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The Rays of Sunlight hit the earth, In the early morning, It was very cold. As one goes closer to the South, It gradually becomes colder. Even though it is not to the point where all the cities are in snow It, It is much cooler than the usual. The South region is known for its beauty and cool weather. Sleeping on a mountain top with just a blanket in the Southern Region is courting death for mortals but for the Immortal Couple in the picture, It is only romantic and memorable.

After the Sun rose, Sheng Tian didn't wake up as usual. Though If danger was to arise, he would immediately take action, as it was developed with his instincts and senses as a cultivator. But as there is nothing to be scared of, Sheng Tian is back to his usual daily routine of sleeping lazily.

Even after having many breaking through, he didn't change this habit. It isn't that he couldn't, but he didn't want to. This is something he really liked. On earth, from childhood, there was school, then came University for which he always has to wake up early. Sometimes, he used to wake up early to study or do home works and later he had to prepare for his University Entrance Exams, and man, he seriously fucked up his sleep and studied extra time in the early morning.

So, he always felt that he sacrificed his sleep for his future in University and Career. But when he came to this world, All the sacrifices of his precious sleep were dumped into the drainage, So he decided to sleep well as a way to comfort himself and most importantly, Enjoy it. The comforts of the Sleep can only be known to those who sacrificed it.

One day, After Listening to the Awe striking speech of Young Master Sheng Tian on Sleep and his honorable life, Xiao Lian also nodded her head vigorously. Then she too recalled that when she was on Earth, She too had to sacrifice her sleep for Studies and then what did it give? A Reincarnation in another world without a system! Goddammit. She said in agitation that her sleep was also poured into a sinkhole and she too didn't enjoy the Sleep she should.

So, She too slept from time to time. Sleeping overtime was their way of taking revenge on Sleep and also comforting his long study accustomed mind that this world is different and he has more freedom in a sense. It was his own way of telling himself that he is living in a completely different world where he can control his own life unlike earth where unless you are the rich kid who wants to enjoy, everyone has to go to school to read everything that they won't need, then go to college to do the same, thus spending a majority of your youth on Stuff.

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So, When Sheng Tian first came to his senses and confirmed everything was true again and again, what he felt the most those times were not shock but freedom, freedom of his Soul and heart. He felt that he is free in the world. Even if there are always chances of death, he was free. He can travel the world, meet many people, fall in love(s) and create his own legend. One thing, he smelled in the air here is undoubtedly freedom.

Sheng Tian and Xiao Lian showed no signs of waking up. A good few hours passed. Then Xiao Lian slowly opened her eyes. What greeted her sight was an otherworldly face of a young man with his silver hair giving him a unique vibe. There are many people in this world with many hair colors due to their cultivation technique. So, it would be unique but not alien. But none of them gave Xiao Lian the feeling that he did. It was a sense of mysteriousness and charm which she found hard to not take notice of.

She wanted to wake him up so, she smiled mischievously and brought her lips near his ear, She said in a low yet enchanting tone blowing hot air into his ears " Little Brother, Big sister is waiting for you. Don't you want to eat me?"

The Internet does wonders, people with no experience at all can act like pros. This is also the reason Xiao Lian was able to do this. *Cough* *Cough*

Feeling a soft body clinging to him, Sheng Tian replied in a dreamy tone "Hm...No, this big brother values his chastity before his own life. Even if you kiss me from my mouth to chest, then take off my shirt, kiss my....." As he started mumbling those things as he basically told her what he wanted her to do which she definitely didn't want to listen.

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She yelled with rage and embarrassment " Perverted Bastard. You lie even when you are sleeping. Huh. Chastity before your life, I think you will put your life on the line to lose your chastity, Hmph. Acting all sage-like. But being a pervert to the core." She got up from the Pervert and turned away unwilling to look at the bastard as her face was red.

Sheng Tian would never that he truly wished to her try what he said as doing so is harmful to his life.

Since she teased him first, he had to get back alright. But teasing her too much leads to early deaths, So he quickly waved his hands and said magnanimously "Alright, Alright, Let's check out the Qin Capital City. It's my first time going there too."

So the two quickly got over the prank, and by noon, reached the outskirts of the city just enough to get a rough silhouette of it. And the reaction from Sheng Tian was "Oh Fuck!"

