"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to investigate you. I just didn't give up. After all I hope it's not true. " Women in front of Shuyan did not cover up a bitter smile, "you said why men are so cheap, I am not good to him?"

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"It's just because I don't have you in my heart, so no matter how good you are to him, he takes it for granted." Shuyan couldn't help saying.

The woman was stunned for a moment, and seemed to cry and laugh in a whisper: "yes, it's just that I don't have me in my heart."

"Don't know what to call you? My name is Shuyan. " Shu Yan changes the topic.

"Sorry, let me introduce myself formally. My name is Hu Ruixue. I know your story. As an apology, I can exchange the story with you."

Shu Yan

Obviously, I want to find someone to talk to, but the woman in front of me seems to be on the verge of collapse, so I can't help but listen.

They were college students. They met in a social activity. Hu Ruixue, who had never worked, always made mistakes. At that time, Zhang baizong was very enthusiastic about teaching her. Hu Ruixue, who had never had much contact with men, was attracted. When she graduated from University, she happily took Zhang baizong home, which was opposed by the whole family.

For this reason, she fought against her family in various ways, and even made a hunger strike. Finally, she won and married Zhang baizong. After marriage, they were very sweet, and soon gave birth to their little princess. The year before last, Hu Ruixue could not believe that her husband and the new baby sitter were ambiguous. After driving away ah Le, she was on the verge of collapse.

At the beginning, regardless of everyone's opposition to marry, did not expect to betray her within a few years after marriage.

"In the past two years, I have been suffering day and night, constantly telling myself that it was the person I had chosen, and the road I chose would be finished on my knees. However, when I saw what you had done, I suddenly became enlightened. In fact, I didn't love him for a long time, just because I had paid too much to be able to walk with him, so I was not willing to end it. I learned from you to take photos. It's so cool to throw photos on them. Hahaha... "

Shuyan looks at the smiling Hu Ruixue, who is worried. He won't be crazy.

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"I'm not crazy. I'm really cool." Hu Ruixue looked at Shu Yan with twinkling eyes. "I asked people to send the photos to the hometown of ale and Zhang baizong, so that people in their hometown could understand their glorious deeds. Although they did not see them with their own eyes, they must have caused a great sensation. If they go back to their hometown, they must be very popular."

Shu Yan

"He also wants to compete with me for the custody of his daughter, and he doesn't want to think about who he depends on today. Since the Hu family can give it to him, he can take it back. It's also a coincidence that Zhang bozong runs a clothing factory. He has some skills. The original small workshop has developed in a large scale. Now this factory has been owned by me. You just open a clothing store, and we can be regarded as peers. "

"After that, I'll ask boss Hu to take care of him." Shu Yan thinks that Hu Ruixue is well protected by her family, so she is so easily attracted by Zhang baizong. She even suspects that Hu Ruixue and Zhang baizong may be designed by him. Otherwise, they are all met by chance, and they are not idols.

"You're welcome. I don't know anything about it. I may have to take care of me later." Hu Ruixue has less sorrow around his eyes.

Divorce is not a bad thing for her. Hu Ruixue looks at Shu Yan and admires her very much. After finding out that her husband is irreparable, Hu Ruixue cleanly lets the scum man go out of the house and attacks the junior. She takes two children to do business on her own. Compared with her, Hu Ruixue thinks that her problem is small.

"Help each other." Shu Yan smiles and doesn't take it seriously. She doesn't know exactly what Hu Ruixue does at home, but her influence is absolutely not small. Helping her casually can offset her efforts for several years or even decades.

Congenital advantages are not the same, Shuyan is very open to this aspect, whether before or after crossing, she is relying on her own hands to eat.

They talked for a long time. Hu Ruixue found that Shu Yan was really not like a village woman who had never read a book in the countryside. She felt that if she appeared in a family like her, she would be countless times better than her.

If Shu Yan knew what she thought, she would certainly say that she thought too much, because she was a foreigner at all. Besides, she had 20 or 30 years of vision advantage, which was basically a cheater.

Chatting very opportunistic, also had lunch together, when leaving, Hu Ruixue told Shuyan his telephone.

"I don't have any skills myself, but my father and brother are good at speaking in Nancheng. If you have any difficulties, you can call me."

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"Yes, thank you."

Hu Ruixue drove Shuyan to the store. When Shuyan got off the bus, Hu Ruixue suddenly asked, "can I still have dinner with you next time?"

Shu Yan was stunned and then said with a smile, "of course."

"Landlady." Zhang Huaxiu and Yingying are having lunch and don't see Hu Ruixue's car.

"Why do you eat so late?" Shu Yan glanced, Zhang Huaxiu is still one meat and one vegetable, Yingying food is better, at least see the meat, for the employee's private affairs, Shuyan does not ask much, open the drawer to see this morning's account.It sold more than 600 yuan in the morning. These days, on average, it is about 1500 yuan a day and 45000 yuan in January. In addition to the cost of rent, water, electricity and labor, it can earn more than 20000 yuan a month, which is already a lot.

