement of his was clearly seen by them. They were in trance by his appearance and charm.

With all said and done, they are disciples who practice Ice Laws, so they were much better at coming back to senses than other people.

One of the female disciple, an average looking girl who possessed an icy charm of her own, asked with an Icy tone which didn't hold any frostiness and was filled with admiration, curiosity, and infatuation "Junior Brother, I didn't hear you properly. Can you tell me again?" her breath and tone were not stable.

The other girl; who was a little short, also looked at Sheng Tian. She was having a hard time controlling her rapid breathing. This man was like an aphrodisiac, driving their minds crazy.

Sheng Tian repeated his question. The female disciple immediately spoke with excitement "Junior brother, our sect is so large. You might lose the way, let me guide you." her cold face had a rare pink blush.

Without even waiting for Sheng Tian to nod, she caught his sleeves and led him. The other female disciple quickly spoke, "Junior brother, this senior sister might forget the route, let me help you."

her icy voice was filled with anxiety and hurry as she ran to him and caught his other sleeve.

The two women looked at each other and nodded in agreement. They led Sheng Tian without any mutual clashes.

The ordinary-looking icy girl asked "Junior brother, What is your name? Where did you come from?"

Sheng Tian inwardly felt that he was being too awesome. Even though he, as a man is so calm and restrained, they are all forcing themselves on him. Aii, when even Gold shines no matter where it goes, how can I hide my awesomeness? Isn't that similar to trying to cover the sun with a blanket?

Sheng Tian learned his lesson and decided to be himself.

He smiled at the female disciple and replied "I am Sheng Tian. I am from far away."

The short girl asked almost immediately "Junior Brother, who is your master?"

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Sheng Tian shot her a look and answered with a strange expression"He is an Old fellow who refuses to die and lives to peep at young girls like you, my fellow sect sisters. That guy is a lolicon who has no sense of shame and is willing to do anything as long as he can get a peek. He can even do a strip dance if you let him peek at your panties.

And the worst thing is he is not my master at all.. he just claims to be."

The two girls were instantly disgusted by the Old Man in Sheng Tian's description. They felt that such a fellow, even if he is an Elder should die by choking on his own underwear.

Right when that thought appeared in their minds, Sheng Tian spoke: "Oh, and he said, if he dies by choking, he will only choke by a wet panty, drenched by the nectar of love."

The two girls icy faces turned pale white but their eyes now had a disgusted expression. They hated such a shameless man who is the scum of humans. They learned their lesson and now wished for him to die under the assault of male apes.

"Achoo.." at a far away place, the Old pervert sneezed and looked at his hands. All the hair on them was standing erect. He was dumbfounded.

"Who the fuck is scolding this Handsome Big Brother? You even made my body feel a shiver. Just what did your dirty mind think of?" he scolded loudly.

Then he thought of the young man he brought from the Qin Capital and gritted his teeth "It must be that brat. Wait till he asks for my help, I will ask him to wipe my ass with his shirt." he evilly chuckled.

Sheng Tian suddenly frowned as he had a hunch that someone was swearing him. Then he relaxed thinking that it must be the Old geezer.

Then, with non-stop casual questions, they finally reached the Mystic Ice Sect Grounds.

Located at the outer region of the sect, the Sect Grounds is a vast land with multiple facilities.

You can practice group battle formations, try shooting the ice energy under the heavy obstructions at a difficult target, fight with puppets, and so on.

They soon reached the main building of the Sect grounds. Sheng Tian nodded at the two beauties which dazed them as he walked off.

In the main building, he saw many disciples going back and forth for permissions to practice in various facilities. All of them were stunned by his entrance.

That didn't stop him as he was already getting used to the reaction of the crowd and walked into the room with a large door.

An Elderly Man was sitting on a mat with his eyes closed. Sensing his arrival, the Elder looked at him with surprise but soon recovered his cold bearing.

Sheng Tian bowed lightly as a show of respect "Elder, I was asked by Sect Master to get my inner disciple robes and identity token."

