Jingjing and Tianbao like Xiaobao very much. The first thing they do when they come back every day is to see Xiaobao, especially Tianbao. Originally, Shuyan thought that he would not pay any attention to Xiaobao after his curiosity. Unexpectedly, he was extremely patient with his younger brother. He cried and kept coaxing with him all the time.

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"Tianbao is a good brother." Fang Zeyu feels that the atmosphere at home is very good.

"I didn't expect that, you don't know, Tianbao was brought by his grandparents when he was a child, and he was spoiled a little lawless. When I first brought it to my side, I rolled on the ground whenever I didn't like it. It took me a long time to break it back. I didn't expect him to be so sensible now. " Shuyan was especially pleased.

"It is said that human beings are originally good in nature. What a child knows, it's the adults who teach them what they learn. " Fang Zeyu always thinks that parents are the best teachers for their children. When he turns to see Shuyan eating tomatoes, he can't help but frown, "eat this at night? No dinner for a while? "

"No. After a while or to eat a little, do not eat where milk. You can lose weight after weaning. " Xiaobao has been nearly 4 months, Shuyan is ready to give Xiaobao six months to wean.

She thought it had been a long time for her children to eat, but Fang Zeyu felt that the time was a little short. Normal children eat until they are one year old, but Shuyan has made a decision and he doesn't say much.

"Mom, Xiao Bao is laughing at me."

Hearing Tianbao's cry, Shuyan said with a smile: "Xiaobao likes you, just laugh with you."

Every day in the children's laughter in the past, to six months, Shuyan weaned Xiaobao, afraid to see the child cry can not bear the heart, just happened to the company this year in foreign countries to hold a show, Hu Ruixue alone can not come, Shuyan went abroad with.

With children really can't work at ease, just on the plane, Shuyan can't help but want to go back.

"Are you reluctant to part with it?" Hu Ruixue is restless when she sees Shuyan.

"Of course, I always carry it by myself. When I suddenly separated, I felt empty in my heart." Shuyan is a little anxious.

"Normal. Just wait until the child is older."

Shuyan shakes his head, how can it wait for the child to grow up. It can only be said that the mother's heart of remembering the child has always been there, but it can not hinder the growth of the child, so the heart is pressed in the bottom of my heart and silently pays attention to the child.

"Let's not talk about this. Let's talk about the show. How was the rehearsal of the models?"

In addition to advertising in China, Xianyan also invests a lot of advertising in the countries around China, which is very famous in the whole Asia Pacific region. Last year, they sponsored two films in country a, and won the best costume award through one of them. Therefore, she has gained some international fame. Only in this year can we successfully hold fashion shows abroad.

The chief designer is still Xia rou. She has won many awards in the world in the past two years. She is also a little famous designer.

The fashion show is very successful. It can be said that Xianyan has really been recognized by some fashion people. It can be regarded as a luxury. However, if you want to become a luxury, it will take some time to settle down.

In addition to the distance back and forth, Shuyan left home for almost half a month. When he got home, Xiaobao didn't know him any more. Shuyan wanted to hold him, and he kept hiding in his aunt's arms.

"You little have no conscience, I am a mother, just left half a month to forget me?" Shuyan is still a little sad.

Just at the beginning of the strange, not for a while open your hands to Shuyan embrace, small head has been arched her neck, especially intimate.

"How can a child disown his mother? I'm afraid I haven't seen him for so long. " Aunt helps Xiao Bao talk.

Shuyan holding Xiaobao, the heart is soft, "Jingjing and Tianbao?"

Today is Saturday. The two children are supposed to be at home.

"She was picked up by their second aunt and said it was Niu Niu's birthday. Let Jingjing and Tianbao go to celebrate their cousin's birthday together." The aunt looked at Shuyan and opened her mouth, hesitating whether to open her mouth.

Shu Yan was busy recovering mother and son's feelings with Xiaobao, but did not see her expression, "today is Niuniu's birthday? I've been busy forgetting, so I'll go too. Don't prepare my meal at noon. "

Passing the shopping mall on the way, Shuyan went in and bought Niuniu two sets of clothes, a very beautiful doll and a big cake. In terms of her second sister's character, she would not be willing to buy a cake.

