Although there is still a month to go, now everything has to be prepared, and time is still very urgent. Fortunately, Hu Ruixue has helped solve the problems of the auditorium and accommodation and meals, which is equivalent to helping them solve the biggest problem.

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There is also a traffic problem. I don't know how many people come to my hometown. Shuyan wants to pack a bus.

"First of all, determine the number of people. Who else do you want to invite in addition to your immediate family members?" Fang Zeyu took out the invitation and prepared to start writing.

Shu Yan said with her fingers, "my grandparents and parents will definitely come. The three brothers don't know whether they will come or not. The third brother will definitely invite them. The other cousins will post first. It is their business whether they will come or not. In addition, my two uncles, two aunts, and two aunts should also be called to my cousins, even if they don't know if they will come or not, I called them all of a sudden, and thought I asked them for a red envelope. "

In fact, it's OK not to call them, but if they don't get married, it's equivalent to breaking the family. She didn't walk around very much. She didn't do much good to her original body before. It doesn't matter if it is broken. But I don't know why. A voice in Shuyan's heart told her that she must invite them to the wedding.

Taking advantage of Fang Zeyu's invitation, Shuyan touched her heart. She was sure that her original body was no longer there. Why did she have such a strong consciousness.

After half a night's tossing and turning in the evening, Shuyan figured out a little clue. It was estimated that she had been bullied too much in that family. She always wanted to make her parents look at her differently, and wanted relatives and friends to praise her. This thought may be buried in the bottom of her heart. She didn't know it, but she didn't expect to come out at this time.

Shuyan hesitated whether to follow her heart. When she traded with the original body, she only promised to help her honor her parents and treat the two children as their own. This is not within the scope of the transaction. What's more, the original body has long been gone, and she will not be pressed down. However, she thinks about it and decides to follow her heart. Anyway, she will invite her parents and brothers to come here, and it's not bad for those relatives.

Fang Zeyu wrote the invitation, and Shuyan would pack it up and send it to Fang Zeyu, asking him to send it to his relatives.

"Third brother, you help to determine the number of people, I can make arrangements here." Shu Yan needs to determine the number of people.

"Yes. Don't worry. I know it in my mind. "

Shu Yan and Fang Zeyu get married, Shu Jianyang has already had psychological preparation, but did not expect to move so fast.

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He was "married?" When Lin Zixiang heard this, he exploded, "Fang Zeyu's parents didn't invite a matchmaker to propose marriage. There was no betrothal money or betrothal gift. What kind of marriage is this?"

Even if it's a second marriage, I didn't discuss with my parents to get married. She didn't pay attention to Shu Yan.

"Second aunt, what kind of dowry do you want? Have you prepared your dowry yet? " Shu Jianyang took Lin Zixiang directly.

"If we get married in this place, how can we have a dowry? Two quilts at most. I'll prepare them. " Lin Zixiang turns her eyes to beads and thinks about how much is suitable. It's said that Fang Zeyu is also a business man. Can't he ask for 60000?

"According to our custom, the highest level of marriage is the refrigerator, color TV and washing machine, and the other 6600 yuan. But you have to marry eight shops and eight covers, 36 legs, and household appliances are at least the same. This belongs to marriage. The married daughter has no pension. She has no obligation at all for the share awarded to Shuyan every year. Are you sure you want to pay a courtesy?"

Since they talk about etiquette, Shu Jianyang talks to them about etiquette.

Linzi xiangdun did not speak. She originally wanted to ask Fang Zeyu for betrothal gifts in private. Now she said on the face of it that she would not dare to call 600000 yuan, otherwise the family with a son in dozens of miles around would not be able to curse her to death.

"Don't disgrace the old Shu family." The old man glared at the second daughter-in-law, "Shuyan gives you a lot of things every year. Don't be greedy."

The old man opened the invitation card and frowned, "how can we hold a wedding in Hainan Province? It's not convenient for people like my hometown in the past. What do you eat and live in there? "

"You don't have to worry about it. Fang Zeyu and Shuyan have already arranged it. You just decide who will go. They will take care of the travel expenses, food and accommodation."

"They're all wrapped up? How much does that cost? Money can't be so blind. " Lin Zixiang on one side exclaimed, how good is it to have these money to spend for them?

"Shut up." The old lady glared at her, "Shuyan wants to hold a wedding in such a far away place. Of course, she can get the travel expenses."

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They seldom marry far away in this place. If they marry far away, they usually serve wine on both sides. If they do it on one side, they will have to pay for the fare and accommodation for sending people to eat wine.

Listen to the travel expenses reimbursement, food and accommodation are also included. The families who receive the invitation are prepared to go to more people. Anyway, they don't spend money to go out to play. What a beautiful thing.

"You go and ask the third brother, can we all go there? So is Shuyan. You are still her brother-in-law. Instead of looking for you for such an important matter, you should ask a cousin to help. " Shu Jianxiang's wife, Li Fang can't help complaining.

There are many people who have this idea. They come to find Shu Jianyang and ask him directly, "how many red envelopes do you prepare?"

