Fortunately, Shuyan has been exercising during this period of time. When he comes back from a circle of horses, he doesn't feel uncomfortable.

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"I'll press it for you later, and it won't hurt tomorrow." Fang Zeyu is worried that Shuyan will not feel well tomorrow.

"It should be OK. I insist on doing yoga."

There are yoga teachers in the club introduced by Hu Ruixue. In addition to some shaping exercises, Shuyan will do yoga together. She plans to practice yoga after the shaping is over.

I've seen some people who insist on practicing yoga before. Her temperament and figure are really very good. She hopes that she can keep a very good posture after she is 40 years old.

Riding a horse slowly and leisurely, the wind gently blowing Shuyan's bangs, comfortably leaning on Fang Zeyu's arms.

"It's beautiful here. I hope I can come again next time."

"You can come any time you like." Fang Zeyu likes it very much.

At the beginning, he was forced to stay at home, but his grandfather helped him into the army through the help of his grandfather, which changed his life. Otherwise, he must have become a gangster on the street, and he would have gone astray.

In the afternoon, they put a blanket on the ground, lying there blowing the wind, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, so they could lie down for a day.

"Mom, look at my pony." Tianbao rode a little mare to come slowly.

"Where's the horse? Don't be broken. " The horse looks small.

"Jinshan says it's OK. He often rides it." Tianbao is the first time to ride by himself.

"Who is Jinshan?" Shu Yan asked Fang Zeyu.

"It's the grandson of the old village head. The pony should be for him to practice, he said it's ok if it's OK Fang Zeyu took Shuyan off the horse and came to Tianbao and touched the pony. "Even if it's a pony, you have to ride slowly. Falling down is not for fun."

"I'm not afraid. Uncle Fang will protect me." After these days together, Tianbao more and more adores Fang Zeyu.

Fang Zeyu knocked on his head. "I only have two hands. What if I can't make it?"

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After a while, Jingjing also came riding a pony, but she was followed by a boy, about eight years old, very strong, should be the Jinshan Tianbao said.

"Mom, can I ride my horse to the side?" To tell you the truth, before Jingjing was a little afraid of riding, the pony was not afraid, and she thought the pony was so cute.

In addition to Jinshan, Jinshan's father followed him. Shuyan assured them that they would go out to play. The purpose of coming to the grassland was not to play freely. There was no need to be so careful.

In the evening, the village head still entertained them and roasted a lamb. During this time, Fang Zeyu and the village head talked a lot about the road. The village head meant to fill the pit and then lay stones.

"Can you apply to the county for watering the muddy road?" Fang Zeyu calculated with Lin Dazhi last night that it's 20 kilometers from here to the nearest county seat. The road is very flat. The artificial labor can be produced from the village, about one million can do it.

The head of the village shook his head, "no, we have applied with the county many times, and it has been said that there is no money."

The grassland is too big, and the villages are scattered. For example, in their village, there are less than 100 people, and they are poor counties. How can they spend 1 million to build roads for them and give them this village? Will other villages have any opinions? When the time comes, they will go to the county, and they will not live.

Shu Yan was surprised. She thought it didn't take so much money to make the road. According to Fang Zeyu's calculation, it was about 100000 yuan per kilometer. If there were mountains and rivers blocking it, the cost would be higher.

In this way, I'm afraid the 50000 yuan she donated to the village was not enough. At that time, she felt that she had enough. The third elder brother said that he would make up for the insufficient, and he thought that he would make up for 10000 or 20000 yuan. Now, it seems that 100000 yuan is not enough.

After all, their village is in a gully, two mountains away from the nearest village. If you want to build a road, you have to build a stone field and a bridge. The amount of work is much larger than that on the grassland side.

"What's the matter?" After talking to the village head, Fang Zeyu asked in a low voice when he saw Shu Yan meditating.

"When I was thinking about the donation last time, I thought that 50000 yuan was quite a lot. Now I take it for granted. I'll ask my third brother later. It's not reasonable for him to spend so much money."

Fang Zeyu only knew that Shuyan had donated money, but he didn't know about his hometown. Now he saw that the road to be repaired was quite long.

The next day, Fang Zeyu took Shuyan to his former army for a round. In principle, he can't go in. However, Lin Dazhi went to the old leader, who used to like Fang Zeyu best. When he heard that he was back, he immediately asked people to come in.

