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Sheng Tian went out the next day to get the general idea of the city and its powers. In the restaurant he sat, he saw a young couple stealing the limelight. The woman was very beautiful and charming. Next to her was a young man who is handsome but of course not as much as sheng tian. The young man looked like an ordinary person sitting next to a fairy in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of experts, they can see that he is a powerful cultivator, Sheng Tian had no problem in discerning his cultivation to be 4th stage of Nascent Soul realm. In General, people with lower cultivation should not be able to see the cultivation base of the ones with higher cultivation, but that is for general.

Sheng Tian himself is not a general existence, any of the things like transmigrating from earth, going and seeing the place like Origin in his soul form and not being destroyed, Receiving the Primordial Origin Sacred Scripture and Primal Origin Seed, His abnormal Cultivation Speed, and his even more abnormal Strength, all these cannot be listed in " General".

(Author's Note: I decided to brag instead of him because if I don't do this, who will? At least that narcissist won't brag leaving me some peace of mind)

Sheng Tian just attributed this specialty to Origin. Since it is a good thing, why should he even bother? But he was more curious about the identity of the people in front of him. The young man was only around the age of 17 yet he had such a cultivation base. It must be known that even in the 4 sects, having a cultivation base of Nascent profound Realm will give you a very high standing. But this young man dressed so casually and had no appearance of someone to be from a sect. Then either he is a tiger pretending to be a pig or an independent cultivator who received some sort of inheritance or legacy.

'Interesting' Sheng Tian thought. The young woman next to him also looked to be in the same age but her cultivation was only at peak of Foundation Establishment Realm, even then it is enough to be called Normal Genius in a sect.

By the way things are, people seemed to know about the woman and were discussing things.

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Sheng Tian was currently in a disguise which was applied by Xiao Lian, even though she can't use the profound energy extravagantly, doing this much does no harm. In reality, it was Sheng Tian who insisted her saying that he should look like a common face to be mixed with the crowd, otherwise how could the spotlight be stolen by the couple when this extremely handsome young man comes into the inn?

Sheng Tian didn't dare to think what would happen if his appearance caused many women to leave their husbands to pursue him. He didn't want to cause a commotion and give too many green hats. Otherwise, he would have discussed the principles of life with those women. When he told his noble thoughts and how he was making such a huge sacrifice and going to save those men from their grievances, Xiao Lian felt like crying but had no tears. Why is this fellow too much of a braggart? Can't he have an inch of shame? She couldn't bear with him anymore and used the disguise technique on him and hurriedly went back to cultivation without giving him a chance to speak. She was afraid that she might be angered to death by this fellow.

When he saw these two, Sheng Tian asked the middle-aged man sitting in the same table as him " Big Brother, who are those two, attracting so much attention?"

The man who seemed to be waiting to talk about the topic as he immediately said excitedly

"Little Brother, don't you know? She is Qi nuer. She is the only daughter of the Qi family. She had many pursuers, but she never accepted any of them. But today, here she is. The Yun family and Li family will definitely make their moves on that young man after he leaves her or maybe even when they are together. It is going to be a good show. Aii *Sigh*, what a promising young man, to die at such a young age * Sigh again * ( longer one this time. For love. Love sure is not easy." It seemed like he was thinking of his own goddess and regrets on love.

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'And you will be one of those in the crowd who will get face smacked and will start praising him as a hundred, no thousand-year seen genius when he defeats those in the younger generation of those powers. And also it is YOU who take 50% of the word count for many novels. First, you gossip who is he to be with a fairy? Then you will envy and curse him as a toad coveting a swan's meat, then you will hope to see him get beaten by her pursuers or their families and when he defeats them one by one, you get slapped again and again right and left on the face but you still shamelessly bootlick him and praise him as if he was the greatest person to ever exist AND THAT IS HOW MANY MC's ARE MADE.

And you guys have more dialogues than the main cast and even the MC because he won't talk much but you guys have no other work, except to talk the shit out of them, wherever it is. If the plot was ever given half as attention as of you guys, the novels would become so much more meaningful instead of " you are trash, so kneel and die. Otherwise, my grandpa will kill you." or some tale which tells face slapping every single time with just a different setting making it a story.

Aaah! I want to beat the shit out of the crowd just by thinking this!' As Sheng Tian thought these things, he felt a turmoil of emotions. At the end of his thoughts, he really wanted to beat the crowd which takes more word count than the actual plot itself (most of the times), but he restrained himself thinking that he is not strong yet and there might be a fight here soon and there will be an mc born here and he will start his own arc.

