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The great city is in a turmoil, the mysterious Myriad Treasure Star House was scammed and robbed. The robber was an Elder of the Sacred Sword Sect or at least he looked like one. This became the topic of gossip for all the gatherings.

The Yun family was responsible for the management of the Myriad Treasure Star House in the Soaring Cloud City, but now they were robbed in broad daylight. For Yun Family, it is worse than their own treasure vault being robbed. Because if their family treasure vault was robbed, it only means enormous losses in resources but the robbery was done somewhere it shouldn't have happened. There are all types of speculations on who was the person responsible for this. After all do to such thing, that too in broad daylight, that fellow must have the heart of a tiger.

Now all the responsibility was thrown onto Yun family and some people even speculated that this might be the work of the Yun family itself. These rumors were instigated by the big families: Qi, Li family of the Great City. As they say " Hit when your opponent is down."

The Yun family was forced to a defensive stance as even their backing is very unhappy and infuriated with their incompetence this time. They are even at a risk of losing their position, which was exactly the dream of the dream of the two big families, though the possibility for that is very small.

The Duo responsible for the chaos was having a good sleep even when it is noon. They Slept yesterday in the evening after the crazy event and they just wanted to sleep for more time. So noon came and they somehow got awake but they didn't get up. The two were too lazy to get up.

Sheng Tian felt that it was funny seeing the girl being lazy next to him, after all, she called him Lazy Pig for sleeping till late. He looked at her and knew that she was awake as her face had a faint blush, she must have found the situation embarrassing as they both slept in the same bed and now she only wanted to bury her face in the ground due to embarrassment. She also knew that Sheng Tian woke up and they were both sleeping with their postures having their faces against each other.

But both came to a tactic understanding and stayed in the same position and didn't move. It seemed like a competition of who would get up first. Finally, sensing look on Shen Tian's face with her divine sense, She couldn't bear it anymore and opened her eyes and looked at the rascal. At the same time,

As if sensing her, the rascal also opened his eyes and expression had a mix of playfulness and cheerfulness.

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They stayed in the same position and he asked " I wonder who called me a Pig for sleeping so long, hehe. It seems like missy's laziness is something even pigs cannot compare to.haha" he kept laughing.

Xiao Lian couldn't find any explanation and said: " You are the pig." He said, " If I become the male Pig, then you become Female Pig. You know, female pigs give birth to a lot of piglets haha."

Xiao Lian wanted to punch that face. But she controlled herself as She let out a playful smile and Stretched her body. Her elegant posture turned into a magnificent display of her S-shaped figure. It was truly tempting, seductive and she looked at him with her watery eyes having a flirtatious look.

She was charming him.

'Demoness, this girl is a Demoness. If I fall into her trap, I will be eaten without even bones left.

What is she doing? This is outright seduction, damn this is too much' Sheng Tian's heart skipped a beat and it pounded rapidly, he looked fixedly at the girl in front of him.

Silver hair which made it feel like a dream, the face which looked like an immortal and the perfect body made by heaven and those blue eyes which seemed to suck away his very soul with that enchanting look.

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' Damn, This is too much for me to handle. Am I really living with this girl without having any thoughts, Am I really that sincere and good person or does my body have any problems? no, no, I was busy these days.'

As Sheng Tian face grew a bit red due to embarrassment even with his city wall level thick skin, Xiao Lian felt satisfied and let out a smile as she prepared to leave, but that smile was fatal to Sheng Tian who was in a daze.

Without wasting a second, He moved forward and pulled her into a hug. As she wasn't prepared,

Xiao Lian couldn't mutter resistance before she was pulled into his arms and subconsciously wrapped her arms around him, her face became bright red making the scene even more enchanting. Her head was on his chest and she can listen to his heartbeat which was higher than usual. She wanted to struggle out of his embrace and she raised her head and looked at him.

This made Sheng Tian a final blow as He slowly but steadily moved his lips onto hers while his hands were wrapped around her waist pulling her even closer. Xiao Lian struggled a little in the beginning, may be due to shyness but gradually she also started enjoying the kiss and when his tongue entered her mouth and found her's, the battle between the tongues began. Her lips were soft and cold, her tongue was warm and small, her taste was sweeter than honey. The kiss lasted for seconds or minutes or hours, no one knew.

After a while, their lips separated and they looked into each other's eyes. Maybe the best level of communication was the one without words, through the gazes where you convey what you want to say without opening your mouth. Sheng Tian looked into her eyes and said with a slight smile " I don't know how I remained so focused on my tasks while having such beauty by my side every day. Demoness, it seems like I started falling for you." he chuckled.

