It cost four hundred and eighty-five thousand yuan to buy a house plus seven miscellaneous items, and one hundred and fifty yuan for shopping in the afternoon, and four hundred and three yuan for rent plus agency fee. Tomorrow, he will pay manager Wang a ten thousand Yuan decoration deposit, which is nearly half a million yuan.

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At the beginning, she sold five houses, with a total of 910000, 1.5 million discount funds from the company. The original 10000 yuan deposit was 2.42 million yuan, and now there is only 1.92 million left.

Think about the future tuition fees, interest class fees, food and clothing for her two children. It seems that 1.92 million yuan is not a lot.

It's impossible to go on like this. It's unrealistic to go to work. She graduated from primary school. She can't get a good job. She doesn't want to go to the factory. What's more, she has to take care of her two children and have to be free in time. In fact, the best thing is to do business. They say that the nineties is a golden age all over the world. If you don't have the skills, you can't get gold in front of you.

Shuyan's parents opened a fruit store to support her and her brother. Although the fruit is not impressive, the profit is very high, and 50% of the rotten fruit can be removed. However, it's too hard to open a fruit store. Shuyan doesn't think she can afford it. She has a cousin who opened a shoe store, and the profit is also very high. Shuyan decides to look for clothes and shoes.

We have to think about it in the long run. We'll wait until the children are in school.

"Mom, will we be here in the future?" Ye Jingjing hesitated for a long time and finally asked.

"Yes, you can go to school in a few days. Are you happy?" Shuyan looks at her daughter who is a little fat. Her facial features are very good. If she is a little bit fat and white, she will be a little beauty.

"Can I go to school in a few days?" Ye Jingjing's eyes brightened.

Shu Yan nodded, "yes, my mother has found you a good school. You should You can go to school next Monday. " Today is Thursday. Manager Wang said that he would give her a reply tomorrow. The school may not be so fast. If we count the weekend, it may be until next Monday.

"Mom, I'm going to school, too." Ye Tianbao sees elder sister so happy, the eye is bright bright say.

"You go too." Shu Yan ordered his nose, "when the time comes to listen to the teacher's words, can't fight with other children, you know? Otherwise, the teacher will criticize you, other children will not be friends with you, you will only have one person to play, you know? "

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"I'm sure I won't fight. I'll listen to the teacher." Ye Tianbao clapped his chest to promise.

This guarantee in Shuyan here is worthless, really wait to go to school to know.

The next morning, she made breakfast for the two children, and Shuyan simply ate a few mouthfuls. Today, there are a lot of things to do today, such as bedding, gas stove, pots and pans, tables and stools. She has to go to manager Wang to pay a deposit and ask about the situation.

Outside the vegetable market, there are a lot of daily necessities shops, two mattresses, tables, chairs, pots and pans, chopsticks and spoons. There are a lot of rickshaws in Nancheng. Shuyan stops in front of her and asks if she wants a car. She chooses a young and strong man to help carry things to the car. When she gets to the place, she helps Shuyan move to the building On, Shu Yan specially gave an extra yuan.

"Thank you, master." Send off the tricycle master, send gas master immediately arrived, Shuyan quickly lead the way, while opening the door sorry smile: "just moved, the house is a bit chaotic."

"It's OK. My sister is working in Nancheng?" The gas master is very enthusiastic.

Shuyan now looks like she is dressed up. She says that no one believes in her business. Shuyan smiles, "yes, the villagers say that Nancheng is good at making money. This is not the case."

"After all, it's a big city. It's better to make money if you're willing to work hard than to farm in the countryside. However, there are not many gas cookers now. It costs much more than coal balls. It's not cost-effective to use them. I think you can buy another coal stove, cook rice and water with coal balls, and the gas stove will fry vegetables and cook noodles. " The gas master wiped the sweat and helped Shuyan connect the gas stove. After several times of fire, there was no problem, "OK, the deposit is 50 yuan, which adds up to 70 yuan."

"Thank you for reminding me. I'll buy a coal stove later." Shu Yan thanks.

Cheap coal must be cheap, but Shuyan himself can't smell that smell. Every time I go to buy breakfast, standing a little closer will feel dyspnea and cough all the time. What's more, there are two children at home, so we don't save on it.

The mats were removed and opened to the sun on the balcony. The pots and pans were washed. Shuyan locked the door and went to the tailor to ask if the sheets and quilts had been set.

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"Master, I came to make clothes and bed sheets yesterday. Do you remember that?" Shuyan swept through the door, but there were not many people in the shop. Now the sewing machines have finished their own mending, and they seldom come to find a tailor.

"Remember, the quilt cover has been made, the sheet is very fast, you can sit for a while." The sheets are simple, cut and sewn.

"Then I'll go shopping and get it in ten minutes." Shuyan is going to buy a watch. I can't do without a watch.

