Lao Zhang walked back and forth in the workshop. In fact, he could do it without asking Shu Yan and sell it directly. Anyway, there is no patent for this thing. However, his personality does not allow him to do so. He should be honest. This is the reason his father told him when he was young. It is because other people are good that the workers in the factory can not leave when he is in the most difficult time.

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Shuyan said that he was really moved by the cooperation. Mortgage the house is the last way. He will never mortgage the house unless he has to. That is the foundation of settling down. If even the house is compensated, his wife and children will not even have a place to live. He can't let his wife and children live without a fixed place.

If she cooperates with Shu Yan, she will pay all the money she needs at this stage. She doesn't need to mortgage the house. She can also share the risk. Lao Zhang can't think of any reason to refuse.

Lao Zhang agreed that it was in Shuyan's expectation that they had a meal together at noon the next day, signed a cooperation agreement, and went to the market to buy Fabrics and materials in the afternoon.

Shu Yan originally made red and black. Chinese people really like red. Most of them bought this color. Later, they added black and gray of men's style, and they sold well. Now they are used for wholesale. These colors are less. Women's models are not only pink, cyan, but also purple, while men's are blue. Other colors are also made. They are only used as samples Products, mass production is the above colors.

Each color has four yards. Each 200 sets is 6400 sets. If you include other color samples, 6500 sets, the material cost alone will cost 30000 yuan and 40000 yuan, which is all from Shuyan.

"Is it too much?" Lao Zhang hesitated to pay without blinking.

"It's OK. If you let me do some activities in my shop, I can get out." This is also Shuyan's confidence, underwear will not be out of fashion, when the end of the year to do two activities out, "your previous customers still have a phone? Call and ask them if they have any intention? "

"A few individual customers, I don't think they can get much." Lao Zhang was a little embarrassed. He once made a popular model. Unfortunately, he was eliminated by the market in a twinkling of an eye. After that, he didn't do it for two years. Many customers who took clothes from him went to other places.

"There is always a little incense, these are resources, contact back, try first." Shuyan suddenly thought that there was no salesman in Laozhang factory, "who was the original salesman?"

"It's my wife. She used to be a worker in a textile factory. She can make clothes by herself. She knows a lot of people. She brought all her customers here." When Lao Zhang talked about his wife, pride flashed through his eyes.

Can't see still love wife, Shu Yan mouth slightly a hook, "that can ask your wife to continue to run shop? Of course, the salary is extra. "

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"In my own factory, what kind of salary do you say?" In fact, she can come back from junior high school

"Now that you and I cooperate, it's better to distinguish between money and money. First villains, then gentlemen. Let's not make a fool of ourselves for a few dollars. " Shu Yan felt that this had to be made clear, "well, my sister-in-law's 100 base salary per month, 5% commission on the first order, and 2% on the return order. As long as it is the store she took, all subsequent returns should be counted as commission. How about it?"

Bold enough, no wonder the business is so prosperous. Lao Zhang thinks it will be very happy to cooperate with Shuyan.

"In addition, the next time I go to Hangzhou to purchase goods, I will sell them with the wholesalers there. If we can sell our underwear there, the order will be very fast."

Lao Zhang hesitated, "if you directly give it to the wholesalers, will they make their own copy?"

"This is very likely. However, as you know in the clothing industry, a little bit more beautiful new styles will come out in a few days. Even if you don't sell them now, they will still change them after some time. It's better to make more profit by taking advantage of the exclusive business now. " Shu Yan has thought about this for a long time. China belongs to a big country of Shanzhai. No matter what it is, as long as there is a profit, it will be copied immediately. There is no technical content in autumn clothes and trousers. I believe that the street will be full within a week.

In fact, if you have enough money, you can directly register a brand and advertise on TV newspapers, and instantly become a famous brand of underwear in China. Unfortunately, this requires a lot of manpower and material resources.

Forget it, don't want to be so much, take advantage of the market is still blank, hard to earn a sum, at least to make up some of the deposit.

On Saturday, Shuyan plans to go to Hangzhou to buy goods. XiuXiu asks for leave tomorrow. Shuyan wants to come back in the morning. In the afternoon, XiuXiu says she won't ask for leave.

"Chen Fei is a designer and has a free time. My parents haven't had any work recently. Most of the time is at home. You can change to Monday, so you can come back later." Zhang Huaxiu explained.

