In the new provincial hospital, Shirley got the test results and showed a big smile.

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Ye Zhiqiang received a call from Shirley, still a little confused, pregnant? "Are you sure?"

"I just came out of the hospital, you Will you come over tonight? " Shirley said with a little coquettish.

"Of course." Although Shirley has never been to school, she is smart. She can read and write after studying with people in the city for a few years. The most important thing is that she is in good health, and her children must be smart and strong. As for Tianbao, he had forgotten where to go.

Ye Zhiqiang came back from the construction site more than an hour in advance. When he saw the test report, he showed a satisfied smile, "you are good at raising a baby at home. Give me a son. I will not treat your mother and son badly."

"Don't you like it, daughter?" Shirley is coquettish.

"Of course not. As long as it's born to you, I like it." Ye Zhiqiang hugs Xueli coax.

There is one thing ye Zhiqiang didn't say. He fell in love at first sight when he first met Li Jiaojiao. He had a feeling that he met a fatalist. His feelings for his eldest daughter, Jingjing, were not totally indifferent. After all, he was his first child, not to mention Tianbao, It's his son. He doesn't know why. After Li Jiaojiao Jiao is pregnant, she has an impulse to give the whole world to him (her). The more she looks at Shu Yan and her two children, the more she gets in the way of her eyes. Therefore, she is threatened by Shu Yan smoothly, and she doesn't want to have the custody right of two children.

Until Li Jiaojiao miscarries, ye Zhiqiang suddenly wakes up. He feels that he has been poisoned by Gu. Although the surface has not changed, he is afraid of Li Jiaojiao.

Li Jiaojiao's miscarriage did hurt her body, but it was not to the point that she could not be pregnant again. He bribed the doctor, and then gave her the medicine for infertility when she was in a baby.

He didn't tell anyone about it, including his parents. Shirley was pregnant. He was worried about it. He found that he didn't feel that way, so he could be sure that only Li Jiaojiao would be like this.

"What's the matter with you?" Shirley is imagining the child's appearance after birth, see ye Zhiqiang has not responded, pulled him.

"Nothing. You should be hungry. Let's eat first. What would you like to eat?" As for Li Jiaojiao, who is waiting for him at home, ye Zhiqiang has already forgotten.

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After ye Zhiqiang made money in new province, he built a villa here. In the dining room, Li Jiaojiao faced a large table of dishes alone. Today is her birthday. The person who promised to come back for her birthday did not come back.

"Madam, it's cold. Shall I have it heated?" The servant asked carefully.

"No more." Li Jiaojiao squeezed the tablecloth tightly, and her eyes were slightly red. "Smelly girl Watch, you can't compete with me for men."

What happened to Ye Zhiqiang there, Shuyan immediately knew, "Xueli is pregnant, and ye Zhiqiang will definitely not make Tianbao's idea."

As for how Shirley wants to go up to the top and how does Li Jiaojiao defend her position? It's none of her business.

"Don't worry, ye Zhiqiang's partners certainly hope their cousin can give birth to children." Fang also does not want Ye Zhiqiang to break their peaceful and happy life.

The business of the company came to an end. The two children were about to have a holiday. Shuyan had to go to the school to hold a parents' meeting. Tianbao was simple, and then it was an elite kindergarten. When she went to No.2 primary school, because she couldn't keep up with her classmates, she spent more than a semester in cramming, but found that she was still lagging behind most of them Learn.

The children here have good family conditions, so they have been cultivated since they were young. Needless to say, everyone's talent is still very outstanding. The elite's deskmate has already reached the piano level 10. Shu Yan is afraid that his daughter will be hit, and he has been enlightened for a long time.

Now Jingjing concentrates on learning dance and language. It turns out that she is learning English. After arriving at Nanshan primary school, she learned another French subject under the teacher's advice. Shu Yan told her that if she didn't want to learn it, it would be fine if she didn't want to learn it. After all, people's energy is limited, so you don't have to force yourself. Jingjing herself still likes it.

A semester later, with Jingjing's efforts, she now ranks in the top 20 of her class. There are more than 30 students in each class. Shu Yan is very satisfied. Because the top ten are nearly full marks, they are all 0.0 or 1 point short. The most important thing is that the test paper of Nanshan primary school is really difficult. When Shu Yan signed the paper, she once doubted it She went to a fake primary school. She felt that she had only learned some subjects in junior high school. She even saw them in the second grade examination paper.

Jingjing's score now ranks in the top 20 in the grade section of No. 2 primary school. If you use the test paper of No. 2 primary school, the absolute top five is not to say that the second primary school is not good, but the things that can only be preached are different. Shu Yan hesitated to let Jingjing go back to primary school, and finally gave up.

Happy raising children is certainly good, but it is not good for children's future, so we should learn.

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In the class, the elite belong to the middle school students. They won't be praised or criticized. So every time Shu Yan comes to hold a parents' meeting, she just sits down and listens, and has no sense of existence.

"Hello, my sweet mother, are you Jingjing mother?"