Sure enough, when Shuyan arrived, Shuli was cooking. She bought a lot of dishes, but there was no birthday cake.

"Are you back?" Shuli wiped her hands, took the things in Shuyan's hands, opened them and said, "how can you buy so many things? There are still clothes for children. It's just when they are growing up that they need to change their clothes. What dolls to buy? How old are you? Will you take it back to Jingjing and the cake? It's a dozen bucks for such a big one, isn't it? It's not very delicious. What's the wrong money for? "

"Children's birthday should eat cake, you are now a small boss, no longer need to eat and wear short children." Shu Yan saw Niuniu staring at the doll all the time, and said with a smile: "Jingjing already has a lot of dolls. This is my little aunt's gift for the child. You don't have the right to refuse."Seeing her daughter holding the baby tightly, Shuli didn't say anything and sighed, "don't buy it next time."

Everyone sings happy birthday song to Niuniu. Shuli doesn't know what to do next. Today's leading character Niu Niu is flushed, and she doesn't know whether she is happy or shy.

"Thank you, auntie." It was the first time that someone sang for her and bought a cake. Niuniu thinks that Xiaoyi is a fairy sent from heaven.

Half of the meal, Shuyan saw the male teacher came over, with a gift in his hand, which was given to Niuniu.

"I saw Niuniu's birthday was coming when I flipped through the roster yesterday. I thought I'd give it to Niu Niu before school yesterday, but I forgot about it. I happened to come over to buy some papers and bring them by the way."

"That's a good idea. It won't cost you any money." Shuli quickly declined.

"It's an ordinary gift. It's not something valuable. It's my teacher's love for students." Although the male teacher gently smile, but the tone can not be refused.

Shuyan looked at him suspiciously. He had never heard of a student giving a gift to a teacher. He had never heard of a teacher giving a birthday present to a student.

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After careful observation, it can be found that although the male teacher said that he was giving gifts to Niuniu, he didn't really care about Niu Niu. Instead, he always paid attention to Shuli

when he left with the test paper, Shu Yan naturally asked, "are Niu Niu's teachers buying exercise books here?"

"Yes, he has been taking care of my business. Mr. Wang is a very good person, but his life is just as bad as mine. His wife loves gambling. She not only loses all the money in the family, but also owes a lot of money outside. I heard that she also borrowed usury, and then people ran away, and these debts fell on Mr. Wang. Fortunately, Mr. Wang has many friends. You and I helped to repay the usury, otherwise, this life will not go on. " Shuli has been here for more than a year, and she knows almost everything about school teachers.

"How much money is owed?"

"I don't know. Anyway, Mr. Wang took his son with him for several years. He saved a little money and gave it back to his relatives and friends. He didn't see his wife come back."

After dinner, Shuyan sent the children out to play, there are Niuniu and Jingjing in, Xiaobao give them also rest assured, she and Shuli clean up in the kitchen.

When there was no child, Shu Yan asked, "second sister, I look at this teacher Wang You're interested in him. "

Shuli a face you joking expression, "how possible, other people a teacher, and a good-looking talent, how can you look up to me?" Shuli shakes her head. She still has this self-knowledge.

"Second sister, don't belittle yourself. Before you saw that you were a little thinner. This year, you gradually made up for it. Your skin was white and your facial features were beautiful. The most important thing was that you were diligent and virtuous. Besides, you were divorced and he was divorced. I said that he was not worthy of you." Two people a father and mother born, Shu Yan looks good, Shuli and where can be poor? It is because of their good looks that the two sisters can be sold for a good price by their parents. Only went to the mother-in-law's house to be practiced, will become a pair of no man not ghost appearance.

"I dare not say that." Shuli said quickly.

