The director of the forest tried to shift the responsibility to the deputy director. After exposing the incident, all the parents could not agree.

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As the biggest leader in kindergarten, do you really don't know the following things? Especially in such an important place as the kitchen, no parents believe it.

"What's your idea. It's also hard for me to have such a problem. Now the most important thing is not to investigate the responsibility, but to find a way to solve the problem, so that the children can have a clean and healthy lunch The director has a sympathetic look.

"We need to discuss this." Grandma Wu seems to be the leader of their group.

There is only one kindergarten in the community. Other kindergartens are a little far away. What's more, the kindergartens under our noses can have such a thing. Is it OK to transfer to other kindergartens? But the director and the kitchen must be changed, and so must the deputy director.

"Let's discuss it together before other parents come to pick up their children in the evening?" Shu Yan suddenly came to a sentence beside, deliberately did not lower the voice, one side of the director and the director of the forest heard immediately Huarong.

More than a dozen parents will make their heads bigger. If 50 or 60 parents come together, things will become more and more serious and even attract reporters. This is definitely a stain on the capital of Nancheng. At that time, it will not only be the head of the garden, but also her property manager.

"I think you can make decisions as parents' representatives. The sooner things are settled, the better. Otherwise, the children will be delayed." The supervisor helped all the parents pour tea in person. At this time, a little girl came to her and whispered a few words. The supervisor said with a smile, "you haven't eaten at this time. I've ordered lunch, so we'll have some cushions for our stomachs."

"I can't eat it." When it comes to eating, the children in kindergarten haven't eaten yet.

All the parents are in a hurry. If you are hungry, don't starve the children.

"Parents can rest assured that I have arranged for someone to cook again in the kindergarten. The ingredients are fresh, and the meat is streaky pork, plus a spare ribs and kelp soup. If you don't worry, you can go back and check it now." The supervisor said immediately.

There is no need to check now. They have been out of kindergarten for so long. They may have sent someone to clean it up. Now they can't see any shredded potatoes and carrots, not to mention pork neck meat. Maybe the flies have suffered. There is no way to do it. As long as they work hard, the kitchen problems will not exist.

"What's the use of this arrangement now? I don't know how long our cubs have eaten dirty and unhealthy food. If it wasn't for your poor management, could such a thing happen? Ouch! I'm so angry with you One grandmother was not satisfied.

After an hour or two of discussion, the parents demanded that the head and deputy head of the kindergarten must be expelled. So was the chef in the kitchen. The new chef needed to pass their interview. In addition, there were two small workers in the kitchen. Mrs. Wu proposed to find acquaintances they knew to play a supervisory role.

The more he listened to it, the darker his face was. He just wanted to jump out of the room. He was held by his supervisor and said with a smile, "your requests are beyond my authority. I will report them to you immediately and give you a reply as soon as possible."

"Don't say anything. As soon as possible, give me an accurate time." Shu Yan frowned. Don't push and push it. Her original intention is not this, "I'll explain the situation to the parents who don't know. If you don't give the solution tomorrow, we will come together."

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"Yes, if it doesn't work, we all have relatives and friends in our families, so we don't believe you can get rid of it." Grandma Wu answered.

"Tomorrow is still this time, we will certainly give you a satisfactory answer." The property manager mentioned that she absolutely believed that these parents would make all kinds of crazy actions for their children, so the earlier the solution, the better.

"Since we have all come, we might as well solve the problem of cram school." One of the mothers suddenly said.

Everyone looked back at her, including Shuyan.

At the beginning, it was said that the kindergarten principals and teachers said that it was the golden time for children to learn language. All the tutors would be taught by foreign teachers. The main reason is that all parents have signed up. Their own children do not sign up. They are afraid that their children will be ostracized by their classmates, and even more they are afraid of being treated differently by teachers. The charge for 100 January is not low. Many parents bite their teeth for their children 。

A week ago, foreign teachers were teaching. A week later, many parents found that they spent less and less time away from home. It was the kindergarten teachers who really taught their children. The parents discussed this in private, and finally they all chose to be silent because they were worried that the teacher was not good to their children.

