Ch14 - Butterfly Effect

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“Young master, did you hear about the auction hosted by the Clearing Moon Auction House?” Chen Da asked.

Ye Shi puffed out his cheeks, “Uncle Chen, don’t call me young master. I’m just a slaughterer of pigs and goats now. Isn’t it strange for you to call me young master?” 

Chen Da smiled awkwardly, “Uncle Chen is used to it. If I don’t call you young master, what should I call you?”

Ye Shi shrugged his shoulders, “Call me Shi Tou/Stone.”



“That’s not very nice.” Chen Da said with difficulty.

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Ye Shi said unconcernedly, “There’s nothing wrong with it! A phoenix without feathers is not as good as a chicken. I was never a phoenix in the first place. It’s good to call me Shi Tou.” 

Chen Da shook his head helplessly, “Don’t say that.”


We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Tf Vtl rtgeuufv tlr rtbeivfgr klat vlrlcafgfra.

“Vtl Kbe, atf jemalbc klii rajga rbbc. P tfjgv atfgf klii yf wjcs ubbv atlcur lc la.” Jtfc Gj rjlv.

Tf Vtl rcbgafv vlrjqqgbnlcuis, “Qtja’r atf erf bo rb wjcs ubbv atlcur? P mjc’a joobgv jcsatlcu. Aera atf fcagjcmf almxfa mbrar afc rqlgla rabcfr. Ebyylcu wbcfs, atlr lr!”

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Ye Shi bit his lip with some dissatisfaction. Now, he was helping out in a restaurant for one spirit stone a day. Like this, he could only make thirty spirit stones a month. Simply not enough!

Chen Da thought for a moment, ”Young master, in fact, it’s good to spend a few spirit stones to gain some insight. Young master Mu Chen should also go to the auction. If we go, we might even be able to meet him… ”

Ye Shi rolled his eyes, “I’ll spend 10 spirit stones to see that loser. Shameful! I would be crazy to spend spirit stones to see him.”


Chen Da: “……” 

Mu Chen was lying on his bed and a copy of the Bone Shrinking Technique was placed right in front of him.

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The Bone Shrinking Technique could make the body smaller. If one wanted to hide one’s identity, the Bone Shrinking Technique could be used to shrink the body. Moreover, this technique could be used to change one’s appearance by re-shaping the bones in your face.

Inch by inch, Mu Chen’s body became smaller, shrinking to the size of a six or seven-year-old.

Afterward, Mu Chen’s body slowly grew again and recovered to its original size. 

Mu Chen continued to shrink and grow in size with great interest.

When Mu Chen came out of the room, Ren San was shocked, “Young master, you have advanced to the nine-star martial apprentice.”

Mu Chen nodded his head, “Yes!”

Mu Chen originally had good qualifications. It was just that this guy, Mu Chen, had made a mess of his own body. Mu Chen had spent some time before, toning his body and solidifying his foundation. Now that his body had been toned and there were enough spirit stones, his strength rose naturally. 

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“Young master, the eldest young master came by again today. I told him that you were still resting and didn’t want to be disturbed, so he left.” Ren San said.

Mu Chen nodded, “I know.” Mu Hong was getting more and more restless. Recently, one of the servants beside Mu Chen happened to casually mention the matter of the pill again, so he should have been bought off as well.


Mu Chen did not know that the Spirit Breaking Pill was worth at least 300,000 stones, but the original owner had sold it for only 20,000 stones.

That Spirit Breaking pill, which was sold by the original owner, unsurprisingly fell into the hands of Mu Yuanhang, who was thus promoted to Martial Spirit, steadily suppressing Mu Yuanfeng. 

With Mu Chen’s flapping his butterfly wings, Mu Yuanfeng was on the defensive and nothing was the same anymore.


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