After a while, a man in a flower shirt came out. Seeing Hu Ruixue, he immediately said with a smile, "sister Ruixue, how can you come to my shop today?"

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"Wang Xiaosan, do your brother know that you do this kind of business?" Hu Ruixue glanced at him and did not open his eyes, as if afraid to dirty their own eyes.

Wang Xiaosan's smile did not change. "Do you have any misunderstanding? My singing hall is a serious business, and I never do anything illegal. "

"Then tell me what it is?" Hu Ruixue raised his chin and pointed to Li Shuyu.

He took a look at Li Shuyu and saw the woman beside him. He waved to her to ask about the situation.

The woman murmured in his ear, and he looked up and said with a smile, "it's all misunderstandings. This girl was introduced by her roommate. She said she told her very clearly, otherwise we can't sign the contract for her."

"But the contract I signed at that time was not the same as the one you showed me later." Li Shuyu holds her mother's hand tightly. Whether she can get rid of this grotto depends on this time.

"Is that so?" Wang Xiaosan looks back at women.

"It's impossible. If you just sign one contract, how can it become another? If you don't believe me, I'll show you the contract. " With that, the woman pedaled to the inside, and soon came out with two contracts. "Look, boss, this is the contract she signed that day, because she has to file, and her share has not been given to her."

Wang Xiaosan opened the contract, looked at it a few times, swung the contract directly hit the woman's head, "open your eyes and see, others are the temporary labor contract signed?"

The woman quickly took over the contract. After reading it, she turned pale and said in a fluster: "recently, several people signed the contract. I may be confused. I'm sorry, boss. It's all my fault. "

Li Shuyu looked around and frowned. Was it really wrong.

Hu Ruixue and Shu Yan on the other side know very well that Wang Xiaosan and this woman are clearly performing for them to see, but now the most important thing is to take people away. Hard knock is not good for Li Shuyu.

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"You can make a mistake. Wang Xiaosan, you can't do it!" Hu Ruixue hummed.

"Yes, you said so." Wang Xiaosan looked back at the woman, "I don't want to go back to work." Turning to Hu Ruixue with a smile on her face, she said, "do you know this girl? Why don't you let her be the foreman

Hu Ruixue didn't answer. He took a look at the contract in his hand. It said that the hourly salary was 10 yuan. He had to work for 20 hours a week. If he could not do it, he would have to resign one month in advance. This is a regular contract.

"What do you say? Do you want to work here? " Hu Ruixue gave both contracts to Li Shuyu.

Li Shuyu shook her head in a hurry. How dare she go to work here? Thank God for leaving this time.

"Although the people under me have made a mistake, it is also my boss who has not done a good job. If you continue to work here, I will let you be the foreman, with a monthly salary of 3000 yuan, which is not considered as a draw. If you don't want to go back to work, I'll have someone pay you three times. " Wang Xiaosan is so polite to Li Shuyu, of course, because of Hu Ruixue.

"No, I'm not." Li Shuyu immediately shook her head.

Wang Xiaosan gave an order to his assistant. The financial department immediately settled Li Shuyu's salary. During the summer vacation, she went to the whole class, that is, seven hours. The salary of formal workers was 500% plus commission. However, Li Shuyu's total salary was calculated as temporary workers. The total salary was 2520. Wang Xiaosan directly asked people to give him 3000 yuan.

"More." Li Shuyu shakes her head, ready to take out a few and return them to Wang Xiaosan.

"More is an apology." Wang Xiaosan said with a smile that the hundreds of yuan were nothing to him.

"Take it." Hu Ruixue asked Li Shuyu to accept it. After all, Wang Xiaosan was so good at talking because of the Hu family. The two families are also familiar. Wang Xiaosan's eldest brother and Hu Ruiyang are still friends. "Your elder brother is an official career. Don't delay him."

"No, I really do business in a proper way. This is a misunderstanding." Wang Xiaosan's face was wronged.

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"That's the best." Hu Ruixue snorted, "I still have something to do, go first."

Li Shuyu had changed back to her own clothes and followed her aunt step by step.

"Thank you so much today." Shuyan knows that if there is no Hu Ruixue today, things can not be so simple to end.

"Be polite to me." Hu Ruixue frowned. "I'll talk to Uncle Wang about this. Don't talk about it. There are still some things at home. I'll go first. "

"Miss Hu, I have nothing to thank. I kowtow to you. You are the Savior of our wives." Aunt suddenly kneels down to kowtow to Hu Ruixue.

"What are you doing? You don't have to. I will come here today because Shuyan, if you want to thank her, thank her. " Hu Ruixue had her aunt pulled up and took a look at Li Shuyu with her head down. She took the woman away.