"It's changed a lot from before." Fang Zeyu looked at the barracks and sighed.

"How many years have you been away? It's normal to have changes." From time to time, Lin Dazhi pointed to a building and asked Fang whether he still remembered what he used to do.

At noon, he rubbed a meal here. Tianbao looked around and whispered, "Mom, I want to be a soldier when I grow up."

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Shu Yan glanced at him. When she was a child, she wanted to be a scientist when she grew up. She was also moving bricks.Knowing that Fang Zeyu was going to donate money to build the highway, the county immediately sent someone to meet Fang Zeyu. As a result, he didn't talk much about the road. Instead, he was always trying to make investment. He asked Fang Zeyu to help the prairie where he had been.

It can be seen that these people are not selfish and really want to increase the income of the county. It is really too poor here.

Shuyan looks at the flocks of sheep outside. Hu Ruixue has already started the plan for women's wear. It is likely that it will be officially advertised in two months. It will be in autumn. Woolen sweaters in autumn and winter are indispensable. There are also various kinds of woollen clothes, such as woolen overcoats, scarves, hats, socks, etc

"I have a cooperation to talk with you."

Hearing Shu Yan's words, people in the county can't help looking at her.

"This is it?"

"This is my girlfriend. She's in the clothing business." Fang Zeyu heard Shu Yan's words and knew that she must have thought well before she spoke.

Clothing business? The merchants' eyes suddenly brightened and the clothing business was good. If we could set up a wool processing factory here, we would not only create many more jobs, but also make herdsmen and the county have income.

"I just have this intention. I have to wait for the company to send someone to visit the site. I don't think it's OK." Shu Yan explained with a smile, and then said: "in addition, we come here to travel, so I don't want to discuss work. I'll call the company's people later, and then you can contact them."

These words did not make them discouraged. Shu Yan is the boss. If she is willing to invest here, will the employees below still contradict her?

They went to the village head and asked him to treat Fang Zeyu and Shuyan well. All their expenses were paid by the county. In terms of highway, the county can also allocate a little money. Although it is not much, it also provides funds.

After spending a week in the grassland, if the people in the county really didn't bother them, Shuyan learned to make yogurt and cheese from the herdsmen. Cheese is too troublesome, so yogurt can be made at home.

The two children and the village head's Jinshan became very good friends. They rode a pony outside every day and delivered a sheep with Jinshan yesterday.

"Mom, the lamb is amazing. It doesn't take long to get up and walk." Tianbao is interested in learning to Shuyan.

"So amazing?"

"Really. He also said that he would give me the newborn lamb, mom. Can I take it home and raise it? " Tianbao blinks his eyes at Shu Yan. Although Jingjing on one side doesn't open his mouth, he looks forward to looking at him.

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"The little lamb is so small that it will starve to death without milk from its mother." Shuyan full of black lines, but also want to take a little lamb back, children really want to a is a out.

"Can you take his mother back? So the lambs won't starve to death Tianbao said immediately.

"The mother sheep belongs to the village head's grandfather. If you take it away, the village head's grandfather's family will have no money to eat. Tianbao still has Jingjing. Have you ever thought about this?" Shuyan looked at them seriously, "so is the lamb. It's something for the village head's grandfather's family to make a living. Jinshan said it was polite to give it to you, so you accepted it?"

"Let's see if we can buy it." Tianbao asked dejectedly.

"Have you bought something to bring back? Forget how we got here? "

A thought and so big a sheep mother crowded in the small compartment, Jingjing a excited, immediately shook his head, "or forget it."

"Well, when we go back to Nancheng, my mother will buy you a little dog. The dog is also very cute and will protect you." Shuyan actually wanted to raise it, especially after buying the yard.

"All right." Tianbao won't come down for his promise.

When they left, the old village head and the herdsmen held a grand farewell party for them. All the villagers came to sing and dance around the fire. Fang Zeyu and Shuyan were also coaxed into dancing for a while.

The next morning, even a man got up to pack up his things. Lin Dazhi drove his tractor to pull a group of them to the city.

"Lao Fang, now all the telephones in the army can be connected. Call me if you have something to do. Remember to contact me often." Lin Dazhi had already known Fang Zeyu's experience over the years, hammered him on the shoulder and whispered, "my sister-in-law is very good. You are good to her."

"You can say that?" Fang Zeyu turned a blind eye to him. Who is good for his daughter-in-law? "Come to Nancheng when you are free."

