Zhang Huaxiu and Chen Fei's matter Shu Yan did not intervene again, can say she has already said, again many she is not easy to say.

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After all, emotional things, who knows what will happen in the future, in case of a bad life, may also complain about her disorderly matchmaking, such a thankless thing, Shuyan is not willing to involve too much.

I didn't go to stock last week, so I had to go this weekend. Many clothes in the shop have been broken. I contacted the driver a few days in advance. I set out tonight with two people who had carpooled before. I don't know where they pulled one person. There are four people in total. Shu Yan grabs the co driver's position impolitely.

It's a little cold with the window open. For those who don't know how to ride, the smell inside is really unbearable. He peeled an orange and gave it to the driver. He covered his nose with orange peel, and managed to reach Hangcheng.

This time, Shuyan asked them, they said no, so she went to open a room to have a rest by herself. The money that should be saved can not be saved. Compared with the body, what is money.

Spirit Yiyi came to the gate of the market, saw three people tired face, Shuyan obviously felt that he was excluded.

Because she went to open a room to have a rest?

Or is it because she opened the room and didn't call them?

Shuyan mouth a hook, do not want to pay and want to take advantage of, where there are so many beautiful things, exclusion on the exclusion, anyway, in addition to the purchase of goods also have no contact.

After the crazy robbery, Shuyan went to several cooked shops and took a lot of goods. When he went back, the other three didn't know what to talk about there. From time to time, Shuyan rolled his eyes, covered his nose and fell asleep. As soon as he got to Nancheng, Shuyan glanced at the three people behind him when he got out of the car.

In the warehouse to find a place to squint for a while, wake up at noon.

"Landlady, a boss surnamed Zhang just came to see you. I said you fell asleep and he left." Zhang Huaxiu saw Shu Yan and told her quickly.

Zhang? Shuyan slightly covered, immediately react to come over, is not that the OEM Lao Zhang?

"What else did he say?" Shuyan has no appetite. He ate some soup casually.

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"He said the clothes were ready. When would you send them?" Yingying curiously looks at Shu Yan, how can she make her own clothes?

"I see. I'll call him." Shu Yan has applied to install the phone. But at this time the price is too high to say. It's still a long time to wait. It's been 10 days since the money was paid, and the person who installed the phone hasn't come.

"Mr. Zhang, it's me. I went to stock last night. I was tired and squinted. I should let the people in the shop call me. The clothes are ready? " Shu Yan said politely with a smile.

"Yes, it's all right." Lao Zhang put down his heart and was afraid that Shuyan would drag him.

"Yes. Did I come here to pick it up or did you help deliver it? " Shuyan did not really drag down the idea of price.

"I'll bring it to you." Lao Zhang hung up the phone and asked people to load the car and deliver it.

At that time, only a deposit was paid, and the payment was not settled. Shuyan knew about the situation in Laozhang's factory, and after acceptance, he directly paid the money to him.

"Boss Shu is a happy man. If there is a contract worker next time, just look for me." When Lao Zhang got the money, his voice was loud.

Shuyan sent Lao Zhang off, let Zhang Huaxiu and Yingying take out their shirts and match them with various coats, and put autumn clothes and trousers in a more conspicuous place.

"Then push on these two shirts and these autumn clothes and trousers. Shirts are versatile. Women of all ages and sizes can wear shirts, suits, windbreaker or overcoat. The selling point of autumn clothes and trousers is that they are light, slim and warm. They won't look bloated in winter. There should be many girls who love beauty Shuyan took out the autumn clothes and simply said the selling points with the two people.

Don't say the guests, is YingYing and Zhang Huaxiu listen to Shu Yan's introduction are some heart.

Although Nancheng belongs to the south, it is also very cold in winter. Girls love beauty and don't like to wear woollen trousers. They are often shivering with cold. If they are replaced by autumn clothes and trousers, their body size will not be too bloated.

"But is this too thin? If it snows, it may still be cold. " It's really cold. I still need woollen trousers.

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"This is the early winter style. I'll try to get a cashmere autumn dress and trousers. I won't be afraid of it in the deep winter." Shu Yan touched, "autumn clothes and trousers priced 38 sets, 35 shirts, these clothes bill a note, I give you two points Commission."

Zhang Huaxiu and Yingying looked at each other and saw the fighting spirit from each other's eyes.

In the afternoon, many customers who come to buy clothes can't help but try the shirt inside. Generally, those who buy coats will buy one. In addition, there are several people who have bought autumn clothes and trousers. These are old customers in Shuyan's shop, and they believe in Shuyan's vision.

"Madame, are these autumn clothes and trousers really warm? My mother always forces me to wear woollen clothes and trousers. They are heavy, prickly and ugly All over the girl refused.

Shuyan chuckled, "it's enough to wear early in winter. Then I'll produce a kind of cashmere autumn clothes and trousers. I'm not afraid of snow.""The landlady, hurry up and we will buy it then." Several people are two sets of two sets to buy, also said as long as easy to wear, will introduce people to buy.

Laughing and joking, she helped them pack their clothes, and Shuyan sold them to others.

The little girl who gave Shuyan folk prescription also came. When she saw the new style in the shop, she bought two sets of clothes. She also bought her shirt and autumn clothes and trousers. By the way, she asked Shuyan if she had used the folk prescription she had given.