"What nonsense? To put it worse, I doubt his intentions. " Shuyan was afraid that Shuli would be cheated. He said directly, "you also said that his wife owes a lot of money outside, and he borrowed usury. Although the usury is gone, it is only by borrowing money from relatives and friends that he has to pay back. How much is his teacher's salary a month? You have such a good business here. Smart people can figure out how much you are in a month. If you marry you, you are equivalent to marrying a silver mountain. You have a large amount of income every month. Moreover, you are so virtuous that you can help with the laundry and cooking and take care of the children. It's a cost-effective business. "

"Don't think of people so badly." The second sister glanced at Shuyan, washing dishes and saying, "I told you that I wanted to live a quiet life with my two children. I didn't want to remarry, and I didn't want to be a stepmother. You remind me. I'll be cold with Mr. Wang. He has no idea. He should know what I mean. "

It's not easy to be a mother, but a stepmother! Besides, Mr. Wang and his wife are not divorced. His wife just ran away. Who knows when he will come back. What if he comes back? Does she have to return her seat? What has she done in the past few years? To sleep for nothing and to be a nanny, is she cheap?

Besides, Shuyan's idea is not impossible. I can't say I still care about her money. If she has money, she can't spend it herself or can't save it for her children. Isn't it sick to rush to others?

See Shuli want to understand, Shuyan on nothing said.

They sat and chatted for a while, and Fang Zeyu drove over to pick her up and go back with the children.

"How about abroad?"

"I'm busy working this time. I don't have time to go out for a stroll. I'll wait for Xiaobao to be bigger. We'll go out for a tour together."

Since the second half of last year, when I was pregnant and had a baby, I had no time and energy to go out and play. It was true that there was no freedom to raise children.

"Don't wait for Xiaobao to grow up. We'll take Jingjing and Tianbao out for a walk." Fang Zeyu didn't tell Shu Yan what he had been paying attention to abroad.As the first fashion brand in China to hold a fashion show abroad, domestic news is naturally indispensable. It can be said that it is very much. Even the national newspapers have reported their news, so Fang Zeyu can say very clearly about Shu Yan's trip.

Seeing Shu Yan's tired face, Fang Zeyu took her back to rest and slept for two hours. Fang Zeyu called her up.

"I can't sleep at night." Seeing that Shuyan had no spirit, Fang Zeyu hesitated for a moment and said to her, "when grandma got up in the middle of the night the day before yesterday to go to the toilet, she fell down accidentally and is still in the hospital."

"Grandma fell?" Shuyan woke up and asked, "why didn't Aunt tell me? You too. Why didn't you tell me earlier? "

"When grandma fell, you were on the plane, thinking that you would get jet lag when you came back, so I told my aunt not to tell you first." Fang Zeyu was tired at the moment.

His grandmother fell, the most sad is Fang Zeyu, since he came out, two people can be said to be dependent on each other, is the same as his own grandmother, now grandma such an accident, Fang Zeyu incomparable self blame.

"I should have listened to you and found a nanny for grandma."

When they moved in last year, Shuyan asked the old lady to live in their yard. The old lady didn't want to. So she asked her to hire a nanny and have someone to accompany her 24 hours a day. The old lady didn't want to be looked at because she was used to it.

"It can't be blamed on you. Who would have thought that grandma, who is usually so energetic, would suddenly fall down." Who could have thought that the flat ground will fall down, even if there is a nanny also can't see! "Don't talk about it. Go to the hospital to see grandma."

It's really different when you get older. If you fall on the ground, you can just get up. But Grandma falls on the level road and it's very serious. Pelvic bone fracture. At this age, it's not recommended to have surgery. It's best to do conservative treatment. In this way, the old lady can only lie in bed, and she doesn't know when she can get well.

Shuyan was startled when she saw the old lady, only half a month later. The old lady with a ruddy complexion was only skin and bone, and her hair was all white.

"Grandma, I've come to see you."

"It's Yan Yan. When did you come back? Have you eaten yet? " The old lady saw Shu Yan and said happily.

"When I came back today, I found out that you fell. Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt. I took the painkiller. When you are old, you can't use it. You can fall on the flat ground, which will hurt Xiaoyu and you. " The old lady blamed herself.

"What do you mean? Xiaoyu is your grandson, and I am your granddaughter-in-law. If the family doesn't speak two words, you can treat your illness in the hospital with peace of mind. Only when you are well can we be at ease. "

Fang Zeyu and Shuyan are both very busy. They can't stay with the old lady all the time in the hospital. They have hired a nurse to take care of her. Shuyan plans to ask her aunt if there is anyone in their hometown who is willing to work as a nanny. The old lady must be looked after now.

