In the deafening auditorium, Shu Jianyang reclined on the sofa with his legs crossed. From time to time, some girls tried to get close to him, but they were all dismissed by his eyes.

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"Third brother, telephone."

Shu Jianyang took his cell phone to the outside of the disco. He answered the phone very coquettishly, "Hello, which one?"

"Third brother, it's me." Shu Yan felt a bit stuck, "Hello, third brother, can you hear me?"

"Hello, hello..." When Shu Jianyang walked out to the main road, he finally heard the voice from the opposite side, "it's Yan Yan. Wait a minute. I'll use the landline to return to you." Cao, this broken phone cost him 20000 dollars, and it's useless except for display.

Find a small shop, pull a chair to Shu Yan back in the past.

"Third brother, can you hear me?" "Shu Yan said with a smile:" I said the cell phone is not easy to use, you still want to buy. "

At this time the big brother is really pit dad, expensive and not easy to use, wait for two years, the mobile phone is on the market, buy that directly.

"Other bosses have bought them. I can't be out of date. How about you in Nancheng?" Shu Jianyang looked around and said in a low voice.

Shuyan poops and laughs, and Shu Jianyang will find that he is actually very funny.

"I'm fine. I got the official account of Nancheng. I want to tell you about it." Shuyan looked for a circle, as if only to Shu Jianyang said.

"Didn't you settle down last time?" Shu Jianyang has some doubts.

"The last time it wasn't official. The one I got today is the official account. I changed the name of my two children. Jingjing is changed into Shu Jinxi, Tianbao is changed to Shu Jinchen. If there is nothing else, I'll call you and tell you, then I'll hang up. "

"Wait a minute." "Are you coming back for the new year? Second uncle and Jianbin have come to me several times and asked me to give them your contact information. I have been pushing back. I don't know, but they should be very suspicious. "

"If you don't come back for the Spring Festival, you can't tell them where I am and how to contact them. Just say that you don't contact me." Shuyan refused without hesitation.

What are you going back to? Let them exploit? She assured me that there was not a single bleeding, and she couldn't even get out of the door.

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The idea of the original village is still very feudal. I feel that the daughter is not a person, just like private property. Before marriage, she is arranged by her parents, after marriage, by her husband's family. After divorce, she has to listen to the arrangement of her mother's family. In any case, it's just an object, which is not worth looking at.

If Shu Yan goes back to the Spring Festival, her parents keep her at home. Absolutely no one will come forward to help her. Shu Jianyang may help her, but it is also difficult. After all, he is still a small generation at home even though he is a cow outside.

When she woke up this morning, she looked at herself in the mirror, and the spots on her face were almost gone. However, the flesh on the spot that had just fallen off was white, which was not much better than that before freckle removal. At least it was much better than that during scab. Finally, she could go out without wearing a mask. The meat that

has just grown is particularly tender and tender. Shu Yan dare not force to wash his face. He gently toured it and gently rubbed it with cotton and moistened skin. Then it is repairing essence and repairing lotion. These are all made by hospitals. A small bottle of repairing essence is only five milliliters, and it needs more than 200 yuan.

Now is the time to repair, Shuyan maintenance is very careful, as long as there is the sun, absolutely wear a hat and umbrella.

Today's rare fine weather, Hu Ruixue asked Shuyan to take the children out to gather wind, just looking at the sun outside, Shuyan hesitated.

"I can't bask in the sun yet. I'd better go for an outing at the beginning of spring." Shuyan thought it would be fixed.

"It's not to let you bask in the sun. There is a large lawn outside the place I am looking for, so that children can play there. We can sit in the pavilion and watch them play. Tell yourself, how long have you not gone out for a good time? " Hu Ruixue knows Shu Yan. She is at home and in the store. In addition, there is Lao Zhang and her. She doesn't have a moment's leisure.

"Just the two of us and the three children?"

After arriving in Nancheng, Shu Yan did not have a rest. She got up early every day to send the children to the store. She would come back to pick up the children in the afternoon, make dinner, wash the floor and wash clothes after dinner. She would take a bath and sleep with the children at 8 or 9 o'clock.

