"Mother Jingjing, ye Jingjing had a little conflict with her classmates at school today. Maybe you need to come to my office." Teacher Zhang, ye Jingjing's head teacher, specially stood at the door waiting for three parents.

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"Is it Jingjing who is disobedient at school With all that said, Shuyan knows her daughter's character and is not mischievous. She is the kind who is bullied and doesn't know how to speak. Compared with Ye Tianbao, Shuyan is more worried about her daughter being bullied.

"Don't worry about it. There's a little misunderstanding between the children." The teacher said with a gentle smile.

Shu Yan first breathed a sigh of relief. When she entered the office, she saw a well-dressed woman who was coaxing a crying girl. The other two children were standing in front of the teacher's desk. One was a very skinny boy, the other was her daughter ye Jingjing.

"Hello, are you Jingjing's mother?" The woman looks at Shu Yan without trace. She looks like a village woman who is farming in the countryside. However, the clothes she wears are very suitable and the material is good. Her hair is neatly combed in the back of her head with small high-heeled shoes. Her eyes are clean and her dressing temperament is not like that she is from the countryside. In a word, she feels very contradictory.

"Yes, I'm Jingjing's mother. Are you?" Shu Yan looked at the little girl beside her. This is the girl who went to school hand in hand with Jingjing in the morning.

"I'm wang Yitong's mother. My surname is Lin, and my single name is Hui. You can call me Lin Hui. How can I address you? " Lin Hui has heard her daughter say several times about ye Jingjing at home. She won't interfere with her daughter's making friends. Of course, it's better to make good friends.

"My name is Shuyan." Shu Yan turned to look at Ye Jingjing and squatted down in front of her, "what's the matter?"

Ye Jingjing takes a timid look at Shuyan and finds that her mother is not angry. She can't help but blush.

"Mom." Other words did not say, almost did not die in a hurry Shuyan.

At this time, Mr. Zhang came back with a woman, apparently the parent of the little boy.

"Let me introduce to you, this is Wang Yitong's mother, this is Ye Jingjing's mother, and this is Zhang Chenghan's mother. In fact, it's not a big deal. At noon today, Zhang Chenghan wanted to eat the braised pork in Ye Jingjing's bowl. Because Wang Yitong didn't want to eat with the boys, he made a little conflict. Then in the afternoon of physical education, Zhang Chenghan took Ye Jingjing's hat away. Wang Yitong and Zhang Chenghan argued about it. However, the PE teacher stopped him and I criticized him Mr. Zhang Chenghan, he has realized his mistake and apologized to Ye Jingjing. Today, he asked several parents to come to explain the situation to you. " Mr. Zhang told the three parents what happened.

Shu Yan looks back at the three children. The little boy seems to know that he is wrong and keeps his head down. Ye Jingjing holds Shu Yan's hand without saying a word. However, the weeping little girl Wang Yitong has opened Shuyan's eyes. Unexpectedly, such a delicate and weak girl will help Ye Jingjing to make a breakthrough.

"Tongtong, everyone is a classmate, and the dish is Jingjing's, how can you refuse? Does your mother teach you to be good friends with your classmates Lin Hui criticized her children first.

"But he's a boy, and dad says it's impossible to eat with a boy." Wang Yitong felt that he was particularly aggrieved. "Moreover, he robbed Jingjing of his hat. He also made fun of Jingjing for having no hair. Like a boy, he also threw Jingjing's hat away. It's not good at all. I don't want to be friends with him."

"Well, I don't want to be friends with you either." Zhang Chenghan was not happy when he heard the speech.

"Han Han." Zhang Chenghan's mother yelled at him. She looked at Shu Yan and Lin Hui with some embarrassment. "I'm really sorry. This child is very skinny at home. I'll teach him well later."

Mr. Zhang felt relieved at first. It would be good if all the three parents were reasonable. They were afraid to meet those unreasonable parents.

