Hearing the sound, Shuyan Leng for a moment, half the sound just heard that it was the elder sister who helped her in Hangzhou.

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"It's elder sister. I thought you forgot my phone number and called me so long."

After the second meeting, Shuyan went to Hangcheng to buy goods and never saw the elder sister, and then Shuyan himself did not open a shop, did not go to Hangcheng even less.

When Shu Yan changed the number with her elder sister, she said that the store was relocated and the telephone had not been installed. Shuyan left her number and told her that if she was in trouble, she would look for her even if she was in trouble. She did not know that the elder sister was not in trouble. She still forgot her number and never called.

"I..." Elder sister hesitated over there for a long time, then faltered and said: "Wenxian here fiber snow underwear shop all have?"

Wenxian county is equivalent to a second tier city, and its economy is very good. When the second tier cities are opened to join in the next year, the people there are the first to join in, and there are a lot of them,

"sorry, the places there are full. Do you want to join the underwear store

Last time I saw my elder sister, she said that her landlord wanted to demolish, found a new store and reopen a clothing store. The business was not as good as before. Shu Yan asked her to join her underwear brand at that time, but she refused.

The elder sister bit her lips with great chagrin, but her tone did not change much. "Yes, I didn't know that your endothelial brand was so successful before, but later I knew it was too late. Someone else had already driven away. I heard that you have got a new clothing brand. Is this a franchisee? "

"Clothing brands, we go to the counter, do not recruit franchisees. however. I remember your clothing store is very good. Why do you want to open an underwear store? By the way, where are you now? How do you show the number of Nancheng? "

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"I'm in the south city."

Hearing that the elder sister was in Nancheng, Shuyan said angrily, "I told you to come to Nancheng and tell me. Why don't you call me? Where are you now? I'll pick you up. "

More than an hour later, Shuyan successfully received the elder sister, and met again. Shuyan felt as if she had passed away. Elder sister looked more haggard than last time, much thinner, skin waxy yellow.

"What happened? Why has it changed so much all of a sudden? "

The elder sister sighed, "to this point, I will not hide from you. My ex husband came to make trouble and asked me to return the house and my son to him. Isn't it killing me? I firmly refuse to let it. No matter it is the house or the son, he has been to my shop to make trouble, and the business can not go on. I had no choice but to close the shop. As a result, he came and continued to make trouble, which made me unable to open it now. "

"Why?" Shuyan remembers her elder sister saying that her ex husband would rather go out of the house in order to be with the woman, even her son.

Speaking of this, the elder sister was shaking with anger, and Shuyan said the reason with her eyes slightly red.

The reason why we wanted to divorce quickly was that the woman outside was pregnant. Later, I didn't know why, and the child was gone. I haven't been pregnant until now. It is said that I can't conceive, and then I put my idea on the elder sister's son.

"These two people are so shameless."

The elder sister shook her head. "Now he is trying to drive me crazy, and then there is a reason to take my child away."

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Shuyan sighed, really what kind of people can see.

Wenxian people are daring to venture, smart brain, can do business a good hand. Elder sister can insist on divorce at that time, but also successfully get the house and son, which shows that she is a very capable person. After listening to Shu Yan's suggestion, he made a decision immediately.

"I'm going to leave Wenxian with my children. I don't think it's enough to go on like this. It's better to leave with my children and find a place that's not right away. I don't believe he can find it right away." The elder sister is really driven crazy by her ex husband. She would rather take her children away from home than stay.

"Would you like to go to Hujiang province?" Shu Yan listened to her words and said: "I know that there is a district that lacks a franchise store. If you go there, I can leave the franchise right to you. You don't have to worry about the money. You can give it to me when you get it. "

"No, I'm going to sell my old house. I will buy a house directly in Hujiang province. I will go back to my hometown after my son goes to university. I don't care if he goes back to his father Elder sister said lightly.

Having said that, if her son really ran back to find his dreary father, it is estimated that the elder sister would not be able to eat.

