At 9:00 a.m., ye Zhiqiang arrived at the teahouse on time with only two people. Besides Shu Jianyang, Shuyan also took only two people.

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I came here today for negotiation, not for fighting.

"Yan Yan. It is said that one day husband and one hundred days' grace. We have been married for so many years, and we have two children. You don't have to be so wonderful, do you? " Ye Zhiqiang saw Shu Yan's divorce agreement and left him a little bit.

"Ye Zhiqiang, where do you come from to talk about hundred day grace with me? Why didn't you talk about it when you forced me to divorce? Did someone try to hurt me yesterday? If I hadn't been careful, would I still be sitting here? Are you guilty of saying that? " Shu Yan breathed a breath, and was almost breathed to death by him, "OK, who doesn't know who! Don't pretend here. Don't talk about such useless nonsense. I'll ask you, do you agree with the above conditions? OK, we'll sign the divorce right away. No, we'll see you in court. It's up to the state to decide what to do. "

In the early 1990s, the society attached great importance to the issue of personal style. Shu Yan's evidence was solid, and she really had to go to the court and affirm Shu Yansheng.

"Are you sure you want to go to court? After going to court, all the photos will be public evidence. At that time, all the people in court and the jurors can see it. Anyway, I don't care if the disgrace is not me. " Shuyan Hao said with the leisure time.

"Shuyan." Ye Zhiqiang gnashing teeth at her, really do not understand, the moment before the stupid as a pig, after a moment become smart and strong.

"I'm not deaf." Shu Yan glanced at him and said without good breath.

Ye Zhiqiang took a deep breath and swallowed his breath and said, "I'm the father of two children without looking at the Buddha's face. When I proposed divorce, I didn't want to let you go out of the house. Now you don't have to do so much."

"Not me. It's you and the fox that went too far. " Shu Yan sits upright, staring at Ye Zhiqiang.

According to his memory, half a year ago, ye Zhiqiang began to carry out cold violence against the original body. He tried to force him to go by himself. When he saw that there was no effect, he began to pick up mistakes, beat and scold him. He hit the original body six times in two months. During this period, Li Jiao Jiao Jiao insults the original body from time to time, and belittles the original body. She is forced to die, and the original body will commit suicide.

No matter what kind of person they are, they are forced to die. A living human life is so gone, Shuyan doesn't think he is too much.

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Both of them refused to give in and couldn't talk about it. Ye Zhiqiang left the house angrily. It was impossible for him to leave the house. Even if he had to go to court, it would not be so fast. During this period, we can always find a way to deal with it.

He wanted to drag on, but Shuyan didn't want to drag on, so she couldn't live a life of fear all the time. She could not stand it, nor could her two children.

"What are you going to do?" "Shu Jianyang frowned," or I directly let people tie him, folded on a hand and foot on the obedience. "

Shu Yan is helpless. Although this cousin is tall and handsome, he still has a gentle feeling when he sits there without talking. He is actually a cruel man, otherwise he can't have his present status.

"Third brother, it's a society ruled by law. You're kidnapping and threatening. If something happens, we'll lose our sense."

Mixed black is not the right way after all, Shu Jianyang to her things, Shu Yan reciprocated, hoping to help him some.

"What do you say?" After getting along with this cousin for a few days, Shu Jianyang no longer regards her as an ignorant village woman in the countryside, but really talks about her as an equal object.

"Make an example to others."

"Make an example to others?" Shu Jianyang squinted, "you mean that Li Jiaojiao?"

Shuyan gently smiles. Don't think she seldom mentioned Li Jiaojiao before, and she will let her go. It's just that she can't make a move. Originally, if ye Zhiqiang was wise, this matter would be released first. But if ye Zhiqiang didn't cooperate, Shuyan could only be sorry.

As the mother of the hostess, the origin of Li Jiaojiao is also introduced in the original work.

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Li Jiaojiao still had a formal job in 1992. As a financial staff of a distillery in the city, Li Jiaojiao in the book had a unique vision. She fell in love with Ye Zhiqiang, who had no culture. After marriage, she was transferred to the government by virtue of her ability, and became the Secretary of general s at that time with her good handwriting and good writing. When the female owner appeared, she was already the director of the Education Bureau. Ye Zhiqiang also expanded his construction company to become one of the top real estate companies in Xicheng. The female owner was the right son of heaven.

When reading books, readers all think that ye Zhiqiang and his ex-wife were separated before they were together with Li Jiaojiao. After all, there were few marriage certificates in the countryside at that time. Ye Zhiqiang's words that he was too young to be sensible and his parents' orders were passed away.

Looking at the marriage of the elderly in the past 19 years may really be a joke. If you don't have a marriage certificate, you won't get married. In addition, many people in the future think that divorce is nothing. Besides, it is stated in the book that ye Zhiqiang not only gave the house, but also gave the family all the savings.