Nancheng already has a lot of electronic watches, ranging from 15 yuan to 100 yuan. At present, they are very fashionable things. However, Shu Yan is not surprised. After throwing these watches on the floor, no one wants them for four or five yuan. She prefers mechanical watches. Especially at this time, mechanical watches are really durable. I remember that her parents bought a watch when they got married and still used them for more than 30 years And the time is very accurate.She chose a famous watch from Nancheng, more than 200 pieces. Shu Yan took it just right. She asked the boss to adjust the time and put it on. It was 11 o'clock. She had to go back to cook for the two children.

"Mom." Ye Jingjing is relieved to see Shu Yan.

Ye Tianbao is in the room, and he wants to go out to play. Ye Jingjing stops her, and her younger brother catches her on her face. Shu Yan looks at Ye Jingjing's face, and the two scratches are bleeding. Shu Yan sinks down and grabs Ye Tianbao and slaps him in the face.

"If you don't fight, you will go to the house and uncover the tiles, right? If you dare to beat your sister, it's against you. "

"Wow..." Ye Tianbao just cried.

"Mom, it doesn't hurt." Ye Jingjing said in a low voice.

"You don't know how to block him? What do you do with the scar? " Shuyan asked the landlord to borrow some alcohol and simply eliminated the poison. The landlord also gave some ointment, saying that it was good for the scratch. "Next time my brother dares to hit you, you'll beat him and spank him like his mother."

It's inevitable for children to fight, but these two are really annoying. One is too weak, and the other is too strong. They thought that they would be better. Now they just found that the things in the roots can't be changed overnight.

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At noon, he cooked some noodles to cope with it. Ye Jingjing ate very well. Ye Tianbao was cleaned up by Shuyan. He didn't dare to make a single moth. He looked up at Shuyan from time to time.

"Come with me this afternoon to help." It's not the way to stay in a hotel all the time.

She cleaned the house in the morning. Shuyan gave them a rag for each of them, and asked to wipe the table and stool again. Shuyan quickly washed the sheets and quilts. Today, the sun is big, and it will be dry in the afternoon, and you can sleep after making the bed in the evening.

Stretching a stretch, the hand was gently pulled, Shuyan looked down and saw Ye Jingjing holding a glass of water, "Mom, drink water."

Shuyan was pleased at first, then frowned, "where is the water?"

"Water from the kitchen." Ye Jingjing is a little afraid of her mother's bad face.

Shuyan tried to ease his face, "do you and your brother drink tap water when you are in the hotel?"

"No Ye Jingjing shakes her head. "It's all water in a hot kettle."

"It's raw water. You can't drink it. If you drink it, you'll get sick. You'll have to go to the hospital for injection and medication. You can't drink it in the future, do you know?" It's normal to drink raw water in the countryside, especially Ye Jingjing, who is not valued by her family. It is estimated that she often drinks it, but Shuyan wants to teach her not to drink it in the future.

The sun is very big in September, so Shuyan simply called a tricycle, and the three of her mother took the bus to the sales center.

"Mom, this car is good. Let's buy one." Ye Tianbao's words caused the tricycle master to laugh.

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"You can't ride my car."

"Mom rides." Ye Tianbao turns his head and looks forward to looking at Shuyan.

Shuyan mouth a smoke, you can really filial, hope your mother riding tricycle.

The sales center of Xiao Li saw Shu Yan and quickly called her in, "manager Wang has been waiting for you for a while. I was going to call you."

"Miss Shu, are these your two children? It's lovely. " Manager Wang asked Xiao Li to take cake for the two children, and then gave the application form to Shu Yan, "the school has agreed, that is, the good class can't enter now, only the ordinary class."

"No problem. It's good to go to school. Thank you very much." Shu Yan took over the application form, all simple questions, Shu Yan according to the guidance of manager Wang fill in after collecting, "when to sign up?"

"Tomorrow will be Saturday. Wait for Monday." Manager Wang was very happy. Shu Yan gave him 500 yuan at that time. He spent 20 yuan to buy two packs of cigarettes. The rest went into his own pocket. A few words were recorded in the account. I wish there were more such things.

The convenience of Ye Jingjing's school has been solved. It's easier for ye Tianbao to go to kindergarten. It's originally a supporting facility. Shu Yan bought a house here and could enroll at any time. The tuition fee is 200 yuan a month, and one lunch and two snacks are included. At this time, it is very expensive. Of course, people who can afford the house here will not care about this money.

"The house decoration aspect question, the decoration company's master said that hoped can and you when the interview." Mr. Wang suggested: "our sample room is designed by senior designer of Hong Kong City. Why not decorate it according to the sample room? Many people in the community are like this. "

"Kitchen, living room and bedroom are OK." The housing in Hong Kong City is even more tense than that in Nancheng, so they are very good at making use of space and not wasting a little space. The design is not a problem at all. However, Shuyan plans to follow her own aesthetic taste in the bathroom and balcony.

"Yes, if you have any requirements, you can tell the decoration master that you will be satisfied." Manager Wang nodded and asked tentatively, "do you have any relatives or friends who want to buy a house? If your references come, we will give you one thousandth of the introduction fee. "

"Not for the time being. If there are, they will be introduced." Shu Yan smiles. The two children eat cake for the first time. It's very delicious. Let them continue to eat here. She goes to tell the decorator some ideas. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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