Shuyan originally thought it was Fang Zeyu, but unexpectedly it was Hu Ruiyang. Looking back at Hu Ruixue, she is also a dazed look, obviously do not know that Hu Ruiyang will come.

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"No trouble for you?" Hu Ruiyang said with a smile: "if it wasn't for me that I didn't know you were moving today when I heard Xiaoxue calling, I would be very sorry if I didn't come here uninvited."

"No, please come in." Shuyan Leng for a moment, side open body let him in, far away is a guest, happy day, there is no reason to extrapolate people.

As soon as Hu Ruiyang sat down, the doorbell rang again. This time it was Fang Zeyu. Seeing him, Lao Hu and Lin Hui were both surprised. Lao Hu knew that Shuyan knew Fang Zeyu and that Fang Zeyu had saved her. Therefore, he immediately came back to his senses. Lin Hui did not return to his mind for a long time.

It's said that it's impossible to get to know Fang Zeyu just like Shu Yan, who picks up children every day and has to go to work.

"You all know each other just now, but we don't know each other. Let me introduce you to Ruixue's brother, Hu Ruiyang, and Fang Zeyu. Thanks to him for helping me and the children last time, it's not too much to say that people who save lives can't be overstated." Shu Yan mainly introduced Fang Zeyu.

Fang Zeyu took a look at Shuyan. He had protected her for some time at most. How could he have saved her?

Shu Yan did not look at Fang Zeyu. He went back to his seat, picked up his glass and solemnly said, "I believe you all know it in your mind, but you are very good and never ask me any embarrassing questions. In fact, it is very simple, men have money floating, more beautiful and more cultural women. Since people don't look up to me and it's no fun to make do with it, we got divorced. Our two children followed me, and my family's savings also belonged to me. I'm not afraid of your jokes. My mother's family valued men over women. Knowing that I had money in my hands, I must have stripped all my brothers. I had no way. I took my two children to Nancheng. I am a woman with two children in this unfamiliar place of life in Nancheng, but I can't help you today. I won't say much about anything else. I'd like to propose a toast to you. "

"You're welcome. Let's help each other." Lao Hu took up his glass and said with a smile.

The rest of the people also said some polite words, each drink a cup of wine, can't drink to replace with a drink.

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Shu Yan had another cup, to Wu Xiuyue and Lin Hui, "they all said that distant relatives are better than near neighbors. I'm a brother and sister, and I'm not as close as you two. Thanks for your help these days, otherwise I'm a business and a child, and I'm tired. I don't know how to thank you." Then the owner's wife of the hotel said, "it's really hard for me. The house will be taken away as soon as it is said to be taken away. The shop is just doing activities. The two children have to be picked up. The eldest brother and sister-in-law can rent a house to me at that time. I Thank you very much

A circle down, Shuyan came to Fang Zeyu, "that time really thank you, or I and the children may be really dangerous, has not officially thank you, take advantage of today, I toast you."

"It's you..." Fang Zeyu wanted to say that you saved Doudou first. As a result, Shuyan did not wait for him to finish speaking, touched a cup with him and drank it dry.

One side of Lao Hu clapped, "boss Shu is bright."

Shuyan finally respects Fang Zeyu wine. Lin Hui finally understands why she invited him. It turns out that he saved her and her children.

The dishes on the table are the specialty of several women, and everyone is full of praise.

After eating almost the same food and drinking a lot of wine, the crowd was slightly drunk. Lao Hu put his hand on Fang Zeyu's shoulder and said, "brother, I've heard about that. It's really unjust. I didn't expect that you would save people after meeting this kind of thing. You are a real hero." Lao Hu raised his thumb.

Hu Ruiyang, Hu Ruixue and Lao Zhang don't know Fang Zeyu, but Zhang Huafeng, Wu Xiuyue and the hotel owner's wife have all heard of Fang Zeyu's name. It was the first time that they met. At the beginning, they met Shu Yan and invited him to be a guest. They were still full of doubts. Later, they heard that they had saved Shuyan and her two children. As a result, I heard Lao Hu say that again, and suddenly he was full of doubts.

"You don't know that It was clearly brother Fang who saved the little girl. As a result, the girl was afraid of being revenged. She said that brother Fang wanted to insult her. Her classmates fought with him in order to help her. And the one who was hit by a car was pushed out by their own family members and fell on brother Fang's head. " Old Hu sighed, "after brother Fang's accident, the little girl's family moved away. It's hard to say anything."

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"There's such a thing, it's not..." Wu Xiuyue originally wanted to say that she heard from her friend's neighbor that it was Fang Zeyu's own mother who said it. However, when Fang Zeyu sat here, she couldn't say it.