That's the best. Shuyan plans to visit Hangzhou's wholesale market and take samples to promote sales. It would be better if she could open up a market.

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Last time, those women may have really pushed Shuyan out of the market. They haven't asked her to purchase goods together for a long time. Shuyan didn't call them, but called the driver directly.

"I'm sorry, I've got someone on my side."

It's a pity, but it's not very urgent this time. I'll catch a train to Hangzhou tomorrow morning.She vaguely heard a man's voice saying something, and the driver suddenly changed his words again, "you know the person I'm going to take this time. The gentleman who took a ride with you last time said that he can take you. Do you want to go? I'll pick you up if you go

"Go, then I'll wait for you in Fuqian street." Shu Yan didn't expect it would be that man. It's really clever.

Shuyan almost every week to purchase, Jingjing and Tianbao are used to it. They can take good care of themselves without any explanation from Shuyan. Shuyan is not at ease again. She takes a big bag of sample clothes to wait for the car downstairs. Soon a car stops in front of Shuyan, and the man sitting with the co driver is Fang Zeyu.

Fortunately, Fang Zeyu nodded when he saw her today.

"Well, thank you." Shu Yan whispered a thank you.

No words all the way to Hangzhou, Shuyan said: "master, I will not go back with you this time. I have more things to do today."

"Well, I won't wait for you then." The driver nodded.

"I'll pay the fare first." Shuyan ordered the money and handed it to the master.

"No, the car has been taken away by Mr. Fang. If you want to give it to Mr. Fang."

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"No, it's on my way."

This is the first time Shuyan heard Fang Zeyu say long sentences, the voice is slightly magnetic, especially pleasant to hear.

"That's no good. You spent your wallet on the car. Since I'm sitting, I have to pay. Please take the money." He did not accept, Shuyan in the car when he threw into his arms, "thank you, I go first."

Fang Zeyu looked at Shu Yan and silently took the money.

"Mr. Fang, this..."

"It's OK. Let's go."

After grabbing the goods, Shuyan took the sample clothes to find several familiar wholesalers. The shop where she often purchased goods had its own factory. Shuyan avoided her. Other people had their own factory. When they saw the sample clothes, they would take them and change them. So Shuyan didn't plan to shop in her store at first.

Several other owners are just simple wholesalers, so Shuyan plans to shop some goods in their shop.

"You run your own factory?" There is a landlady who is more reasonable than Shuyan.

"No, my friend's factory. I'll help to promote sales. Anyway, you don't have to spend money to purchase goods. If someone takes a fancy to it, you can call the factory directly and deliver the goods to you immediately. You can even deliver the goods directly to customers. You can make a lot of money by doing nothing." Shu Yan said so, the boss's wife immediately agreed.

They don't have to spend money. They just leave them. They don't take up much space anyway.

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"Look, there is still a market. What's the factory price? What's the wholesale price? And what's the retail price? " Asked the landlady directly.

Considering the labor, materials, rent, water and electricity, the cost price is 7 yuan. After discussing with Lao Zhang, Shu Yan decided to make a factory price of 13 yuan. The lowest price is 12 yuan. If the wholesale price is set at 18 yuan and the retail price is 35 yuan, it is fixed in this way. However, they can't keep an eye on the wholesale price and retail price.

"The ex factory price is a little high." The landlady hesitated.

"You first look at the quality. We take the middle and high-end line, not the roadside stall. You are also facing the middle and high-end clothing. Can you see it when the grade is low? Besides, it's not about asking for your money right away Shu Yan said with a smile.

"Well, give me five sets of each." The landlady seemed to be reluctant to say.

There are no five sets of clothes. Shuyan can't take all kinds of clothes by herself. She puts one piece in each color for her first. Then she calls back to ask Lao Zhang to deliver the goods, and then take some for her.

With the same words, he spread the goods in several middle and high-grade wholesalers, and then went to buy them. At noon, Shuyan went to the back of the market and saw a lot of small vendors, including noodles, rice, baked bread, steamed bread and steamed buns.

The Chinese people have always been smart. When the country is liberalized, they can always find a way to become rich.

It's been a long time since I ate the roadside stall. Shu Yan chose a clean place to sit down and ordered a bowl of noodles. The taste was very good. Then she found a place to lean on and squint for a while. In the afternoon, she went to several shops where goods had been sold. Only two of them sold a few pieces. The result was not very good.

Shuyan decided to stay in Hangzhou for one night and go back to see the situation tomorrow. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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