Transformers Begin

Chapter 20

Sun Cheng had speculated about bringing things back from the alternate universe where the Decepticons resided. After all, in his previous time-travel experience, he had accidentally brought his iPhone 5 to that world. Sun Cheng had also considered the possibility of reverse operation, and after discovering that he could save his iPhone 5 in the mechanical body of Frenzy, he had kept the phone inside the body.

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What he didn't expect was that this time he didn't bring back his own iPhone 5, but instead brought back the 2nd level Core that he had also saved in the mechanical body.

"I actually brought it back?"

Upon realizing what he had brought back from the alternate universe, Sun Cheng felt a sense of joy that he couldn't even explain to himself, but more than that, he felt anxious and uneasy. Although he had only been in contact with the Decepticons for a short time, their evil and power had left a deep impression on him.

Imagine, even Frenzy, which only had the lowest level Core, was able to invade the world's internet in a short period of time. If a 2nd level Decepticon with decent combat ability were to replace it, it could be a disaster.

Although having a Core didn't mean that a Decepticon could be quickly cultivated, it was almost the most important step, and the rest was to build a mechanical body for it and activate the Core.

"This thing is too dangerous!"

Anxious, Sun Cheng quickly put it back in his pocket, and in the end, he still wasn't at ease, so he took it out again and put it in the inner pocket of his clothes.

Even so, he still felt nervous and began to feel uneasy even outside. He quickly unplugged the USB drive from the computer case in front of him, and he couldn't stay in the office anymore, so he immediately got up and prepared to go back to his dorm.

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Locking the door, he quickly left the office. Walking in the spacious campus, surrounded by the youthful atmosphere and laughter of passing students, and the warmth of the sun hanging high in the sky, made him feel a little less anxious.

Sun Cheng gradually realized that this was no longer the oppressive and dangerous alternate universe, and he was just an ordinary college student, not a spy or a robot.

Passing by the cafeteria, his growling stomach reminded him to buy a boxed lunch with the few bills he had left. His meager savings undoubtedly awakened the debt crisis that he had forgotten about, and made him realize that the real world he considered a paradise was not as comfortable and warm as the one he missed in the other world.


Pushing open the door, he finally returned to his dorm room. Sun Cheng put the boxed lunch on the table, opened his laptop, and went to the bathroom opposite his dorm to wash his hands. When he came back, he didn't forget to close the door and brought a glass of water to his computer desk.

After discovering and cleaning up the Trojan horse, his laptop had returned to normal and no longer had any unexplained crashes.

After taking a sip of water, Sun Cheng began to think seriously.

Nearly a hundred thousand in debt was not a small amount for most college students, and Sun Cheng was no exception. He was probably blinded by the excitement of starting a business and made the foolish decision to borrow money continuously. Without the recent trip to the alternate universe, he might not have been able to calm down and reflect on his mistakes.

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But now, although Sun Cheng was eating and thinking, his mind was clearer than ever.

Let's talk about starting a business. It was all child's play.

The idea was good, but the plan was too crude. As the main initiator, Sun Cheng was clearly incompetent. He not only failed to clearly understand the risks at the beginning, but also failed to sign an agreement with clear responsibilities and liabilities for each member of the entrepreneurial team.

Furthermore, Sun Cheng was even pushed out of the technical team by the other partners, who colluded openly or secretly. He not only failed to share the only dividend brought by the failed entrepreneurship--technological improvement, but also took on the most difficult and arduous task of raising funds.

Looking back now, he was really stupid.

Most of the debt was borrowed in his own name, and he even foolishly borrowed a considerable amount of campus loans under the instigation of his roommate. As a result, after the business failed, everyone else could leave without a second thought, but he, as the main initiator, could not escape. He not only carried all the debt, but also had to bear the subsequent negative consequences.

If Sun Cheng had been clear-headed at the time, he would have never touched those campus loans that ate people without spitting out bones.

In recent years, too many news reports on this kind of loan have exposed the rampant gray capital and private high-interest loans for campus loans due to the country's unfavorable regulation. Many people have been deceived and harmed.

The several loans that he borrowed under his personal name for campus lending had a minimum monthly interest rate of 1.5%, and the loan borrowed under the name of the entrepreneurial team had an annual interest rate as high as 25%. It was estimated that only he, who had made a mistake at the time, would sign the contract and leave himself with a lot of trouble.

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The nearly one hundred thousand yuan debt was not a small figure, and it was obviously impossible for Sun Cheng to pay it off with his current financial resources, unless his family helped him wipe it out.

However, this idea only flashed in his mind for a moment before he immediately dismissed it. Sun Cheng didn't want his family to know about this, not because they couldn't afford the money, but because of his special identity - an adopted child.

Yes, Sun Cheng was just an adopted child. His biological parents were said to have died in a car accident when he was young, and neither side of their relatives were willing to raise him, so he was adopted by the family he was currently in. Although his adoptive parents treated him well and never hid his identity from him, Sun Cheng still didn't want to cause them more trouble. He decided to take this burden on himself.

"The trouble now is how to get this money as soon as possible."

After quickly finishing his boxed meal, Sun Cheng frowned and threw away the lunch box, then returned to his computer to think about how to make money again.

Time always passes quickly without notice. In the blink of an eye, the sky turned red, and it was already evening.

After playing with his computer all afternoon, Sun Cheng stretched his arms and yawned lazily. The worry on his face had been replaced by a faint smile.

"It's really a wonderful experience. Is this the influence brought by time travel?"

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Looking at the refreshed operating interface on the computer screen in front of him, Sun Cheng smiled.

Last time he returned to the real world, he unexpectedly realized that his computer skills had suddenly increased, which made him really confused at the time. When he was thinking about how to raise money to repay his debt just now, Sun Cheng thought about this again and couldn't help but give it a try.

As a result, his guess was finally confirmed. It was probably due to the influence of absorbing the memory data of Frenzy after taking over the body, his computer skills were rapidly improving.

The system he used to practice on was the XP operating system in his computer. In just one afternoon, Sun Cheng not only fully localized it, but also beautified its operating interface based on Win10.

Besides, he also mercilessly streamlined the XP system's code while retaining most of its functions, replacing some of Microsoft's default software, including the IE browser, which had a design that was against humanity, with better software, and deleted almost all Windows components that most users would never use in their lifetime.

After such a streamlining, the improved version of the XP system he completed not only had a more beautiful operating interface, but also occupied only 1G of space after he compressed it from the original 2.4G.

"Not bad, this is definitely more user-friendly than those streamlined version of XP systems on the market!"

Satisfied with his first work, Sun Cheng quickly made it into an installation package. Just as he saved it, he heard a knocking on the door outside his dorm, and then a familiar young male voice said, "Ah'cheng, are you there?"

Instantly, the smile on Sun Cheng's face froze.

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