Shu Yan took a look at the sky, "thank you for keeping it. It's late. I'll sleep at home today and buy a ticket tomorrow morning."Auntie nodded. It's not early now. I'm afraid the tickets can't be bought.

After such a long time of busy work, the party did not even eat dinner. Fang Zeyu packed the food in the hotel and came back. The aunt and her daughter went back to their room after two cursory bites.

Shu Yan listened for a while, did not hear anything, turned back and asked Fang Zeyu in a low voice: "can't something happen?"

"Don't worry, what can happen between mother and daughter?" Fang Zeyu gave Shuyan a chopsticks dish, "eat more."

In the room, the aunt looked at her daughter who had been lowering her head. She didn't fight, didn't scold, but more self blame.

"You've been sensible since you were young. You helped me cook and wash clothes at a young age, and went down with me. Finally admitted to the University, tuition fees are patchwork, mom thought you have enough living expenses, to here to know that point of living expenses are not enough to eat. You don't complain at all. You earn your living expenses. You earn your tuition during summer vacation and winter vacation. My mother felt uncomfortable, so she wanted to find a job, so you don't have to work so hard. Fortunately, you met a good host. Mom ate well here, lived well, and had a high salary. These wages are enough to pay your tuition and living expenses. The boss often gives you clothes. We are getting better and better this day, but how can you? Xiaoyu! You can't look at other people's money, and your eyes will not be hot. What would you do if the boss didn't help this time? What do you want mom to do? "

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"Mom I was wrong I couldn't resist the temptation. I just I see hundreds of roommates to take in, I thought, I will go to a winter vacation, that next semester tuition fees have. You can change the tiles with the money you save. I really didn't know that would happen

Her daughter was crying bitterly, and her mother was no better. Her tears were splashing. Just because she knew her daughter was sensible, she was not willing to blame her at all.

The next day, when mother and daughter came to say goodbye to Shuyan, their eyes were swollen.

Shuyan also did not puncture, picked up a lot of young goods to let them take back.

"I gave a lot more when I went back last time, but I didn't finish all those! No more. " Aunt repeatedly declined.

"Anyway, I can't finish it. Take it and go back to spend the Spring Festival with my daughter." Shuyan also sent them to the railway station.

On the seventh day of the new year's day, the aunt who had not been back for two days came back, and her mental state was much better,

"has Xiaoyu gone back to school?" Shu Yan asked.

"Yes." The aunt was grateful and said, "if it wasn't for your help this time, Xiaoyu would be finished."

It's OK for a student to work part-time. If she knows, she will be praised for her understanding. But working in a singing hall is different. Her reputation will be bad. Maybe the school will dismiss her. The most important thing is that if Xiaoyu gets deeper and deeper, she really goes into the sea

Back at school, Li Shuyu met her roommate who introduced her to work, and her whole body trembled slightly.

"We have lived in a dormitory for two years. Do you have a good conscience if you cheat me so much?"

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"Conscience? Li Shuyu, you use your brain, a day more than 100, what kind of work can have so much money? And did I tell you to go? You asked me to take you The roommate looked at Li Shuyu, and her eyes twinkled with jealousy. "It's a pity that you don't continue to do it. It's a pity that you don't continue to do it. It's 40000 yuan a year, 120000 yuan in three years. How many years can you earn 120000 yuan

"Shut up. I really can't blame you for this. I'm also responsible for it. If I hadn't been tempted by myself, I wouldn't have gone to work there with you. Chen Mei, I won't tell others about you. In the future Let's not come and go. "

Looking out of the window, Li Shuyi looks out of the window.


The tenth day of April in the lunar calendar is Shu Yan's birthday, or Shuli only knew it when she said it. She didn't remember her birthday, and Shuyan couldn't know. She thought it was her birthday on her ID card.

"Isn't it may 15th?" This is the date of birth on Shuyan's ID card. Fang Zeyu saw it last time and kept it in mind.

"My second sister said that I forgot my birthday on the tenth day of April in the lunar calendar." I don't remember my birthday.

"It's not too late to know." Fang Zeyu held Shuyan's hand, and his heart was warm. "I'll give you a birthday every year."

"Good!" Shu Yan tilted his head and agreed with a smile.

When Fang Zeyu arrived at the company, he held Mao Weiping and muttered, "what's better for your birthday?"

"Mr. Shu's birthday is coming? Send flowers and jewelry! Or you can propose directly, arrange a very romantic place in advance, and then you propose on one knee. As soon as the woman is moved, she immediately agrees Mao Weiping clapped his hands. The more he thought about it, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that his idea was really good. "How about just outside the building? How about letting everyone witness your love? "

Fang Zeyu glared at him, "not so good." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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