Returning to the sales center again, Shuyan was invited to a room inside. A girl in a suit made tea for her and brought her a lot of snacks. She picked one piece and ate it casually. Then she saw the sales lady walking behind a middle-aged man.

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"Hello, I have listened to Xiao Li. These two conditions are really embarrassing for me

Shu Yan took a glance at the famous brand on the man's chest. "Manager Wang, I'm very straightforward. In fact, I didn't ask too much. 4000 square meters, plus the admission qualification of Chengxi primary school, if you can, sign the contract immediately."

Nanfu mansion, as a high-end residential area in domestic sales, has very good environmental facilities and relatively high price. The small apartments of 60 square meters in the residential area are almost sold, but the sales of 112 square meters are not very good, so there is no problem with the price. It is the primary school.

"I have made the decision on the price, and I have no problem with the admission qualification, but the school has already started this year. I'm afraid it is a little difficult to enter the school now. How old is your child?" They have dealt with several schools, and Xicheng primary school is the worst.

"Seven years old, she was born in the first half of the year, just in primary school." Shuyan shook his head, "this is the most important condition, I come here to buy a house is for the children to go to school."

Why does she have to buy this place? It's nearly 500000! It's better to buy a courtyard in the suburb, and the price is not expensive. After a few years of demolition, the upstarts will be properly settled.

Manager Wang seems to have hesitated for a long time. "OK, you are so cheerful. What else can I say? Miss Shu, if you have any friends who want to buy a house, please recommend our community."

If you grind it again, the price may be a little less, but compared with the children's admission qualifications, this money is small money, and it's all about spending money to choose a school.

About the matter of children's school, Shuyan asked the other party to write a separate agreement, which must ensure the enrollment of children.

"Don't worry. I'll give you a reply tomorrow. You can't delay your child's study any more." Manager Wang saw Shu Yan's ID card, "are you not from Nancheng?"

"Yes, I was about to ask, can I buy a house and settle down? Isn't it that local people can't buy it? " At this time, the purchase is limited? Shouldn't it?

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"You can buy a house and settle down, but you have to bear the handling fee yourself." Manager Wang quickly explained.

"It should be." Shu Yan breathed a sigh of relief. She only heard one sentence from her classmates that she could buy a house and settle down in the 1990s. She canceled the policy two thousand years later. She thought that the world was different and that it was OK. Otherwise, they would have to go to the suburbs and the countryside.

"Then you will give us the account book and ID card. Later, we will help you with the household registration and property certificate. In addition, the birth certificate and vaccination certificate of the child also need to be given to us, which may be required by the school." Manager Wang saw Shu Yan sign the contract, took Shuyan to the bank nearby to transfer money, and enthusiastically told her all kinds of problems.

No matter what you buy, when you pay, the salesperson is always the most enthusiastic and positive. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Shuyan also consulted manager Wang about the decoration.

The house is a Mao embryo room, decoration is not a small project, she is not so familiar with the current Nancheng, she went out to find the decoration company was cheated do not know.

"Our company has its own decoration company. Customers who buy our company's house can give 20% discount if they look for our company's decoration. The most important thing is to find our company's decoration team safety. Those who pull on the bridge are all tour Ji teams. In case of anything, they can't find it." Speaking of this, manager Wang is very helpless, many customers are greedy for cheap to find those decoration teams to decorate, and look for them when there is a problem.

That's good. The material cost is expensive. It's OK. The problem is that it's better. It's estimated that this house will stay for a long time. Shuyan still hopes to be perfect. The decoration team's problems have been solved. The accommodation during the decoration period has not been solved. It's not always a matter to stay in a hotel.

"I have to ask you a question. Where is a better house to rent around here? It takes more than three months for decoration and one or two months for ventilation. This time is not short. "

Shu Yan really asked the right person. Manager Wang is an old Nancheng man with wide contacts. He really knows a broker. It's right to ask him for such things.

Just in the afternoon, Shuyan will send the birth certificate and vaccination certificate to the sales center. She makes an appointment to meet her face-to-face and takes her to see the house.

"Thank you very much." Out of the bank, Shuyan gave manager Wang 500 yuan, "the school also asked you to spend more on snacks. I know it costs money to invite people to eat. I can't tell you to spend money."

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You can't afford to pay so much for dinner. What's left is the benefit fee of manager Wang. If he can make sure that he doesn't spend a cent, it's OK to take care of these things. Zuo Shuyan spends money to buy peace of mind.

The money spent was not the same as expected. Manager Wang said that he would give her news tomorrow and also revealed that she would be able to go to school in a few days.

One morning passed, two children were in the hotel. Shuyan was anxious to go back. She made an appointment with manager Wang. She didn't hear anything at the door. She opened the door quickly. She saw that both children were lying on the bed and sleeping. The biscuits at the head of the bed were almost eaten. Shuyan was a little sad.

