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*boom* As if hit by a brick on the head, Sheng Tian's mind came to a halt and then to a realization.

'Yes, How can I forget that? There would always be Breaking the Engagement moment in every Xianxia by the Arrogant Young miss with great talent, looks and above all of them she comes from a Powerful Organisation for the beginner Mc.' Reminding himself that he needs to be keen regarding these things, He walked forward while thinking of how to deal with the situation. If she wants to break off the engagement, even if she is drop dead gorgeous, he will just accept it. Presently he had no cultivation so as to speak of. If he gets into trouble he will be done for. So he just wanted to settle things peacefully and quickly.

Even if the people in front of him, whom he could see from the distance to be a young female and an elder; are not his fiancee and elder, they reminded him of an important matter. So regardless of anything, he was a bit thankful towards them.

As they approached each other, the two figures became clear. The elder had an oppressive bearing and seemed like someone over 60 years old but he is definitely not that young. In cultivation world, you have to remember that looks and age are not to be compared, Looks are deceptive of age. Because a man who is over a 100 years with sufficient cultivation can still look like a 25-year-old. What made him open his mouth was the girl. Dressed in Snow White Robes, She is too beautiful, He couldn't imagine such a person exists in this world. Face, body, temperament, He found them all top notch. He was enlightened of "Beauties that could topple Empires", which he laughed off previously, proved in front of him right now. He was greatly shocked, It took him a while to recover his composure and by then, the duo already walked in front of him.

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Understanding that they are for him, He looked back at them calmly without speaking or showing any panic or fear. Maybe because of his strong soul, he could control himself better '. Seeing him regain his shocked, the girl didn't show any reactions as if it was normal but when he quickly regained his composure and stared at them calmly without talking or panicking, she was a bit surprised.

Then the elder said"Brat, Even though it is the first time meeting you. This is my martial niece. Since Elder Gu saved her life when she was 8 years old, the two of you were engaged at 12.I have been quietly watching you for the past 3 years, you don't deserve her. You may find this arrogant, but I don't care, she is my martial niece and I don't want her to be dragged down by you. So, go to the mortal world and live your life and die peacefully. Don't pester her. if you do, you might not even know how you died."

'As expected from the old man, next comes the young missy's arrogance. And then I will be done with these people for once and for all.'he patiently heard and turned his head to the girl.

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The girl turned her head and spoke for the first time in a clear but pure tone "Martial Uncle, I want to talk to him alone" and signaled him to come to a place a bit far off from their position.

'Why do I smell something different?' he thought but followed her to the place.

After they reached the place she turned around which gave him a good time to assess her again. She was a like a White lotus, Pure and serene. He nodded in his mind that this girl looked even better with her Serene Presence.

"Even though this is my first time meeting you, I have to thank the elder for saving my life and without him I wouldn't living and he made this wish for us to get married. I accepted it because I want to repay his favor. I will be clear with you, It is not possible between us, not because I am looking down on you but because the path I choose is that of cultivation and I want power for many things I need to do. And since you are not a cultivator, our lifespans will be different as well. I can't marry you, I have enough things to keep my life busy and my dream will not allow me to spend time with you as a mortal couple does. If you think that I am going back on the promise given to Elder Gu, then if there comes a day when you can defeat me in battle fair and square, then we can marry when you want. Although this condition might seem impossible, I hope that the day comes so that I can fulfill the request Elder Gu had and pay him back. Even if not, I can help you with things that are not overboard but I must warn you if you come closer to me, it is too dangerous for you.There will be many people who will try to harm you if they know our relationship as fiancees. Live well and I hope that Elder Gu's soul rests in peace." She spoke in a clear, soft voice is neither arrogant nor haughty manner as if she was speaking to an acquaintance without looking down on him.

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Sheng Tian who was silent for the whole time spoke: " what is your name and where do I find you?"

Startled she replied"Meng Xian and if you could become powerful enough, you will know me or I will find you."

Then she turned around to leave, Her back appeared lonely. She made a great impression on Sheng Tian in their very first meeting. Her attitude is what impressed him the most.

Just as she turned to leave, Sheng Tian smiled faintly and said "It won't be for long" and he walked away not explaining what he meant.

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Meng Xin confused as she was upon hearing it just decided to ignore it and walked towards her Martial Uncle.

She heard about him before but he seemed very different from the information she had. She thought that he would flare up and demand some compensation but he not only not argued but left in a calm and quiet manner as if he didn't care. She was shocked at his response and bearing. He is not like a good for nothing but she didn't dwell on this as she had to work hard and cultivate, she had a dream she must reach.

She left with her Martial Uncle while Sheng Tian left in the opposite direction. She thought that this could very well be their first and last meeting. Their lives are just like the paths, never to meet and going the opposite ways. She felt the burden in her heart lose a little and left quietly.

As for Sheng Tian, he was walking quietly but a faint smile could be seen on his face. She was very different from what he thought she would be like. She was definitely not lying to him because she had no reason to, she could simply kill him and the things will be settled but she tried her best to maintain the request. She didn't look down on him, she strives for something and she needs a lot of power for it, he could tell from the way she spoke those words. Seems like she was living with a burden he thought.

What he expected to be Young missy showing off turned out to be a very refreshing and unique experience for him and he was interested in knowing her more.

'What an UnConventional Fiancee' he thought.

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