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"Yes, of course. Many people have asked me to help introduce jobs. Don't worry, I'll find the honest and diligent one. " The aunt patted her chest to promise.

"It's OK to say that this person must be careful and patient." Taking care of patients is not the same as taking care of ordinary people. It's really impossible without patience.

"Yes. Don't worry. I'll find it first. You can come and see for yourself. If you don't like it, let her go. "

The next day, the aunt took a bus back to the country. Two days later, she brought a woman about 30 years old.

Introduced only to know that this woman is only 24 years old, is also a miserable life, married husband sick, can not work, the burden of the family on her body.

"Xiaolan turned out to be my neighbor's daughter. She didn't help me before she got married. When my daughter was a child, no one looked at her. She was all following her buttocks. She was half a mother of my daughter." So as soon as she got the chance, the aunt pulled her out.

Xiaolan some embarrassed to follow the aunt called a boss Niang.

"Who are you going to take care of? The old lady used to be very kind, but her character will inevitably change when she is ill. So you should be more patient and take care of the patients carefully and diligently. "

"You can rest assured that my husband is not in good health and often lies in bed. I take care of them." Xiaolan said quickly.

Shu Yan led her to the courtyard next door, and began to talk about her salary.

"Your job is different from that of auntie. You have to watch the old lady 24 hours a day, and you have to urinate. It's hard. So I'll give you a salary of 600 yuan, and I'll give you two days off in January. If you don't have a rest, you'll be charged 50 yuan a day. If you don't ask for leave this month, I'll give you another 50 yuan for full attendance, and the red envelope for holidays will be calculated separately. The food and accommodation are all here. I will ask my aunt to buy one more dish every day and send it to you. Other The salary is about this. If you have any requirements, you can ask for it. "

"No, no, I think it's good now."

On the way, she heard from her aunt that she could get 400 yuan a month. She already felt that the salary was very high. I didn't expect that the boss's wife gave her another 200, the overtime allowance and the full attendance award. That would be 750. If she was not satisfied with the salary, it would be too unsatisfied.The old lady still needs to stay in the hospital for a few days. These days, the nurse takes care of her. Xiaolan first cleans up the house and then delivers soup to her every day.

When the old lady comes back, Xiaolan will take care of her in the yard. Fang Zeyu and Shuyan will go to see the old lady every day after work and chat with her for a while before returning to their own yard.

"Looking at the old lady, I feel very sad." After visiting the old lady, Shuyan sighed, "I'd better die old and go to sleep."

"You are young, what do you want to do so far away?" Fang Zeyu didn't like what Shuyan said about death.

"It's so fast. It's going to be three in a flash." Unconsciously, she has been in this world for more than two years.

I thought that the old lady would be OK after a while, but I didn't expect that she would collapse with such a fall. She went back to the hospital for more than three months, but she didn't come out this time.

As soon as the old lady left, a large number of nephews and nephews came out, saying that they were going to send the old lady to the end.

At this time, Fang Zeyu took out the old lady's will, which said that he would sell the house and donate all the money to the children who had no money to go to school.

Everyone didn't believe it. They thought it was Fang Zeyu who forged the will.

"When making this will, the village head of Xiazhuang village and Lawyer Chen were present, which had legal effect. Lawyer Chen was also here. You can go to the court to sue me if you have any doubts." Fang Zeyou is too lazy to say one more word to them.

Of course, they did not dare to sue Fang Zeyu and went to the village head to confirm that the will was true. In a flash, a group of nephews and nephews disappeared, leaving only Fang Zeyu and Shuyan.

The funeral of the old lady was very lonely. Only a few of her friends and relatives who had been away more often came. As for others, they would not come? The old lady is not happy with them.

"The funeral is over?" Hu Ruixue looks haggard.

"Yes. It's a terrible feeling. The house was originally owned by the old lady and had a half dime relationship with them? As a result, because the old lady donated it, those close relatives didn't come to the funeral, and they didn't want any face. " Shu Yan sighed.

"No hope, no idea. The old lady is alone. They always think that they are her nephew or nephew. They have the right to inherit the house. Now they are suddenly gone. Of course, they feel uncomfortable." Hu Ruixue quite sighed, "I saw the old lady very energetic last time. I thought how I could live for another ten or eight years. I didn't expect to go away with a fall on the ground, so this man is really fragile."