The Elder instantly used his spirit sense to check the cultivation. Earth Realm 4th stage...Not bad. But why would Sect Master herself talk with this brat over such a simple matter? Even though his aura is not ordinary, it isn't enough of a reason.

Shaking his head to stop meddling, he waved his hand as few sets of inner disciples appeared in front of Sheng Tian. He quickly put them in. Then came the sect token. Sheng Tian dripped a bit of his blood. The Elder didn't use his spirit sense on Sheng Tian's blood but if he did and was strong enough, he would have found that Sheng Tian's red blood had a trace of light gold!

Sheng Tian thanked the elder perfunctorily and walked out.

When he exited the main building and stepped into the Sect Grounds, four young men appeared in front of him. As the disciples of the Mystic Ice Sect, they all had a cold aura, their expressions were also icy.

The Leading figure of the four was a tall and sturdy guy. He had a decent frame and was looking at Sheng Tian with envy and rage.

Sheng Tian lips lightly curled up, his smile showing playfulness.

The Leader of the four saw this and roared at Sheng Tian "Brat, You are new here but act like this is your home. Don't you know that you should respect your Elders? Kowtow to me and I will let you this slide. If not, you will suffer."

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Sheng Tian was stunned. Even though he was expecting to have these kinds of bullies, wasn't their reason too much of a joke? Is it even an acceptable reason? He sighed. Not like things need to be acceptable, you have strength, you will make others accept it.

He laughed lightly and looked at the four men. They were not so young. Each of them was above 25 years. Yet their cultivation is still at Earth realm. If simply talent is compared, the four of them are still in the high stages of Earth Realm, while Sheng Tian himself was seen to be at the 4th realm of Earth Profound. Their talents had an insurmountable distance.

The tall guy saw Sheng Tian laugh and felt his blood boil by shame. Was this guy not going to give them face?

"Brat, It seems like you still don't know how to respect your Senior brother.I, Big Bull, we will teach you." Saying so, he ordered his three group members.

A part of him was telling him that Sheng Tian was not as simple as he seemed, so he decided to use his three members strength to deter Sheng Tian.

They instantly brandished their weapons: a spear, a halberd, a saber-the three weapon wielders used their respective Ice Profound Arts and attacked Sheng Tian. They formed beautiful shapes as the icy blue profound energy projected out of the weapons formed a phantom spear like a snake, a huge shark and a pair of claws.

They slammed at Sheng Tian. All of this happened too quickly.

Other inner disciples were looking at the fight with great interest. Many female disciples were having stars in their eyes as they wanted to see Sheng Tian in action. But a part of their heart also worried for him. If they were to feel the situation was turning dangerous for him, they wouldn't hesitate to rush to help him.

But the four people attacking him were no ordinary people. They were one of the top bullies, Big Bull Group-famous for their tyranny shown on the newcomers. They threaten, beat and ask for resources.

Only people of strength and position can deter them. Since Sheng Tian's arrival with the Old Man was only seen by those 15 people along with Sect Master, Wushang and Leng Yue Yan, no one else knew who brought him here. They all assumed that he is picked up by a random elder recently or was transferred from a branch sect.

If they knew the person who brought Sheng Tian to the sect and his position, they would surely wet the grounds from their sweat alone not to mention...

However, even without that, they would surely be shouting their hearts out after seeing Star Sheng Tian.

As everyone saw the three attacks engulf Sheng Tian, they felt pity that it was over as he didn't even react. They thought he was scared mindless.

But the next moment, everyone's eyes almost popped out.

The three attacks which engulfed him were broken right at the center as Sheng Tian's index finger poked through them.

The three bright blue attacks in various shapes dissolved into the air without even able to put up any resistance.

*Hiss* Everyone sucked in cold breath. This awesome.

The leader of the Big Bull Group, Big Bull, felt his breath frozen as he watched the inconceivable scene.

The three who attacked him felt their blood flow stagnate as their faces turned pale white. Unknowingly, liquid flowed down their legs and drenched their pants.