The elder sister is straightforward. Shuyan helps all of them feel comfortable. She arranges for someone to send her back to Wenxian county. She also asks Fang Zeyu for personal protection. In case she is found by slag man, she has the strength to fight.

The eldest sister returned to Wenxian a few days to deal with the house, because the sale is urgent, the price is lower than the market price, she is extremely reluctant to sign.

Shuyan is the first time to see the elder sister's son, 11 years old is also a young man, about 1.5 meters in height, wearing a pair of glasses, looking very gentle.

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"Hello, aunt Shuyan. I often hear my mother talk about you. It's my pleasure to meet you.""Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, too." It's no wonder that every time the elder sister talks about this son, she always looks proud and sensible. At a young age, she can see the steadiness and responsibility of a man.

Shuyan arranged for them to live in the courtyard of Xiazhuang village. "I often clean the house, and the bed was just made yesterday. What else do you want?"

"No, thank you very much." The elder sister held Shuyan's hand. She made that call really well. Shuyan didn't know her. She didn't expect that because of a small help she had helped at the beginning, she remembered it until now and spent so much time to help her.

"It's very kind of you. It's always empty here. You can live as long as you want. It's hard to come to Nancheng. You can stay here for a long time. " Shu Yan is really grateful to elder sister.

At that time, she opened a clothing store with her two children. She didn't know anything. If it wasn't for the elder sister's help, how many walls would she have to touch and how much money she would have wasted to get on the right track?

She is willing to treat her sincerely, but her elder sister can't stay at ease. On the one hand, she feels too disturbed to Shuyan. On the other hand, she doesn't settle down and her children don't go to school, so she doesn't have the heart to play!

Knowing that the elder sister was in a hurry, Shuyan did not procrastinate. She told her which place in Hujiang province could open a shop, and let her go to have a look first. In case she didn't like it, she could change places.

There was a franchise store in that district of Hujiang Province, and it was the second one that the boss of another district joined. As a result, there was something wrong with the family, and the capital couldn't afford to go out, so it was empty.

The boss who wanted to join in had found the location of the store, but the place had not been rented out. It happened that the elder sister rented it directly. Shu Yan asked the marketing department to say that the franchisee in that area was the elder sister.

Shuyan had planned to send her elder sister to the past, but she refused. She took her son to Hujiang province and called Shuyan a few days later. She said that she had settled down and was looking for a house. She was going to buy one by herself. When she came down from her own house, Shuyan would take Fang Zeyu and the children to play.

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As soon as the elder sister's affair happened, half a month passed. It was the end of December. Shu Jianyang got married on January 1. She had to go back one or two days in advance. After thinking about it, she decided not to take the children back. Who knows if her parents would make a fuss, and Tianbao's grandparents would not take them, and it was a quiet place.

When she heard that Shu Yan didn't take them, Jingjing didn't care. She had a bad impression on Xicheng, even a little disgusted. She was happy if she didn't go back. Although she didn't call for her grandparents this year, she missed the days in Xicheng. In fact, he couldn't remember many things. He remembered that he was the local emperor who wanted wind in his hometown.

"Mom, I'll be obedient. Let me go with you." Tianbao is coquettish.

"You are not obedient now." Shuyan knocked on his head, "my mother came back two or three days ago. My aunt and sister are with you. It's really boring. You can go to Ganma for a few days and let her take you to ride a pony. It's not better than going back to your hometown."

As soon as he heard that he could ride a horse, Tianbao immediately came to the spirit and urged Shuyan to call Hu Ruixue immediately.

Although Hu Ruixue usually looks like a strong woman. Relative to Shuyan, she is a thoroughly loving mother, as long as the children put forward, can do she agreed.

"Is it OK to go back home?" Hu Ruixue is very worried.

"It's OK. My third brother runs wine in the city. Even in the countryside, it's OK. I took Fang Zeyu back. All those people may not be able to beat Fang Zeyu. Moreover, I donated a road to the village. They will be on my side." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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