Fang Zeyu walked forward without delay, stopped at the corner in front of him, waited for about a minute, and a man who caught the walking reached the wall, and found that she was a woman. He quickly released her hand and was two meters away from her.

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"Who are you? Why follow me? " He just felt that someone followed him and was very poor at skills, and he never thought of being a woman.

"Me?" Zhouxiaomei knead her wrist and looked at fangzeyu in horror. "I have no malice. Do you remember saving a man on the workers' road two years ago?"

Fang Zeyu looked at her carefully, as if he had saved a man. He didn't look at her appearance carefully. But at that time, except for the gangsters, she was right to say this.

"You were the girl that night. What did you follow me?" She begged that she had a job and a fiance, and that it was impossible to let people know what was robbed. He let the man go, but then he deliberately sent the man to prison.

Zhouxiaomei bit her lower lip, and asked with great courage: "do you know six auntie in Xiazhuang village?"

Six aunt fangzeyu is familiar, she is the old sister of the old lady, often home to play, but with Fang Zeyu said not much.

"Last time, my six aunt went to my house and talked about you. Say We are very suitable. I secretly went to see you for a while, and I knew that you were the one who saved me that day, so That, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is zhouxiaomei, a Chinese teacher in a middle school. "

Fang Zeyu remembers grandma once said that her old sister introduced an object to a woman teacher in her thirties. She talked about an object before and was engaged. As a result, she was divorced few years after going abroad.

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"Grandma told me, but I told grandma that I had a target. I believe she should have said to my six aunt that if nothing happened, I would go first." Fang Zeyu nodded down and turned to go.

"Comrade Fang," zhouxiaomei called Fang Zeyu, "you should know that I was divorced. Although I have been in contact with others, my relationship with him is clear, I am still a girl, and I am a formal teacher, and I have a lot of leisure and holidays. After that, you don't need to worry about education. Don't you think about it?"

Fang Zeyu looked back at zhouxiaomei indifferently. "I said, I am the object. In my eyes, she is the fairy, no woman can compare her. Mr. Zhou has such a good condition. I believe that we will find someone better than me. It's not too early. If you see me, you will talk about it. Miss Zhou will go back quickly. "

Zhouxiaomei looked around, and saw a villager coming in the distance and sipping her lips. "Comrade Fang, I really like you, I hope you can think about it carefully and make decisions again." Then he turned and ran.

Fang Zeyu shook his head, like or dislike, he was very clear.

He did not worry about zhouxiaomei, naturally will not mention with Shu Yan.

Shu Yan is busy recently, clothing proofing, advertising, direct business stores, and Hu Ruixue also plans to take to foreign competitions, don't care about the competition or small competition? All signed up, and then it was a stunt.

This idea is very good. Even if they don't want to admit it, monks from abroad are good at studying scriptures in China, have participated in some foreign competitions, and won some awards that sound tall and can be more popular at home.

The situation of multi-faceted development is that Shu Yan and Hu Ruixue are busy.

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It was also a coincidence that fangzeyu's branch in Seoul was about to open. As the boss of the company, he must have to take charge of the work. For a time, they couldn't even meet each other, and they could only call at night.

"I am almost busy here. I can come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Seoul is really good. There are lots of fun places and lots of delicious food. You must like it. You can take the children to travel next time." Fang Zeyu knows that Shu Yanai is traveling, and he will ask everywhere when he goes to a place. If he feels good, he wants to take Shu Yan together.

Shuyan heard the mouth of the corner up, "well, wait for busy this array, we go to the beach first, have promised the child."

"Of course, I mean after."

Shuyan smile, the sea is only a port city, now add a Seoul, and continue more, is it planned all life?

Today, the meeting was over early. Shu Yan planned to go back to the vegetable farm early. She was stopped by a woman just after a fork.

"Who are you, please?" Shuyan looked at her up and down to make sure that she had never seen her.

"Hello, my name is zhouxiaomei, who is a Chinese teacher in middle school." Zhouxiaomei introduced her career, then looked at Shuyan up and down, "I Just want to see what fangzeyu likes like? "

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It's a real misunderstanding. She seems to be like a junior, and this week Xiaomei is to catch the adultery palace.

Shuyanhao looks at zhouxiaomei in his spare time and asks with a smile: "so what is the relationship between you and Yu?"

"I The old lady of the house where fangzeyu lives now, you know, she likes me very much. She asked her old sister to come to my house to ask about the situation. You know, the girl family has to be reserved. I want to steal a look at Comrade Fang and make a decision. I didn't expect that he was the one who saved me before. I have been looking for him, and I haven't found it. Maybe it's fate. I didn't expect to see you in this way, but I heard people say he has a target, so I want to ask if it is I I quit. "What is this peerless white lotus? I'll quit. Did you come in and quit?

If Shuyan doesn't trust Fang Zeyu, maybe there will be a misunderstanding. They are in contact, but the old lady of the family asks someone to inquire about other people's girls. Is it the old lady's meaning or Fang Zeyu's meaning?

What's more, if Shu Yan is really just a divorced woman with two children, no career and no job, will a single woman with good looks and a good job appear at this time, will she be ashamed of herself?

It's a pity that Shu Yan is now successful in her career. Let alone that Zhou Xiaomei is just an ordinary teacher and a university professor, she is not creepy. The most important thing is that Shuyan trusts Fang Zeyu.

She said with a smile, "I think the old lady certainly didn't know the relationship between me and ah Yu when she mentioned it, and after she mentioned it, ah Yu absolutely refused on the spot." Shuyan is very determined to say that she and the old lady have contacted several times, is a very clear person, will not do this kind of thing.

Approaching Zhou Xiaomei, Shuyan said playfully, "you must have gone to find a Yu? And there was a nail in the head, otherwise you would not come to me at this time Seeing her face of shame and indignation, Shuyan put away her smile and seriously made Zhou Xiaomei a little afraid. "Since you know that Fang Zeyu has a target, you should know to avoid taboo. You should know that Fang Zeyu was wronged because he saved a girl, lost his job, went to prison, and lost his closest relative. He saved you, but you are not grateful to destroy his feelings? Don't tell me about love. Love is relative. Why do you think Fang Zeyu will like you? You're older than me? You're not married? With your teacher's job? There should be a limit to what you think you are. Besides, as a teacher, your behavior is really unworthy. "

Zhou Xiaomei blushed. She really wanted to see how a divorced woman with two children could win her.

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"I don't mean anything else. I I just

"You just want to know why Fang Zeyu insisted on choosing me after seeing you with such superior conditions?" This kind of person Shuyan see more, are flattered by the people around, feel that they are nine fairies down to earth.

"I'm not." Being poked in the mind, Zhou Xiaomei was a little angry, "you are too aggressive, I have no such meaning at all, I hope you can be good at each other's comrades."

Shuyan rolled a white eye, and when she left, she said, "what's the relationship between Fang Zeyu and you?"? You want to ask?

In the evening, when Fang Zeyu called, Shuyan told him about Zhou Xiaoyan.

"Two years ago, I rescued him once, and then we didn't get in touch with each other. A few days ago, I suddenly ran over to say that I like him. Isn't this nonsense? You don't mind her until I get back. " After a pause, Fang Zeyu carefully said: "Yan Yan, grandma mentioned it, but it was a long time ago. When she said it, I said I had a favorite person."

Shuyan smile, she of course believe in Fang Zeyu, this trust has not yet how together. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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