Shuyan is also wearing the original body to find that there are so many details, perhaps stand different angle, look at things are not the same, this if dressed as Li Jiaojiao Jiao? Shuyan shook the lower body, can't continue to think.

Anyway, now she has become Shu Yan, who is about to be abandoned by slag man mercilessly.Comparatively speaking, Li Jiaojiao is much easier to deal with. Considering that we can't get too stiff with Ye Zhiqiang now, Shu yanxuan can only see the photos of Li Jiaojiao. Ye Zhiqiang is either facing his back or facing sideways. The photos were divided into three parts: one was sent to Li Jiaojiao's school, one was sent to her factory, and the other was sent to her hometown. Instead of looking for a post office, the photo was directly served by people.

It was pasted directly on the bulletin board of the school and on the big character newspaper outside the factory. The man who sent it to the village was a Fei. He was clever and didn't stick it on the wall. He directly took a pile of photos to the woman at the head of the village and asked her to pass it on to Li Jiaojiao Jiao's parents.

"My God!" When the woman saw the photo, she exclaimed, attracting many people to come around. Seeing the photo, she was immediately excited.

Nowadays, there is little entertainment. When people in the village are not busy, they like to get together and gossip. If a man and a woman come closer, they will be said that they are good friends. If they spread more, it will be the same as the real thing.

Now the photos are in front of you. That's the real evidence. It's as good as seeing it with your own eyes.

"This is not a college student in the village? Usually, her mother always praises her daughter's ability. She really can. " A woman looked at her head and said, "Auntie osmanthus, don't look at it alone. Show me so many photos."

"Yes, osmanthus God, let's all have a look. What's the difference between college students and others?" This is an excited and pure young man.

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Even if you can't eat it, you can't take a look at it?

A group of people around watching, Xiaofei sneaked away while no one was paying attention. He also had to go to the next village to send photos. Sister Yan said that all villages in ten li and eight should be taken care of.

In less than an hour, everyone knew that the college student of the Li family didn't learn well. He seduced other people's husbands in the city. His wife caught the rape in bed, and took shameless photos and sent them to the village.

When Li Jiaojiao Jiao's grandmother saw the photo, she fainted directly. Her two uncles and aunts trembled with anger. They all have daughters. Now they have a niece, and their daughter has a bad reputation. In particular, the eldest aunt, her daughter is talking about marriage. Now, she doesn't know whether to say it or not.

Li Jiaojiao Jiao's parents came back from the mountain. They always felt that the people in the village were pointing at them. They were still puzzled. Because there was a college student in their family, who didn't stand up to them in the village, now they have to know them.

Just arrived at the door, saw a group of people blocking their door, two people's hearts thump, what happened to the home?

After seeing the photo, Li Ma fainted directly. After a while, she woke up, sat on the ground, patted her thighs and cried, "no face to live, no face to live..."

Li's parents squatted on the side smoking, although they didn't cry, their faces were a hundred times worse than that of Li's mother.

Li's family is full of dark clouds. Li Jiaojiao is not much better here. She was pointed at as soon as she entered the factory. All the colleagues who played with her usually avoided being like snakes and scorpions. Her kind sister Wang always looked at her with a look of hatred.

"What's the matter, sister Wang?" Li Jiaojiao's heart beat like thunder. She always felt that something bad was going to happen.

"Jiaojiao, you? Ah Sister Wang held back her red face, but she didn't have the face to say.

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"Li Jiaojiao, the director said you were here and asked you to go to his office." Another girl in the office was separated from Li Jiaojiao Jiao. They had been fighting against each other. When she saw the photos in the morning, she secretly took them to the factory director.

Seeing the photo, Li Jiaojiao felt the blood freezing all over her body and sat down on the ground.

"You can see that if something like this happens, you can't be left in the factory." The factory director said earnestly, "you are a college student, how difficult is it for your family to cultivate you? As a result, when you do this, go back and reflect. "

Li Jiaojiao's whole body is cold. It's over. It's over. Her reputation is bad and her job is gone.

When ye Zhiqiang came back from the construction site, he saw Li Jiaojiao sitting there, worried and asked, "what's the matter? Not feeling well? "

"Brother Qiang, I'm out of work." Li Jiaojiao Jiao head moved, see ye Zhiqiang like to see a life-saving straw.

"No, it's gone. You're afraid I can't afford you." Ye Zhiqiang said indifferently.

Two or three hundred yuan a month was not enough for her to buy a piece of clothes. She had a baby at home and gave him a white fat and intelligent son.

Li Jiaojiao covered her face and shook her head. She cried, "our photos have been sent out. Everyone in the factory has seen it. The school has also known. How can I be a man in the future! It's better to die. "

Ye Zhiqiang Teng stood up, eyes bloodshot, "I go to find her." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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