Others still have a weekend. Her weekend is the most tiring time. She picked up her children on Friday night and went to Hangzhou city on Friday night. She began to purchase goods at more than four o'clock in the morning. Until about seven o'clock, she immediately took a bus back to Nancheng, unpacked, paired, and freshened up. She went back to make lunch for her two children and could sleep for an afternoon. Then she made dinner, washed dishes, swept the floor and washed clothes, and never finished her work 。

Shuyan recollects a few days ago, oneself can't help admiring oneself, how did she come over in the end? It's good to be strong, otherwise I would be ill.

"Yes, just a few of us. Do you have anything you don't eat? I asked my aunt to prepare what she needed for the picnic Hu Ruixue heard Shu Yan loose his mouth and said immediately.

"We're not picky. We can do anything." Hang up the phone, Shuyan went to the vegetable market with her change purse. She was ready to make some things by herself.

It's winter, hot food is easy to be cold, there are already two heat preservation barrels at home, she bought two more, washed with boiling water, for a while."Mom, who are we going out on a picnic with?"

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"A good friend of mom's, you haven't met. In addition, there is a 4-year-old sister. You will be the big sister and you will take care of your younger brother and sister. Do you know? "

"I know, mom, what are you doing? I'll help you. " Jingjing rolled up her sleeve and wanted to help.

"No. Mom is making Coke chicken wings. Didn't you say it was delicious last time In addition to this, Shuyan also made a sweet soup and another made sushi, which is actually rare in China. The sushi tool was bought by the owner of the restaurant when she had lunch.

Full of a thermos bucket of Coke chicken wings, there are a bucket of neatly stacked sushi, the other two heat preservation barrels are all sweet soup, after loading, Shuyan takes two children downstairs, and after a while, Hu Ruixue's car arrived.

"I asked my aunt to prepare a lot. Why did you bring something?" Hu Ruixue saw Shu Yan's hand things, impolitely took open, she opened the heat preservation bucket with sushi, "you will do this?"

Pinch a eat, Hu Ruixue eyes bright, "delicious, how do you do it? Teach me later. "

"No problem." Shuyan put the things to the driver and put them in the trunk. There were two adults and three children. The space was not very crowded.

"This is my daughter, blossoming. Duoduo, why don't you say hello to your sister and brother? " Hu Ruixue shook her daughter in her arms.

Shu Yan looks at the little girl in Hu Ruixue's arms. Her skin is white and white, her eyes are big and round, her eyelashes are long, black and dense, her nose is cocky and her mouth is cherry. She is as delicate and lovely as a doll.

"Your daughter is so lovely, too." Shuyan couldn't help praising.

"Your daughter is good-looking, and your son is also handsome." Hu Ruixue really praised.

Shu Yan thought it was polite. Of course, she thought her daughter was beautiful. But in fact, Shu Jinxi didn't raise her well before. Although she's much better now, she can only be regarded as not ugly. Tianbao is pretty good.

"Duoduo, this is aunt Shu, my mother's good friend. You are good, and your name is aunt Shu." After waiting for a while, the flowers did not open their mouth, and Hu Ruixue was not angry. Then he introduced, "this is your Jingjing sister, and this is Tianbao brother. Will you play with them later?" But Hu Ruixue's arms are still in a daze, as if with did not hear Hu Ruixue's words.

Shuyan immediately found the problem, opened his mouth, didn't ask anything, chuckled and diverted the topic, "the company is busy, you leave OK?"

"They are all busy preparing advertisements. There are special staff at the TV station to follow up. I don't need to stare at them for the time being. It's rare to have a break in the busy time and come out to relax." Hu Ruixue hugged the flowers tightly and said to Jingjing and Tianbao, "I am your mother's friend. You call me Aunt Xue. This is my gift to you."

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Hu Ruixue took out two exquisite boxes and handed them to Jingjing and Tianbao. There was a jade with a good texture. Shuyan refused, but she didn't speak. In fact, she also prepared a meeting gift for Duoduo. After seeing the gift prepared by Hu Ruixue, she felt that her prepared gift was a little light.

