Shu Jianyang was stunned when he saw the police. After listening to Shu Yan's words and starting a proper business, he has dealt with all the things before. There should be no problem.

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"Hello, is this Mr. Shu Jianyang?"

"It's me. What can I do for you?" Shu Jianyang warmly entertained the two policemen to sit down and asked his secretary to pour water.

"No, we received a report that you were related to a homicide. Please come with us to the police station."

Homicide? Shu Jianyang is in a muddle. Although he was black before, he never killed anyone. How could he be related to the homicide case.

"OK, please give me a few minutes. I have a lot of things to explain here." Shu Jianyang is very cooperative. Taking advantage of this time, he called the people below, "Lao Hou, tell me the truth, have you made any mistakes recently?"

"No, I've been listening to you. I've never touched Du. What's the matter?"

"A policeman came to me just now and said that I was related to a homicide case. I'm sure it's OK. Did someone from your side find me out? Besides, find the best lawyer right away. " Shu Jianyang immediately finished, followed the police to the police station.

In the police station saw Shu Youfu linzixiang and his family, Shu Jianyang was speechless.

"They were the informants?"

"Shu Jianyang, did you kill my sister for money? My sister is so pathetic that she doesn't know where the body is? There are two more children. Did you kill them together Shu Jianbin saw Shu Jianyang and asked angrily.

Shu took a deep breath, so as not to slap him in the past. "Police comrade, I think it is necessary to explain this matter."

"All right, follow us inside and talk slowly." Homicide case, or three, how to give him time to talk slowly.

"It's my second uncle and aunt who called the police outside. They should say that I killed my cousin Shuyan, right? I can't imagine. Why don't you shoot TV? It's a pity. " Shu Jianyang hummed.

"So your cousin is still alive?" The interrogation police immediately recognized the meaning of Shu Jianyang's words.

"Of course my cousin is still alive. Hukou these can be found. The main reason is that my second uncles and aunts are very male biased. They have been bad to my cousin since childhood. They didn't go to school and asked her to do the most tiring and heaviest work in the family, and they didn't eat enough. When they get old, they don't choose people to taste their family background. They will marry as long as they can afford the betrothal gifts. Last year, my cousin's husband had someone outside, so she came to me and asked me to collect evidence for her. Then she divorced her husband. Her husband used to be a business man and he was very rich. After the divorce, all the money was given to her. " Shu Jianyang was vague here, but the police didn't ask him in detail. He then said, "my cousin may have been heartbroken. After divorce, she sold her house and left Xicheng with her children. Let me not tell her parents her whereabouts when I leave. My second uncle and aunt have been looking for me several times for this, and they just want to know where my cousin is. I really didn't expect that they could come up with something about my killing and called the police. "

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Shu Jianyang really didn't expect their brain holes to be so big. It can only be said that these people are really fascinated by money.

After hearing this, the police are more inclined to what Shu Jianyang said.

Before catching Shu Jianyang, they had a preliminary understanding of Shu Jianyang, who had been on the road before. However, people who knew him said that he was very righteous, knew his relatives very well, and was willing to help those who came out of the village. Of course, they can't make a judgment right now.

"Her parents have always said that you are greedy for Shu Yan's money. Can we know the specific amount?"

"Yes, at that time, ye Zhiqiang was Shu Yan's ex husband. Because he made a mistake, he went out of the house with a discount of 1.5 million yuan. There were five other houses that my cousin sold at a discount. It's not clear. It's about two million yuan. The house I live in is bought from my cousin, and there is a transaction contract. My cousin gave me the car. Thank you Help her. " Shu Jianyang felt that there was nothing to hide from these things, and his account was clear.

The policeman nodded and asked, "can I call your cousin?"

"No problem. You can call now."

The phone rang a few times, and there was about to get up, "hello."

As soon as Shu Jianyang was ready to speak, the policeman next to him took the microphone and directly asked, "is this Ms. Shu Yan?"