"Cram school is selling dog meat with sheep's head. I propose to cancel this tutorial class directly. In fact, the cram school is also carried by those teachers. We should decide which teacher to entrust the children to. We will give the trusteeship fee instead of letting the teachers be busy in vain. It is also the same on weekends. Those who can take children at home can take them home by themselves. Those who can't take children can be put in school, so we can appropriately increase the money. A hundred yuan is a little high. " The mother's words were echoed by many people, especially the grannies.

"Yes. I retire to take care of my children at home. I spend more time on weekends. Parents of the children also hope to spend more time with their children on weekends. As a result, the school has come up with a cram school. I think it's just that you can make some money at will. " Granny Wu thought of her grandson who had lost a lot of weight, and she felt very sad.As soon as Lin Yuanchang wanted to open his mouth, he was pulled back by the director, glared at her and said with a smile: "I will reflect all these questions together, and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

The dismissal of the kindergarten management needs to be reported. However, all the cooks and cleaning aunts in the kindergarten have been fired directly to alleviate the anger of the parents. Judging from the posture of the supervisor, it is estimated that the kindergarten director Lin will also leave, and the parents will finally calm down some of their anger.

When they returned to the kindergarten, the children were about to finish class. When they saw a group of people like Shu Yan coming, many parents could not help but wonder. They were furious at what they had seen and heard at noon.

"What about the property?" Parents gathered around in an instant.

"We have dealt with them today. They are required to change the management in the kindergarten, the kitchen chefs need to be re searched, and they have to pass our interview. There are also Kitchen helpers who can find people we think are reliable. "

For children's problems, all parents are cautious. This incident has sounded an alarm for everyone. The children who have just started kindergarten are more than two years old, and the older ones are five or six years old. They don't know anything.

The next day, all the parents rushed to the property, and the oppressed people were below. The supervisor who always felt calm could not help feeling sad.

"Parents, please be quiet. This is Mr. Huang of our company. Today, I'm here to deal with your reactions. I'm sure you'll be satisfied."

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Mr. Huang is in his forties. He is thin and wears a pair of gold rimmed glasses. He looks very elegant. He thinks he is a scholar without mentioning his identity.

Things went very smoothly. The head of the kindergarten and several high-level people were expelled, and the tutorial class was dissolved. If the mother couldn't come to pick up the children after school, they could entrust them to the kindergarten teachers. The price was to be discussed by themselves. If the property was not involved, and the kindergarten was set up on weekends, the monthly payment would be 30 yuan more.

These news are good for those single employees or elderly people who can help with their children. After all, they can save money and get along with children more.


It's very cool on the national day of this year. I've been in Nancheng for half a month. I haven't taken the children out to go shopping.

"How about taking you to the zoo today?" Shuyan helped Tianbao get dressed and asked with a smile.

Zoo? Ye Jingjing and Tianbao's eyes brightened in an instant. Wang Yitong went to the kindergarten and took a lot of photos. He specially took the school to show Jingjing, "can we see the tiger and lion zoo?"

She was moved when she saw the photos before. Ye Jingjing is a sensible child. She knows that Shuyan takes them hard and never tells her thoughts that she thinks will cause a burden on her mother.

"It's the zoo. There are not only tigers and lions, but also peacocks, pandas, and many other small animals. If you want to go, go and brush your teeth and wash your face. We have to start early, or we will have to queue up for a long time. " Two children clapped their heads.

"Mom, you're the best. I'm going to wash my face now. " Tianbao rabbit ran to the bathroom like a rabbit. He brushed his teeth and washed his face consciously. Then he moved a small bench and sat near the door. He was afraid that Shuyan would leave him.

Put on the hats for the two children and lead them to the zoo.

"Mom, there are so many people." Ye Jingjing looks at the long line in front of her. She is worried. What if she can't get a ticket? There must be no tigers or pandas.

One side of the Tianbao left look right look, restless want to get rid of Shu Yan's hand to run to play, Shuyan stare, Du mouth settle down.