"Don't hide it. Bring it." Hu Ruixue took the box from Shuyan's hand and said, "I'll give you one of the two gifts. It's a loss. Do you want to hide it? No way. " Hu Ruixue is joking on purpose.

It's a little golden Buddha. The safety button outside is made by Shuyan himself.

"I like it very much, and so do the blossoms." Then she put them on.

But the child in Hu Ruixue's arms was still motionless and didn't say a word.

They got out of the car and they came to a manor.

"This is the private manor of a friend of my father. There are not only golf courses, but also horse courses. There are swimming pools indoors and outdoors. The indoor temperature is constant. Then we can go swimming. In addition, there is a small amusement park. Children must like it."

"So big?" Shuyan really thought it was the lawn in the park, but she didn't expect it was a manor. It was the first time she knew that there was such a big manor in Nancheng, and it was still private.

Hu Ruixue went in with Shuyan, "have you seen that forest? There is a big lawn across there, but we can go to the amusement park first, and then eat on the lawn after lunch

The so-called small amusement park gives Shu Yan another shock. Not only are there carousels, but also bumper cars, small roller coasters, and small Ferris wheels

"It's really a small amusement park." She was silent.

"What's the matter?" Hu Ruixue looked at her.

Shuyan shakes her head. She starts to think that the small amusement park is a kind of game castle made in a big supermarket. There is a trampoline, a slide, a sand pool and so on. As a result, it is built according to the amusement park, but all the buildings are reduced.

Jingjing and Tianbao are too young to take them to the amusement park. The first time the two children see these things, they are almost crazy. They will jump on the trampoline. But Hu Ruixue's daughter has been sitting next to her, never moving a look, just like a puppet doll.

"You see that?" Hu Ruixue asked suddenly."What?" Shuyan has been staring at the two children, afraid they are too excited to fall down, heard Hu Ruixue's question, Leng for a moment.

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"My daughter. She's sick Hu Ruixue looked down at Duoduo, full of love. "Congenital autism, the doctor said that if her parents have been using love to influence her, maybe one day she will call her mom and dad."

"So you found that Zhang baizong was cheating, and you chose to forgive him?" She said that, after contacting Hu Ruixue, she found that she was a person who couldn't hold sand in her eyes. How could she choose to forgive Zhang baizong? Hu Ruixue said it was because of love, but this time she was so cruel. Anyway, Shuyan always felt very contradictory. Today she finally knew the reason.

Hu Ruixue gently nodded her head. "After you called, I specially consulted the doctor. The doctor said that Duoduo was not unable to feel the outside, but could not express it. Therefore, she could feel the false love, but we hurt her more. Then I divorced Zhang baizong. I took her to find experts at home and abroad. It's useless. I wonder if I can play with your children. Maybe It's not certain that there will be a turnaround. "

Shuyan suddenly didn't know what to say. Sure enough, there were some difficult things to read. For example, Hu Ruixue, who was born well, was beautiful and smart. She met a scum man and her child suffered from autism.

For this kind of disease, she has seen some on the Internet, how much know a little, can also think of a way to treat mild, like the symptoms of blossoming, obviously more serious, belonging to incurable mental diseases.

Hu Ruixue wryly laughed, "I just don't give up. In fact, I know that Duoduo is not good, so I want to start a business. I hope to save enough money for her. In case I am not here one day, Duoduo can spend the rest of her life in the best sanatorium."

"She's only four years old, and technology is getting more and more developed, and maybe it can be cured." Shuyan can only say some comforting words.

Hu Ruixue shakes his head. It's almost time. Let's go to the pavilion over there for dinner.

Shuyan asks the two children to come back and let Jingjing take care of her sister.

"But my sister ignored me." Jingjing approached Shu Yan's ear and whispered.

"My sister just doesn't like talking. Just talk to her more."

Unexpectedly, Duoduo loves to drink the sweet soup cooked by Shuyan very much. Hu Ruixue said excitedly, "Duoduo has a very small appetite and doesn't like to eat. I didn't expect to love your sweet soup. Shuyan, you will teach me how to make sweet soup. I learned how to make sweet soup for Duoduo."

"Of course." Shuyan looked at the lovely girl drinking sweet soup, some regret, such a beautiful little girl, can be good. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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