"That's what happened. At that time, many people knew that brother Fang was wronged, and after so many years, who can remember? Even if you know, it's just the local village and the neighboring villages. As a result, the whole western district knows, why? " Lao Hu deliberately did not say.

"Why?" Sure enough, Wu Xiuyue and their curiosity.

"If there is a stepmother, there is a stepfather. The stepmother is afraid that brother Fang will go back to fight for a house, and deliberately discredit him outside." Lao Hu turned his mouth and obviously looked down on Fang Zeyu's parents.

"Meet such a father and stepmother..." Ye Shuqin looks at Fang Zeyu sympathetically.This mother is not born, this father is always born, right? How can a stepmother do this to her son?

"There are many unselfish parents in the world. There are many selfish parents, and more eccentric parents." Shuyan took a sip of the soup, pressed the wine, and said with a bitter smile: "my ex husband had a woman outside when I was pregnant. My whole family knew that, so I kept a secret from me. When I found out that I wanted to find him, my parents were the first to stop me. Because my ex husband had money, he would give them filial piety every new year. Believe it or not, if I didn't go to Nancheng this time, my parents would sell me to someone else for money, and they would have robbed me of my money. "

Listening to them, Chen Fei unconsciously drank two more cups and poured another cup. He insisted on clinking a cup with Fang Zeyu. "We are in the same boat. My old man is not in my family. My mother just left and brought the woman back. Your father still supports you. He doesn't even support me. If it wasn't for my grandparents, I would have starved to death."

"I can only say that every family has a difficult Scripture to read. Brother Fang and brother Chen have a toast to you." Old Hu picked up the wine and drank it off.

"I'd like to drink to you, too." Zhang Huafeng took up his glass and belched, "the body is not afraid of the shadow, sooner or later there will be a day."

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Several people on the table are actually a little drunk, otherwise they can't talk like this. But who is Fang Zeyu? Who is Fang Zeyu who drinks wine as water? He just doesn't open his mouth all the time. He touches a glass with several men, drinks it, looks at Shuyan sideways, and hooks his mouth slightly, "yes."

After dinner, Lao Zhang and his wife had many factories and left first. Zhang Huafeng and Chen Fei were drunk. Wu Xiuyue and Zhang Huaxiu went back one by one. Lao Hu was also drunk. Fang Zeyu was responsible for seeing him back. Hu Ruiyang answered a phone call and left early, leaving Hu Ruixue and Lin Hui to stay to help her.

In the face of a room wreckage, Shu Yan said: "you all go busy, leave me to clean up slowly."

"What do you say? When do you have to clean up by yourself?" Lin Hui rolled up her sleeves and began to collect the dishes.

Hu Ruixue doesn't like washing dishes. She helps to clean up the stool and sweep the floor.

Two children are also good, in the side to help do something within their ability, Shuyan looked at them, drove them back to the house, "summer homework has not been done, hurry back to the house."

Without two children, the three adults were more agile. As she cleaned up, Lin Hui couldn't help asking, "did Fang Zeyu really save you?"

"Can there be a fake? How dare I invite him to dinner at home

"In fact, I also heard a rumor that those people went to his parents in the middle of the night and asked them to discredit him outside, so that they could live up to Fang Zeyu's crime of hooliganism and manslaughter."

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Shuyan washing dishes slower, "just for the house."

"No, it's Fang Zeyu's grandfather and grandmother's way. The old couple want to leave it to their grandson, but his stepmother is not happy. It's said that Fang Zeyu moved his household registration after he came back. Some people said that he was registered in the old lady's name, while others said that he had set up his own household. However, Fang Zeyu was also a very good man. He let his grandfather pass the house when he was just 18 years old His father and stepmother didn't know when he was in his name. When his registered permanent residence moved out, he knew that his stepmother let people smash the door, and he directly called the police. Are you cruel or not? " Lin Huixing said with enthusiasm.

"I'll call the police." It is not a disease to repay good for evil.

After cleaning up for nearly two hours, the house was clean and tidy again. There were many things in the company. Hu Ruixue washed her hands and left first. Lin Hui and Shu Yan had to move her own things back.

When he sent Hu home, Fang Zeyu turned around and left. In fact, he was never disheartened. The reason why he didn't leave was mainly because the old lady had to be taken care of. He promised his comrades in arms to help him see the old lady to her end.

After turning a few corners, a car stopped in a more remote place. Fang Zeyu went directly to the co pilot's position.

"Boss, did you drink?"

"A little bit. Let's go back to the company." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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