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"Ouch, that hurts. To hell with the cultivation, my body is still very weak." " Xiao Lian, where are we?"

As he picked himself up after falling down tragically from a height which made him believe that his death anniversary would be this day next year, he enquired about the location as everything was pitch dark.

"Xiao Lian?" there was no response.

Massaging his sore arms, he tried to get a response from her to no avail. Helplessly, he checked the Snow Glazing Lotus, he found her sitting cross-legged as usual but a golden light covered her completely making her look more revered and holy.

Before he could point it out, an ancient dignified voice spoke as it seem to shake the darkness itself.

"Welcome to the Dragon Divine God Trial, Human."

"Huh?!" His first reaction was being vigilant and put his guard up.

"This is the single step which can help you soar the heavens or descend to the depths of hell."

the voice sounded again.

"Hey, Wait, wait, wait. What the hell is this place? Who are you? And why do you sound like a scammer?" he regretted saying soon. He shouldn't have simply offended the opposite party.

"Insolent. I am the remnant soul of Dragon God representing his will. I am entrusted to choose the successor to receive his legacy." came the response with pride and glory. Even though it didn't understand the meaning of 'Scammer', knowing that it was definitely nothing good, the opposite party reprimanded him. After all, it was like getting slapped at your greeting face, Insulting.

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'Wow, Now, this is interesting. Will I get some OP bloodlines or legendary treasures? Perhaps even pills to directly level up to Overlord or help Xiao Lian's soul.' Sheng Tian's mind quickly drifted to the innumerable inheritances and legacies acquired by the protagonists in the novels he read. It was always a power-up for them to get something and it was always cool and OP. And now even he could get one, How awesome was that?

He cursed his heaven-defying luck shamelessly and felt that he couldn't help it. As someone who is bound to be the Main Character of this era and the ones to come, he felt that getting a dozen legacies is rather natural. The Dragon Soul thought that he was too surprised by its words and was trying to digest his words. If it knew that this fellow was planning on taking a dozen legacies like they were cabbages, He would cough up blood even in his Soul Form.

Sheng Tian, however, felt the need to help the Old Fellow namely the remnant Dragon Soul, who in his opinion is similar to an Old Man waiting to retire by finishing his job. So as a self-proclaimed Samatarian, he could not stay and let him be. He will take the burden of legacy and let him enjoy his remaining life. Sheng Tian felt heavily responsible at the moment.

Though no one is there to give him the Good citizen award, Was he someone who cared for mere fame and wealth? Never. Becoming an embodiment of Justice and Righteousness, Sheng Tian marched forward without hesitation.

Coughing twice to gain attention " Mr. Old Drago... oops, Senior Dragon Soul, I am very willing to take upon the legacy as it is my honor to bring pride to all dragons. You may not know but I liked dragons for a long time, especially dragon meat ...crap, I mean Dragon's magnificence and their pride." He got a bit too excited and blurted things out.

It would be a lie if he says that he was not willling to taste the meat of a dragon. Who in the right minds after reading the novels didn't know that it was extremely beneficial for cultivators and also gives one great power but alas he could not ask this Old Dragon for some juicy Dragon meat, can he? If he did, then he will probably be sent to meet his great great grandfather in the afterlife.

Breaking the enless fantasies, A sentence broke this obscure silence "The Moment you entered the Forbidden Region, You are destined to inherit the legacy or die here."

He understood the implication of those words. If he wins, he lives and If he loses then he is dead.

" Give me a minute, alright." He said so and was calling out to Xiao Lian in his mind. As this was too dangerous, he was going to get all the help he could. He needed to ask her if she could give him any info before the trial as this seems to be stuff from the Divine Realm.

But the dragon soul replied as if noticing his actions" Young Human, The Soul within your body was frozen by me the moment you entered here. Honestly, I didn't expect someone from the Divine Realm to be here. But I shan't cause unintentional intervention of Fate. Only by inheriting the legacy could you leave this place and that soul can come out from the binds. Otherwise, it will be the end for both of you."

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After hearing that the only way out was to win, Sheng Tian stopped calling her and an unusual seriousness appeared on his face and he seemed to be a completely different person from the one who was joking and complaining earlier.

" Senior, I will take the trial, I am prepared." a voice full of confidence and resolve sounded.

"I shall tell you about the trial. There are 3 stages to pass. The first thing you need to know is failing at any step means death. There have been more than 2000 participants who took the trial in the past 500 million years. Yet, no one succeeded. As the Will of the Dragon Divine God, this is something I'm both happy and sad of. However, You are the first one in the last 50,000 years. I hope that you inherit the legacy of my god."

