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The Qin Capital residents now had three new gossips over meals. Qin Clan issued a command that a young man named 'Ling Tian' was missing. Whoever finds him would be heavily rewarded. The Ling Tian's physical features are 17 years of age, black hair, tall, averagely well build body, emits sharp aura like a sword. He is a prodigy who can fight at the level of peak of the Earth Realm.

The other was naturally about the celestial who landed in the Qin Capital. That one night, countless engagements broke, marriages ended. Many passionate females even surrounded the inn he was staying.

When night fell and one of the drunk women went inside the room he was staying at to "show love", all the others, shyly or brazenly followed in. But to their surprise, there was no one in the room. All of them were dumbfounded thinking that the Deity left this mortal world and ascended to heaven.

The last but most important news was Myriad Treasure Star House would be conducting an Auction three days later on the fourth day. The Highlight of the Auction is an Ancient Cultivation Manual which is said to be the highest level they ever saw. These words were said by Elder Con Man himself, only to add fuels to the flames.

This was like a sweet fragrance one could not resist. Countless free cultivators and almost all the major powers started making preparations to get their hands on the Cultivation Technique.

As the three news was spreading from ear to ear, A seductive woman in slinky clothes arrived at the entrance of the city. The guard who was responsible for the entry fee forgot his duty as his eyes stayed on her breasts as her sultry movements bewitched his heart, soul, and body.

The Woman's steps were like a dance, enticing him to no end. He forgot what he should do and dumbly followed her to the gate.

The Woman entered the city. Although not like Sheng Tian, the woman's charm did entice men continuously.

The woman took a room in an inn and guess what? She is in the next room to Sheng Tian who changed the inns overnight due to 'security reasons.'

Sheng Tian now was looking at "Celestial Body Tome". It was a very profound technique. Sheng Tian found it hard to believe that such a cultivation technique exists in this world.

He started reading it. "The existence is made of Soul, Spirit, and Qi. Cultivate your body with the Dao and the cultivate the body. The body becomes the Cosmos, Cosmos equal the body."

"Fudge!" Sheng Tian shouted. He calmed himself and slowly started reading it. He realized that he did underestimate this technique. It was speaking of making the body equal to the cosmos, which makes the body strongest per se.

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Sheng Tian browsed through it completely and shook his head. He didn't find its content as compelling as its promises. Probably because it is not a whole. But it still could easily be the best body cultivation technique, not just in the mortal realms probably even in the divine realms.

Xiao Lian advised him to be careful. He asked her to check the contents and she affirmed its credibility as Sheng Tian wasn't too sure of his own expertise.

Xiao Lian slowly spoke as she sat opposite to him as her eyes carried a bit of concern "It's a well-known fact that Cultivating Body is harder than cultivating Profound Energy. Many geniuses in the Divine Realm also cultivate Body but their achievements are seriously lacking compared to the Energy Cultivation base they achieved. So, don't take any pressure."

Sheng Tian gave a smile which was spell blinding and he quickly gave a peck to her on the forehead as he replied: "With the encouragement of the Demoness, I will give my best."

Xiao Lian looked at his carefree demeanor and sighed. It seems like her concern was not needed, but again, she didn't want to see him depressed if he failed, especially when we are talking about a cultivation technique even a Mythical God had to rever.

She stayed outside to ensure his safety and promised to not act until things get really serious. With that, Sheng Tian sat on the bed cross-legged.

He tried to feel the Energy in nature. Celestial Body Tome doesn't depend just a single type of energy but encompasses on everything that exists to cultivate the body.

Meaning, a cultivator cultivating Fire Body would have to cultivate his body using Fire elemental Energy.

Some great body cultivation techniques might also host almost all energies but there will be natural rejection for the energies that are not native.

Simply speaking, in Xiao Lian's words, if such a cultivation technique is developed in the Mortal Realm, it naturally is fitted for the mortal realm's energies and their natures. In the Divine Realm, the technique could possibly reject a lot of 'foreign' energies for cultivating the body which is innately rejecting an integral part of Energies from the Divine Realm.

However, this Body cultivation technique seems to emphasize not on the type of energies one could cultivate but rather energy itself. It cultivates the body with the energy and dao, making the body stronger.

Essence and Energy are the building blocks of the Reality at its core. Cultivating a Body needs Energy, similarly Cultivating Energy also needs a Body. And to do all this you need to have consciousness, which stems from the Soul. This shows that whatever the System of Cultivation one takes, all the three are indispensable.

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Body Cultivation is making one's body stronger. Reaching the apex in Cultivating body, Squashing Stars and Blasting Moons to dust is but a mere thought away.

One's body would be able to regenerate itself even under extreme situations. The longer one treads on the path of Body Cultivation, the closer they are to Eternal life!

Sheng Tian became somewhat excited. He is someone who pursued the pinnacle of Strength, not particularly Eternal Life. The thought of going head to head with Cosmic Bodies and fighting at such a grand scale somehow felt amazing and he wanted to wield such powers.