What did you say to the teacher just now

"I can't bully female students. I know I'm wrong. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have grabbed your hat and made fun of you. I won't do it next time." Zhang Chenghan has a very good attitude towards admitting his mistakes.

"No It doesn't matter. " Ye Jingjing took a look at Shuyan and said boldly.

"What about Wang Yitong?" Teacher Zhang looks at Wang Yitong.

"Zhang Chenghan has apologized and Jingjing has accepted his apology, so I will forgive him and be good friends with him." Wang Yitong said with his mouth.

Shu Yan didn't know what the children thought. At least on the surface, it was very harmonious. When the matter was over, the three led their children away. However, the three mothers chatted and speculated. It was said that Shuyan now lives in the old community behind Xuefu street. Zhang Chenghan's mother, Wu Xiuyue, immediately said with a smile: "that's fate. My home is there. Which building are you in?"

"So coincidentally, I'm in 301, building 5, and I often walk around so close."

"That's a coincidence. I'm in 202, building 7. I'll be there in a few steps. I'll come back to my home. This is your son. How old is he? Where does this go to kindergarten? " See Shu Yan behind also follow a small boy carrying a small schoolbag, Wu Xiuyue asked.

"Three and a half weeks ago, I just entered the kindergarten of Nanfu mansion. This child is also very skinny. Now I will meet you. Tianbao, please call aunt quickly." Shuyan pulls Ye Tianbao out of hiding behind her.Ye Tianbao yelled twice in a low voice. His courage was gradually enlarged. He trotted to Ye Jingjing. Children like to play with older children. Especially now that there is a little brother Zhang Chenghan, ye Tianbao is more happy.

"Did you buy your house in Nanfu mansion?" Lin Huixin happily looked at Shuyan, "then we are neighbors."

"Are you in Nanfu mansion? How many buildings are you in? " This is really a book by accident, Shu Yan how did not expect to be called once parents found two neighbors.

To tell you the truth, Shu Yan doesn't know anyone in Nancheng. When the children go to school, they don't even have a speaker. Sometimes they feel very lonely and empty. The reason why they used to live is because they have mobile phones. Now there is no entertainment to kill time. It's really important to know two people who speak. The most important thing is that both of them look very good. The person who talks should be very happy to get along with.

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"I'm on the 12th floor of Building 2. How about you?" In fact, Lin Hui was surprised. She didn't expect that Shu Yan could afford to buy a house in Nanfu mansion. Even the smallest 60 square meter apartment there costs more than 200000 yuan. Many double working families don't have to pay for it.

"I'm on the 12th floor of two buildings, too. I'm 1201." Shuyan felt that she was going to get goose bumps. How could she be so clever.

There are four households on their floor. Shuyan is 1201 and the next door is 1203. Lin Hui is either opposite her or diagonally opposite.

"I'm 1208. It's a coincidence that I'm a neighbor." Lin Hui was very happy. She always felt that her daughter was too lonely. She didn't expect to have a neighbor's classmate in the twinkling of an eye. In the future, she would go to school with company and play together on weekends.

Lin Hui bought earlier than Shuyan, the house has been decorated, and you can move in after ventilation. Listening to Shuyan's renovation, she also gave a lot of opinions on decoration.

Hearing what they said happily, Wu Xiuyue was envious. "Is the house of Nanfu mansion very expensive? I was going to buy a set of 60 square meters, but my husband didn't agree. I wanted to wait for the house price to fall a little

A large number of people in China will always wait and see, and they want to wait for the house to fall before buying. Shu Yan thinks that if you can wait and see if you can invest, you don't need to think so much about the house you just need to live in. They now rent a small and old community. Wu Xiuyue also said that her mother-in-law lives together. How crowded is it?

However, the house price will be stable for many years, and will fall a lot in 1997, so Shuyan won't persuade the other party to buy a house, so she won't be blamed.

Lin Hui didn't say anything. Buying a house is a big deal. They just got to know each other.

