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As he read these lines, a rare seriousness occurred on Sheng Tian's face as he pondered over what he read. After some time his expression returned to normal and he casually smiled as he thought 'this is something I didn't see coming, After coming to this world I never thought about transcending the limits, My dream was just to reach very high cultivation and strive for Eternal life living with my wives forever. But now that I think about it there is no peak realm, there is only a peak when you consider the Area you are talking about.'

(Hey. This guy is declaring a Harem right away. Are you defying author-sama? I didn't decide anything yet. What is up with that "wives" when you don't even have a girlfriend?)

'When you say something is the Peak or the best , then you are implying that regardless of your efforts, that could be the best result you hope for. It limits you if you don't see something that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.'

And then he saw the circulation method and he memorized it pretty quickly. There are also things other than cultivation method there, Such as "Origin" is the where this Scripture formed. When he read this point the first thought that came across his mind was 'Are you f**king kidding me? How can something like Origin give birth to a book? 'but soon upon some deep thought, he understood 'If the World can give birth to something as complex as Humans on earth, This is not weird anymore. In fact, the fact that Humans or Living beings were created in a non-living world would be a weird thing. It is just that he though from a normal living being perspective, where it seemed ridiculous but from the Universe's perspective it is something common.'

The Origin as mentioned in the scripture is as its name implies the Origin of everything that exists. It is mysterious than anything. And the small sphere that came was in his dantian is called "Primal Origin Seed" which is also born from Origin. It is also very mysterious and there is nothing much mentioned except the fact that it can grow by feeding on Energy.

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And he also learned that there was the essence of Origin within it, He didn't know whether the white ball that he mixed with is the Essence. As there was no information regarding the Origin Essence, he had no way of knowing. But something that came from the origin and mixed with him must be something that is Unique and only one such thing should be present. Regardless of whether or not it is Origin Essence, he did remember that he was able to read the Scripture only after he mixed with that mini-origin. So it was liking being acknowledged or gaining rights. So he guessed that even if he produced the same book out no one else would be able to practice it.

Sheng Tian was clearly impressed when he realized this point and he recalled the quote immediately:

"No Predecessors, No successors Lonely at the Peak, One Man One Legend." and he even began to fantasize things of him flying in the air and tearing the space to travel and everything powerful cultivators could do in the novels he read. The time kept moving forward without a care for anyone.

*Thud*there was a loud sound from outside. It was afternoon now, and now that he came back to reality from his fantasies, he could hear that the commotion outside and knew that something was going on. Even though he didn't want to get involved in any matters until he has decent strength to back him up, he would just go and look, As for getting involved? he was not interested at all.

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He came down from the room which was on the 1st floor to the ground floor and he walked out of the inn. As he did he could see a large crowd gathered who seemed to watch something and were whispering. It seemed like they did not dare to speak out loud. As he observed these small but important things, he approached the crowd quietly and mixed with them and tried to see what piqued the interest of so many people. As soon as he saw the scene, he froze.

There was a man with a big build who looked like a small version of a bear but a big version of human and on the ground were three people. A man, A woman both seemed to be in the mid-'30s and a young girl who looked around 17. Even though their faces were now covered by the dust on the road, it is easy to see that they are beauties. They are most likely mother and daughters.

But they looked very pitiful at the moment. The man on the ground was wounded and blood started flowing out of his wounds. It looked like he will die if he didn't get medication soon. Surprisingly no one dared to help him. This only meant that either the Bear guy has a lot of strength but if it was simply that he would not do such a thing in open that meant he might be cultivator or he has a background which everyone here fears.

Sheng Tian was somewhat speechless seeing such thing for the first time in his life. The bear man was looking at the young girl who was clinging onto his leg and sobbing while begging and moved his leg very fast that the girl fell where her parents where. But still, she crawled with all the strength that she could muster to kneel and begged"Sir, please spare my parents. I will do whatever you want. Please let them leave."

But the Man gave her a disdained look and said "Bitch. When I said I wanted to you for the night, that idiot cursed me and said no. Who does he think he is? A mortal cursing a cultivator. That is simply seeking death. He is simply seeking death and I granted his wish. As for having you, I don't need your consent. Your life is mine."

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But the girl continued to beg " Sir, please let my father live. I will be obedient. I am begging you, sir.I will be your servant. Please let them go."

The man said nefariously " you are not qualified to be my servant. Get lost. Do you think I should listen to an ant to save another ant ? from his tone he was pissed. He strode forward and lifted his leg and stomped the guy on his chest. He coughed a lot of blood and the sounds of rib breaking could be heard. And he couldn't hold onto his life and breathed his last. The woman who saw this couldn't help but wail loudly, she looked like she lost her soul, just like someone who lost everything precious to them. Her wailing made the atmosphere depressing.

The man seemed irritated by this as he looked at her and scorned "Shut up. Do you want to go with him?"

But the woman had no reaction to this as she just felt that her entire world collapsed when she saw the man whom she loved so dearly leave her in front of her eyes. She was helpless, devasted, grieved, depressed and desolate. She no longer had the will to live on and the world turned worthless in her eyes. The only thing holding her down in this world is her daughter whom she wanted to see grow up, marry and have children of her own. But now, she just wanted her daughter to live.

The man in front of her was like a devil to her. He destroyed her family just because they did not agree to give this man her daughter to play. What does he see her daughter as? A toy? She is a human too and she is her daughter. How can he treat her daughter in such a way? As she came to this thought, her fury reached the heavens as she cursed

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"Devil. You destroyed my family because of your selfish reasons, your pride, and lust. You won't live a good life , you will die a miserable death. Karma will strike you back"

The man instantly got enraged as he walked to her and caught her by the neck and laughed like a maniac while saying "Bitch, your family is an ant nest in my eyes. You said that I won't live a good life that I will die a miserable death. How laughable. I was planning to let you live if you served me with your daughter but it seems like you really like to die. I will give you that." he tightened his grip and the woman was suffocating and He sneered " As for karma, I am not afraid."He broke her neck and threw her away.

The young girl seemed like she lost all her energy and collapsed onto the ground lifelessly. She didn't want to live on anymore. The man carried the daughter into a house not far away despite her condition. The crowd started to disperse silently as the atmosphere was deathly quiet.

Sheng Tian also returned to his room and sat on the bed. But he didn't do anything, what happened before kept replaying in his mind. He tried to forget it but he couldn't.H e collapsed on the bed and thought ' I read about killing a lot of times that I felt bored by it, but seeing it in real life makes me very uncomfortable. I feel scared, anxious.' He thought' This world is very cruel.'

At the same time he felt deep sympathy towards the family, they did nothing wrong, but they were devastated. He also felt helpless since he couldn't do a thing to help them and he couldn't even avenge them. He didn't even start his cultivation. But that man seemed to be at least stage 4 of the Qi gathering realm according to his observations if not higher.

He also felt that he couldn't live well in this world without strength. Forget about living well, even living might not be guaranteed."Strength, It all comes down to strength" Before this he used to be somewhat annoyed when the MC's of many novels said this but now he understood that it is the world they live in which made them walk the path they did. No one would be willing to live a life where you couldn't be sure whether your parents, wife, and children would live tomorrow or would be killed by someone powerful. That's why even though the protagonists have to go through ridiculously dangerous challenges, they didn't back out. They moved forward because they understood that to protect oneself and the ones close to them, you need strength and strength doesn't fall from the sky for you. You need to work for it.

As he thought through all these things, Sheng Tian's depressed mind became refreshed again but this time he had a motivation to move forward instead of simply wanting to cultivate. He understood that life had no value here, Only strength does.

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