"I'm really busy at this time. I have two children to take care of. I have no time to do it. If you don't say it, I'll forget it. I'll try it today." Shuyan touched her face. After arriving in Nancheng, she hardly had a good rest. In addition, she restrained her diet in the evening. She had lost more than 20 jin. She weighed it two days ago. Now, it is 128 kg. The front is falling fast, and the back is more and more difficult to reduce. But Shuyan is also very satisfied. At least she can see the outline now.

To continue to lose weight, we should try to get rid of the spots on my face. Unfortunately, when I got this prescription, I was just driven out by the landlord. I wanted to find a new house, take care of two children, and the store was busy, so it was delayed until now.

There are two prescriptions, one of which is fried and drunk, and the other is powder, which is mixed with egg white and applied on the face. After boiling for more than an hour, the room is full of the smell of traditional Chinese medicine. The two children can't come out of the room. They smell the disgusting Chinese medicine, and drink it with a pinch of nose. Then they gargle quickly and eat a piece of sugar to suppress the taste.

"What is this, mother?" Jingjing pinches her nose and looks at the medicine jar with fear.

"Traditional Chinese medicine." "Come back for a while, I can't help but feel comfortable when I'm sleeping."

The powder and egg white were mixed and applied on her face. Shu Yan felt tight and felt something on her face. The little girl said that she could not stand it for 30 minutes. She could not stand it after 15 minutes. It was only when she washed it that she collapsed. Because the egg white was added in it, all of them were stuck on the face like scabs, which was particularly difficult to wash. After washing for about half an hour, the edge of her hair was stained A little, smelling a bit of egg smell and Chinese medicine flavor, no way to still have to wash a head, Shuyan heart has begun to plan to give up.

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In the evening, Shuyan suddenly had a dull stomach pain and ran to the toilet several times. The next day, she got up a little listless.

Jingjing seems to see that her mother is uncomfortable, "Mom, are you sick?"

"It's OK. It's just a little uncomfortable." Suddenly, I feel that I may be a disease, and the client is kind-hearted. This folk prescription may not be suitable for her. We should give it to an experienced TCM doctor.

After sending the baby, Shuyan ran home to the toilet. Now she can be sure that she has diarrhea. She didn't eat anything in the past two days. The problem lies in the traditional Chinese medicine last night.

Don't talk about going to the store now. You can walk and walk.

After a day's diarrhea, Shuyan's whole body collapsed. After drinking a few mouthfuls of salt water, she managed to pick up her two children.

"Ah! What's the matter with you? " Wu Xiuyue saw Shu Yan and was shocked, "your face and lips are white, where is uncomfortable?"

"Don't mention it. I've had diarrhea all day." Shuyan said weakly.

"Upset stomach ah, this can have to pay attention to, don't see upset stomach is a minor disease, do not do well is to kill people, or hurry to the hospital to have a look." Lin Hui advised on the side.

"I'll pick up the two children and go home." Shuyan also felt that not to go to the hospital.

"What other children are you going to pick up? I'll pick them up for you. They'll eat at my place tonight. You go to the hospital quickly. If you fall ill, what will happen to the two children?" Wu Xiuyue said with disapproval.

Shuyan thought for a moment and thanks Wu Xiuyue, he decided to go to the hospital first.

Fortunately, it was close to the hospital and arrived in a few minutes. Otherwise, Shuyan was afraid of fainting on the road. Went directly to the emergency department, explained the reason, the old doctor on duty was black faced, "it's nonsense, folk prescription can be eaten at random?"

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"I'm a sick man. Doctor, give me some medicine to take first, or I will Sorry, I'll go to the bathroom first. " Shu Yan ran out of the door in a hurry. After a while, he opened the door and asked, "doctor, where is the toilet?"

"Go to the left, all the way to the end."

"Thank you."

Back from the toilet, the doctor first made a cup of powder for Shuyan to drink, "I'll give you some medicine, you take it back to eat first, if it's not good, you'll come to the bottle. You young people are so bold that you can take medicine indiscriminately? "

"I know I was wrong. It's not a lesson." Shuyan accepted the old doctor's lesson modestly.

It's better to take medicine, but the diarrhea is still serious. Early in the morning, Shuyan entrusted her two children to Wu Xiuyue, and went straight to the hospital with two folk prescriptions and the medicine.

"It's a little better, but it's still very strong. What's more, doctor, is there a department of traditional Chinese medicine in the hospital? I want to show them this. " Shu Yan covered his stomach and said.

The old doctor took a folk prescription and medicine and looked at it, "it's a prescription for clearing away heat and detoxification, which is used to dredge the intestines. Normal people will have diarrhea after drinking it, but it won't be as serious as you. Put out your hand and I'll give you a pulse.""Do you know Chinese medicine?" Shuyan looks at the old doctor in surprise.

The old doctor squinted at Shu Yan and said, "why don't you believe me? Then you go to the Department of traditional Chinese medicine. "

"No, no, just a little surprised." Shu Yan quickly reached out her hand. After the great battle, many traditional Chinese medicine were cut off. Some people changed their careers directly. It's normal to change to western medicine. Maybe she met a miracle doctor who was hidden in the city.

The old doctor gave Shuyan a pulse, "your body is very weak, and your constitution is very cold. No wonder you drink a antipyretic and detoxifying medicine like this. You can't take this medicine. The main reason why you have so many spots on your face is the maladjustment of the lower focus. I'll give you a new prescription and adjust it first. You can come back after a course of treatment. "

Compared with a prescription, Shuyan naturally believed in the doctor. She took the prescription and grabbed 10 pairs of drugs. She went back to have a try.

what's more, Shu Yan also gave a look at the one that put on the mask. It's all right, but the doctor advised her to use it less. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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