Among the three, only Shuyan is two children, and they are all one child. Lin Hui is because she and her husband both work in the unit. The policy stipulates that only one child can be born. Wu Xiuyue, because the first is a son, stipulates that she can not have a second child.

"It's better to be like you, with children and women." Both envied Shu Yan.

"One is also very good, the pressure is not so big." If it is Shu Yan's own birth, one is enough. Fortunately, she doesn't need to be pregnant, and she doesn't have to have a ready-made mother.

With them about the weekend to go shopping, Shuyan took the children back home, Shuyan said Ye Jingjing, "you child, others bully you do not know how to resist, today, if Wang Yitong help you, would you just stand there being bullied?"

"Don't be angry, mom." Ye Jingjing lowered her head, "I will not make trouble for you next time."

Looking at the cautious child, Shuyan felt uncomfortable in his heart, "what nonsense? Mother is not angry with you to cause trouble. Besides, it is not your fault that this matter is originally not your fault. What's more, what makes your mother angry is that you don't know how to protect yourself. Jingjing, mother can't always be by your side, there will always be times when you can't take care of you, so you should learn to protect yourself, or you will be bullied, mother will be sad. You must tell your mother what you have in school. As long as it is not your fault, your mother will be on your side. "

Ye Jingjing broke her tears into a smile and nodded her head.

"Mom, I'll be good too. Don't be sad." Ye Tianbao said suddenly.

Shuyan couldn't help rubbing his head, "you are all good, you are all good children of mother. If you're hungry, I'll cook for you

Do you have a rice cooker? If you buy one, you can cook it directly before you go to pick up the children. When you come back, you can cook. Moreover, it's hard to make sure that the pressure cooker cooking is hard or soft.

She is still divided into two parts. She herself is kelp soup today. Originally, she likes to drink kelp soup, but the kelp soup with less oil and less salt is really not good to drink. The taste of hungry stomach is not good. It can be said that she is suffering a lot. She yells at Shuyan to give up countless times in her mind.

When I wake up in the morning, Shuyan has a feeling that she can't keep going. Dieting is painful and doing exercise is more painful. So why lose weight? No, it's really hard to insist. Go back and buy a mirror. Only when you see that you are a little thinner can you have motivation.

Watching the child enter the kindergarten, Shuyan left late to talk about the class with Ye Tianbao's parents.

"That one? I've seen them. They are all foreigners teaching. They play games and learn things. Children like to learn. I can say a few words. The most important thing is that they are on the edge of the kindergarten. After school, the teacher takes them directly. We can pick them up after work. We can also be in the training class on weekends. Anyway, children are crazy at home. It's better to play and learn something at school. " It was my grandmother who said yesterday that she wanted to go to the property to ask for an explanation.Shuyan: it's really good. She said it.

I asked several other people, most of them signed up, and some of them were just like Shuyan. Shuyan went to the study class on the edge again. The environment was very good. I heard that it was not very strict to memorize. The children were very happy to learn.

"Teachers are for our children's good, we parents can't lag behind, you also sign up, free weekend to accompany children to learn together, common progress." Another parent laughed.

Since all of them have signed up, Shuyan naturally follows the trend. It is not a good thing for children to leave their own children alone.

The training course is one hundred a month. At present, the cost is very high. The four legged gold goblin is not a real name.

After watching the decoration process of the house as usual, Shuyan went to Laohu to inquire about the situation of the front door. The door of Laohu's house was closed, and Shuyan knocked on the door. There was no one inside. It was estimated that people were outside. It would be inconvenient to have no mobile phone. Otherwise, a phone call could solve the problem. This can only be done another day.

On the way home, Shuyan bought the food for the evening, and by the way bought a pair of dressing glasses. She simply ate a little lunch, took a nap, and started the daily Bobbie dance. Today, she felt a lot more difficult than the previous two days, especially her thigh and stomach had a little dull pain. She gritted her teeth and insisted on it. After 10 minutes, she gasped and slowly did some soothing actions.

