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Sheng Tian set up a barrier right when he cursed. But it did zero help as it instantly collapsed as he coughed up the blood. An enormous pressure descended on him and knocked him out. His eyes closed. At the same time, Leng Yue Yan also collapsed beside him. She was knocked out.

A middle-aged man seemingly in his forties appeared in the thin air. He had a pale face akin to a corpse but the look in his eyes was savage. He had blood red hair as he floated in the air.

Looking at all the humans he knocked out of consciousness, his gaze focused on Ling Chen and Liu feifei who were in the center formation. He gathered a beam of profound energy which was a mixture of black and devilish red.

He was about to kill the couple when he turned to Sheng Tian and Leng Yue Yan lying on the ground. He looked at them amusingly as he said his thoughts loudly "These two are even more dangerous. But I'm very interested in this boy's secrets." he licked his lips as he thought back to all the things he saw Sheng Tian do.

Then he laughed maniacally "I shall occupy his body and devour his soul. Then everything he has will be mine. I will reach a new peak with this talented body, hahaha."

Then he reached Sheng Tian from above and saw his eyes closed. He sneered as he said "Did you truly think that you would be able to stop my arrival? Even if you guys didn't remove the restrictions, I would have used the energy from those formations at the lake and the forest. Cheh, but I would not be able to use the Teleportation anymore with that. Now that I will occupy your body, everything would be great. Your luck is too good to become my vessel."

Probably because of the long loneliness it had to bear, the soul "Bloody Wolf" blabbered non-stop.

And just as he was about to touch Sheng Tian, a pinkish white light shone along with a tinge of darkness. The whole room was blinded by the light.

Bloody Wolf eyes almost popped out as he looked at the person in front. No, it is better to call 'fairy' or 'divine'.

A young maiden who seemed to be around 16 or 17 years was floating in the air. With the long silver hair, eyebrows like crescent moons and scarlet red pupils which seemed to suck away the souls of every living being, she had a face sculpted by the heavens to utmost perfection.

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The curves on her body were of the most precise ratio, making her extremely enchanting. Her long legs stayed in the air as her pink dress fluttered in the wind.

However, her scarlet red eyes were radiating with killing intent. She is none other than Xiao Lian!

She was watching everything happening and was ready to help Sheng Tian in the last moment. She can save him at any moment due to her speed.

Now, that they encountered an unexpected devil here and Sheng Tian's life is in danger, she chose to appear. After she heard what the devil said about him, she decided to torture his soul before slaughtering him.

Bloody Wolf was in a trance as he saw the immortal beauty who could destroy nations, no, even continents with a smile. He was thoroughly willing to make her his and drown in her beauty for the rest of his life.

Then he sensed the killing intent from her and woke up from his trance. Then he instinctively checked her aura, and he was stunned speechless.

He stuttered "Di...Divine Cultivator!" His reaction is understandable since Divine Cultivators were only a legend even for devils.

Then Xiao Lian said coldly "Yes and you dared to harm him. I will torture your soul and rip it to shreds."

This made Bloody Wolf incomparably frightened but when he thought of the current situation, he carefully inspected her and started laughing crazily.

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Xiao Lian's eyebrows furrowed as she was thinking of ways to torture this bastard so that he would beg for mercy.

Bloody Wolf said sinisterly "I would definitely be cowering in horror if you were really a divine cultivator. But now, you are only a soul and just have a bit of your original cultivation left. Even more so, You are poisoned with some extremely terrifying poison. You seemed to found a method to suppress it. But even if you suppress it, each time you use your profound energy, the poison in your soul poisons your soul even further cutting your pathetic lifespan more and more each time. And your strength falls each time as well. What a great poison!

If you use your profound energy to kill me now, even with all the suppression, you would only have 3 years to live. And your strength will fall from the boundary of divine & mortal realms to the mortal realm. Are you sure you want to kill me?"

There was a sense of accomplishment in his eyes as he spotted her weakness. It was only because he himself was in a soul form all these years and he was specialized in poisons he was able to do so. Even then, he didn't know of the poison she was afflicted with nor the cure, only some basic properties. But what he knew was enough to save his life or so he thought.

Xiao Lian's expression turned stiff. She didn't let Sheng Tian know this. The very first day they met, she saw the uniqueness of his profound energy, she was shocked. His profound energy is able to suppress the "Soul Slaying Poison". And if they wished to dispel it just based on the suppression, then it won't be one of the most lethal poisons of the Divine Realm anymore.

As Xiao Lian carefully observed the reaction of Soul Slaying Poison to Sheng Tian's profound energy, she confirmed that the best outcome is her living for 5 years. Even if Sheng Tian reached the peak of Mortal Cultivation, by then the poison would spread in her soul completely. No one would be able to save her. And every time she used profound energy, more poison spread in her soul.

The pill she took was to not let the changes in her soul become apparent. That is the reason why Sheng Tian didn't find anything strange regarding her.

After she decided to leave with him, She was trying to live the life she always wanted to, without any inhibitions of the world. In the beginning, she used her profound energy without reservations as she just wanted to have fun before death. But slowly she found herself falling into the ocean of love.

