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The atmosphere was especially heavy. Since the one in the question were two beings that were definitely not meant to be provoked.

They both stared at each other before they let out a knowing chuckle and turned towards the poor Sect Master Bing Ying.

The powerful woman who could freeze anyone just by her presence suddenly felt a shiver run by her spine as she felt goosebumps under those two gazes.

She shivered a little but quickly recovered her composure and spoke coldly"Grand Elder, I think it's better to remember your responsibilities for the sect and act accordingly."

The word 'Grand Elder' shocked all the disciples out of their wits. They never imagined that this perverted Old Man was the Grand Elder of their sect.

However, Sheng Tian didn't show any reaction. For, he already compared their cultivation and deduced that if Bing Ying is the Sect Master with her cultivation, then the Old Man should be the Grand Elder.

Then she turned to Sheng Tian and said with the superiority of an expert "And you, don't become like your master. This sect is barely alive having him alone, if another joins in, I'm afraid it would cause disasters."

Sheng Tian and the Old Man looked at each other and laughed awkwardly.

"Honest Old Man, isn't today's weather great?" Sheng Tian looked at the Cloudy sky and spoke naturally.

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"Yes, Yes, Humble Young fella. It seems the sun won't stop raining..ahem the sun won't stop hiding. The weather is truly great. Haha." The Old Man replied with the same naturality.

"Kind Old Man, won't you get a Sunstroke in such sunny weather? Let me send you home." Sheng Tian's face showed genuine concern and anxiety as if he was very worried about the Old Man's health.

"Yes.Yes. To escape from the sunlight, let's hide in the clouds and return quickly." The Old man replied almost like it was a written script.

*Whoosh* With a wave of the Old Man, the duo disappeared from the Sect Master's abode.

"These two...*sigh* how is this world going to have peace when Big brother pairs up with his little handsome disciple?... I guess I should just retire. That girl Wushang needs to mature quickly." the sect master Bing Ying thought in despair as if she already saw the chaos reigning in the world ensued by the two shameless guys.

However, one thing is true. When the sect truly needed him, her Big Brother was always there. His back was lean and frail which seem to be weak to even hold a single person, yet he carried the weight of the entire sect.

He might be shameless and perverted, but whenever she was on the verge of collapse, a pair of large and warm hands caught her weak body and supported her in the dark times.

As she thought of these heartwarming memories, a smile full of happiness blossomed on her ice-cold face, like the melting of a glacier, stunningly beautiful.

However, the next second, her smile vanished as her eyes were filled with incomparable sadness and disappointment.

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"Master, why did you call me?" an ice cold voice like an oriole's song sounded in the elegant room.

"Yan'er, this time you cannot go to the Lands of Damnation. Some people might try to harm you for their goals." Wushang slowly spoke as her ice-cold face carried a trace of anxiety and warmth.

Leng Yue Yan was taken back by her master's command. However, she decisively shook her head and spoke calmly "Master, I know that you want me to be safe. However, a plant grown under the shade of a tree could never face the true storms and grow; likewise, without enduring hardships, I cannot grow.

I might not win this battle against fate, but I will at least die trying. Death might be a deterrence to others, but to me, it's a reason to strive further."

Wushang looked at her good disciple as her ice-cold gaze now had a trace of pride and worry. As her master and a mother figure, she was indeed proud that her disciple was able to realize the truths of enduring the hardships alone to grow further. However, a part of her didn't want to take any risks. She didn't want to lose who she had left in this world.

As she looked at the Ice-cold heaven shaking face of Leng Yue Yan, she seems to recall the little face of that young girl who was only around eight years old when she first met her.

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She still remembered that night.

*** ***

"Little girl, don't be afraid. I killed the bad guy. Now tell me, you have nowhere to go. What do you want to do?" Wushang asked with her ice-cold voice which carried a tinge of worry and detachment.

The little girl standing in front of Wushang didn't answer. Her face was very cute. She looked just like a doll made of jade. However, her eyes were emitting terrifying cold light when she looked at the corpse of a bald man at her feet along with two other corpses.

Her face which was completely cold without any emotion had a drastic change as it showed the agony and indignation of a little girl as she turned to look at the other two corpses.

"Mama.....Papa." an immature voice filled with grief and little hope filled the air. The two bodies didn't show any movements.

"" the immature voice sounded again, except this time, the little hope in her voice waned as despair started replacing it.

"Wuu...Mama...Papa, please talk with Yu'er. Yu'er won't go out to play anymore. Yu'er would be obedient. Pl..ease. Wuu..." the immature voice pleaded with all her might as she knelt on the bare, cold and rough ground.

*Thud* As she heavily kneeled on the ground, her tiny knees crashed against the harsh ground, fresh stream of warm blood washed the earth. But the girl didn't seem to feel it even a bit.

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As she looked at the two bodies in front of her eyes, slowly tears started welling up in her adorable eyes.

"I will not play after sunset...Wuu...I will not ask you to buy aunty yan's sweets, I will eat whatever you feed me....I won't complain about anything...I won't ask toys every month...I will be a good girl, I will make you proud. Right, papa...Wuu...didn't you say you wanted to see the royal capital at least once? Mama...Wuu...didn't you want to see me grow up?... Didn't the both of you promise to stay with me forever? Please...Wuu...Only that is...Wuu...enough. Stay with me." the heart-wrenching wails of an innocent heart echoed in the cold and dark night.

The chilly winds made the little girl's body involuntarily shiver. Yet, there was no change in her actions.

She didn't stop crying as tears flowed down her adorable eyes like waterfalls. Finally, she lost consciousness and collapsed on the floor. Yet, her tiny hands which were still clenched into fists showed her determination in all the promises she made.

A deep sigh filled with sadness and pity was heard in the dark as Wushang slowly walked up to the little girl and covered her with a thick blanket.

*** ***

"Master, are you alright?"

Wushang snapped out of her thoughts only to find a cold but breathtakingly beautiful young woman looking at her with worry.

As she thought how the little girl who needed her help even to carry her own luggage to the sect became a strong, independent and determined young woman who is now ready to face the hardships of the world all by herself, a myriad of emotions filled her heart. Out of them, one was happiness and the other was sadness.

Happy that she has grown up, sad also because that she has grown up. The same thing made her feel polar emotions.

Sighing lightly, she nodded her head and spoke "Yan'er, be careful. You know that the last thing I want to see is getting you hurt."

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