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Looking at himself in the mirror, and the first day looking at the mirror contrast, really thin a circle, Shuyan turned the body, g life has not yet succeeded, continue to work hard!

Cleaning, washing clothes, washing vegetables and cutting vegetables, it is already more than four o'clock. Shuyan holds her old waist and sighs that it is not easy for a housewife. She must find a shop to do business as soon as possible, and to be free from these trivial things. In such a good era and such a good opportunity, wasting time on these things is a waste of life.

I was supposed to pick up the children in the kindergarten at 4 o'clock. Now the children have signed up for the study class and can go there at five o'clock. This is also a great help to many parents.

"Mom, the teacher praised me today." Ye Tianbao said triumphantly.

"Really? Why did the teacher praise you? " Shuyan saw the little Safflower on Ye Tianbao's forehead and asked with a smile.

"I memorized all the words the teacher said yesterday." Ye Tianbao has a small chest. He can't be proud.

"We Tianbao are so smart that we will reward you with a big drumstick in the evening." Shu Yan squatted down and carefully looked at the small Safflower on his forehead, "little safflower is really beautiful, and strive to get more small safflower later."

"I will." Ye Tianbao held up his small head and was full of confidence.

Sometimes children are very easy to teach, so the environment is really very important. Shu Yan thinks that the kindergarten is good now. Ye Tianbao is more polite and clean.

Ye Tianbao applied for the study class, and ye Jingjing had to put it on the agenda. She had been in kindergarten for half a year in her hometown, and she had not learned anything. The teacher taught simple counting and Pinyin, which could not keep up with the children in Nancheng. Fortunately, she was in grade one. Now she can catch up with her after class.

"My brother is going to an English class on the weekend. Jingjing, my mother wants to enroll you in an English cram school, as well as Chinese and mathematics. She will also go to make up for a period of time. When you keep up with the progress of the school, you will not have to work so hard. " It's really tiring to make up for three courses at once, but the earlier the better, the harder to catch up.

"Does Mom enroll me in cram school Ye Jingjing looked at Shu Yan happily. "Tongtong has a tutor class for math and English. At noon, she asks me whether I want to go with her. Can I have a tutorial with her?"

"Yes, when I see Wang Yitong's mother tomorrow, I'll ask her which tutorial class she is. I'll take you to sign up. Is there anything else you want to learn other than this? Did Wang Yitong learn the skills of singing and dancing Shuyan thinks it's good for children to learn some skills, such as singing. It's really good to go out and socialize.

Talent? When ye Jingjing's eyes brightened, many girls in her class had learned talents. Especially, the members of the literary and Art Committee of their class were not only beautiful, but also sang, danced, played the piano and drew pictures. Other female students also signed up to study, and Wang Yitong also had them. Every time they chatted, ye Jingjing envied her.

"Tong Tong is learning to dance." Ye Jingjing shakes her head, "I'll go to cram school first, and then I won't go."

"Of course, step by step. When one of your three courses catches up with you, I will sign up for you to learn talent. I just saw that you were very happy. Why didn't you suddenly stop?"

"It's too hard for my mother to support me and my brother."

Shu Yan didn't expect Ye Jingjing to refuse because of this reason. She was slightly astringent. "Don't worry, mom can support you and your brother. You can tell your mother what you want to learn. But one thing my mother wants to make clear to you is that once you choose what you want to learn, you must stick to it to the end, and you can't give up halfway, OK? "

"I will insist." Ye Jingjing grinned. "I also want to learn to dance."

"OK, when you catch up with your studies, you can sign up." When Shu Yan was a child, she learned how to dance for a few days. It was too hard. She didn't go there after a few days. She didn't know how long Ye Jingjing could hold on to.

The two children are used to the fact that their mother's dinner is different from what they eat. Ye Tianbao eats the delicious food with a small spoon and looks at Shuyan from time to time. "Mom, this meat is delicious. Do you want it?"Shuyan grinds his teeth and dies a child. At this time, he is so filial. He has to pretend to be happy and say, "thank you Tianbao, but mom can't eat it. Eat it quickly."