Entangled with Love and Death, she didn't know what to do. She couldn't kill her heart, for this is her only love but she also possibly couldn't live. But seeing Sheng Tian's care, she decided to live as long as she can but also train him to be an expert. She wanted him to protect himself after she is gone.

And she started to use profound energy as less as possible. She taught him the disguise art so that he could do it himself without her spending profound energy. She also started telling him that she won't help him in fights so that he would learn to work hard and reach the peak by himself. It could also save her profound energy. But that didn't mean she gave up, in the Embrace of Death, she stretched her divine sense to the limit and tried to find if any of the miracles are possible.

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She could be back to a perfect soul only if she found rare medicines or that Heavenly Treasure. But it is just too extravagant to even hope for that in this lower realm. She couldn't possibly tell Sheng Tian to search for these herbs as they were far too precious and the process itself is very very risky. She didn't want him to die because of her. She just let it be.

If it is fate, she would find either those herbs or the Heavenly Treasure. If it is not, then she can only hope that Sheng Tian would not be too sad when she leaves. This is one of the major reasons she told him to chase Meng Xin. So that he would not be lonely when she leaves. She thought things would be alright if some other girl gave him love. But she underestimated her own feelings.

When she saw Sheng Tian flirting with Leng Yue Yan, she felt an incomparable pain in her heart. She knew that this day would come but was unable to bear it. She could only ask him to stop going after girls for some time to let her heart adjust to see him with others.

Even though she felt sad, she was also happy for him. She decided to tell him to continue his wish after entering the sect. Surprisingly, when she told herself that it was for his happiness, she was able to accept it quickly and easily. In the face of imminent death, it became apparent to her what matters is his feelings towards her.

Upon thinking of the day when she would have to eventually leave him, a bitter smile filled her face. Thankfully, he is unconscious. she thought. If he knew the truth, she feared he might really punish her for keeping this a secret. More importantly, he will worry and might do something very risky.

Looking at the beauty's stiff expression, Bloody Wolf thought that his plan succeeded as he continued to persuade her " Why would someone like you lose your lifespan for a mere mortal? How about we come to an agreement? I will give you something which would allow you to live for 2 more years in exchange for this boy's body. It is bound to me through life. You cannot take it from me forcefully in your current condition. So, how about it?

Xiao Lian was not even bothered to reply as she was feeling the urge to kill him grow second by second due to his words. She looked at the devil soul before her and said " No matter what you offer me, you would die for trying to harm him. Nothing can save you."

Her silver hair floated in the air as a pitch black dark aura was released from her body. It is unlike the darkness released by devils which were akin to resembling the blackness of human's heart, it is the embodiment of the darkness itself!

Bloody Wolf tried to open his body, but his words were stuck in his throat just like his body was struck in air.

All he felt at that moment was " Inevitable Death" and "endless darkness". It is a terrifying feeling which made even the devil piss his pants.

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He struggled to move as he tried to wiggle frantically. Then he felt surrounded by a cocoon of boundless lifelessness and endless darkness.

He felt like his soul being torn apart, grinded and cut into pieces, bitten all over. Being in the soul form, the pain is much much worse than Physical pain. He felt himself being going through numerable deaths. "Pain" would be an understatement to say what he was facing now. Even a devil of his position cannot take it.

"Aaaaaaaah" "Aaaaaaaah" "Stop it"

His wails echoed in the whole place as he cried like a pig being slaughtered. Yet it didn't stop. There was not a trace of emotion in Xiao Lian's eyes. Only indifference to the struggles of an ant. Even if it dying, a dying lion would never be lower than a living ant. Even if Xiao Lian had to die one day, she would not allow herself to be on the whim of others.

"Ki..ll...m..e" a begging voice was heard. Bloody Wolf wanted nothing more than to die and end this inhumane, indevil pain. His soul was tortured, almost killed, then healed and tortured again. He felt like he fell into an endless loop which he would never be able to get out.

Xiao Lian just let out a smirk seeing the outcome of the devil. She waved her hands as the aura around her disappeared and she kept Sheng Tian as well as Leng Yue Yan on the circular seats just like others. She sensed that everyone would wake up soon.

She looked at the Devil encompassed by a cocoon of darkness as she chuckled. Her chuckle was so beautiful that men would willingly cut their life span by half to see it, but her intention behind the chuckle was unbelievably ruthless. She spoke in an indifferent tone "Death? You wish death? So easily? Who do you think you are to demand death from me? Are you even worthy?

If I was not able to stop you today, you would have taken his life. I would never allow someone who tried to harm him to even have a moment of peace. Their life would be hell and death would be a paradise.

You will be tortured for 3 weeks and 3 days before you die. Enjoy your life's best gift."

She waved her hand as the cocoon disappeared into the darkness. No one knew where it went.

She could have tortured him more but that was already the most energy she was willing to spend. She disappeared into Sheng Tian's arm.

Sheng Tian's eyes were closed, just like everyone else.

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