The city was not something that he imagined previously. Beautiful Golden Brown Tall Walls, The Majestic Gate with more than twenty guards patrolling continuously. This looked like he returned to the age of empires. But what was even more interesting was the buildings inside which despite the tall wall stood proudly emanating their presence. It is at least 15,000 in area making it larger than Beijing's urban area by almost four times. It is so big and rich.

The most attractive of all the Buildings was a Palace which stood out easily even amongst the Grand Buildings. With the Palace insight along with the other Grand Buildings making the Qin Captial City what it is, standing above the Whole Country.

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Sheng Tian was stopped before the gate, the reason was he was asked to pay. It is not his first time though, even in Soaring Cloud City, there was an entry fee of 10 Silver Coins. But here, it is 10 Gold Coins. It is too much.

It has to be known that a family of four can live a year with 1000 silver or 10 Gold Coins. But that is just the entry fee here. Thank God, they are not asking for Dark Gold Coins which are a hundred times valuable than Gold Coins.

But Sheng Tian didn't really have any qualms about this, Afterall the majority of the money he got was from the donation of the Wei Family and Shentu Family which he humbly accepted. But what piqued his interest was some white stones in the spatial rings of those Grand Elders and Family Heads.

After he opened them one day, he got to know it immediately. They are Profound Energy Stones or simply called Energy Stones. They are divided into Low, Middle and Top Grade Stones. These two families were not even a 2nd-grade family, so they only had a dozen of Low-Grade Stones combined.

The Profound Energy Stones are useful in cultivation as they provide the practitioner pure and rich Profound Energy thus significantly increasing the pace of their cultivation. The higher the quality of the stone, the better the results of Cultivation would be. It is also the reason why Disciples with good backgrounds can have good cultivation at such a young age. Resources are inevitable for Cultivation thus forcing someone like Sheng Tian to join a sect. Thus they are treasures for cultivators. And any major faction provides their disciples with Profound Energy stones along with pills making their cultivation much smooth and easy.

As all the Major factions of the region stay in the capital, this is the place where the Whole Country's Youth gathers. The proud talents of the Country gather here to test their luck and join the Qin Clan by becoming their disciple and getting a behemoth as their backer for their cultivation.

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Even if they are not accepted into the Qin Clan, There are always First Grade Families which are below the Clans. So, Why not join them? Thus, The Qin Capital City is always brimming of Talented Youths, unlike any other place.

There are also many Experts in the Capital City each with their own group. The number of Sky Profound Practitioners seen in Red Leaf City is less than 10, but in the Capital City, there are too many Sky Profound Practitioners like clouds in the sky. There are also Emperor Profound Realm Cultivators who could fly to their destination and kill anyone below their realm with much ease.

There are even rumors of Experts at OverLord Realm residing in the City. Their Spirit Sense cover the whole city making it near impossible for people below their realm to discover them or do something behind their back.

As Sheng Tian already told the things he learned about this city to Xiao Lian, she simply giggled and said: " Their Spirit Sense won't be a problem for you." After hearing this Sheng Tian was dumbfounded, And after thinking of all the things she did, he was confident of her abilities.

Overlord Realm Cultivators represent the highest level of authority and power in any faction. So, it is harmless to say that the ones who mainly take decisions and do things are Emperor Realm Cultivators as Overlords are at a high level to bother with such trivial things.

Breaking through from Sky Profound Realm to Emperor Realm is easier said than done. Breakthroughs only get harder and harder as the realms advance. But from Sky Realm to Emperor Realm is the first biggest jump for a Cultivator which is the reason many fail.

Though Emperor Realm Cultivators are not numerous like Sky Realm Cultivators, You might still see someone in the city by chance. Needless to say, there are countless people trading Pills, Herbs, Weapons, Cultivation Manuals and Cultivation Techniques (Profound Arts). But the trade is done with Energy Stones as Real Treasures cannot be brought by Mortal Money making them even more desirable.

Thinking of how to purchase the herbs without enough energy stones gave Sheng Tian a headache but worst comes to worst he will borrow from a bad guy and save the society. Clearing his mind, He set foot into the capital.

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