The first step is to feel the energy and attract it by the body as its whole. It is not like Energy cultivation where you sense profound energy with your senses and use your profound veins along with dantian to absorb profound energy.

Now, the receivers are no longer profound veins but the body itself. Sheng Tian had a small note left by Dragon God in the book, he stated his own achievements and of some elite geniuses who tried this cultivation technique before.

For the first stage, the best record is 23 hours, 59 minutes,0 seconds. It is by Dragon God himself! The next bests are only in weeks!

Sheng Tian slowly let go of his senses, thoughts and let his body feel the energy and attract it.

5 seconds, 10 seconds,.....55 seconds, 56 seconds, 57 seconds, 58 seconds, 59 seconds, Ding!

1 minute. Sheng Tian finished it as the record of Dragon God was broken thoroughly. The difference is too much.

Xiao Lian was also tongue tied because according to what she knew, he didn't have any Energy Physique which is said to attract Profound Energy towards practitioners. The cultivators with that physique would have a very easy journey along the path of cultivation. That is until they reach the level where simply having more Profound Energy is not sufficient.

Sheng Tian was jolted out of his mental state as he felt Profound Energy of different kinds entering his body. It's in the forms of Ice Energy, Wind Energy, Earth Energy, Lightning Energy.

Now, Sheng Tian thought that it is very possible that he missed out on other types of energies due to their minuscule presence or no presence at all.

He started circulating the energy in the said path as it tempered his whole body slowly. This is not just an increase in his physical strength but also the sturdiness of his body as well.

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Sheng Tian slowly sunk into mediation.


The Woman in green slowly rode towards one of the bars in the Western District. She ordered a cup of wine as she gulped it down. At last, she licked her lips with her pink tongue with a sultry look.

*Hiss* All the men in the bar felt something burning down when they say that scene. They wanted nothing more than to tear her clothes and push her down.

The Woman, however, unfazed by their brazen gazes, made her way to a Young Man sitting in the bar drinking alone.

He was one of the disciples who participated in the Expedition. He is the male disciple from the Mystic Ice Sect of Qin Li's group. All the participants were asked to stay and not leave for a few days before the matter of deaths is completely investigated. Thus, he too had to stay since leaving would mean slapping Qin Clan's face.

He was quite bored today and came to the bar for a drink. Now that 'Ling Tian' disappeared, Qin Clan Elders felt that it was highly possible that he is the one responsible. This, in turn, let their guards down towards other participants.

As he was having a sip of the wine absentmindedly, he saw a sexy woman with a sultry dress walk with her hips swaying and breast bouncing towards him.

He forgot the jug in his hand as it fell down. Still, its sound of hitting the floor didn't wake him up. This Woman's sex appeal really is extraordinary.

She came to his table and said seductively "Little Brother, May I have a drink here?" Her eyes were, however, saying that she won't leave.

The little brother and his little brother both agreed as she sat down. Slowly, she took the wine in front of him and gulped down. Then she licked her fingers as though she was sucking them.

The act was too brazen and inviting. The 'Little Brother' in front of her was still a virgin and his face became red imagining naughty things.

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(Author: Hey, Hey, Stop! Don't let your mind wander, read the chapter. It's still not over.)

The Woman in green said "Little Brother, Big Sister is feeling weak. Could you send Big Sister home?" she spoke as she grasped her hand and pulled it. "Please" she begged as she placed his hand on her chest.

The male disciple from the Mystic Ice Sect might be cold and aloof, but his body right now is set on fire. His hand was grabbing something so soft that he wanted to melt in that valley. He is just a single step away from losing virginity.

Would he be suspicious of this woman's identity? Would he think that this is a 'trap'? Would he think that she is an assassin or a spy or some gold digger?

Fuck, How can his brain 'think' when it is completely pink now!

Like how a little boy would blush on his first kiss, he blushed and said "Yes, Big Sister. I...I will send you home. Don't worry."

He nodded his head as if to show his assurance and stood up to support her. The Woman leaned on him. He is a head shorter than her. She was on his left. Her one hand was on his right shoulder and the other on his chest. Her fingers provoked his inner desires.

The Little Boy, however, is quite a decent chap and knew that having action outdoors might lead to uninvited guests joining in, so he let her lead the way.

All the men in the bar sighed as they cursed the little boy in their heads. Now they had to take some cold showers.

They quickly arrived at the inn and the floor, Sheng Tian was staying at. Poor him, he is still in Body Cultivation and didn't notice this.

The Woman led the little young man to the next room as they reached the bed. She suddenly said "Little Younger Brother, What are you hiding there?." she pointed towards the Little young mans' tent on the pants which couldn't be more obvious.

"This.." the little young man blushed as he felt tensed also aroused and anticipated.

"I want to see what it is~" with a seductive smile, she reached her hand down.

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