Transcending Limits

Chapter 91: 91

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Sheng Tian stood in the middle encircled by thousands of Sonic Bats. The Sonic Bats wanted to rush and ruthlessly use their fatal profound energy to destroy him.

However, they suddenly realised that there was no sound of him!

The Sonic Bats, being in the Earth Realm didn't panic at all and perked their ears to catch the slightest sound.

They used the profound energy into their ears and activated their hearing ability to the highest extent. Even the sounds of an ant crawling couldn't escape them.

Yet, what greeted them was the deathly silence.

The Sonic Bats have a habit of not making a sound and ensuring absolute silence themselves. It is also because of special profound veins in their body that they could do so.
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Unknown is always feared.

When the leader of the Sonic Bats, a Massive Green Bat at the peak of Earth Realm was about to order attacking every inch of the ground, a very very light sounded, drawing the attention of each Sonic Bat.

A few hundred sonic bats dashed at the source spot of sound, brandishing their claws which glowed with green profound energy.

The expected human was not present and their claws only slashed at empty air, stunning the Sonic Bats.

The next second, every single Sonic Bat shuddered at the sound.

The Sound sent a shiver down their spine.

"Tsk. I never attacked you guys, but you dare huh?" a cold and brutal masculine voice sounded from all directions.

The Sonic Bats had no idea where to attack—because the sound was coming from every direction with equal intensity!

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There was no loud or quiet, every single point in the air produced an identical vibration giving rise to same sound.

"Sound" was the biggest strength yet also their biggest weakness.

There were not many species who could claim mastery over Sound as they did.

If they were allowed to grow freely, they would have probably cleaned out human existence.

Heavenly Dao is heartless.

The Sonic Bats could never get past the Sky Realm due to their profound veins!

"Shau" the soft and chilly sound of a sword unsheathing entered their ears.

Then why didn't they attack? The Sound was replicated everywhere!

"Sssss" In the dark green cluster of Sonic Bats, a blood Red light shone with dazzling radiance, before slashing at hundreds of Sonic Bats.

The creatures had no time to even squeal before their bodies were sliced into half.

Without even giving the Sonic Bats a chance to respond, Sheng Tian continued using Dragon Roar and swung the Sword dyed with blood.

In the dark green cluster, his red sword was like a fire burning forests, slaughtering hundreds of Sonic Bats.

As Sheng Tian moved from one place to another, he put all his concentration on Dragon Roar.

'Sound'—at its fundamental level is just vibration.

The vibration of molecules is what creates the disturbance and our auditory organs perceive this as 'Sound'.

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Sheng Tian was not a scientist, but this knowledge was enough.

Using the Peerless skill—Dragon Roar, he controlled all the vibrations in the surroundings.

If one thinks about it, Dragon Roar is the sole Skill left behind by the Mythical Dragon God—a being who hovered above Heavenly Dao.

So, how could it be just as simple as attacking more people?

The more he comprehended it, the more he realised that this skill was very deep and profound!

Any other Sonic Profound Art would have failed to provide the near absolute control over the vibration. It is only because of the art and his great control that the feat he displayed became possible.

Sheng Tian's breathed out air and breathed in, mixing with it calculated amounts of light profound energy and spread out his spirit sense, and turned the tables!

Weilding a sword and holding a beauty in his embrace, the scene of him destroying the Sonic Bats just looked like a scene out of a fairy tale or it did, at least to Leng Yue Yan who found herself lost gazing at him.

They say that a man is the most handsome when he is focused, perhaps this is true.

'Maybe I enjoy his company' she told herself. Seeing his face turning pale, she quickly increased the profound energy she sent into his body, as her palm pressed against his chest.

'But he is such an idiot, If I do attack him right now, he would have no defense! What if a malicious woman tried to take advantage of him?' she quickly thought, realising that Sheng Tian was totally vulnerable to her attacks, or so she thought.

In the Snow Glazed Lotus, Xiao Lian observed Leng Yue Yan's reactions and shook her head "Ai, this fellow is not as reckless as he seems. He is already using the Armour he got from the Qin Ancestral Grounds. Your spirit sense just couldn't detect it.