"I'm not. I'm the nanny. Who are you? I'll tell her when she comes back." Aunt's bright voice came.

The police returned the phone to Shu Jianyang and asked him to continue to ask.

"I am Shuyan's cousin. I have something to do with her. Where is she now? Is it going to the store? "

"I'm not sure. It's going to the store, isn't it Aunt did not know that Shuyan had given the shop to Zhang Huaxiu.

Hang up the phone, Shu Jianyang called Shu Yan's shop again.

It was a young woman who answered the phone. Shu Jianyang looked at the police and saw that they didn't take the microphone. He asked, "is Shu Yan in the store?"

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"Shu Yan? oh Are you looking for our other boss? She hasn't been here for a long time. The shop is now under the charge of sister Xiu. Wait a minute. I'll call you Xiujie. Xiujie. Someone calls to see Mr. Shu. ""I'll pick it up." Zhang Huaxiu came to answer the phone, "who is it, please?"

"I am Shu Yan's cousin, Shu Jianyang. She transferred this store?"

"It's Yan Yan's cousin ah, no, she left this shop to me, has not come for a long time, she may be at home, have you called?" Zhang Huaxiu is a cousin who knows that Shuyan has a good relationship.

"I just called. Her nanny picked it up and said she was not home."

"Maybe I went to the company. I'll give you her company's telephone number. You can call her company's number directly." Zhang Huaxiu reported the number to Shu Jianyang.

Shu Jianyang looked at the police beside him innocently, "said it was in the company."

"Your cousin is OK. You have a nanny at home. You have a partnership with others to open a shop and a company." The police thought it was acting.

Shu Jianyang also helpless, he did not hear Shu Yan said to open a company, this is when things?

"Hello, who is it?"

Shu Jianyang breathed a sigh of relief. This time he finally found the right owner, "it's me, Shu Jianyang."

"Third brother? Is it my mom's business? What did the doctor say? Is there any problem? If there is a problem, let them go to the capital. I will share the cost with their three brothers. You can help me with the cushion first, and then I will look for your account number directly. " Shuyan listened to Shu Jianyang and said immediately.

"It's not about it. I'm in the police station now."

"Police station? What's the matter? " Shuyan asked a little worried.

The police took the phone from Shu Jianyang's hand and asked, "is this Ms. Shuyan?"

"Well, it's me. Are you?" Shuyan was a little cautious.

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"I'm a police officer from Xicheng police station. I received a report today that Shu Jianyang killed his cousin Shu Yan because he wanted to get rich. So we need to confirm whether you are Shu Jianyang's cousin, Shu Yan himself?"

"Who reported it? I'm alive and well. Isn't that sick? " Shuyan thought for a moment and immediately asked, "can't my parents report the case? Are they crazy? It's really for me to go back and I'll do everything. "

"Are you sure it's Shu Yan?" The police asked again.

"Of course I am. I registered at the police station after selling out the house. Then I left Xicheng with my children and went to Nancheng. After buying a house here, I settled down here. You can call the Nancheng police station directly to ask about the situation. But I want to ask you one thing. I don't want my whereabouts to be known by my parents. It's not easy to have a stable life and do not want to move again because of them. " Shu Yan after a few words can be described with pleading.

"This is your housework, it's none of our business, but we need your parents to answer the phone and confirm your real identity."

"Good." Shu Yan sits up straight and is ready for a full-scale fight.

"Hello, isn't Yan Yan? Yan Yan, I'm my mother. Where have you been? You said that you didn't tell us when you divorced. You left quietly with your children after divorce. You don't know how worried your parents are about you. I don't know how long she'll live if she's sick. You don't come back to see her? " Lin Zixiang was crying. If it wasn't for the police on the edge who had listened to Shu Jianyang's words in front of him and Shu Yan's plea, he would have felt that Shuyan was very unfilial at the moment.