In 19 years, many women said that they wanted to be single mothers. Many even appealed to those who didn't want to get married and wanted children to do it bravely, but they didn't understand the sadness of single mothers. Raising a child is not a pet. The responsibility is completely different. The child is not just to feed and clothe him. The energy and financial resources are incalculable.Shuyan was glad that one of the two children could go to primary school and the other could go to kindergarten, otherwise she would really collapse.

Without taking time to rest, he went to wash the dishes and cook. He woke up the two children for lunch. After washing the dishes and chopsticks, Shuyan had to wash the clothes she had changed yesterday. Seeing that there was not much to do, the time had already passed for two or three hours.

"You will continue to be in the room this afternoon. Mom will go out to do something and come back to take you out to play." We have to take them out to let out the wind, or they will be suffocated.

The birth certificate and vaccination certificate are given to manager Wang. However, before the child really enters the school, Shu Yan doesn't really feel at ease. Now she can only wait for the news from manager Wang.

His friend was there, too. He was a short, chubby, middle-aged man.

"Hello, I'm a friend of Xiao Wang's. you can call me Lao Hu. Listen to him. What kind of house are you looking for

"If it's a courtyard, I hope to be able to live alone. If it's a building, it's better to have a kitchen and a bathroom. It's new. There's no other requirement."

She really can't stand that kind of courtyard, especially when she is a woman with two children. They will certainly ask the father of the child, and if it is a divorce, they will ask why. If you don't say that others will say that she has a problem, all sorts of conjectures and sympathies will be said, and then you may secretly ridicule her incompetence. She has nothing to do with herself, but her two children can't.

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"There's another point. It's better to be close to Xicheng primary school." Shu Yan added.

"If it's these requirements, I really have a house on hand. In the old community behind Xuefu street, it's not far away from Chengxi primary school. It's a small suite with two bedrooms and one hall. It's about 30 square meters. The landlord's son got married two years ago and just renovated it. The bathroom and kitchen inside were all redecorated at that time. Now it's a big house. The place plans to rent and subsidize some household use. " Lao Hu listened to Shuyan's request and immediately screened out a house from his head.

It's very good to hear, but I've heard nothing. I have to go and see it with my own eyes. It happens that Shuyan lives in Xuefu street, and they will pass by immediately.

The house is three or four hundred meters behind the hotel. The decoration is really new and clean. The kitchen and bathroom are all available. However, the landlord has moved everything and left two beds. If you live here, you have to buy a lot of things. Generally speaking, Shuyan is very satisfied.

"How much is the rent? How do you rent it? " Shu Yan asked.

"The landlord offered 90 yuan, but you were introduced by manager Wang. I can help you to press down. 85 yuan is OK. I really don't have to say that the house would have been rented out if it hadn't been for the high price. If it hadn't been for three or three months, your own house would have been renovated almost at the right time. " Laohu takes Shuyan to see the gas water heater. There are not many such things in Nancheng. With this, you can take a bath and get hot water directly.

"70, you tell the landlord, yes, I'll rent it." 90 yuan, the landlord really dare to bid.

"70 is really impossible." Old Hu shook his head, "80 I can give you a talk to see, the house you want is not easy to find, also don't want these a few dollars."

Shuyan really felt that the house was OK. 70 was really her shouting. Originally, she wanted to talk about it again. Later, she thought about the two children. Forget it and settle down quickly.

"OK, 80 yuan. You can sign the contract and pay right away."

"OK, I'll go to ask the landlord and come back to you. By the way, where can I find you?"

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Now there is no telephone is really inconvenient, Shuyan told the name of the hotel to Lao Hu, and looked at the house, first back to the hotel.

After buying the house, the Hukou and the school have been settled, and the most important things have been settled. Shuyan is in a rare relaxed mood and goes back to the hotel to take the children out for shopping.

Ye Tianbao is OK. Ye Jingjing really has no clothes to wear. She is going to go to Chengxi primary school soon. She will be looked down upon by people for her poor dress.

Don't think that children will not look at the conditions, it is precisely because the children do not know how to hide, on the contrary, they are more straightforward and cruel.

"Mom, buy me clothes?" Ye Jingjing couldn't believe it.

Since she came out of her hometown last time, ye Jingjing felt that her mother had changed. Many times she thought she was in a dream. She didn't expect that now her mother would buy her new clothes. Why did her mother treat her so well?

"Yes, let's go. Let's go shopping." Shuyan touches Ye Jingjing's hairy hair.

When she was in Xicheng, Shuyan took her to the barber's to shave her hair. She had been wearing a hat before, but she took it off because it was too hot today.

"I want it, too." Ye Tianbao went out of the door, like the second ha of the chain. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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