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Numerous Planets, Dazzling stars, soaring galaxies and The wall which seems like a curtain spread across the universe and seemed to be giving out all colors seemingly outshining the Whole Universe by its brilliance. Just what happened? Why did a student like me start this Universe sightseeing?

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All this started when I went to a cave by the nearby place which is for our College Tour. Honestly, I just want to take a walk and I think I activated the formation to a secret entrance accidentally and Then I found myself in a cave or something of that sort. Is it a blessing or a curse? I was frightened first surprised next.

My curiosity got the better of me and I started exploring the cave there is One door at the end of the cave but no matter how hard I try I couldn't open it. I was thinking rapidly what to do. My phone didn't have a signal and even if it did I don't know where I was anymore. I just came out for a walk so even though we stayed in a camp, I didn't bring anything except my phone and a knife for self-protection just in case. NO food, NO water and I were not sure if I could find an exit from here.I was first scared, then slowly I got used to the fear and then I started thinking all If's possible.

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I once again walked towards the door and there I saw a small podium with its top in the shape of a circle. I did everything I could so as my last shred of hope even if it means trying something crazy I was ready to do it so I took out my knife and made a cut on my palm and placed it on the podium. I read in the novels that treasures get recognized by blood or some formations need blood. So I tried this Crazy and Irrational thought for once since everything that happened today was also the same and I am out of options.

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But as soon as my blood touched dusty circle it shined with white light and my hand was sucked onto it and many symbols and patterns on the Circular plate and the podium became visible. The bad thing is my blood is being continuously sucked out and I am feeling dizzy and I fainted.

The next thing I saw was the Huge Curtain which seemed to hide a huge and vast world on the other side of it. It looked just like an aurora borealis but on a much much larger scale. But the energy that seemed to carry me here made a small hole on the curtain and I was sucked in the next thing I saw when I woke up was something I could never forget ever.

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A small hole that seemed to be so bright that it illuminated everything. And as I transverse to it I saw two objects one in the shape of a rectangle with the size of a notebook and a small sphere the size bigger than a grain but smaller than an egg. When I touched these two It seemed like they were sucked into me and they were no longer there, But I can feel something different about me than before something extra and special. I continued transversing to the small hole but as I got closer I realize that it has something revolving in the center of it. It is revolving around the center of the hole. As I already feel that I may never go back to what to what I call Life, I might as well try everything for that minuscule chance for being alive. I reached to the center of the hole and I was being suppressed by a force which is strong enough to smash a car but surprisingly there is a negotiating force coming from my body which kept me safe. I might as well risk it since I have nothing now. I touched the revolving sphere of light which is having ever color I can possibly imagine at the same time. As I touched it, it shone brilliantly than before and covered my entire being and entered my being complete. And the next thing just happened to me being pulled into the hole which seemed to give everything and which I would from today call as ORIGIN.

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