"Can you stop acting?" Shuyan's cold voice came from the microphone, "I'm 26 years old, not 6 years old. If I die outside, you won't think of me. What you think is the money I got from ye Zhiqiang? I didn't want to contact you. Since you talked to me on the phone in this way, I can make it clear that Shuyan had already died when ye Zhiqiang called her and scolded her and forced her to divorce. Now Shuyan is a new born Shuyan. Since my parents don't like me, I don't want it. But you can rest assured that at least I was born and raised. So I'll give you as much as the three brothers give you, including when you're sick. If you're sick, you'll be treated. We'll share the money equally among the four of us. Is it interesting enough for my daughter to do this? "

"Yan Yan, what are you talking about? Mom can't understand. Why don't I like you? I just you and Lily two daughters, you are the youngest, can I not hurt you? I know you blame me for picking Ye Zhiqiang for you, but he used to be very good, and he really has a promising future. You said he had a woman outside, and his mother couldn't control it. What kind of pension is not pension, pension has your brothers! Mom is sick. I want to see you before I leave. "

"I said, stop acting. What's the use of acting in front of the police? Or are you going to sue me? First of all, you two don't have to be supported. Second, there are three brothers in my family, so I can't support them alone. Third, if you are going to go to justice, it doesn't matter. If you fight the lawsuit to the end, the family property will be shared equally, and I will share the pension equally in the future. I remember you built three houses for your three sons, right? Where did that money come from? Believe it or not, at least one will be given to me at that time? "

"Shuyan, don't go too far. If it wasn't for my mother, would you marry Ye Zhiqiang? If you didn't marry Ye Zhiqiang, would you get so much money? Speaking of all the money is the credit of my mother. If you don't give it all to my parents, you will score at least half of us. Moreover, you also give the money to Shu Jianyang. Can you tell the difference between the two? We are your brothers. " Shu Jianbin listened to Shu Yan's words, a little anxious.I'll get half of the money back from my brother. I'd rather not have you brothers. Don't mention it. I'll take Shu Jianyang as my elder brother. Besides, I've never given money to my third brother. Today, people are all relying on their own efforts. What's more, you are a moth and you only know how to suck blood with your sisters. "

Shu Youfu was just about to speak on the phone when he was stopped by the police.

It turned out that the police who went to contact Nancheng police station came back, and the result found there was indeed Shuyan.

"Ms. Shu, we have confirmed that it's you. The matter has been investigated. I'm very sorry to disturb you."

"I'm sorry to trouble you. Besides, please keep my whereabouts confidential."

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"Please rest assured that we will never disclose personal privacy without your consent." Then he hung up.

"What do you mean? Why can't I know where my own daughter is? " Lin Zixiang saw the phone hang up, immediately asked Shu Yan's whereabouts, but the police did not tell her.

"The other side has made it clear that they can't tell you, so we have no right to tell you." The policeman shrugged.

Seeing that Shu Youfu and Shu Jianbin want to make a noise, the police looked at them seriously, "this is the police station, dare to make trouble here?"

At this time people are still very afraid of the police, not to mention Shu Youfu and Shu Jianbin is a nest horizontal, was so said, do not dare to speak.

"If nothing happens, I'll go first." Shu Jianyang glanced at Shu Youfu, and this time it was a complete break from the family.

"OK, you can sign here and go." Then they took out a document for Shu Youfu to sign, and taught them, "it's the first time that you read it. Even if you call the police again next time, it will be punished. Since the case has been solved, you should go quickly."

"No, my sister's side..."

"It's your housework. It's not our business."

As soon as Shu Youfu went out, he saw Shu Jianyang standing outside waiting for them.

"Jianyang, we are also worried about Yan Yan. It really doesn't mean anything else."

Shu Jianyang looked at them and chuckled, "if you want to stay with relatives, you can forget it this time. Don't come to me in the city later. I'll tell my father and mother, you should not have your relatives."

On the other side, Shuyan is also very speechless looking at the phone, how can someone be shameless to this point, in order to find her even call the police?

Thought for a while, Shu Yan picked up the phone, "third brother, I want to ask you a favor." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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