At this time, Shuyan felt that she really could not endure. Hunger made her whole body tremble, and her heart was flustered and powerless. She thought of giving up all the time in her mind. The kitchen and living room went in and out more than a dozen times. Finally, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at the fat on my stomach. If you insist, persistence means victory. You can wear a beautiful skirt and let everyone envy you. Insist

I don't know what's going on tonight. I can't sleep. When I feel sleepy, the sky has been slightly polished. Shuyan washed her face with cold water and went out to buy breakfast. As soon as she arrived at the breakfast shop, she took a cup of soybean milk and sipped it. She was really hungry all night and couldn't sleep. When she just walked over, she felt that her feet were light and fluttering, just like flying over.

After breakfast, she finally felt a little bit of a human being. Shuyan made a lunch to send her two children to school. It happened that Lin Hui was also there.

"I'm looking for you." Shu Yan called Lin Hui with a smile. "My daughter has been following her grandmother in the countryside before. Her study progress can't keep up with her classmates in work. She wants to enroll her in a cram school. She says that Tongtong of your family is also tutoring. Where is it? I'll go and have a look

"It's not far away. It's in the community behind the school. It's run by several retired professors of Nancheng University. It's a very good way to teach children. Many people sign up there. I'm going to go to work soon. So, I'll pick up the children in the afternoon and I'll take you there." Lin Hui still has to go to work. She can't talk to Shu Yan for a long time, so she leaves first.

I didn't expect to be a retired professor of Nancheng University. When I saw it in the evening, I would sign up for my daughter.

After delivering Ye Tianbao, Shuyan didn't go to see the house decoration. Instead, he went straight to Laohu, but he didn't go out.

"Oh! Ms. Shu, I was just going to see you later. " Lao Hu saw Shu Yan and quickly welcomed her in.

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"How about it? Is there a shop for sale? " How appropriate to buy two, peace of mind to do a little business, save money to buy two small broken yard in the suburbs, and then moved two children, one half, she is also worthy of them.

"Now the house over there is easy to rent. There are thousands of rents a month. That's the golden rooster. Who is willing to sell it?" Lao Hu ran all over the city's south and West Road these two days and found all kinds of relationships, but no one sold it. It is said that one shop can support three generations. Who will sell prosperous shop? "But I found a clothing store that I want to transfer. Would you like to visit it?"

Shuyan was not disappointed. She didn't have much hope. It was so easy to buy a house. Even if someone sold her, she had to go and look carefully.

"How about the location? What's the boss going to do? " Most of the people in business are renting houses. Shuyan thinks that as long as the location is good, the landlord is OK, and it's good to rent a shop.

The location of the store Lao Hu is looking for is very good. It takes two or three minutes to walk to the intersection. The total area is 100 square meters. However, the clothes sold inside are hard to explain. How to say it, it feels a little cheap.

Chengnan west road takes the middle and high-end route. Most of the people who go shopping here have a good family background, or women who have jobs themselves. The positioning of this clothing store itself has problems. Since it intends to take the route of cheap and beautiful goods, it should not be in Jinjie. There are many clothing stores in the side alleys. How good to open there.

"The business of my clothing store is very good. If it wasn't for something in my hometown, I would really hate to turn it over." The proprietress has a big wave and a red dress with light make-up. She looks very foreign.

Just listen to this. If business is really good, how can you be willing to turn around without looking at other things? Just look at the employees in the store. In such a big store, the boss's wife and an employee are lazy and the lights are not on. When you open the door to do business, you have to turn on the light and make it bright. People will come in. You are so dark that you will be cold and your clothes are beautiful They won't come in, and the clothes aren't good-looking.

"Madame, I came here yesterday. This is my friend who is looking for a shop. We don't say these polite words, but how do you want to transfer them? How much is it? " Lao Hu said.

