It's not the same as women's wear in all aspects, so I don't want to be the best.

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Recently, the whole Yan Xue is in a fighting state, from top to bottom are busy to fly.

"A number of newspapers have reported the news of our company's new women's wear awards, and the advertisements have been broadcast in succession. At present, there are Nancheng TV station, Lanjiang Province, Hujiang province and Yangcheng city. CCTV is still negotiating, and may be on next week." Jiang Pei is Shu Yan's assistant and has a strong working ability.

Shu Yan took a pen and knocked on the table, "how do you say there?"

"All the domestic counters have been decorated, and all the clothes have been sent. People from the marketing department and designers have rushed to each counter. The people in the port city are working overtime to decorate, so they can catch up with the time. It may take a month for the shops in the Bay province to open. As for foreign countries, only city a and City C can synchronize at present. "

This two places is enough, Shuyan immediately ordered, "the leaflet must be used to write that these two places have a counter synchronous opening, it is best to do not deliberately eye-catching."

Jiang Pei did not have a bit of embarrassment to agree to come down, anyway, she is not worried, headache is the propaganda department.

Hearing the knock on the door, Jiang Pei opens the door. Xia Rou is the visitor.

Unlike Xia Rou, who was a nervous intern before, she went abroad with Hu Ruixue and got several awards, big and small. It may be average in foreign countries, but in China, she is already a famous designer. After returning home, Shu Yan promoted her to deputy director, and no one objected.

"General manager Shu, the factory called and said there was a problem with a batch of cloth."

Now it's a very special moment. Shu Yan attaches great importance to it. She immediately calls the factory and asks carefully. Only then does she know that the fabric in question came from Hu Ruiyang. Most of their supplies come from Hu Ruiyang. In addition to affordable prices, but also out of trust, there has been no problem in cooperation for such a long time.

Shuyan called Hu Ruixue. She had something at home today, and said she would come over this afternoon.

"What's wrong with the fabric? I'm with my brother. I'll ask him Hu Ruixue hung up the phone and turned to ask Hu Ruiyang, "Shuyan said that there was something wrong with that batch of cloth that came to the factory recently. The inspection master said that the quality was not up to the standard, and there were many stains and musty smell."

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She wanted to make luxury brand, but the cloth was so bad that no one wanted it.

"Don't worry about it. I'll call the company to find out." Hu Ruiyang got up and went out to make a phone call.

"What's the matter?" Hu's mother came out with the dishes. "Is your brother busy with the company again? Said today is your father's birthday, not busy with the company's business. "

"It's not brother's company. It's me who has some problems." Hu Ruixue got up and helped her mother carry the dishes. "It's not a big deal. It will be solved in a short time. Why can't my father come down?"

After a while, Hu Ruiyang came back, did not say what the problem, only said that let people to pull back the batch of goods with problems, and then pull a batch of good past.

"Today is my father's birthday. If I don't talk about it, I'll go to your company and explain it to Shu Yan tomorrow." Hu Ruiyang took a chair and sat down. He looked around and frowned and asked, "where is Miss?"

"It's still upstairs. I'll call her now." Seeing that Hu Ruiyang's face was not good, Wang Ma immediately went upstairs to call for Hu Lingyu.

Soon the family sat together, except for the blossoms, all of them said congratulations to Hu Fu.

"It's rare for a family to eat together, so don't mention it." Hu's father was a little fat and kind-hearted, and he felt very good at talking.

Having said that, the family hardly made any noise during the meal, and began to chat after eating.

"Your friend, Shuyan, is really good at his ability." The recently planned scheme has been very successful.

Hu Ruixue took a look at him, "big brother, are you paying too much attention to Shuyan?"

Although she started the company with the help of some family strength, she mainly relied on herself and Shuyan to be able to survive today. Hu Ruixue did not want to be stained with too many marks of the Hu family, that is, her and Shuyan's company.

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"You see, you are too thoughtful. I don't mean anything else. I just think her ability is very strong. When will she help my company plan?" Hu Ruiyang smiles.

"You can find Shu Yan yourself. I can't pass the microphone." Hu Ruixue knows that Shu Yan doesn't like Hu Ruiyang. It's Hu Ruiyang's own fault. He's too aggressive. But Shu Yan is very independent. It's strange to like him.

Hu Ruiyang hesitated for a moment and suddenly asked, "how do you say I pursue Shuyan?"

Hu Ruixue, who was drinking tea, puffed out.

"What it looks like." Hu Mu saw her and glared at Hu Ruixue.

"What are you talking about, brother? Do you pursue Shuyan Hu Ruixue couldn't believe looking at him and humming, "don't think about it. You can't play."