In the end, he said softly " I can't promise you to fix all of your problems, but I can promise you that you won't face them all alone." This was a confession as well as a promise.

Xiao Lian looked straight into his eyes and didn't say a word, but her look seemed to contain her emotions. Gradually, her eyes turned moist and she hugged him hard as if she wanted them to have no distance, tears flowed down as she sobbed in the "Home" she found.

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She didn't cry when she was betrayed, she didn't cry when she was abandoned by her clan, she didn't cry when she was hunted down and had to face inevitable death. That didn't mean she wasn't hurt. In fact, she was very hurt when these things were happening, but there was no one she could tell her grievances to and wail.

She didn't have anyone to depend onto. Thus she accepted, matured and decided to accept what is going to come. She didn't want to trust anyone, but she really wished in the deepest corner of her heart that she could tell her grievances to someone, even if they can't solve the problem, just being there to listen to her grievances and saying that she is not alone is enough. But that wish seemed to be too hard to become real.

"wu..wu..wu..I, I, I am alone, I feel very lonely. What did I do wrong? It is fine if they want what I have, but how can she do that? I saw her as my sister and, and" she choked talking till there. Sheng Tian gently patted her back, and she seemed to sense the care as she cried even louder " Why? They are my family, they can't do this. What did I do wrong? where should I go? I am not someone who is thousand years old, other can cultivation, I am just a normal girl who wants her parents to pamper her, make my family happy and live a good life, but they all left me alone. I am alone. I feel bad. Sheng Tian, tell me what should I do? Should I try to take revenge on my family, should I kill them? Should I hide my feelings forever and live with it? why is my life like this? wu..wu..." She cried telling the unfair treatment she received maybe not because one day he can take care of them but because she wanted him to hear them now.

She knew that this is how things work in the cultivation world. After she accepted death, she became rather mature regarding what happened. But what happened still made her feel sorrow. She understood that most people place benefits before anything else in this world. If she had the same experiences now, she wouldn't feel what she did. She learned from her past. But what happened has happened. The wounds were left and the memories were made.

Sheng Tian didn't say a word because it is best for her to cry it out, she bottled up too much and covered up her emotions. She will definitely feel better after she cries her heart out. As for the solutions, they will see at that time. He would definitely not let them go by even if they are her family.

Even though she was playful and having fun while bickering with him, the wounds in her heart were always there. There wasn't a day when she didn't think of them. But she was trying to slowly keep them at the back of her mind and live a new life with Sheng Tian. When she accepted his condition, she wanted revenge and wanted a blood bath. She wanted to kill those powers who did this, but when it came to her family, she wasn't sure of what she wanted to do, or how to face them. She thought that since she was going to die, she would be free of everything but when she could actually live, her situation made her helpless and weak.

She was slowly trying to live a new life without recalling those unpleasant memories, she wanted revenge but she was not going to rush there and start killing, it was okay with her if it comes slowly. She started enjoying living with him and both being from earth, she had less resistance towards him and seeing his character, she wasn't vigilant. He cracked jokes, talked nonsense, bragged without shame and didn't seem to contain any good qualities except the one time he took revenge for that dead girl. But she was still able to feel that he was trying to make her come out her hatred and depression. He didn't say anything regarding her worries but he tried to make her feel more like a normal person. It was his way of caring for her.

Maybe she too didn't know when and how she fell for the idiot. It was only two weeks since they met. How can she have feelings for someone so shortly?

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But does time really make you love the other person? It is stupid to wait to fall in love because somethings happen without your notice and control. Maybe they didn't know much about each other but they still started having feelings for each other.

Even if a man and woman are living together, they might fall in love or might not fall in love forever.

Sheng Tian too didn't know what happened to him. He started caring about this girl when he saw that she had prevented herself from living like a normal person. He wanted her to be normal and not to be drowned in hatred and depression. He admired how she looked but that didn't make him fall for her. He truly liked the girl with that mischievous smile bickering with him. Her embarrassed face and her childish and carefree personality when she was doing something for fun. Her proud smile when she got an upper hand on him.

Or maybe none of these, but for simply no reason at all. He didn't know. He couldn't provide a reason to why or when things happened. perhaps, if she didn't do what she did today, he might have realized it at some other time. What she did today gave him the push and he took up the opportunity.

He didn't know much about her, but he will try to know more. He doesn't know who she was and who she will be, but he would love her regardless.

Love is unreasonable, not logical, blind. Why do you love someone? How do you love someone?

and most importantly, What is Love?

To care for someone? To share joy and sorrow? Sheng Tian and Xiao Lian weren't sure of what it meant to 'love someone', but they knew that they did love each other and their love would only grow as time passes.

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