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Evening. The Sunset was more beautiful than on the earth. Surprisingly, Mythical world also has a Sun and moon. So, Beauty Lovers have no problem transmigrating from earth, So If you ever have a chance to negotiate with Truck-kun, you can ask him to hit you to Mythical World.

----------------Red Leaf Grounds---------------

The Expected scene where there are thousands of people on each side before the start of War did not occur. Rather, the number of people are very low relatively. As the light in the sky is slowly fading away, The Golden Orange Sunrays seemed like an Art of nature, giving birth to beauty in the sky. It seemed like it could last forever, regardless of the pitiful struggles of the mortals below, it remains the same.

On the Vast Open Grounds which are strangely forming a huge leaf pattern, the sunrays shine making the people visible. When looked from a mountain peak, it resembles a Red Leaf. From this, the Grounds are called Red Leaf Grounds and the city is called Red Leaf City.

There are two groups facing each other, each group led by an Old fogy. But the number of people in each faction are only around 50 members each. These 50 members are all at Earth Profound Realm with their levels varying from 3rd realm to peak of the 9th level. This line up is no joke. It can be said to be the majority of the strength of both the factions.

However, as impulsive as they might be, both the factions left their family heads and some others to hold the ground at their respective manors. It is for defense. They have to protect their own homes before trying to plunder others.

The Grand Elders of both families faced each other, they didn't utter a single word because the other party would never admit their crimes and even if they did, the words would only make them angrier. So, these two parties didn't bother the hypocritical talks when they are going to face life or death today. Only One Family can rule the Red Leaf City from tomorrow. There will be hope and despair, Life and Death all to be decided now.

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The Grand Elders stared into each other's eyes, they didn't fight directly, instead, they fought with their auras. This caused their faction members to back down immediately. The aura from each one of them is so intense that the pressure alone caused ruptures on the ground they were standing. And then, their auras rose to peak with neither willing to give in. Their auras clashed like two hurricanes as cracks began to form on the ground like a spider web.

Finally, as neither of them was giving in, they stopped. Both of them slowly rose from the ground. That's right, they are floating in the sky. Because they are at the Sky Profound Realm. It is the realm where a cultivator can start flying in the sky to travel. At Earth Profound Realm, One can only stay in the air for extended periods of time but having a Full-fledged Air Fight is only possible from Sky Profound Realm.

But that doesn't mean Cultivators from Sky Profound Realm will mostly fight in Air. Majority of the Fights take place with both parties on the ground as they can use their Movement Profound Arts which are painstakingly cultivated whereas, in the Sky, it is not possible to use many movement arts. So, ground battles are always a given when cultivators fight.

The only exception is when the fighters want to avoid casualties and excessive destruction where they go high into the sky so that no one will be affected. And another case is where a party is ridiculously strong so he simply stands in the air and destroys enemies on the ground. This is the Way fights go on in Mythical World in general.

When the Grand Elders had a tie in their aura clash, they lifted from the ground and floated in the air rising to the sky. Then the battle began. The shock waves from the battle between Sky Profound Realm Experts is terrifying. Even though the Grand Elders are only at the 3rd level of the Sky Profound Realm, It is deadly.

The ones on the ground could only see two tiny figures move very fast and clash with some 'clang' 'cling' sounds. The battle was stunning for everyone else. As staying close to them only leads to death, the group of people quickly separated from each that location. After moving far enough, the battle between the subordinates began.

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Sky shook, Earth cracked, Profound Arts was used endlessly along with the pills, treasures, weapons. Everyone is using everything at their disposal to win because they know that losing means Death. The battle in the sky continued as the Old Foggies continued to have a Life and Death Fight.

And Soon, the battles on both Sky and Earth reached a critical stage, since both sides have almost equal power, it is difficult to determine a victor. As the blood flooded the ground, the number of people alive kept on decreasing at a faster rate. The Old Foggies went to a faraway location and started fighting on the ground. Despite that, Occasionally ground will tremble due to their intense attacks.

