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After returning to the courtyard. Sheng Tian took a long bath with hot water. He didn't order food as he should. Instead, he sat on his bed slowly movements looked sluggish like they were slowed by some force. He removed his disguise showing a face sculpted by the heavens, silver hair and sky blue eyes. He looked very handsome. He looked outside of the window seeing the setting sun. He sighed in melancholy.

He slowly called "Great Divine Miss Young Lady, I want to tell you a story. Please come out."

Xiao Lian came out and looked at him strangely. Then she asked with slight joking tone " You want to become an author or what?"

Sheng Tian smiled lightly and shook his head and signaled for her to sit on the bed. She sat in front of him.

Sheng Tian slowly started in a clear voice"Long Long Ago, there was a King. He had a wife. He loved her very much. But she had a disease since she was born. She knew that she would not live past 5 years of their marriage. But she didn't tell the King in fear of worrying him. They spent their time in pure bliss. Soon, 5 years passed.

They didn't have any children due to the lady's constitution. But the King never complained. He only wanted her, even more than his own Kingdom, even more than himself. You can say he is crazy for her. And then, after 5 years, one day she died leaving him behind alone. What do you think .....he would do?" The more he spoke, the hoarser his voice became and at the end, he almost choked.

Xiao Lian's body didn't move a single inch as she listened to his story. Tears rolled down silently like a soft rain. She didn't speak as the tears flowed from her soul as a symbol of her sadness.

Sheng Tian looked at her in the eyes. His eyes were a little red. Xiao Lian was taken back. This is the first time she saw him like this. She forgot that this is the first time for him seeing her like this as well.

Sheng Tian had a smile on his face which was filled with bitterness as he slowly asked: "Why?"

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Xiao Lian lost her courage to answer as her face was filled with guilt. She didn't know what to say or how to explain.

Sheng Tian sighed as he said "You know, What I said at the bottom of the lake to that girl. You can choose to live well or you can choose death. Do you not want to live with me?"

Xiao Lian spoke in a breaking tone "No,... No... Sheng.Tian. It is nearly impossible. There is no use trying."

Sheng Tian took a deep breath to calm himself and held her by shoulders as he asked "How would I know if it is impossible without trying? Just tell me how it is possible." his last sentence was not a request but order as he stared straight into her scarlet red pupils. She remained silent.

Sheng Tian slowly said in a tone which contained anger, helplessness and blame " When I learned the truth, I wanted to scold you harshly to make sure you never do such a mistake again. I wanted to criticize you so that you would not hide important things like this. But,...I couldn't bring myself to that knowing why you did it or maybe I just don't want to scold you. Xiao Lian, tell me how to heal the poison otherwise this is not going to end."

She jumped at him as she hugged him hard. They both fell onto the bed with Xiao Lian's head buried in his chest. Her shoulders were slightly trembling. Xiao Lian tightly hugged him as his shirt started getting wet.

He sighed lightly as he hugged her and patted on the back saying "It's alright. Tell me. You may not trust my abilities but at least two people's luck would be better than one person's, right? No harm telling. Please."

Xiao Lian took a deep breath and slowly said: "Promise me you won't do anything reckless for them."

Sheng Tian thought for a while then nodded his head and said: "I promise I won't do anything reckless for them."

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Xiao Lian, still in his embrace said in a small voice "'Soul Slaying Poison', whenever I use profound energy, uses it as a medium and speeds up its circulation and spreads faster. The more it spreads, the lesser I can use profound energy and the fewer my days would be.

'Soul Slaying Poison' is a terrifying poison which can only be countered by a few things. The best way is to find the Heavenly Treasure, Heavenly Soul Lotus. The other ways include finding a drop from Spring of Life, ..., Dew of Nature. " she explained their names, properties, and appearances.

"These are very rare to find even in the Divine Realm. So, It is too much to even think of obtaining them here. Even if you could go to the Divine Realm, I have only 5 years left.

Initially, I only had a few months to live but it is under the suppression of your profound energy that I could live for a few more years. Sheng Tian, thank you."

