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Sheng Tian just glanced at the treasures he acquired. They were mainly weapons, armors. He didn't find anything useful or to his liking except the red sword.

Next, He took out six green jades in the shape of "J". These were six of the twelve Jade Seals which are granted to the first twelve trial winners. Unfortunately, While Sheng Tian was passing the trials, others were not sitting idly. So, he only won six Jade Seals even if he finished the trials at a ridiculous speed due to the sheer number of trials he took.

Sheng Tian didn't do anything else as he just closed his eyes and meditated. After all the trials, even with his strong soul, he felt a little tired. Unknowingly, he descended into cultivation.


Xiao Lian woke up the moment he closed his eyes. She examined the books he threw in the Snow Glazing Lotus. Unknowingly, that fellow started using this as his own throwing everything into a corner. Fortunately, the Snow Glazing Lotus had a very large space that even if he were to throw things a 100 times larger, there would still be a vacancy.

After seeing the contents of the book, she shook her head and felt that she shouldn't let him cultivate any of these techniques. She was at a loss thinking of who would guide him in the future. Maybe she should find him a beautiful master but what if she reminds him of her when she is gone?

Xiao Lian closed her eyes and sighed.

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If you cannot change the bitter reality, It's fine to live in a sweet fantasy.

She made up her mind to observe Leng Yue Yan and possibly Meng Xin she has a chance. If they are someone she could trust to not betray him, then everything would be alright.

She somehow felt scared. She didn't speak of any these to Sheng Tian. She also tried to suppress her fear every time she feels so that Sheng Tian wouldn't sense it by their connection.

She didn't want him to worry. She wanted him to be the person he is when she met him, the person he still is. A Young Man without worry of the past, no care for the future, fully living in the present moment. A curious guy wanting to know about the world. Someone who takes advantage of her but also feels concerns for her. A caring guy with a lazy smile who probably loves sleep more than her. A strange person who feels so familiar. Someone who is very selfish but doesn't hesitate to sacrifice for her.

A bickering relationship turned into living with each other as the feelings slowly blossomed. Looking back at the time we met, it must be the arrangement of fate for our roads to cross paths. The sands of time gave my life with the warmth of love.

Xiao Lian had a peaceful smile and the look on her face was similar to the first time Sheng Tian met her. But there was a hidden bitterness in it.


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Sheng Tian who was in the middle of cultivation woke up. The profound energy here is very rich and cultivating here is very beneficial. So, whenever he could, he cultivated in the Ancestral grounds in the past 4 days.

While he was meditating, he suddenly felt a deep sadness engulfing him. He didn't know what it was. But it didn't come from his link with Xiao Lian. He didn't know what it was but suppressed it to not let Xiao Lian worry.

He saw that the red glow on the pillar slowly dim. One by one, every person slowly began to wake up.

As everyone else saw it, Sheng Tian who was also 'closing his eyes' woke up after a few others. Everyone in their own team was discussing the inheritances.

But Qin Qing's team was different. Qin Qing became a love-struck maiden with stars in her eyes as she listened to how Ling Chen finished the comprehension test in 'just' 45 minutes. Meanwhile, the duo, Gu Song and Duan Han headed straight to the Icy cold Sisters to brag about their exploits.

Now, the only ones left are Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan. Seeing everyone talking cheerfully,

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Sheng Tian who was silent felt awkward. But Leng Yue Yan had the same indifferent and cold look on her face.

He scolded the Ancient voice who couldn't stop from speaking earlier for becoming silent now.

Far away, A Soul sneezed. It muttered, "Who dares to scold this Lord behind my back?".


The Ancient voice sounded in the hall again "The twelve Jade Seals are given. The Ancestral Tomb will open in an hour. Youngsters, You can get not only my inheritance and treasures but also the Command Token which can give you full authority over the Clan. Fight your fate, change your destiny."

All the people in the room fell silent. They didn't forget about the Ancestral Tomb. Now that they only had a single hour before entering the Tomb, they quickly sat down cross-legged to revert back to their peak state.

An hour later.....

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A loud noise woke up everyone. The Wall which is the most enigmatic and inscribed with numerous carvings of Swords, Sabers, Spears, Trees, Xuan Beasts, Cultivators and some humanoid races. This wall now opened looking like a grand double door opening to a large passage.

The passage was not dark but its end was not visible. Everyone became incomparably excited at the mere thought of getting the treasures which almost no one could dream of.

The groups were quickly formed and looked at each other with hostility. Everyone wanted treasures, there will inevitably be conflicts of interests. Particularly, the one command token. The Qin siblings would risk it all to get their hands on it.

But they didn't attack now. If there are any traps, the enemies alive could be used as scapegoats.

Qin Cheng had a smile which looked very cruel as he eyed Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan. He didn't forget these two people. He was just waiting for the perfect chance to take them all down.

Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan too felt the gaze and turned to Qin Cheng. Leng Yue Yan had the same cold look on her face but the coldness in her eyes increased a bit when she saw that cruel smile. Sheng Tian, however, smiled back and said loudly "F*ck your mom". The expression on his face was like he was greeting an Old friend he had not seen for years.

Suddenly, the entire chamber fell silent. It is incomparably bold of him to say such things, that too in public. Is it possible that he got tired by life and is seeking death? Or is he a secret masochist and wants to use this as a chance to experience the pleasures of torture?

Everyone held their breaths as they watched in anticipation for the scene to unfold.

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