"I'm divorced, she's divorced, and each has children. How come it's over?" Hu Ruiyang's ex-wife and he belong to a family marriage. They have always respected each other. They have a 10-year-old daughter. Five years ago, his ex-wife suddenly filed for divorce because she wanted to study abroad and settle abroad. Then Hu Ruiyang quietly signed a divorce agreement. His ex-wife really went abroad and never came back.Over the years, his parents hinted at many things, but they were rejected by him. In addition to the other party's ability, he really wondered why a woman who had never received education, or even grew up in such a family, would have changed so much.

"You've got a partner. Of course you can't play." To tell you the truth, although her brother is good-looking, strong ability and rich, but it is really not a good match. Let alone Shuyan has a target, even if there is no, Hu Ruixue will not agree.

Hu Ruiyang sighed with some disappointment, "I still want to chase her, and as a result, others beat me. Who's her boyfriend? What do you do? "

"You don't care what people do, but you're dead. It's as if you can catch it. My Yan Yan is demanding. It's not like a cat and a dog can chase it. " Hu Ruixue hummed.

"Hu Ruixue." Hu Ruiyang's eyes blazed, "do you describe your brother like that?"

A burst of light laughter came from the side, and they looked back and saw that Hu Lingyu couldn't laugh there.

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"Nothing. I just think my aunt's description is too appropriate." Before Hu Ruiyang got angry, Hu Lingyu got up and went upstairs. "I haven't finished my homework yet. I went up first."

"That Shuyan is the one who cooperates with you to open a company? You're not saying that she's beautiful and has a good personality. Your brother is interested in others. Why didn't you help her Hu's rare son proposed to pursue a woman.

"I've said they have a partner. Mom, don't join the party. " Shuyan and big brother are suitable.

"How long has your brother been divorced? I haven't moved my mind all the time. Now I'm not easy to open my mouth. How can I have an object? " Hu Mu sighed and turned to Hu Ruixue, "what about you? Is that what you're going to do for a lifetime? You are not a few years older than Shuyan. She can find another one. Why can't you? This is the case again. What should you do when you are older? Mom doesn't want you to get married now. You can get in touch. If you meet the right one, we'll be old one day. When we're not here, you're old. Who will take care of Duoduo? You add a younger brother or sister, and let the flower have a support. "

Parents always think further and more than their children. If both of them are divorced, there is no one to let him worry.

Why did it burn on her all of a sudden? Hu Ruixue quickly withdrew from the battlefield.

She can understand her parents want her to find another partner, but she really does not have such a mind now. The company is so busy that her daughter needs her care. What's more, she always believed that the love was false. Although it was past, how could the trauma in her heart pass so quickly.

Shuyan didn't know that he had been missed by Hu Ruiyang, otherwise he could eat less than a few bowls of rice.

The effect of advertising is very good. Before the counter opened, many people came to consult. Many people are really curious about what kind of brand can win so many awards abroad.

The result didn't disappoint them. The clothing was classic and elegant, with Chinese elements.

The sales results of various places are very impressive. Many styles have disappeared as soon as they are put on the shelves, especially those limited edition models, which have not yet been put on the shelves, have been robbed.

"Our work was chosen." Hu Ruixue opened Shuyan's office door and said happily.

"What works?"

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"The works of Xiangyun series were selected by a foreign competition. I'll ask someone to book a ticket now. I'll go with Xia rou. " Hu Ruixue chose to sign up as a dead horse doctor at first. Anyway, all the people were abroad, so he even reported to join the party. Unexpectedly, he was selected.

"This is a good thing. You should hurry over. I'm here in the company. You can rest assured." Shuyan calls Xia Rou to her office.

However, it had been a few days since I said I would go to the seaside. When Shu Yan told Jingjing and Tianbao, the two children were a little disappointed.

"I'm sorry, mom is too busy. How about next week? We must go next week. " She also knows that she must do what she has promised her children, but this is an emergency. It is impossible to leave the company's affairs behind and go traveling.

Theory is always a theory. In reality, it is impossible to raise children according to books. Now that Shu Yan has raised children himself, she thinks that all the books and professors of Zhuanjia are empty talk and reason with children? If a child can reason with you, he is not a child.

Five days later, Hu Ruixue returned home with Xia Rou holding the cup. This time, instead of going to the newspaper office, they went to interview on their own and made a wave of free advertisements for them.

In the eyes of Chinese people, Xianyan is already a high-end brand, which is no worse than that of foreign brands. Hu Ruixue said that some sisters she knew loved this brand of clothes.

"When we take part in some competitions, we can prepare our own show next year, and invite some famous people to participate to increase the brand style."

It's not so easy to be a luxury brand. It's not that you are expensive or you are a luxury brand. It will take time to accumulate, and I can't be anxious about this.

"Take your time. You can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. We've done a good job now." Shu Yan is very satisfied with the current results. They have not been there for a year since they started the company. It's really rare for them to be able to do this."I'm not in a hurry. I know you promised the child. The day after tomorrow, you can go out when I have two days' jet lag. " Hu Ruixue said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter. It's still early to leave school. You can have a good rest first." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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