Transcending Limits

Chapter 86: 86

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"Not selected. Next disciple." the Old Man on the stage declared.

The young woman on the stage dropped her head and walked down, her cold eyes became moist.

Passing by her, a young man entered the stage and placed his hands on the pillars of might, fate and will power respectively.

"Not bad. You are ...." the elder nodded, conforming the disciple's enrolment.

Sheng Tian, seemed like everyone else, listening and watching the test go on.

However, the ripples in his sky blue pupils told otherwise.

'The Goddess of Death? Just what are you hiding from me, Xiao?' he felt his chest tighten, having a feeling of being lied to.

"Xiao, why do I feel that I forgot something?" he pretended to be confused.

"You must have slept and woke up." her voice sounded, it was a little weak.

He had a strong impulse to mercilessly scold her for lying to him, yet when he thought of her burning her Soul to help him, he couldn't bear to scold her except feeling even more guilty and mad at his powerlessness.

His spirit sense swept into the Snow Glazed Realm and the scene made him tremble.

In the Snow Glazed Lotus Realm, Xiao Lian was sitting crosslegged on a soft white lotus. Her face was very pale. Her soul was turning transparent from time to time.

'I don't know If I can even hold on for even one year.' she shook her head as a bitter smile appeared on her beautiful face.

The hellish black poison which was invisible usually, became visible from time to time as it coursed through every inch of her soul.

Her face showed deep pain as she grit her death, but she didn't make a sound.

Sheng Tian knew she was holding it in to stop him from knowing her plight.

"I'm just a woman who loves her man deeply, deep enough to die for him, deep enough to kill for him."

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The deep sentiment in her words pulled his heart strings as Sheng Tian felt being loved. The feeling of being important to someone he liked made him cherish her even more,

"Xiao" he called out in a hoarse voice, and Xiao Lian face paled even more remembering that she didn't put on a barrier to prevent herself from being seen.

However, she still controlled her pain and said "Sheng Tian, I just had a poison rebound. I will be alright." she laughed, but her voice was weak, without any energy.

A deep sigh filled with melancholy sounded.

"Why can't you just say the truth about the price you paid?" he said, his tone firm.

"Your memories didn't get erased? You were able to see when you were frozen?!" she lost her composure and stood up, her trembling finger pointed at him.

"Sigh, I didn't. I told you my soul was special. I was able to sense everything even when I was frozen. However, that is not the point, how are you is the most important. And don't try to hide what happened." he clenched his fist and said, word by word.

"I....alright." Xiao Lian found no excuse to escape and nodded.

"The Ice goddess was not a Mythical God, yet she was as important as them. In fact, she is not even a human, but an Ice Phoenix.

She was on the verge of breaking through into Mythical God Level. However, tragedy ensued, and the Asura Emperor attacked the Divine Realm.

At that time, the Mythical Gods were all trying to stop him, and she was the only person who could help them. She sacrificed her life to delay the arrival of the Asura army.

If not for her,....the countless planets in the Divine Realm would have been destroyed completely." she laid down on the grass, and gazed at the sky of the Snow glazed Realm.

"Why is she here?" he couldn't help but ask.

"This planet seems to be the final place where the battle took place. If not, there is no way the proud divine Ice goddess and prouder Dragon God would leave their legacies here."

"The graveyard of gods, huh? I don't care about your identity, whether you are a fragment of the Death Goddess or her reincarnation, I know you are important to me. And I don't want you to hide somethings." he hung his head low, and closed his eyes, ignoring the ongoing competition.

"Sheng, I'm not the Death Goddess, I swear. I don't want to become her. I can't tell you now. I'm scared. And the Divine Realm's past, I will reveal it eventually." she smiled.

"You are a pretty stubborn one, aren't you?" his carefree smile returned.

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"As if you aren't." she chuckled.

"Fine. I know you only want the best for me, so do I. Let's b honest with each other. I can't bear to see a brat like you suffer." he smirked.

"Who are you calling a brat? I'm a young woman." she puffed her cheeks, and folded her arms against her breasts, showing that she is not a "brat" anymore.

Sheng Tian's lips twitched at her words, but his sight was fully drawn onto her chest. He bit his tongue and asked "So, what are the bad effectives you had for that power manifested to suppress her earlier?"

"She is just a soul fragment and doesn't have much power. But I'm too weak even compared to her. Only My lifespan reduced to one year." she bit her lip.