About half an hour later, it was Shuyan's turn. "After going in, I should always follow my mother, you know? Remember what mom told you before she went out? "

"Remember, don't talk to strangers, don't eat from strangers, don't walk with strangers." Ye Jingjing immediately recited three prohibitions.

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"And Tianbao, do you remember?" If Jingjing doesn't worry, ye Tianbao is not sure. This silly boy may be followed by a sugar.

"Remember, always follow your mother. If you can't see your mother, go to the police uncle." Tianbao said on his mouth that his heart had already flown into it.

"Yes! Do you see the uncles and aunts in blue? If you can't see your mother, go to them. You can't find anyone else, you know? " Shuyan said again.

"I see." The two children responded loudly.

Now I know. When I see the animals excited, I guess I forget everything. Shuyan shakes her head helplessly and stares at them for a while.

As expected, when she saw the first animal, ye Tianbao shook off Shu Yan's hand and ran over.

It was the first time for the children to come to the zoo. Shu Yan didn't want to be too strict with them. She could only stare at them and not let them out of their sight. Fortunately, ye Jingjing was excited for a while and then obediently returned to her side. She did not run and jump like Ye Tianbao.

"Look, mom. It's a tiger." Tianbao looked at the tiger in the barbed wire and exclaimed, "how big the tiger is! Can he eat people? "

"Of course, and only eat bad children." Shuyan nodded his nose."Comrade, do you want to take pictures?" The zoo staff came with cameras.

Tianbao doesn't know any pictures yet. Ye Jingjing looks at Wang Yitong's picture and knows what's going on. She turns to Shuyan and finally says, "Mom, I want it."

This is the first time Jingjing asked for something from her, and Shuyan touched her head.

"How much is it?"

"Ten dollars a piece. Now, I'll get the picture when I leave the garden. " The staff took out the receipt and was ready to make a bill.

It's not cheap, but it's hard to come out. Shu Yan decides not to care. The three people stand together and take a picture with the tiger. This is the first picture of their mother and son.

"Mom, I want to take pictures with the lion." Tianbao, who knows the meaning of taking pictures, points to the lion and shouts.

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"Yes." Shuyan nodded his head and said to Ye Jingjing, "you can also choose an animal you like to take photos."

"Can I choose giant panda?" Ye Jingjing's eyes brightened.

"Of course." Shu Yan said with a smile.

A little tired after a walk, Shuyan took the children to the rest area to sit down and bought three ice cream to eat together.

"Mom is delicious." Tianbao blinks at Shuyan.

"If it's delicious, you can't eat more, or you'll have a stomachache for a while." Can Shu Yan not know that he is careful? If you say it's good, you want to eat another one.

A little disappointed to bow his head, Tianbao is now very clear, if his mother does not agree with things, he is also useless.

"Well! Mom will take you to KFC later When Shu Yan entered the zoo, she saw a KFC. She was very surprised. She didn't expect to see such familiar words in this world.

It may be because the author is a person in her own world. Many things in this world are similar to those in the original world, including some very famous brands. The author directly copied the background and name of the original world. Maybe the readers don't think there is anything because there is not much use. However, the world she is now in is not a book, but a real one, The real world of flesh and blood and soul, many of the things that the author did not write about, this world also automatically derived. For example, KFC, perhaps mentioned in the book once or twice, actually exists in this world.

"Mom, what is KFC?"

"There's a lot of delicious food in it. You must like it." Shu Yan liked to eat these things when she was a child. After graduating from University, she ate a variety of takeout and preferred home cooked dishes.

The children really like KFC, especially chicken wings and hamburgers. The two children were full of food. The first time they ate, Shuyan did not restrain them.

"Mom, shall we come next time?" On the way back, ye Tianbao asked expectantly. Although Ye Jingjing did not ask, he also looked at Shu Yan with expectant eyes.

"If you two behave well, mom will bring you back."

Happy back home, the two children are still there with relish memories of what the animals in the zoo are doing? From time to time for some small details quarrel, Shuyan mouth slightly Yang, looking at the photos in hand, suddenly feel like this is very good. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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