"Landlady, are you going to stock tomorrow?" Yingying finished the meal, some hesitant asked.

"Now the goods are still sufficient. I'll call tomorrow to replenish the goods, but I won't go to stock. What's the matter?" Shuyan has already seen it, but she is short of several models. She will steal a lazy and will not go this weekend.

"It's OK, but I want to ask for a leave tomorrow Yingying lowered her head. She came a month later than Zhang Huaxiu. As a result, no one asked for leave. She asked for leave first. She was worried that she would leave a bad impression on her boss. Now her job is relaxed and her salary is so high, she can't lose it.

"Yes, you have two holidays every month. Just tell me in advance. You write a leave slip and I'll sign it. I'll be here tomorrow." Originally planned to go to the new house to have a look, by the way to buy home appliances, but Yingying to ask for leave, this is temporarily put on.

Shuyan looked at Zhang Huaxiu, "do you want to leave? You haven't asked for leave since you went to work. Does it have to be a month? Don't go to work all day. You should rest and rest. "

"I won't ask for leave. I don't do any activities these days. I'm not so busy. I'm not very tired. I have nothing to do when I'm at home. " Zhang Huaxiu is reluctant to take a rest. The landlady says that if she doesn't have a rest, she can make up 30 yuan, 15 yuan a day.

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It can only be said that everyone's concept is different. Some people prefer more rest and less money. Some people prefer higher wages, but longer time doesn't matter.

In the afternoon, old Hu came to see her. Shuyan patted her head and forgot to tell him about her finding a house.

"I'm really sorry. I've been so busy these two days. I'm a bit confused. The owner of the hotel I used to live in is very nice. He is willing to rent his house to me for a few months. Now I have moved to their house, so I will not rent your house

"It's OK. I also want to tell you that you haven't found a good house this time. You'd better find it yourself. I have another message to tell you when I come to you this time. Is that Apple man's dress opposite you? The shop is not open. It seems that the landlord is going to sell the house. Are you interested? " Hu asked in a low voice.

"Yes, of course." Shuyan eyes a bright, did not expect to have this unexpected surprise, "how does the owner of the house intend to sell?"

"The house price here is a little high. You should have a psychological preparation. The owner will ask for a price of 1.0 square meters. However, I can help you to press it to 8500. It is estimated that it will be suspended." Lao Hu didn't say enough.

His shop is almost the same as that of Shuyan, which is about 80 square meters. If it is calculated by 8500 square meters, it will cost nearly 700000 yuan. Now, the price is definitely high.

"Are the documents complete? Can I transfer the ownership? The most important thing is whether we can get loans? "

"The documents are complete and can be transferred. If you need a loan, I can handle it for you." Lao Hu knew that Shuyan would be moved, so he made a more careful inquiry.

"Make an appointment for me to meet the landlord." Such a good opportunity, Shuyan does not want to miss.

She is not prepared to pay the full amount of money directly like buying a house. She can't use all the money on hand to buy a house. Besides, the Chinese yuan has been depreciating, so it's better to buy a house with a loan. Besides, the front-end house can be rented, and the rent can be used to support the loan. How can it be counted as a loss.

This matter to Lao Hu, Shuyan afternoon with he always go to his friend there.

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General manager he's factory and his district are very partial. It took them about 10 minutes to get to the factory. The factory building is a bit old, but the machines inside are quite new. All the workers were well dressed, and the overall order was pretty good.

"Hello, my name is Shuyan. What's your name?" Shuyan saw a thin man come out and said hello with a smile.

"If you don't have your surname Zhang, you can call me Lao Zhang." Lao Zhang took Shuyan to the factory directly. When he met him, he explained patiently.

"He should tell you that I want to find a OEM factory to make two shirts for the time being. If the business is good, I will develop other styles. This is the design draft. Do you think it can be done?" Shuyan was looking for someone who did fashion design to draw it. He said that people would draw a little bit of it. He spent most of the day and asked for 50 yuan, but Shuyan thought it was worth the money.

She took out the design draft, Lao he stood aside and did not look at the clothes on the design draft. After all, it's a trade secret.

Lao Zhang has been making clothes for many years, and he can also understand the design drawings. It is a classic and simple style, which can be worn by anyone and can be worn by anyone. It is a versatile style.

Lao Hu asked the best craftsman in the factory to make two sample clothes first. After all, Shuyan also wanted to see their craftsmanship.

He looked at the design drawing and immediately began to cut it. It took him more than half an hour from cutting to ready-made clothes. The ready-made clothes were more beautiful than those on the drawings. Shu Yan nodded with satisfaction.

"How? Can it still be like your eyes? " Lao Zhang is very confident in the craftsmanship of his factory's master.

"No problem. Make 100 pieces of each. I'll try the water. If the business is good, I'll add the order. Maybe there will be other styles to cooperate with you in the future.To tell you the truth, the quantity of 100 pieces is very small, but Lao Zhang's factory has not received orders for a long time. No matter how small the mosquito is, it is better to live than not to live. He got it without saying a word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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