Transcending Limits

Chapter 98: 98

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"Who are you?" Sheng Tian glared at the empty graveyard and scorned.

"Scared, aren't you?" the hoarse male voice shook the red sky, and it reverberated across the graveyard.

Finding no source to the sound, he frowned and stirred the Primal Seed in his dantian.

With an unprecedented force, all the profound energy in the vicinity was sucked into his dantian at a mind boggling rate.

"This...." the hoarse male voice gasped, sensing the mysterious disappearance of the Profound Energy in the air.

It couldn't find where the profound energy is disappearing into. It is like the profound energy entered the void and disappeared out of existence.

How could this be possible?

Is this the young man's doing? But how could it be possible? Even the OverLords can only break space and not control it well.

However, if not him, there is no one who can do this.

Baffled by the improbable truth, it made a decision.

A black smoke soundlessly rose at the entrance, and a bright red light shone from the fencing of the graveyard.

Sheng Tian's nerves tensed up for a second and his breath ragged. However, the dampness of his shirt reminded him that he is not just by himself, there is someone who depended on him as well!

Taking a deep breath, he walked to the black smoke in full alert.

"You are brave." the black smoke condensed to a hazy humanoid figure.

Sheng Tian narrowed his eyes at the strange "thing" that appeared before him.

"What are you?" the blood red sword appeared in his hand, and shone with a threatening red light.

The figure's features became more and more distinct with each passing second and Sheng Tian could swear that this was the creepiest moment in his life.

Finally, an old man looking no different from a normal human appeared in front. However, he knew that the Old man could be anything but ordinary.

Fiddling his fingers, the old man widened his eyes at Sheng Tian, or precisely, the Sword in his hands.

"How do you have this thing?" the old man's voice carried unprecedented shock.

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Looking at the funny expression short and bald old man, Sheng Tian didn't dare lower his guard.

Instead, he hugged Leng Yue Yan even tightly and pointed his sword at the short Old Man and growled "If you have any ill intentions, you will die."

His words only brought a lazy smile onto the Old Man's wrinkled face. "What are you, a brat, showing off for? Your cultivation base is!!!" before he could finish his words, his mouth was wide open, and he took a step back.

"Why can't I read your cultivation base? No treasures can stop me from detecting the other party's cultivation. did you do that?" the old man braced himself under the fear of unknown and raised his head.

Sheng Tian's lips curled into a disdainful smile and he scorned. "You can try however you want. Though your strength seems to be beyond OverLord realm, I can still end your life in the worst case." his smile was full of confidence, but only he knew how much courage was needed to say those words.

The Old Man looked at him skeptically and finally shook his head "I won't kill you. If I wanted to, even if I were to die, I will take you down. I am here to talk about important things." saying so, he gazed at the "Scarlet of Blood".

Sheng Tian raised an eyebrow and nodded, gesturing him to speak.

The Old Man waved his hands and laughed wryly "Brat, you don't know how to respect your Elders."

Looking at the indifferent look on Sheng Tian's face, the Old Man revealed a helpless expression.

"I'm not an evil person. In fact, I'm one of the persons who sacrificed his life for this World. I have a clear conscience." his expression was as honest as it can be.

Though still skeptic, Sheng Tian didn't show any forms of reproach.

With a hearty laughter, the old man snapped his fingers and instantly, two large cushions made of soft silk appeared in front of them.

The old man sat on one and gestured Sheng Tian to be seated.

Keeping his spirit sense in full vigilance, he slowly sat down with Leng Yue Yan in his arms. This was not the first time he carried her in his arms, but every time, he held her, an inexplicable

cold and soft feeling permeated his being, making him feel closer to her in his heart.

"I am called Old Zhu. How should I call Young Friend?" the old man's pointed to himself and flashed an amiable smile at Sheng Tian.

"Call me Handsome Alpha God." he answered, dumbfounding the old man, who could only laugh and reply "I will call you Young Man."

Shrugging in disapproval, he said "So, what is the "important" things you mentioned?"

Old Zhu's amiable smile vanished while a dignified and proud expression appeared on his aged face.

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"I think you have already guessed it—Devils." Old Zhu revealed an enigmatic smile, his words capturing all the attention he needed.

Feeling threatened, Sheng Tian's killing intent rose, shocking even the Ancient Cultivator Old Zhu.

"Young Friend, you sure have a fiery temper. I know it because of the Sword in your hand." he said calmly.

"How?" he asked, not believing Old Zhu one bit.

"I should introduce myself again. I'm a Warrior of the Red Star Continent who participated in the Ancient War. The Heaven Realm Cultivator, Zhu Tian." a heroic aura exuded from the Old Man, filled with courage and hot bloodedness.

"So?" Sheng Tian asked, inwardly lamenting, 'could it be another Ling Chen? No way!'

"The Sword you have in your hand was my comrade, Sword Emperor's precious weapon. Before he died, he built a tomb in the Forbidden Land, Valhalla. The restriction he placed on the sword is that it has to be bathed in the devil's blood to reach it's full potential.

Though you didn't remove the restriction completely, I can sense the remnant auras and blood of a Heavenly Devil on your sword." he smiled.

Sheng Tian gasped for a moment.

He received the sword from the inheritance of the Sword Tyrant.

It was mentioned in the text that the Sword Tyrant obtained this sword in an ancient tomb taking extreme risk and with luck.

The one regret of the Sword Tyrant was the sword never resonated with him. Is this the reason?

Then, which devil did he fight?