In Xicheng, there are 10 yuan and 20 yuan packages for wine. These relatives probably can't afford to have more. At the top of 50 yuan, the whole family will go there? It's not moral at all.When Shu Jianyang didn't get a good face there, they went to find the old man again, and several cousins who heard the wind came over.

"What does Shuyan mean? We don't want our relatives to get married, do we? " It's my big cousin.

Shu Jianyang glanced at them, "is the invitation not for aunt?"

"I've been married for a long time. That's a new family. I'm not allowed to give me an invitation alone?" Big cousin said unhappily.

"When visiting relatives during the Spring Festival, don't they all say that they are family with aunt?" Shu Jianmei could not help asking.

Shu Jianmei is the daughter of Uncle Shu. It can be seen from her name that she is very popular with her family. Otherwise, it is impossible for her to be named after the boy's words.

“……” The big cousin choked and immediately responded, "you call Shu Yan and ask her what she really means? Do you want me to be a relative? "

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"It's obvious that you are dispensable in her mind. If you want to go, you can pay for your own car! When we get to haiprovince, Shuyan will definitely not care about you. " Shu Jianmei continued to provoke.

She has always been disgusted with her big cousin. No matter what happens, she is right.

"Who's going to pay for it? Who does she think she is? National ZX? We have to spend so much money to eat her wedding banquet. Bah, we will give her face. " Then pointing to Shu Jianyang, "you call her right away and ask me what it means."

When Shu Yan received the call, she was checking the list with Fang Zeyu. Hearing the noise from Shu Jianyang, Shu Yan frowned, "I didn't write about the aunt's family in my invitation, but it means that the aunt's family can come. You want me to give her another invitation alone? And a solemn apology to her? "

"Shu Yan Qi smile," if not for the last time you get married, I met one side, on the road do not know, do not come to it. "

The implication is that if you break the relationship, you will be cut off. Shu Yan also has a poor relative.

"You're not going here, are you?" Shu Jianyang took out his book and crossed out his cousin's name.

"No "My parents won't go either," she said

The aunt patted her daughter's hand, "I'm busy with your aunt and father. Let your cousin stone go instead of us."

"Yes." Shu Jianyang wrote down his name in a new book, "who else will not go, who will go, I will write it down here."

"I won't go either. I still have to go to work. I have to deduct money for leave. It's the same with mom and dad. " Shuyan's second brother said.

Shu Jianyang nodded and crossed them off. Among the last few cousins, except for the hall brother and Shu Jianyang, the others do not go. Shu Yan's own brothers and sisters, except for the eldest brother and wife, the other two families do not go.

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Originally, the second and third family were going to go. They just thought about Shu Yan's temperament and the object of her remarriage. They were frightened at the sight of her. They went all the way to have a meal, but they didn't get any advantage. The family still delayed their work, so they didn't go at all.

Each of the two aunts sent their eldest child as a representative. The two uncles said that they were too busy to go. However, the eldest aunt gave a red envelope and asked the younger brother-in-law to help take it. The grandparents said that they were too old to go.

Finally, Shuyan's family went to a brother-in-law and his son, and two cousins of his aunt's house. Except for his grandparents, the Shu family didn't go, so he asked the hall elder brother and Shu Jianyang to represent them. Shuyan's own family only had the elder brother and sister-in-law, and the younger uncle's house let the cousin go. Seeing this posture, the younger sister-in-law wanted to go and let her daughter take his place Our family went to have a drink. Finally, there were only 16 people, including stone and Li Miaomiao.

Shuyan was surprised when she heard the number of people. She thought that she had to pay for the return fare even though she had to eat and live. There must be a lot of people coming to get a bargain.

"What are so many people doing here? Just a representative from each family. " Shu Jianyang felt that there was something unsatisfactory about his wedding. He confessed to the bride on the stage, and the food was in full swing. He and the bride were kissing affectionately. The food was still in full swing. It was easy to end. Many people took out bags to pack. That's enough. Many people said that they didn't have enough food. It was better than the steamed bread at home.

"Yes, too." The original body wants to be proud, so each family should have a representative to let them see it.

In addition to the old lady, Fang Zeyu is a group of his brothers, especially those who have been to the battlefield with him. He called one by one to invite him. When he heard that Fang Zeyu was going to get married, his comrades in arms were even more happy than him.

Then some of Shu Yan's friends in Nancheng, including Lao Zhang's husband and wife, Lin Hui and Zhang Huaxiu, hesitated about Wu Xiuyue's name, and finally decided to send an invitation card. Otherwise, she would only give it to Zhang Huaxiu and not give it to her, which would be a bit ugly on face, and Wu Xiuyue would not necessarily go.

"Do you want to..." Shuyan hesitated for a long time, or decided to ask, "where is your mother?"

Fang Zeyu chuckled and shook his head. He said indifferently, "No. She's very well now, so I won't disturb her life

He has experienced life and death, gone through separation, experienced too much, live to him, many things are very relieved, become particularly tolerant.Since he said no, Shuyan would not say much. After confirming the list, Hu Ruixue called and said that the wedding dress had arrived and asked her to have a try. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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