As time passed, only twenty members remained standing, the rest were corpses. The sight was eerie, the Old Masters were also closing up their fight, there were numerous injuries on their bodies too but they didn't receive any fatal blows.

The twenty or so members were the more powerful ones of those that arrived, basically above the 6th level of Earth Profound Level. All twenty members had their bodies suffering many injuries. As things proceeded, everyone started killing blows. The Old Masters too did this as more and more injuries began to appear on them.

Finally, Wei Fang opened his mouth and roared " Why did you kill my Grandson? Bastard, I will make sure to kill that little wench brutally."

Hearing his granddaughter being cursed, Shentu Rong got angry as he too cursed out loud "What can you do bastard? I will kill you today and be over with it."

"Is that so?" saying so, Wei Fang's lips curved into a creepy and sinister smile. Shentu Rong felt a bad premonition in his heart.

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Wei Fang evaded the income attacking and looked towards a certain direction, it was the direction of Shentu Manor, where Shentu Yan currently is. If this Old Bastard goes there, he can forcibly kill her even if he has to pay a price and escape. As he was thinking of this, Wei Fang already started flying in that direction.

Shentu Rong went into a panic and chased after him using his full energy. Just as he was about to arrive next to him, Wei Fang turned around and at an amazing speed arrived behind Shentu Rong and gave him a great blow. Even though he prepared the defense at last minute Shentu Rong was fatally injured. Knowing that he will be killed anyways he gave Wei Fang another punch with full force.

Wei Fang thought this was his desperate attack and blocked it and in that split second, despite the damage done to his body due to forcibly over using Profound Energy, he arrived next to Wei Fang

and caught his arm. Wei Fang knew that he couldn't evade him so he could only use a barrier.


There was a loud sound in the sky as if there was an earthquake, and the remaining 5 people from the group looked at the sky. A spot in the sky was covered with bright light, the next second, one could see all sorts of red colored material dispersed from there along with a particularly big Red Object. Remembering that there was a fight going on in the sky just now, they were stunned and the 5 quickly ended the battle with 2 people from Wei Family remaining.

One person was a middle-aged man, his arm was bleeding profusely while the other was an old man with a big hole in his chest. They arrived at the spot where the big object crashed.

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A crater was formed and dust covered their vision so they couldn't see a thing. But the middle-aged man went to the crater. There he saw something and he was shocked because what he saw was

Omnitrix. Okay, less kidding, he saw a bloodied body which was still breathing somehow. If they could be called Cockroach soldiers for not dying, then this body would be undying Old Cockroach King who forgot to die even when it's time.

As he approached him, he confirmed that it was indeed the Old Master Wei Fang. He was forced to face an explosion of a Sky Realm Profound Practitioner at point blank range. Him surviving showed that he is indeed an undying Old fellow. But he was severely injured. He needs at least 6 months to 1 year to recover and his full recovery might not bring him to his previous peak again.

He was dejected but since he finally killed Shentu Rong, If Wei Lei does things properly today and they hold ground for a year, then he can recover and the Wei Family will become the Supreme Ruler of this Region. He sighed. It was a tough battle but somehow the victory was in their hands.

He ate some pills and they returned to the manor. He is fragile but being outside is dangerous for the current him.

The Shentu Family received the news that Old Master Wei returned, so they immediately marched towards the Wei Family Manor, their goal is: To kill the Old Master when he is powerless and to take revenge for their Old Master by crushing the Wei Family.

Thus, another bloody battle ensued, this time, the family heads were the powerhouses with Cultivation bases at Sky Profound Cultivation Realm lvl 2. There was one person with Sky Profound Realm lvl 1 in each of the families, but they didn't fight, they were left as the last defense.

The result of the battle was the family heads were gravely injured and had to retreat. Thus the Storm ended. Or Maybe not.

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