This was no longer someone they could bully, no, no longer someone they could fight, they could only look up to him from far away. But the question is, would they live till then to see him?

"Ta" "Ta" slow footsteps broke everyone's muddleheadedness as Sheng Tian made his way to the four guys.

His face had a humble smile. No one could see any pride in his eyes or posture. He was even more humble than a monk!

Sheng Tian arrived in front of the leader and spoke carefully "Senior...Brother? You still didn't discipline me, right? You need not be so embarrassed, I will humbly accept your teachings. After all, I am but a poor young man."

The Senior brother in question, Big Bull, almost coughed out blood when he heard Sheng Tian call him 'Senior Brother'. It was full of sarcasm.

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Is he embarrassed to teach Sheng Tian a lesson? Of course no! He is scared shitless and only wanted to run away. With the ridiculous Strength shown by this young man, he felt that he should not be without an extraordinary background. Even if he doesn't have one right now, he will have one inevitable. This is the power of talent. He is so young yet so strong.

Sheng Tian saw the man lost in thoughts and not answering. He showed a lightly impatient face as he gently chided "Senior Brother, do you think that I am not even qualified for you to teach me? Are you looking down on me, Sheng Tian?" his tone was turning more and more serious.

Big Bull immediately shook his head like a rattle and bowed deeply "Senior Brother, We have eyes but didn't recognize Mt.Tai. Please forgive us."

As they say, A wise man knows to retreat when the odds are against him. So, there is nothing wrong to admit defeat. Especially in front of a monster like this young man. But who would've thought that...

"Eh? What are you saying Senior Brother? If you don't recognize Mt.Tai, So what? What is even Mt Tai anyway? Just teach me a lesson and discipline me already!" Sheng Tian played dumb.

Big Bull felt like crying but had no tears. Wasn't this fellow too good at acting? Or did he really didn't know what we meant?

The onlookers felt an urge to laugh at the irony and sigh at the coolness of the Young Man at the same time.

After all, how many would dare to say such words? He is not only so handsome but also so cool. Is he what they call the Mr.Perfect?

The usually cold eyes of many female disciples now had icy stars glowing in them. It can't be helped. The Charm he gave off when displaying his strength is just too strong.

Even the Elders in the Main building were looking with appreciation.

As they say Beauty and Brains, here it was Handsome and Humble.

Sheng Tian's words were like a slap in the face. Big Bull was stuck in between a rock and a hard place. He can't really attack Sheng Tian after he saw his strength. It would be too disrespectful. But if he didn't attack when he repeatedly asked for it, it would be even more disrespectful. Even the crowd looked at him with pity.

As he saw Sheng Tian's eyes turning more and more impatient, he clenched his fist so hard that his nails dug into his palm. He gave a low roar and attacked Sheng Tian with everything he got.

His full attack was concentrated in his fist as it glowed with pale blue light. The crowd felt the air suddenly became heavy as the ground under Big Bull's feet began to crack with him as the center.

Even before a second passed, his fist arrived with a huge force in front of Sheng Tian.

Even if he is powerful, he will have to expend some effort due to my sudden attack and move back a few steps. Big Bull thought as he found it a bit satisfying.

"Big Bull's Bull Punch" he shouted.

*Whooosh* Everyone felt strong waves of air him at them as they instinctively closed their eyes. When they slowly opened their eyes, they saw Sheng Tian holding the fist of Big Bull. He was standing in the same position since the beginning. He didn't even move an inch!

When he negated the attack, it sent powerful waves of air which showed how powerful the attack was. But this young man just blocked it like it was nothing!

He wasn't one of those legendary Core disciples, right?

Meanwhile, Big Bull felt all the strength he poured into the punch vanish without a trace as his fist was stuck in his opponent's palm.

Sheng Tian smiled kindly "Senior Brothers, Don't worry. This junior brother of yours is not greedy. After learning from your teachings, I have to naturally teach you a bit of mine. You don't have to be shy if you want more later." saying so, he disappeared from his position as four "pa's" were heard instantly.