But Sheng Tian reassured himself that this MC is for this region and he might not be qualified to even be his lackey for the future him. He asked the man " Big brother, I am new to this place. I came to my relative's home. Tell me, are the families you mentioned powerful in this city?" He at least had to know these things to spend peaceful time in the city.

The man replied " Oh! let me tell you, The biggest powers in the great city are held by the three families: Qi, Li, Yun. Each of the families is extremely powerful but their backgrounds are even more terrifying. Each of them can wipe you with a single thought and you wouldn't know how you died and no one would dare ask. So brother do you better not offend them at any cost unless you have a death wish." he advised me with lingering fear.

Sheng Tian asked after a bit " What are their backings brother? I am just curious. "

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He hesitated a bit but said," The Qi family has Sacred Sword Sect, The Li family has Yang Clan and the Yun family has Myriad Treasure Star house as their backings each.

He nodded, the Sacred Sword Sect is one of the 4 Sects and the Yang Clan is one of the 4 Clans. Even though the 4 clans are known to be weaker than the 4 Sects, if they go provoking them it won't end well for the sects as the difference in the powers is not much. They say that even a cornered dog will fight back, so it's better to not push them to the corner or else they might fight with their lives on the line and even if the sect won without annihilation, their foundation and elites will be severely damaged. Then the third parties will reap the rewards which means the end of the sect. This is what maintains the delicate balance between the powers of the continent, If you strike first then you will be taken advantage of.

But what is this Myriad Treasure Star House? Sheng Tian received a reply before he even asked

" Little brother, this Myriad Treasure Star House is very mysterious. In fact, almost no one knows its backing, but even the Qi family and the Li family don't dare to offend them. Thus even though the Myriad Treasure Star House doesn't do anything, the Yun family is extremely arrogant and no one is put in their eyes. The Myriad Treasure Star House turns a blind eye to them. They only don't push the Li family and Qi family to the corner fearing that the Myriad Treasure Star House won't support them as this might escalate matters to their supporters and create a big mess. Thus except them, the Yun family is a tyrant in the City. Their decisions are the law for the citizens.*deep Sigh*"

It seemed like the Myriad Treasure Star House's backing is something even higher than the sects and the clans, could it be...? Sheng Tian's mind thought of a possibility. But it didn't matter to him.

The middle-aged man left after sometime while Sheng Tian took his time having his meal, then the long awaited scene came quickly.

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An arrogant looking young man came to the restaurant with his gaurds, the young man was dressed in a very luxurious manner and he looked very eye catching, even though he is a bit handsome, there was something with his temperament that made people repel him. Everyone in the restaruant stopped talking, the young man looked at the young couple, to be particular at the girl and said in a passionate voice which with his tone and voice made one to wish to kick his butt:

" Nuer, We grew up together since young and we have know each other for many years. For you, I will provide anything. I want to marry you and you know this" then his tone took a 180 degree turn as he turned to the young man and said in disdain with an arrogant face " Trash. a toad that covets a swan's meat. Hurry up and scram before this daddy. If you kneel and beg for forgiveness, I will let you go with 2 limbs intact. Fuck, what are you doing? Are you deaf? Not knowing the immensity of heavens? Anyone who offend I, Yun yang, will have a life worse than death" as he said that he signalled to the guards.

The guards went to the young man and the things that followed are the crowd's commentary on how the young man is done for and how young people don't know the immensity of heavens. The next sequence of events as expected by Sheng Tian and unexpected by the crowd was the young man easily dealt these people like they were ants.

The arrogant young master saw this and was shocked but that was replaced by envy and hatred for the young man as he said " So what if you have some cultivation? I will let you know what it means offending someone you shouldn't. As he was talking he already gave the signal for backup.

The young man stood up and spoke for the first time " Hurry up and kneel before your grandpa or else you will die" his tone sounded heroic and even more arrogant to everyone but Sheng Tian felt nothing but an urge to kick that fellow's ass for stealing a chapter from his novel.

'Bastard. Doesn't he know that he is only a side character while this daddy here is the Main one?

Even I didn't get to have any badass moment or face slapping scene, but this fellow took it. And he is acting bad ass infront of ME! Doesn't he know who I am? What was the author even writing?

Fuck! I know the plot from here. Haha, this fellow would surely be in chase. I will enjoy the tea watching the show eating the meat.' He thought.

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