Ayo, Sheng is not an innocent person, he is in fact more scheming than anyone of his age.

I don't know if I'm throwing you into a fire pit or helping you. I won't interfere with your fate." she sighed deeply, still feeling weak from the burning of her Source when she confronted the Divine Ice Goddess.

"Ah, just let me rest a bit." she closed her eyes and curled up like an injured kitten, as she laid on the grass and fell asleep.

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Sheng Tian didn't know of the state Xiao Lian was in, he finished killing the last Sonic Bat and collapsed on the ground.

"Ugh" feeling the ice cold surface, he groaned in pain, but his arms wrapped around the woman in his embrace, protecting her.

Looking at Leng Yue Yan's pale face, he felt guilty. She has expended all her profound energy reserves and obviously going to be weak.

If not for her help, he would have never been able to did what he just did. So, the unmatched feat of today could be said to be the result of their combined efforts.

The precise control of Dragon Roar was way too taxing and demanding for him!

'What a worst way to do the first thing together.' he bitterly thought and stirred the glowing white primal seed in his dantian.

The next moment, his dried up profound veins were drizzled with the cool profound energy while Leng Yue Yan's face quickly regained colour.

Though Sheng Tian didn't see her face yet, just the rosy glow on her eyebrows is enough to put a smile on his face.

Sheng Tian, still on ground, as if afraid to wake up the fainted Ice Goddess, checked the Imperishable Tree.

The Sonic Bats which attacked them earlier were only occupying a single section of the lowest level!

Far away, there are countless other beasts, guarding their own are, as the branches of the tree spanned thousands of meters.

Sheng Tian's eyes widened as he almost cursed out loud.

Both he and Leng Yue Yan needed to breakthrough and reach a higher level of cultivation, each for their own reasons.

So, the Ultimatum of their adventure is big risk and bigger reward.

Now it seemed that the risk they took is a bit too big.

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Sheng Tian shook his head and smiled confidently.

He always had his back up and he didn't need to depend on anyone at all!

As he raised his head high, Sheng Tian was flabbergasted. Unlike the other sections of the tree where every layer of the branches was occupied, one particular section of the tree was almost empty.

Yet, with his keen eye sight, he was able to see a humongous nest spanning hundreds of meters in radius, as it stood above a thick branch.

'Since we can escape once after anything, why don't we take the biggest risk?' As he thought of the last resort, Sheng Tian decided to take the most foolish yet the most rewarding risk.

"Ugh." sensing the movement of the soft body, Sheng Tian looked down at Leng Yue Yan who just woke up and raised her head to look at him.

'Not again!' Sheng Tian yelled in his mind, but it was too late as history repeated itself.

Due to their awful (or wonderful?) timing, their lips touched once again. The life saving news being Leng Yue Yan's veil was lightly shifted up when she fell down, just enough to reveal her cold cherry red lips.

Leng Yue Yan's eyes widened at the familiar scene that happened not so long ago. A bone chilling profound energy shot at him, and god knows where she had the energy left and instantly blasted him hundreds of meters away.

'Why am I the one who always gets punished for your awful timing?' Sheng Tian complained in his heart, as he suffered from the ruthless attack.

Sheng Tian's shirt was torn apart and a large part of his chest was frozen. His ribs were broken and he looked miserable.

Yet the truth was, his internal organs were not attacked, his vital parts were not touched and his profound veins and dantian are unharmed.

The injuries he had looked very serious, but they were in fact only moderate at most.

However, Sheng Tian still didn't like bleeding so much. As his Mythical Dragon Physique and Primal Seed quickly repaired his injured body, Sheng Tian seamlessly changed his shirt and walked towards the fuming Ice Goddess who looked like she was about to spit out fire from her glares.

"Oh well," he patted his injured areas and licked his lips, "That was totally worth it." chuckling, he dashed off in a direction.

"You shameless fellow!" Leng Yue Yan cursed coldly and chased after him using all her strength to chase him, as their directions pointed at the Humungous Nest.

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