The four disciples found themselves on the ground at a single place. All of them had their left cheeks swollen red with five finger imprints. Their eyes were a little red.

Sheng Tian glanced at them and said kindly "I see, you are too embarrassed to ask for more."

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"Pa" "Pa" "Pa" "Pa" four sharp sounds sounded again as their right cheeks were slapped.

When Sheng Tian was about to speak, Big Bull's expression turned to extreme anxiety "Wait, we don't want more. It's enough. It's enough."

Seeing Big Bull, Sheng Tian only laughed kindly and said "Why are you being so shy for Senior Brother? As they say, the guy who denies the most is the one who desires it the most. Don't worry, I am not an insensible person. I am very kind."

The crowd rolled their eyes as they thought 'Kind? You want to slap him when he begs for you to stop and you proclaim you are kind. What a joke!'

Without waiting for Big Bull's consent, "Pa" "Pa" "Pa" "Pa" "Pa" five crisp sounds resounded as Big Bull got a bonus slap. Why is he so lucky?

The other three members looked at Sheng Tian and begged: "Senior Brother...please let us leave."

Sheng Tian's face showed a wronged expression as he said "Senior Brothers, are you saying you feel that you get less of my teachings and want to leave? I am sorry, I will work hard."

"Pa" "Pa" "Pa" "Pa" "Pa" "Pa" "Pa" This time, the three brothers turned out to be the lucky ones.

But their tragedy didn't stop as Sheng Tian continued to slap them. As if that was not enough, his words made them almost cough out blood.

"Senior Brothers, Why are you crying? Does your heart feel so grateful that it decided to show its gratitude with tears?! No, I cannot accept such heavy kindness."

Gratitude your ass! We can't bear the pain anymore. We would be eternally grateful if you just...let us go. Please, we beg you. God. Devil. Let us go...

"Senior Brothers, Why are you not speaking? Are you feeling so happy that you even forgot to speak?"

Speak my head! Whenever we wanted to speak, you are straight up slapping our mouths! What can we even speak when we can't open our mouths? We are only trying to not get our teeth broken.

"Senior Brothers, Why are your eyes looking at me with infinite pleading? It evokes my pity."

Oh, great! You are a human after all! Since you feel pity, quickly let us go!

"Since you are so pitifully asking for extra teachings, I guess it can't be helped. I will fulfill your wish. Aii, Why am I so Kind?"

Kind your Sister! We are not asking for your teachings you bastard,...we are begging you.....please...

We can't stay here anymore. My legs don't have any strength, but ...I have to get out....

"Senior Brothers, Why are you crawling? Are you trying to teach me a profound lesson that we crawl before we walk, so we must remember that improvement is the key? Are you implicitly stating that I should improve what I'm teaching you? I understand this deep lesson, Senior Brothers. I will increase the dose. Why am I such a genius?"

Big..Brother...We don't dare to teach you anything...our legs feel weak to we are only trying to crawl you still have to make that a reason to increase our slaps?

Aah, It hurts..Ouch! Not at the same place. again...Aii, I forgot that all the places are the same now...

"Senior Brothers, Why are you all laying on the ground? Are you trying to see the panties of our sect's sisters through their skirts? How perverted! You are taking advantage of their ignorance to steal their purity. Don't you have any shame? It seems I must improve my lesson so that you would focus only on it."

Gra...Grand...Da..ddy...We don't even have the strength to get up. It hurts like hell, so we collapsed on the ground....yet you accuse us innocent souls of such a crime! And you beat us even more for that...

Just...what should we do?

If we cry our pain out, you slap more. If we tried opening our mouths to beg for forgiveness, we are slapped at our mouths. As we decided to plead you with our eyes from our most heartfelt sincerity, you slap us even more. When we try to crawl away, you don't stop. When we finally collapse, you still make that a reason to increase the slaps.. .

And no one is even having a basic conscience and showing their humanity to pity us poor beings. Oh God, Is this the end of the world?

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