Although the old lady left, they didn't move back to the capital of the southern city. The original three rooms and two living rooms were enough to live in. Now with a little treasure, it seems a bit crowded.

The yard was really spacious, and the two children liked it, so they continued to live in it.

The three children in the family, especially Xiaobao, were so young that Shuyan simply left Xiaolan behind. Of course, her salary was not as high as before. She worked overtime for 20 days and 400 a month. After all, Xiaolan was not lost. After all, two of the three children were older children, and they didn't have to pick them up. Xiaobao still needed their care It's easy to take turns. The salary is very high.

In the twinkling of an eye, another phone call from her hometown urged Shuli and Shuyan to go back to the Spring Festival. They simply took their children back with them when they thought that they had not gone back for many years.

Fang Zeyu has brought two bodyguards who don't need to go back to celebrate the new year. One is to help carry some things, and the other is to help if something goes wrong.

After getting off the plane, Shu Jianyang came to pick them up with a bun.

"Why did you come back with so many things?" Shu Jianyang helps to put things on the car, but his back is full and still can't put it down.

"If there are many relatives in the family, it will be more if you take a little bit of it." Shuli carried two things under her feet, most of which were hers.

"I told my second sister to take less, and she would not listen." Shuyan is also helpless. Now the development is getting better and better. Everything here in Xicheng can be sold. Many things are unnecessary. It would be good to buy them directly here.

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"How can it be the same? I brought it back by plane, which means something different. " Shuli thought she was doing the right thing.

At noon in Shu Jianyang's home to eat, his villa has been built, not decorated, now still live in the house Shuyan sold to him.

"Do you know that Li Jiaojiao and ye Zhiqiang are divorced?" When Shuyan goes into the kitchen to help, Li Miaomiao whispers to her.

"I don't know. I haven't heard from them for a long time. How did they get divorced?" Shuyan a Leng, really do not know how ye Zhiqiang is now.

Last time ye Zhiqiang had the idea of Tianbao, Fang Zeyu asked his comrades in arms to help him. He told ye Zhiqiang's current junior three to have a baby. He calculated the time that the child should have been born, so it was the third child who succeeded in taking advantage of the child's position?

"Don't mention it. Fortunately, you divorced Ye Zhiqiang. That man is nothing. " Li Miaomiao covers the pot, looks outside, and confirms that Fang Zeyu didn't pay attention to the kitchen and says, "he deliberately asks someone to disguise as a rich man's son-in-law to seduce Li Jiaojiao. Then he grabs Jian and forces Li Jiaojiao to leave the marriage. When Li Jiaojiao finds out that the childe is from ye Zhiqiang, the marriage has already left, and there is no way to take ye Zhiqiang. Not a month later, ye Zhiqiang found another one. Who do you think he married after that? ""His new junior?" Shu Yan estimates that ye Zhiqiang is afraid of her calculation, so start first.

Unexpectedly, Li Miaomiao shook his head. "No, it's a rich woman 10 years older than him. I heard it's his partner's wife. He lost his partner in an accident. As a result, these two people got together. Do you think it's interesting? "

"Interesting, so interesting." Ye Zhiqiang really refreshed her offline once again.

If you remember correctly, his junior sister is the partner's cousin, right? Shuyan thought he would marry his cousin, but he did not expect that he married his partner's wife. The question is, did his partner leave unexpectedly?

When Shu Yan asked Fang Zeyu in the evening, he knew that his partner had gone by accident.

"I've known that before, but I don't think it's necessary to say so as not to stain your ears." Fang Zeyu really thinks that ye Zhiqiang's private life is too chaotic.

Shu Yan chuckled, "to me, it's really unimportant. When my third sister-in-law told me today, I was just listening to a joke. Let's go to bed. "

The next day, Shuyan took Fang Zeyu to the shopping mall to buy new year's products. This shopping mall was opened last year. I heard that it was invested by the boss of Hong Kong City. There were many people coming to buy things near the end of the year.

"Let's go into this store." Shuyan saw a shop selling candy and took Fang Zeyu in.

"Hello, do you need sugar?"

Private shopping malls are not the same. The service is up to a dozen grades.

