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The battle of Yesterday left the Capital in chaos. Though the majority of the damage was taken by the buildings of Qin Estate, countless structures in the city also suffered from the collateral damage. Either from the shock waves or the debris, the glasses shattered, roofs collapsed.

Yet, within one night, 50% of it was recovered by the Qin Clan. The buildings in the battle area of Qin Clan would take at least a month or more to finish. This is a world of cultivation where things like building a house are done extremely fast.

The grand fight left a shadow in everyone's minds. It planted a seed of fear. How can someone be so powerful? Most of the people may not see the truth but the ones who did couldn't hold their tongue and spilled the information.

Thus, it became known that a fight took place between OverLords in the Qin Estate. And the one who fought the intruder was precisely the Grand Elder of the Qin Clan, Qin Mu. He was not only not able to not kill her, but was also almost killed due to the sneak attack from the Alchemist 'Yu Yang'.

Apparently, the intruder-a sexy lady and Yu Yang seemed to be connected by the nature of their powers and are from the same place.

The pathetic thing is that even 'Yu Yang' was able to escape. The Qin Clan practically lost all face they ever had.

But the majority were thinking of the enemies who attacked. How can they be so powerful? If even the Qin Clan could not match them, then only the Sects and the Royal Family are capable. But who are these terrifying enemies? Why doesn't anyone know about the profound arts the lady used?

The python she summoned seemed so terrifying that everyone in the city felt their blood shaken. Who the hell is she?

Not just the citizens of the capital, everyone who heard the news had a lingering feeling of fear whenever they heard that a young lady actually fought equally with an OverLord who is the backbone of a Clan.

The other major powers would surely demand an explanation. The Qin Clan is going to have some things to do.

Every citizen tried to avoid the topic of the battle for fear of recalling it. Whenever they recalled the scenes, they felt their backs drenched in sweat. So, The Grand Auction naturally became the best topic to shift their attention to.

The capital was in a hustle as the Grand Auction became the center of all attention. Countless cultivators across the continent arrived at Qin Capital City. As the highlight of the Auction, the cultivation technique naturally became the most popular topic.

The majority of the cultivators came to only expand their horizons for they knew that there was no chance for them to snatch the technique from the giant organizations.

Though the sects had more valuable techniques, it doesn't hurt to have one more.

In a restaurant:

An ordinary looking youth is eating with two young men and a young woman. The three had a look of respect facing the youth.

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The youth had a burning aura but the people around him only felt warm like spring and were comfortable.

One of the Young Men asked slowly "Senior Brother, Do you know about the battle yesterday?"

The youth's eyes burned with vigor as he replied " It was an earth shaking battle. The Whole city was shaken. The enemies remain unknown. But this is the strength of an OverLord!" the last sentence of the youth was full of passion.

It was not a passion for strength but for the life it brings.

The three others nodded obediently. One of them asked, "Senior Brother, What if the enemy like that comes to our sect?"

The youth was silent before he LOL-laughed out loud. After taking his time, he slowly said "Do you think the Grand Elder of a Clan is the same as the Grand Elder of a Sect? Hmph!" at the end, he snorted disdainfully.

The three seemed to enlighten as they smiled from ear to ear but the young woman asked slowly with a fearful expression "But what if she is not the leader of the enemies?"

Everyone fell silent. This is one of the darkest fears they all had in their hearts but didn't wish to reveal because if it is true, then it means that they are in serious danger.

The youth too didn't answer and kept eating. If he were to choose again, he would rather not bring this naive junior sister of his.

To avoid the topic, one of the young men spoke "Elder would meet the head of the Qin Clan after the auction for the information. He is now meeting those from other sects. I wonder if the Qin Clan tells the truth......"


Sheng Tian was sitting on the edge of a bed leaning at the wall. He asked "Xiao Lian, you forgot something. You have to tell me about the Mythical God who can reincarnate."

Xiao Lian was gracefully eating chicken lollipop they bought this morning. Upon him interfering her, she didn't even stop as she mumbled "You broke the agreement when you called me by name. So, no telling."

Sheng Tian didn't want to let go and spoke with a flattering face "Now, Now, the Great Divine Beautiful Young Lady is a person with a great heart and forgives this little one's mistakes, no?"

Xiao Lian rolled her eyes at him and didn't answer. Sheng Tian spoke out hurriedly "Fine, I will tell you a joke for compensation and you tell me the name."

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Xiao Lian looked at him like she wanted him to continue. Overjoyed, Sheng Tian spoke hurriedly "First of all, you need to know the one character, Tarzan-an orphan raised by apes in a jungle from infancy. Jane-a young woman.

One day, Jane met Tarzan in the jungle. She was very attracted to him and questions about his life. She asked him how he managed for sex.

"What's that?" he asked.

She explained to him what sex was and he said: "Oh, I use a hole in the trunk of a tree."

Horrified, she said "Tarzan, you have it all wrong. I'll show you how to do it properly." she took off her clothes, laid down on the ground and spread her legs wide. "Here," she said, "you must put it in here."

Tarzan removed his loincloth, stepped closer and then gave her an almighty kick, right in the crotch.

Jane rolled in agony. Eventually, she managed to gasp, "What the hell did you do that for?"

"Checking for bees!" said Tarzan. "

"Pfft" Xiao Lian laughed hard as she choked on her food. Eventually, her laughter died down. But recalling the joke, her face turned red from embarrassment as she glared at Sheng Tian and yelled "How dirty minded! You pervert."