All the way back to Nancheng, Shuyan took a long sigh of relief when getting off the bus.

"Grassland is fun, but the traffic in the past was too inconvenient." It's really inconvenient to travel at this time. For example, from Nancheng to Beijing, the high-speed rail only takes four or five hours. Now it takes nearly 20 hours. It's not a little bit worse.

Fang Zeyu saw that Shuyan's eyes were tired and asked them to wait at the exit to drive by themselves.

When they returned to the community, it was about five o'clock in the afternoon. Most of them came back from work. Fang Zeyu hesitated for a moment and went down to send Shuyan upstairs.Some people who know Shuyan or Fang Zeyu are whispering.

"Is it true? That Fang Zeyu and a woman in our community are on good terms? "

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"What's up? They are normal people. " Grandma Zhang speaks for Shuyan.

"Don't all the women have children? Her son seems to be in kindergarten right here

"Well, I know. She's divorced early, and her husband and unmarried woman are unmarried. What's wrong with her? Let me tell you that Fang Zeyu can't find a single lesbian of the right age at his age. He's just the right person to get married. Besides, Shu Yan is good-looking and has a good personality. If he hadn't been divorced, how many people would have chased him. " Granny Zhang knew something about Shuyan and helped her.

Within three days, many people in the neighborhood knew that Fang Zeyu had a partner, a divorced woman with two children.

Most people say that Fang Zeyu is smart. At his age, he doesn't have a job, and his face is broken. It's hard to find a good girl. It's good to find a woman with a second marriage and children. He doesn't have to give betrothal gifts or wine. He saves a lot of money. It's said that the woman has a house in the capital of Nancheng, which means there is still some money. What a good thing.

"Didn't he say he didn't talk about people? Why did you talk about it? " When Zhou Xiaomei came back from work, she heard the gossip from her neighbors on the road. She hurried home to ask her mother.

"How can I go? So are you. Why do you suddenly like Fang Zeyu? Even if he was wronged, it is a fact that he was in prison and his job was lost. Now I don't know what he is doing outside? The only advantage is that he has a room, but his stepmother is not easy to get along with. Such a person is not a good match at all. Xiaomei, my mother will find you a good one some other time. I'm not in a hurry. " Zhou's mother still felt that her daughter would be attracted to Fang Zeyu only after she was stimulated.

Zhou Xiaomei is the teacher in her 30s mentioned by the old lady and sister.

She kept her head down and didn't speak to her family. Two years ago, on her way back from work, she met a hooligan who wanted to see the color. At that time, she was really desperate. Fang Zeyu, who passed by, came down from the sky and saved her.

Although she didn't succeed, Zhou Xiaomei was touched all over her body. At that time, she begged Fang Zeyu not to tell the truth and didn't call the police. She was a teacher. If she was known, how would she behave in the future? Besides, she had a fiance studying abroad.

Later, when she was divorced, she thought of Fang Zeyu. Thinking that it would be good to marry him, she told his mother about it. At that time, she was strongly opposed by her mother. Her parents thought that she had abandoned herself because she was sad to be divorced. Soon after hearing that Fang Zeyu was wronged, Zhou Xiaomei was overjoyed and asked her mother to help him find out.

The old woman who lived with Fang Zeyu said that he had no partner, but now he is better. Suddenly, a divorced woman with two children appears. Zhou Xiaomei doesn't understand why Fang Zeyu wants a person who has had two children to leave her. Is it because she is old?

Shu Yan does not know that Fang Zeyu is being missed. She is calling Shu Jianyang.

"Third brother, you are really. I don't understand you and you don't know to remind me. I thought 50000 yuan was almost enough. Now I know it's far from enough. It's all for helping me. I can't ask you to add so much money. Can I transfer another 100000 yuan?"

"What's the use of so much? You're not the only one who pays. The old secretary says that the villagers have money to pay, but they don't have money to pay. The two small villages along the road will also work together. Most of the materials are local materials, but there is not a stream nearby? I have sand and gravel, I have machines, and I don't add much. 50000 yuan is enough. " Shu Jianyang didn't expect Shuyan to inquire about this.

"I don't understand this. I'll transfer another 100000 yuan. OK, if our brothers and sisters don't lack this money, don't argue. In addition to asking the old party secretary to help me, I also want to accumulate virtue for myself." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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