Tiantian is the same table of the piano grade 10. As the name suggests, sweet is also sweet."Yes, Hello, sweet mother." Before that, Tian Tian's father came to hold the parents' meeting. Her mother still met for the first time. How to say, it's not good-looking to take apart the facial features individually, but it's very beautiful and temperament to combine them together. In the words of Shuyan's hometown, she is very romantic.

"I've heard about you all the time, but I'm so busy that I haven't had the chance to attend the parents' meeting. I finally saw you today." Sweet mother's voice is also good.

Two people chatted for a while, Shuyan learned that Tiantian's mother is a beauty chain, it's not surprising that she is so enthusiastic and can speak.

"This is our exclusive membership card. Come back to the store and give me some advice." Tiantian's mother said it very well.

"I'm not welcome." She has heard of the beauty salon, but she has never been there.

The beauty salon that she often goes to now is introduced by Hu Ruixue, which is more advanced. The main reason is that the skin care effect there is really good. Shuyan has no intention of changing. When she goes back to her home to apply for a card, she will be supported.

"After all this talk, I don't know what you do?" Sweet mother asked with a smile.

"I started my own clothing company and made a little bit of money. I can't compare with you." Shu Yan said with a smile.

Although Shu Yan said so, Tian Tian's mother would not take it seriously. If she really just opened a small company, how could she enter Nanshan primary school?

If Tian Tian's piano talent is excellent, then her study is really a mess. Maybe all the talent is on the piano. This exam was the last one again. Tian Tian's father was always criticized. Today, Tian Tian's mother came here and was also named by the teacher. She was asked to do a good job in children's education at home. Don't neglect the children's grades because they are busy.

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Tiantian's mother has been smiling, the parents meeting is over, and Shuyan politely say goodbye, pulling Tiantian to walk, Shuyan watched Tiantian trot to keep up with her mother's steps, slightly frowned.

"She's going to be sweet again, mom." Jingjing really said.

"Sweet mother can hit people?" It's a nice smile.

"Well, Tian Tian said that her father seldom went home and cared little about her. Her mother said that her father didn't come back because of her poor grades, and she would beat her every time she knew her grades." Jingjing used to envy the children in the city. When she arrived in the city, she found that not all the children were happy.

"Doesn't her father come to the parents' meeting every time?" If you don't care about her, the parents' Association will not come.

Jingjing tilted her head, "Tiantian said her father didn't attend the parents' meeting for her." As for what, Jingjing doesn't know.

So Shuyan is clear. It is estimated that she came here to meet someone or to get acquainted with others. She is a pity for the little girl and meets such a pair of parents.

Even if the little girl in love, after all, is someone else's child, Shuyan has no right to govern, sighed, "let's go, we'll pick up my brother."


"Well?" Shuyan looks down at the elite.

Jingjing smiles and doesn't speak, but secretly says that I love you

last year, because there were no relatives here, Shu Yan simply took the children to the capital for a tour. This year is different. One is that her relationship with Fang Zeyu has changed a lot, and the other is that Shu Li is here.

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Let Fang Zeyu come to her home for the Spring Festival and leave the old lady at home alone. It's not easy for her to do it. She just moved to her own yard and ate the new year's Eve dinner at the old lady's house.

it happened that Shuli did not intend to go back to celebrate the new year. Shuyan asked her to bring her children over for the new year's Eve, which made people lively.

27、 The old lady heard that Shuyan and her sister were both going to come over for the Spring Festival, so she took a photo of Fang Zeyu? There is no preparation at home

"I'll buy the dishes, and I don't have to prepare anything else." He and the old lady have already cleaned the house. They can buy the dishes tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Fang Zeyu can't think of anything else to prepare.

"How about that? The house has been cleaned before, but it's not good to look at it now. You and I will clean the inside and outside again, and order the menu. It can't be as casual as usual. " In the past, there were only two of them to make a few dishes. This year is different.

Knowing that she went to Fang Zeyu's grandmother's home for the Spring Festival, Shuli thought about it and agreed.

"Although this old lady is not Fang Zeyu's own grandmother, she is better than Fang's. If you want to be with Fang Zeyu, treat her well. In fact, you don't have to wait on her. If you go to see her on New Year's day and express your feelings, Fang Zeyu will be happy. " Shuli takes Shuyan to teach her experience.

"I understand."

Shu Yan does the same thing, no matter what festival, she will prepare a gift to the old lady. What's more, the old lady's clothes and shoes are all prepared by her, that is, they can be bought conveniently when shopping, and it can't cost a few money.

If Fang Zeyu is not mentioned, he will try his best to take care of the old lady even if he does not have Fang Zeyu.

Usually only Jingjing and Tianbao two people, now there are Niuniu and Ping'an, two children don't mention how happy.The family had dinner together. Four children were playing firecrackers in the yard. Several adults were sitting in the living room watching TV chatting. From time to time, the children's laughter and laughter were heard, and the old lady's voice of concern was occasionally mingled

Last year did not go to Hu Ruixue that new year was said by her for a year, this year Shuyan early went to her new year. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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