Sheng Tian spoke with an innocent expression "You say I'm dirty minded, yet you understand what I mean every time. What are you then?"

"You..."Xiao Lian wanted to punch that face which showed nothing but pure honesty. But his words made her even more ashamed.

"Hmph!" she snorted and turned around. The chicken lollipops vanished. It seems like the tsundere wants to play hard to get.

Sheng Tian didn't want to give up and said: "If you don't tell me, then how about I tell you another joke?"

Xiao Lian hurriedly denied and surrendered "No, No. I will tell you, alright."

Sheng Tian nodded. Xiao Lian washed her hands and slowly spoke "There is probably only one mythical god who can willingly reincarnate, Goddess of Death!"

Goddess of Death........Sheng Tian got a peculiar feeling when he heard this name. What was it? And how did she know this? Probably, everyone in the Divine Realm knew? But this sounded more like a secret.

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Looking at the back of Xiao Lian, he probed "You two are related right?"

Silence. She didn't answer and continued washing her hands with her back facing him.

Sheng Tian sighed and didn't continue. "Alright, There are only two hours for the auction. Wake me from meditation after an hour and a half."

This time, she spoke as she mocked "Che, You really want me to make a rooster who wakes you up?" Sheng Tian righteously said "No, these are the duties of a wife." and closed his eyes.

Xiao Lian blushed a little at his words but sighed in distress thinking of his question earlier. In the end, she didn't want to tell him. At least, not yet.


"Big Brother Ling Chen, don't worry. The Sultry Snake was severely injured and would probably take a lot of time to recover. We did everything we could." Liu feifei comforted Ling Chen who looked like he got cuckolded.

"No, it is going to be troublesome. Little feifei, I will grow strong and protect you." he held her hand. The next moment, he took Qin Qing's hand who was sitting next to Liu feifei and said: "and you too."

Qin Qing shed tears of joy as she used all her strength to nod and utter "En."

The author almost wanted to end her character in this chapter but alas, being the good man he was, he couldn't bear to do such a thing, It seems like he needs to learn to be more ruthless from the MC.

But he secretly thought 'Poor guys, they didn't know that the devil was already slain by a more terrifying devil.' and evilly chuckled from schadenfreude.


Qin Mu, the Grand Elder was having a discussion with his son, Qin Feng.

Although yesterday he fought a big battle and was injured, he was, after all an OverLord. So, even though he was not back to his peak, he was still able to exert a lot of his strength and is recovering very quickly.

Qin Feng spoke hurriedly "Father, what do we tell those people from the sects and other clans? Event the Royal family is asking for an explanation. If it isn't convincing, we might be in deep trouble."

Qin Mu sighed lightly. He asked Qin Qing how she knew about it. She only told that Liu feifei told her. He wanted to interrogate the young woman by hook or crook and let out the secret. But she too was a disciple from a sect with a renowned master and more importantly, Qin Qing said that she would rather die than let Ling Chen and Liu feifei suffer.

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Qin Mu believed that Qin Clan would reach an unprecedented level under Qin Qing's leadership. So, if he became the reason for her death, then he wouldn't' be able to answer the ancestors in the underworld. He would become the biggest sinner of the clan. He had no choice but to give in. But surprisingly, when he was about to give up hope, Liu feifei told him the reason.

She had a treasure which can help to see other's cultivation level. She always keeps it with her, so when she saw an OverLord with Ling Chen and connected it to the recent news of Bloody Wolf added with her woman's intuition, she knew that things were really really bad. Hence, she pleaded to Qin Qing for help.

Qin Mu believed her words. He even admired her a little. If not for that treasure and her intuition, how can she find the enemy when even he couldn't? his Ego definitely played a big role in convincing himself with her explanation. What he didn't know was that Ling Chen and Liu feifei used his ego as a top expert against him without him being aware.

Liu feifei only asked to keep the matter of them having the treasure a secret and let it be known that the Qin Clan gifted the treasure to Qin Qing, who accidentally discovered an enemy with her guest and reported it to him. This would make everyone satisfied.

Qin Mu explained the 'reason' to Qin Feng. He didn't know the actual story and actually believed what Qin Mu said. Qin Mu was pleased with the result.

Then he spoke "Alright, tell them the truth. I have had that treasure long since and gave it to Qin Qing secretly after she won the trials. Who knew that we would discover such an enemy? Haai!"

"Send Qin Qing to the auction tonight. If possible, get the cultivation manual." Qin Mu spoke.

"Yes, Father." Qin Feng complied and left.


On the top floor of the Myriad Treasure Star House, the young woman was looking at the Qin territory where the battle took place.

Her expression was solemn but it soon relaxed. "Did you find anything?" she asked to the dark.

"Princess, we found the traces of the aura of that woman. It showed the north of the city leading to a desolate path. But....." the voice hesitated.

"But what?" the young woman was in a bad mood.

"But her traces vanished when she reached a mountain." the voice finished.

"Hm,...It is very likely that she used a teleportation token. But they are very rare nowadays that it is hard to believe she could use them twice-for escaping from the city and fleeing. But considering her cultivation and strange techniques, it is not surprising." the young woman muttered.

"You can go now" she ordered.

'I need to check the royal library for information. I hope it is not what I think it is.' she thought. Her eyes showed wisdom which was far beyond her age.

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