Sheng Tian lightly knocked on her forehead and said "What are you thanking me for? I didn't help you yet. And you are not leaving anywhere." he took a deep breath and continued " I am not sure if we can find those treasures but even if I can't find them, I will heal you completely." his grip on her waist increased as he pulled her closer.

"And one more thing, from now on, seal your powers. Don't use profound energy from now." he said in a serious tone.

"But.." she hesitated. She didn't want to take risks in his life, just like how he didn't want to risk hers.

"Be a good girl and do what is said or Big Brother will punish you." Sheng Tian said seriously as he raised his hand directly above her butt.

Xiao Lian instantly understood what would happen if she said "no". She quickly nodded like a hen pecking chicks.

Sheng Tian let out a sigh of relief as he said in a self-blaming and angry tone "You know, If I didn't retain consciousness in the tomb thanks to my special soul, I would forever be in dark. And I might have even accelerated your death. It's terrifying to think of. Thankfully, now I know the truth."

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Xiao Lian didn't say anything as she was feeling bad seeing him worry like this. Then he placed his hand on her cheek and said gently "Don't think too much. Just seal your powers. I will tell you something you always asked." he smiled lightly. With this, her mood lightened a bit seeing him being calm.

"Something I always asked?" Xiao Lian pondered. "Was it how your face is so thick? or Why you are so shameless? or Why are you so narcissistic? or Why are you so handsome?" the last one came out accidentally and she was embarrassed.

Sheng Tian coughed a little as he said in a stern tone holding her chin, looking into her eyes " There is a saying " A good man finds goodness in the world while An evil man only finds evil. Since you can only find those qualities in me, then wouldn't you also be thick-skinned, shameless, narcissistic and beautiful?"

"Anyways, It was how I found you." he said quickly as she was about to pinch him. Xiao Lian became curious instantly and looked at him with puppy eyes.

Sheng Tian took huge damage from the adorable sight. He said slowly "I was fighting in the Glazed mountain ranges. I was about to proceed further but I heard a call from my soul. And it led me to you." saying so he tapped her nose lightly.

Xiao Lian waved his hand off and was still processing his words. Then, she was stunned. Wasn't this just like a fantasy? or is predestined fate?

She looked at Sheng Tian with a suspicious gaze. Sheng Tian just patted her head and said "It's true. I'm not lying."

Xiao Lian then chuckled lightly to herself, maybe feeling happy that they met due to such fantasy reason. Were they Star crossed lovers in a previous life?

She said to Sheng Tian "If I seal my powers, I can't break the seal easily. It would take at least 5 minutes to break it. I can't save you in those five minutes if there is a danger. Are you sure?"

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Sheng Tian replied "Yes."

Seeing that it was his final decision, Xiao Lian sat cross-legged and did some hand seals. A light flashed from Xiao Lian and slowly, the light disappeared.

Sheng Tian took a breath and said to her "Now that I have to protect myself and you. I think I should stop my sleep, at least till I reach the peak of this World."

Xiao Lian was a bit taken back as this came out of nowhere. But Sheng Tian knew that he was always being too lazy and not bothered to cultivate. He should have been stronger, he should have defeated Qin Cheng in the Ancestral Tomb or in the bone forest. Wasting time on sleep for 6 hours every day might not seem much for a day but what about a week, a month, 3 months?

He sighed deeply and said to her "I'll try to be a responsible person."

Xiao Lian smiled lightly and nodded. A Cultivator needs firm determination to move forward in their road of cultivation. Maybe your master can push you for some months, some years but later, only you can push yourselves.

Sheng Tian willingly abandoning the things he loved to spend for a better future is the manifestation of the change in his state of mind.

With the Cultivation Technique he had, he can skip realms and fight. And his speed of cultivation is also fast. He would surely become an expert if he cultivates diligently.

Sheng Tian nodded at her and sat on his bed cross-legged. He operated Primal Origin Tree as a huge amount of Profound Energy rushed into the Qin Estate and started going into his profound veins as he circulated Primordial Origin Sacred Scripture. Bit by bit, his cultivation was slowly increasing.

This day marks the birth of a Legend.

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