Recalling the devils he fought in the Qin Ancestral Ground. They were not so strong.

The only option is the Snake Devil!

Though he didn't know much about her, just the profound arts she used made him name her "Snake Devil".

Full of uncertainty, he said "A Snake Devil, she wore a green dress and claimed to have Thousand Python Bloodline. She also had a lover named Brother Wolf."

"Her?" Old Zhu almost jumped up, his face filled with an ambiguous expression.

"You know her?" Sheng Tian's lips curled into a provocative smile.

Old Zhu snorted and sat down comfortably "How could I not know her? She is the Alluring Snake Devil—one of the Nine Hell Commanders of the Devils and is a Heavenly Devil."

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Looking at Sheng Tian's confused expression, he continued "It all began 5,100 years ago. No one knew how it started, but the Patriarch of a Reputable Sect acquired a terrifying Cultivation Manual.

He got his hand on an Scripture— Asura Salvation. Even before an year has passed, his cultivation increased from the Mid Stages of OverLord Realm to the early stages of Heaven Realm!

This speed is unprecedented, not just in Red Star continent, but even in the entire Mythical World!

If it was just that, it would have been fine, however, the outrageous thing was the entire Sect grew in power tremendously.

In the span of a three years, everyone was OverLord! There are quite a few Heaven Realm Experts as well!

The Patriarch of the Sect was killed by his own disciple who later became the Head of this Sect.

No one in the sect was a human anymore. They were called devils.

The Head of the Devils, the Supreme One started a conquest to dominate and conquer everything.

Red Star Continent, Snow Moon Continent and Blazing Sun Continent, none of the continents were spared.

Chaos was everywhere. The Devil Army was stronger than any force in the World. Even the peak forces of the World could do nothing about it.

The Supreme One rarely acted. But the Eight Hell Commanders alone brought all the powers to their knees. No one could resist them. Enemy? kill! Protest? kill! Suspicion? kill!

The nightmare of humanity, only started. Kingdoms were ruined, bloodlines were extinguished, Sects were trampled, no one could fight back against the devil army.

The most terrifying thing about the devils was neither their power nor their lack of humanity, but ti's their ability to convert others into devils!

With each passing day, more and more humans were converted into devils! And suddenly, there are devils everywhere!

The Apex Powers of the World gathered together and decided to fight together. This included Profound Beasts as well. Though Humans and Profound Beasts never got along, against this seemingly invincible enemy, they had no choice but to put down the grudges and fight together.

Even then, there was not much of a hope.

The Alliance army couldn't win against the Hell Commanders. The Nine Masters at the peak of Heaven Realm, were tied up with the Supreme One.

Despite being only at the eighth level of the Heaven Realm, Supreme One could handle the nine of them and not lose.

The situation was not so optimistic. With more and more devils appearing, the Devil's Empire reigned the three continents while humanity and profound beasts were forced into a corner.

In desperation, with all their resources combined, the Apex Powers cultivated a few extremely talented and hard working young people and they became the heroes." with a nostalgic sigh, Old Zhu narrated the legend.

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Absorbed the tale of blood and freedom, Sheng Tian couldn't help but ask "What happened in the end?"

"End? I was one of those few heroes. I stayed in the Eternal Frozen Land, facing the devils all day.

The only thing I knew everyday was to kill. There was nothing else in my mind. I was on the brink of insanity. I only had a daughter, she was 5 years old." a loving expression appeared on the wrinkled face of Old Zhu.

Sheng Tian could sense the deep affection Old Zhu had when he spoke about his "daughter".

"But then,....." his eyes showed infinite grief and despair, "Supreme One and the Nine Masters started fighting on the Red Star Continent. Their fighting location somehow ended up being the location of Eternal Frozen Land my daughter and others were hiding. And then,...." his eyes turned red, and his voice turned hoarse, as if there was a lump in his throat, he couldn't speak.

Sheng Tian sighed deeply. "You are a good father." he said, 'I didn't even have one.' his mind screamed from the inside.

"I was never a good father. I couldn't save her, but I always loved her, my little princess." Old Zhu replied in a daze, before his eyes shone with a terrifying killing intent.

"It was at that day I decided to put my life on the line to finish the devils." his expression was incomparably resolute like a solider who was ready to die for his nation.

"But, " his head hung down, "I realised there is nothing I could do, even if I died. But I couldn't accept the reality. I was so weak. I was so powerless.

In the end, I burnt all my vitality and became an Old Man to kill a few Heaven Realm experts. When I was exhausted, I was stabbed in the back by my subordinate. He has become a devil!

Gathering all of the strength I could muster, I arrived to this place where the Nine Masters instructed everyone to arrive in their final moments.

They said that a single person will be qualified to be something they never imagined. True indeed, I never thought I could see the light of today." vicissitudes of life could be scene on his face.

"I don't know what happened later. I am not sure if the devils really died, but the humans surely won." he looked at Sheng Tian, with the same amiable smile.

Only this time, Sheng Tian knew how much pain was behind that smile.

Probably this is the strongest smile one can give.

One's own family, nation, people, fame and glory, everything was gone.

Spending thousands of years in solitude, how can a person endure it?
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Wasn't death a better and peaceful path?

However, just to fulfil his purpose, he waited and waited for years to come as seasons passed and times changed.

Realising the respect welling up from the bottom of his heart, Sheng Tian smiled and asked "Old Master Zhu, why is the graveyard in Frozen Hell, even more so in such a hidden place?"

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