"There are two ways of transfer: 3000 yuan for the empty store and 10000 yuan for the whole store. I still have so many goods here. I really lose money." The landlady's face was distressed.

"Madame, you're not so authentic. How could there be 7000 yuan worth of goods in this room?" Lao Hu said with a smile.

Although he didn't make enough clothes, he would see that the clothes here are not good goods. It costs 3000 yuan at most.

"The sofa was not worth a lot of money, but these clothes were not worth the money." The landlady is not willing to be outdone.

Shuyan has already turned around and smiles when she hears the boss's words. She doesn't want any of these things. She will certainly have to redecorate them at that time. At least she can't look at it now.

"I don't want anything. If I want to change it, I'll transfer it to the empty store." "How long is the rent due? What did the landlord say? "

For her, the biggest problem is the rent. If the landlord can't do anything, nothing will happen.

"The rent is still due for several months, and the landlord is very good. You don't have to worry about this. If you want to transfer the property to an empty store, I'll ask people to move things back." The landlady said with a smile."Do you have a rental contract? I'd like to have a look. In addition, I need to see the landlord before the transfer. " I'm kidding. What you say is what you say. In any case, you have to meet the landlord in person and negotiate with the landlord before you can take over. Otherwise, as soon as she takes away the money, who will she go to?

Boss Niang a Leng, smile way: "you this also too careful, I look like is deceiving person?"

It was written on the contract that there was still more than one month and three days to expire. She said it was several months, which was the biggest deception. Shu Yan glanced at her and was more determined to see the landlord.

Unfortunately, the landlord went on a business trip and said that he could only come back the day after tomorrow.

"Ms. Shu, do you want the facade of Chengnan West Road? It's been a long time. How many houses are sold on the south side of the city Lao Hu carefully observed Shu Yan's expression.

"It's OK." In fact, it is not necessary to have the West Road in the south of the city. If there is a good facade, it will turn hundreds of times in the future, and it will never lose.

Shuyan knows about the street Laohu talked about, but there are many restaurants in this area, and the business of clothing stores is very general. The shop he mentioned is in a good position. When asked, a million dollars, lions can't open such a big mouth.

"I didn't expect the boss to ask such a high price." Lao Hu said sorry.

"It has nothing to do with you. Please continue to help me find a shop. You can take care of the shop on Chengnan West Road. If there is no problem, I will take over. The other is the problem of clothing factories. You can help me to see which one is better. I'll go back and have a look. " The house has also been bought, the children also go to school, these days only money can not come in, to do business early to make money.

There are also garment factories in Nancheng, but most of them are in Hangzhou. Many people go there to buy goods. The place is a little far away. Shuyan plans to buy clothes there first. Later, she cooperates with local garment factories to produce clothes and sell them.

Lao Hu had something to do first. Shu Yan stayed here for a stroll. There was no change, but the small place had changed. Generally speaking, it didn't have much influence. In fact, there was still a jewelry store here. Unfortunately, there was no other facade to transfer. It seems that the business in this street is really good.

There are seven or eight bus stops from Chengnan West Road to Xuefu street. On such a hot day, Shuyan is too lazy to go back, so she can find a small shop to have a bowl of noodles.

In the afternoon, I went to the surrounding areas. Many of them were old and low houses. In the future, they would become high-rise buildings. Unfortunately, she had no capital. Otherwise, she would make the most money by buying a piece of land to build a house.

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First go to pick up Ye Tianbao. When Chengxi primary school is just over, Lin Hui comes over by bike. Seeing Shu Yan with a smile, she says, "let's take you to the cram school."

It's not a regular cram school, or a room is vacated in my own house to do the classroom. There are a lot of children coming to this cram school. There are a lot of children in a small room.

Wang Yitong's Chinese achievement is very good. He doesn't need extra-curricular tutoring, so he learns mathematics and English. Ye Jingjing has a weak foundation. He has to make up for all three main courses. The tuition fee is 30 yuan a month, and the three courses are 90 yuan, which is neither high nor low. Shu Yan pays for the money and starts the class tomorrow.