"Yes, you don't have to follow me. Go and see for yourself. I'll call you if you need to." Shu Yan doesn't like the salesperson following her all the time.

"Well, if you need anything, please call me at any time."

"Why don't we buy some of them together Shu Yan turned around and asked Fang Zeyu for his opinion.

"Yes." Fang Zeyu nodded.

Shu Yan just wanted to ask the salesman to bring a bag, so she heard the shouting from the opposite store. She looked up and saw a fat woman pointing at a salesman and scolding loudly. The salesperson had been bending down to compensate for it. She squatted down to polish the shoes of the fat woman. There were slight water stains on it. It should have been accidentally sprinkled by the salesman when he poured water for them.

Wait for that salesperson to get up, Shu Yan sees her immediately a Leng. Li Jiaojiao Jiao? She's back in Westlife? Or how did she become a salesman?

Maybe because Shu Yan's eyes are too straightforward, Li Jiaojiao looks back.

Two people's eyes collide, Shuyan is indifferent, Li Jiaojiao is embarrassed, but from her eyes, she did not recognize Shu Yan, otherwise it would not only be embarrassed, but also embarrassed.

"What?" Fang Zeyu came back with the bag.

"It's nothing. It's just that we met an unexpected person. Let's buy candy." Shu Yan doesn't want to talk about Li Jiaojiao. The past is over.

That night, Shuyan suddenly had a long dream.

He was rescued from sleeping pills. In a daze, ye Zhiqiang lured him to divorce and returned to his mother's home with his savings of more than 10000 yuan and his two children. On that day, the passbook was collected by linzixiang.

Without money, Shu Youfu and Lin Zixiang would not look at her in a different way. No matter whether her body recovered or not, they always asked her to do things. Tianbao was ok, and Jingjing also worked with her. There was no time to be free.

She had just been discharged from the hospital. She was divorced and had been consulted by her family. Her original body soon lost weight. Although her original body was a little dark, her facial features were very good. Seeing her appearance, Lin Zixiang began to make up her mind and asked her to ask Ye Zhiqiang for money in the name of her child.

She really wanted to be there. With the first time, Lin Zixiang thought about the second time. She also helped to think of strategies. She asked the original body to bring her two children to Ye Zhiqiang's place to cry for poverty. If it was the original body before, ye Zhiqiang would not even look at it. After losing weight, the original body looked good, and with two children crying there, ye Zhiqiang was really a little bit Soft hearted.

This was known by Li Jiaojiao Jiao, and soon she went out shopping and had an accident. Then Shuyan saw the driver's face calm and drove away leisurely.

As soon as the picture turns, it is a picture of Jingjing being tortured by others in the prison, turning into the appearance of no man, no ghost, no ghost. At the moment of Tianbao's accident, the driver was the one who killed himself, but he was older. His calm face was like a chicken and a duck instead of a man.

The dream came to a sudden end, but Shuyan had found the answer she wanted. After a series of things, she knew that she must have been deliberately murdered, and her mastermind must be Li Jiaojiao Jiao. Because she threatened her position, Jingjing and Tianbao, and because they threatened Li Jiaojiao's children, they would fall into that situation.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Shuyan was sweating, Fang Zeyu asked with concern.

"Nothing. I had a nightmare." Shu Yan pursed a lower lip, drank a cup of water, slowed down, "I am sweating, sticky Zizi, go to take a shower first."

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"Go ahead." Fang Zeyu helps Shu Yan with her clothes.

Back to lie down, Shuyan was very glad that he came. It's not because of changing the fate of the original body. There are many shortcomings in the original body that Shuyan can't tolerate. What really makes her happy is that Jingjing and Tianbao have been changed by her. In any case, she will let the two children grow up peacefully.Shujian Yang told them to go back to the countryside again. Shu Yan simply got up to wash his clothes and wait for the car to squint for a while.

"Didn't sleep well last night?" Li Miaomiao was tired when he saw Shu Yan.

"No, I had a nightmare. I'll sleep in the car Anyway, it will take several hours for Xicheng to get to Lingan township.

Leaning on Fang Zeyu's shoulder, Shuyan fell asleep again. This time, it was not her original dream, but her own.