"I will" Sheng Tian too wasn't sure of what he was feeling at that moment, his first feeling was getting something here would be a fortune. Even if he didn't he would find an exit and get the hell out of this damn place, but after realizing that the outcome other than passing the test is death, he felt cold.

For the first time in his life, he felt the need for power surge inside his mind. At that moment, he decided that even if he solved all the problems he had, even if he went to the divine realm and helped Xiao Lian, he would never stop pursuing strength.

Only Power begets Safety.

"Let the trial begin" After the voice sounded, Sheng Tian felt his surroundings change suddenly and found himself in boundless green plains.

As he got over the shock, the Dragon Soul's ancient voice sounded " Prepare for the first test. The first test, Strength. Slay your Enemies."

Just as the voice ended, the ground shook uncontrollably, from the earth, tens of golems got up.

They were all taller than 4 meters.

Sheng Tian summoned his Sword. It was not a special Sword. It was the same sword he "borrowed permanently" from the Treasure House.

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As he checked the Cultivation of them, he relaxed a little. All of them are ranging from 3rd level Foundation Establishment to 5th level Foundation Establishment realm. They totaled to 40.

He sprung forward, he didn't want to be passive. Striking first to get the upper hand.

As the Star Shadow Steps were used, he vanished in the air just like that, and in the next second, under the confused gazes of the Golems, he appeared in the middle of ten golems and swung his sword, though it didn't have any style, it had substance. As he was practicing Dark Sword Arts, He started to realise its profoundness and started adding it into his own moves. In the Slash he made just now, It looked like a customized Dark Cloud Slash.

The Sword attack was embedded with his Profound Energy and Understanding of Dark Cloud Arts, thus it was lethal to these Golems, which couldn't stand a single blow from his attack.

The one he hit was torn into two pieces. The golems surrounding didn't even have the time to react when they lost control of their body and they fell on the floor. All the Ten Golems are dead. He is just too fast.

Without giving the chance for the remaining golems to attack him, he sped up and jumped high, Unleashing the destruction fist and sword moves at the same time, he sped towards the ground with great force.

Unlike Sheng Tian who can skip realms, the Golems are at the standard of their level. Thus, they only became stepping stones for him, allowing themselves to be destroyed.

After killing those golems, Sheng Tian didn't even sweat but he felt that things might not end this smoothly. And Man, he cannot be more right.

The next waves of attacks came from Foundation establishment 6th realm, then 8th realm and it didn't stop even when it crossed the 4th level of Nascent Soul Realm and their numbers were always 40.

Sheng Tian started to lose his cool, it is only getting harder. Does this even have an end? And he knew not everyone wouldn be like him, taking down a mob which is above a realm to him. And now this perverse Trial didn't even give a break.

What the f**k?

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When the next wave appeared Sheng Tian's mouth twitched. Looking at the group of golems at the 6th level of Nascent Realm, he held his sword and marched forward emitting a heavy pressure.

This battle, unlike the previous ones, made him injured albeit not much. They were just scractches. But Sheng Tian s;lowly started to realise the gravity of the situation. Impervious to anything, the golems kept appearing and the battles continued.

***After an hour*

"Huff,huh" panting, Sheng Tian tried to catch his breath. His body was not in a good condition either, There were numerous wounds and a good deal of blood loss. His body felt weak and he had to use Profound Energy on his body to keep things smooth.

As this was happening externally, Internally All the thoughts vanished in his mind, only one remained " I must live".

As he was thinking that the trial might be over, he saw the new golems which are at the peak of the Nascent Soul Realm. Having no choice over the matter, he grit his teeth and roared pushing his spirits high to the fight.

This time, the fight was not easy. Though Sheng Tian could kill a Peak Nascent Soul Warrior without much difficulty, facing 40 of them in his current condition is not something he wanted to try.

The Golems which each had the strength of the standard cultivator at peak of Nascent Realm which shouldn't be much lethal to him but their attacks are ruthless without consideration of their own life. Their defenses are dropped and they were fully bent on attacking as they purely intended to slaughter him.

The Battle turned fierce as Sheng Tian was forced to defend from the sneak attacks time to time. The battle was in a deadlock and with each coming group, their coordination is increasing and this group has excellent coordination hindering Sheng Tian's divide and conquer strategy he used till now.

In the Sky, two magnificent golden eyes are watching the battle below. As time continued to pass, the shock in the eyes continued to grow to the point of disbelief.

In its mind, the Dragon Soul searched through all the history it knew yet there was no such monster. He was beyond comparisons. If he was born in that era, then the Divine Realm's history would have probably been different today. Thinking of the past, a myriad of emotions filled the eyes. But it shook its head and focused on the present.

Even though the contestant could possibly be the greatest genius to be ever born, the Dragon Soul still followed the rules. It didn't show favorability or discrimination, as that is the will of the Dragon God.

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