The next day, when Shu Yan just came home, Lao Hu came to his house and said that the landlord on the West Road of the south of the city had come back in advance. The house must be rented, but the other party didn't sign a long-term lease, which could only be signed once a year. Moreover, the rent was determined by the person next door, that is to say, he would have as much as he could around.

How can we do this business? Once a year, she has finished the decoration, and the business is done, and the landlord suddenly does not rent it to her, then she will lose money. It is certainly not possible to do so.

"The house should be signed for at least three years, with an increase of 10% every year. When the house expires, I have the priority to rent, and I want to have the right to transfer." Shuyan and Lao Hu agreed on a good condition, let him talk about it specifically.

It was not until three days later that Shuyan got the news from Lao Hu that he could agree to Shuyan's conditions, and that details should be discussed face to face.

"The house can only be transferred to the same industry. If it is another industry, I must get my approval. If my house is so new, you can't transfer it to others to open a hotel. In addition, the rent will increase by 15% every year." The landlord is a middle-aged man in his forties. He wears a pair of glasses and looks smart.

Shuyan pondered a little and said, "yes, we should add a breach treaty. During this period, either party should compensate the other party ten times the rent for breach of contract."

"Double it." Said the landlord, frowning.

After Lao Hu's consultation, he finally decided to triple.

The clothing store still has a month to expire. She is still biting at the empty shop for 3000 transfer fees. This price is a little high, so Shuyan naturally won't be a big loser.

Lao Hu finally talked about 1500 yuan, and the boss's wife gave a cash register as a bonus.

"Don't you want this sofa? I've only bought it for a year. I don't have many seats. It's still 90% new. If you want, take 50. And these hangers, they're all just bought. I'll pack them for 100 yuan The proprietress warmly recommended it.

Red sofa, look is very new, clothes hanger she really need, but do not bargain is not a good habit.

"You can pack all the 100 yuan for me. It's not very useful for you to take these things back. You need money to move them."The landlady's face was not very good-looking, and finally agreed to a hundred yuan, leaving everything to Shu Yan.

"Do you want clothes? I'll give you a thousand dollars. " She has thousands of yuan worth of goods here. She is distressed to think about it.

Shuyan shakes her head. Even if the clothes are not taken care of, she intends to redecorate them and put them all back on the shelves. Her eyes are not too prominent. She must be more fashionable than the current people.

The owner's wife had no make-up today. She looked haggard. She walked out of the door and looked back at the clothing store. She sighed, "several owners of this shop can't open it. They all say that Fengshui is not good. You can do it yourself."

"Don't talk nonsense. It's a new society now. Who is feudal and superstitious?" The landlord took a careful look at Shuyan, for fear that she would believe it. "I have no problem with this house. She can't do business by herself. How can it be blamed on the storefront."

Shuyan's face is not good-looking. She didn't believe in these things before. Since she found herself wearing books, she has been in awe of ghosts and gods. Of course, she knows from the bottom of her heart that it is the boss who has problems in business, but she is still a little uncomfortable.

"I have no problem with my house. If I talk nonsense, I will call the police." The landlord glared at the landlady.

"That's what I said." The owner's wife chatted up a smile. She just lost a lot of money and was in a bad mood.

The house is eight hundred one months, eight hundred in 1992, including the cost of water, electricity and miscellaneous things. No business is really going to lose.

One side of Lao Hu nodded, approached Shu Yan and whispered, "this price is quite reasonable."

In fact, Shuyan has roughly inquired about it yesterday, which is really fair, "can't you sign for a longer time?"

"It's been a long time for three years, and I've got a lot of rent increases every year." In the past two years, their street has been rising year by year. Next year, he doesn't know what it will be like. Now he feels that he has lost a lot.

"All right, then sign the contract." Shuyan is a straightforward person, decided to do. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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