Shu Yan is like a soul back to her own world. She saw the police in and out of her rental room, and saw the neighbors standing there pointing. From the fragmentary words, she learned that because she was playing with the mobile phone while charging, the mobile phone exploded. She was shocked by the explosion, and the charging wire overturned the water cup on the bedside table, and then she was directly electrocuted.

For a moment, Shuyan had a memory that she had not had before. When she was reading a novel, she did not fall asleep. Instead, she suddenly saw a spark on her mobile phone. It was too late to throw it away. With a bang, she was unconscious.

So She is dead, will wear in the book Shuyan body.

Leng God, Shu Yan see her own parents crying, help each other over.

"I'll go home, go home, and I won't listen. You don't listen to your marriage. You live here alone and nobody knows when you leave. " Shuo Ma cried with sadness.

Shu's father was in tears and couldn't say a word.

Seeing them, Shuyan had already burst into tears and yelled at his parents, but they could not hear them. Follow them to the inside, and see that her own body has smelled. The police said that the company found that she had not been working for a day, so she contacted her family. Then her parents rushed over and contacted her friends in Nancheng. They all said that they had not seen her. As soon as the phone was turned off, the company called the police.

Shuyan simply can't care about these. Now she just wants to talk to her parents. Only when she is a mother can she know that her parents are kind. This is true. After she has children, she knows it's not easy to be a parent.

"Ma, Ma, I'm wrong. I'll listen to you from now on, and I won't go against you any more. Mom, I'm sorry. Dad, I'm sorry. I miss you so much. I really miss you

Shuyan cried all the time, and then followed them to the police station, to the funeral home, to watch them hold a funeral ceremony for themselves, and to see his brother come back to hug his parents and cry bitterly.

She kept shouting, but no one heard her voice.

That day, Shuyan suddenly entered a vast white place, walking, came to her own living room, sitting on the sofa her parents.

"Dad, mom..."

"Yan Ni, is that you? My Yanni! Mom is wrong. I shouldn't force you, or you won't leave home and go so far away, and you won't... "

"Yan Ni?" Shu dad raised his hand to touch his daughter's face.

Holding Shu dad's hand, "Dad, I'm Yanni. I'm back to see you."

With that, the three cried bitterly. Shuyan had a feeling that after meeting her parents this time, she might be leaving, so she didn't continue to cry. She wanted to talk to her parents more.

There is nothing to hide from her parents. Shu Yan tells them that she is not really dead, but has gone through a parallel time and space. She also married and became a mother. She tells them that Fang Zeyu, Xiao Bao, and Hu Ruixue, their best friend, don't match their forewords. Anyway, they say what they think.

Shuyan felt the body came to a suction, reluctant to look at his parents, "I feel like I'm leaving, Dad, mom, you take care of yourself, the next life, I'll be your daughter."

Seeing Shu Yan disappear, Shu's father and mother wake up with a cry. They look at each other and tell each other's dreams. Suddenly, they believe that it is really their daughter who has come to hold the dream.

"Lao Shu, do you think this man really has a soul?" Shu's mother didn't believe it, but she wanted to believe it, so that her daughter could live in another way somewhere.

"It must be. If it's true, let's try and find out." Shu's father got up and went to Shuyan's room. According to Shuyan's words, he found the diary in the drawer and opened it according to the password she gave. On the first page, there was a picture of their family, and tears fell like rain.

"Our daughter, still alive..." Shu Ma said in one side as if happy or sad.

"Yan Yan, Yan Yan..."

Shuyan opened his eyes and saw Fang Zeyu with a worried face.

"You are awake." Fang Zeyu breathed a sigh of relief. He just felt that Shuyan could not wake up again. His heart was aching. "You have been crying all the time. How can I call you awake? Do you have nightmares again?"

Fang Zeyu recalled Shu Yan's experience in her hometown, which must have hurt her so much that she had nightmares all the time. He decided to return to Nancheng after the new year without staying for a moment.

"I'm fine, I'm just..." Shu Yan wiped away tears, "I just made a dream of sadness and joy."

"No, I'm by your side." Fang Zeyu hugs Shuyan.

"Well." Feeling Fang Zeyu's temperature, Shuyan's mouth rose slightly. "Dad, mom, don't worry, I'll live well in another world." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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