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"Hmm." Qin Feng nodded lightly and immediately asked: "What are the results?"

His words made all the members in the hall perk up their ears. Obviously, as there is only one month before the Successor ceremony that takes place once every 50 years. Even though Qin Feng looked like a middle-aged man, he is in fact over 100 years of age.

But as someone who reached the peak of the Emperor Profound Realm, without any internal injuries, He can live for 250 years easily. And once he breaks through to OverLord Realm, his lifespan would further increase.

But with Yin exists Yang, the more advanced his Cultivation is, the lower his fertility will be. But if he chooses to have a child before having deep cultivation, then they will more likely be of mediocre talent in Cultivation. Having one such child or not is the same for someone at his position.

He became the Clan Head at 25 years and now it is time for him to retire from the World Platform and focus on Cultivation so that Qin Clan will continue their position and he could live a long life.

So, although the Future Family head was not selected 50 years ago due to Qin Feng still being able to lead the Clan, now that he wants to retire, a new family head will be selected and be trained for some years before he retires from his current position.

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But selecting a Clan Head is an extremely important matter, If it falls into someone evil, then the clan would become evil, but if it falls into someone incapable, the clan would fall apart. That is more horrifying than having an Evil Clan Head.

So, even if the Clan Head is evil, if he is able to think of the Clan's interest as a priority, he will be able to be secure his position as long as the results as good. To the outside world, he might be cruel, but for the clan members, he is their leader.

Now that such a great thing was going to be decided in this one month before the winter ends, everyone is curious and anxious towards their New Clan Head. Who would it be? Eldest Young Master, Qin Li or the Youngest Young Master, Qin Cheng. Only a few members believed in their miss Qin Qing, but they didn't say it out loud afraid of being mocked or ridiculed.

The first to present the results of the adventure was indeed the Eldest Young Master, Qin Li. He took a step forward and said "We faced an unexpected danger and had to retreat. The area became dangerous later. So, I didn't bring back the herb." Even when talking to the Clan Head, his father, His back was straight and he looked straight at the man's eyes without hiding his eyes at all. He was known for his straightforwardness. If he doesn't like you, it won't be a surprise if he punched straight in your face.

Qin Feng who heard the failure of the mission had his brows furrowed, but he didn't make a comment, instead waved his hand and turned to Qin Qing. Faced with Qin Qing, he didn't feel much towards her. But he still loved his only daughter a little.

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Though he felt that he disappointed her, He wasn't much bothered by it. He had two sons from which one could become the next Clan Head. He felt it was better to marry her off to a good family in exchange of benefits.

Her mother was married to him by a political marriage and though they lived as husband and wife for so many years, they weren't much better than acquaintances. After all being together with someone for a long time won't guarantee that feelings would blossom between them. Only because he wanted a heir was she born.

Qin Qing met her father's eyes which didn't show a hint of warmthness, She went a step forward and replied "I have found the herb, Clan Head." Saying so she went over to present the jade box on the table placed on the Dias.

Having sensed the herb within, Qin Feng was inwardly.shocked. It was 9 stalks! But no one in the clan favoured her at all. So, she couldn't get any locations to search for it exactly. No matter how one thinks, this cannot be attributed to just luck. He decided to look into this matter and see if there is anything he was kept in dark. Maintaining the Calm expression, He turned towards his Youngest and most promising Son, Qin Cheng.

"Father, I was fortunate enough to finish the task you assigned." Replying in a humble tone,

Qin Cheng, the young man took a step forward and placed the jade box in his hand on the table too.

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'Twelve!' "As Expected" saying so, he gave a slight smile of appreciation towards Qin Cheng. Then he was back to his normal poker face, And said " The Future Clan Head, will be selected by the end of this month." As soon as those words left his mouth, even the unusually quiet crowd broke out into whispers. But the next words made them stop " And the test will be Qin Ancestral Grounds."

"Hiss" the crowd sucked in cold breaths. Though the same was the test 100 years ago, they were still unable to help but feel shocked.

'Qin Ancestral Grounds' there is no one who wouldn't have heard of this name before. Even the faces of the three competors also began to turn serious.


At the same time, In a brothel of Qin Capital:

A Young Man and Middle aged Woman were unconcious and a figure covered in black looked at them with indifference. Waving his hand, the Young Man disappeared and the figure in black blurred and slowly changed. In the end, he became the Young Man who just disappeared.

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Talking out a talisman, he spoke few words and ended the conversation. He went onto the bed and took the same position as the Young Man previously while the Middle aged prostitue slowly woke up.

Looking at the Young Man whom she lay on,She coquettishly hit his chest and asked "Young Master, what happened just now? I feel like I lost consciousness suddenly"

The Young Man looked at her with his normal perverted smile and said in heat "You just fainted under my assualt. Now, Let's start the next round." saying so, He started his favourite activity as unbearable moans for virgins sounded from the room again.


In a street, Qin Capital City

"Hmm, Why do I feel like something is going to happen?" Sheng Tian suddenly felt that somehting was going to happen and was on gaurd. Such a feeling was not a good one. Ahh, let it be. Not like I can find who did it now. He told himself and thought of something important.

"Hey, Xiao Lian, could you search for a gentleman with a good sword. I want to borrow it, permenantly of course." He said with a cheeky smile.

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