"One Year?" Sheng Tian felt his chest tighten. "Alright. One year it is. We can make it." he said.

"I hope so too." she smiled, despite the odds against her because she believed in him, their relationship and the fate that brought them together.

"Core disciples, please come onto the stage." the Old Man on the stage said, bringing Sheng Tian's attention back to the outside world.

"I will be first." Shi Yan smiled humbly earning a loud cheer from disciples.

He walked onto the stage and placed his hand on the pillars.

The Pillar of Might started shaking as the Royal gold colour it emitted grew darker and darker. The Pillar of Fate emitted a dazzling blue light as it turned darker. Finally, the pillar of Will power had little to no reaction, shocking everyone.

"Pfft." a laughter broke the silence. Everyone turned to look at the source.

Sheng Tian instantly regained his serious expression and said to the crowd "Why are you so silent for? Are you struck speechless by Senior Brother Shi Yan's godly will power?"

"Sheng Tian!" Shi Yan yelled, his cold face was now flushed red, veins popped on his head.

No matter what, he was slapped in the face today.

"What?" Sheng Tian smirked, a taunting smile hung on his lips.

Shi Yan clenched his first and glared at Sheng Tian. Initially, he only wanted to kill Leng Yue Yan in the event, but now, he changed his plans. Sheng Tian must die as well!

What he didn't know was, this was the exact goal and reason Sheng Tian provoked them and acted arrogantly all the time.

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He wanted to draw their attention, become their target and end all the problems once and for all.

"Enough you little brats. If you think you are better than someone, show your results." the Sect Master Bing Ying said coldly, bringing a deadly silence.

"Sure. I just hope that he won't come crying later." Sheng Tian got up from his seat and walked to the pillars.


"The fucc....."

"It's crazyyyyy"

Be it an outer disciple, inner disciple, a core disciple or even the Elders, everyone's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when they saw all the three pillars shine with pitch black glow when Sheng Tian arrived at the stage.

With each step he took, the darker the shade became.

When he was a step away from the, they became darker than the night blinding the Sect Grounds completely.

Just when his hands touched the pillars, they instantly shrunk and disappeared with a flash of light!

"What is going on?" the perverted old man, a.k.a the Grand Elder appeared in front of the spot where the pillars were located and cried out.

"Little brat, where are my pillars?" he yelled at Sheng Tian.

A huge pressure descended over him as the Senior Elders on the stage glared at Sheng Tian, some had a complacent smile, while the others had an indifferent expression.

Facing the huge pressure, Sheng Tian's feet sunk into the ground. Yet he didn't say anything and only laughed gritting his teeth "You old people, you can search my body and storage ring before accusing me, right?"

His words caused everyone on the stage to retract their pressure.

"Elders, lock down the area and search the entire sect. And disciple Sheng Tian, don't resist." the Sect Master Bing Ying stepped forward.

With a wave of her hand, his storage ring was completely searched by her.

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Her expression turned colder and she scanned his entire body before shaking her head.

"It is not with him, Grand Elder. Even my Deep Ice Sense can't find it in the surroundings. It means...." her words were cut off,

"The treasure escaped?" the Old Man said, not daring to believe his own words.

"But why would it escape only when he approaches it? and they started glowing crazily before he even touched them. That shouldn't be possible." he said.

"Exactly. The treasure must be broken." Sheng Tian tried to convince them with a serious face, however, he was freaking out looking at the three pillars in the Snow Glazed Lotus Realm.

"Wait till we search everyone." he glared at Sheng Tian and ordered a full length search.

In the following hours, every corner and person of the Sect was searched, even the Senior Elders were of no exception.

However, the result was obvious.

No one other than him or Xiao Lian in this world could sense the Snow Glazed Lotus Realm, well, maybe except the three pillars as well.

Time passed and soon the Sect Master started speaking "We didn't find the Treasure yet, but it is time to enter the Frozen Hell.

All the core disciples are given the chance to enter.

The brave participants, remember strength is the only answer. This is your chance to be stronger."

Then, the five hundred disciples were taken to the Sect Master's residence area and soon, a portal appeared there.

It was over 10 meters tall and 5 meters in width.

The other side of the portal were a bunch of beautiful ice flowers, great snowy mountains, frozen forests.

Looking at the place which looked like a Heaven of Ice, no one understood why it was called a "Hell"

"Enter with your teammates." Bing Ying ordered.

Sheng Tian turned to the silent Leng Yue Yan and took a deep breath before they stepped inside, together.

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