Shuyan heard the driver said that Fang Zeyu also wanted to go to Hangcheng and carpool with her. He agreed directly.

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She had rubbed other people's cars many times before, which was unreasonable. Now Fang Zeyu had something to do with the ride, and she didn't agree.

He opened the rear door and stepped in to find Fang Zeyu sitting inside. He had been sitting in the co pilot before. Shuyan thought he would sit there today. But he didn't expect him to sit in the back. Now he goes in with one foot, neither in nor out.

"What's the matter?" Fang Zeyu looks at Shu Yan indifferently.

"Oh, nothing." Shuyan Leng for a while, pursed a lower lip, this time withdraw to seem not very good, still sat in, "master go."

"Business is good in the store."

"Ah?" Shuyan put things away, did not hear Fang Zeyu's words clearly.

"Do you have a good business in your shop Fang Zeyu was calm, but his hands were full of sweat.

"Not bad. At the end of last year, a lot of clothes were sold short. Besides, now we have to go to Hangzhou to buy some goods. Are you going to see Doudou She asked with a smile.

"Not all of them. There's something wrong with the company in Hangzhou. I'll take a look at Doudou. Do you want to see him? " Fang Zeyu was annoyed when he finished asking. He should wait until he went to Hangzhou to take Doudou to see her, and then have a meal together.

"Me?" Shuyan looks at Fang Zeyu in doubt.

"Yes, he told me several times that he wanted to meet his aunt This didn't deceive Shuyan. Doudou's mother and Doudou really mentioned it many times, but Shuyan refused all the time. Originally, she planned to pay a new year's visit. As a result, Fang Zeyu went to Shuyan's house and found out from Lin Hui that Shuyan had taken her children to travel.

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"I don't think I have time. I'll have a rest in the evening. I'll leave for the market after three o'clock. I'll start to stock up at four o'clock. Until seven or eight o'clock in the morning, I still have to rush back to get new products." These two days are the busiest. I can't spare time.

"It's hard work." Fang Zeyu really thinks so.

"It's OK to get used to it." Shu Yan smiles and asks, "you just said the company, what company do you work for?"

After asking Shu Yan, she felt that it was not very good. Fang Zeyu's reputation was there, and a good company would not enter. Would she ask if she would poke his pain?

"I work in Hua'an. I'm a security company. I don't neglect what I've learned." Fang opened his mouth and said, "what about your child? Or I'll ask a friend to help you get the kids to school. "

"No, you also know that I am looking for my daughter's mother to help me pick up. At the end of last year, I found an aunt, and the dumplings I gave you were made by that aunt, so I can't worry about coming out now." Shu Yan didn't expect Fang Zeyu to be a security guard, but he was definitely different from ordinary security guards. Was he a private bodyguard?

"Do you know the details of the nanny? I can have it checked. " He has seen many nannies who are not good to their children or abduct and sell children.

"It's my neighbor's relative. My daughter is studying in Nancheng University, so I'm sure I know my roots, so I don't have to check it out."

They talked about their daily life and went to Hangzhou unconsciously. Shuyan had always thought that Fang Zeyu was reticent and did not like to talk. Unexpectedly, he was quite talkative.

"Then I'll go first." Shu Yan waved with them, closed the door and was ready to go. Fang Zeyu got out of the car.

"Where are you going now?"

"I want to find a hotel to sleep in and come back after three o'clock." Now the weather is still very cold, especially at night, Shu Yan Cai is not so silly sitting outside waiting.

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"I'll take you there." Now it's more than 11 o'clock, and there are only a few street lamps around.

Shuyan just wanted to refuse, she saw Fang Zeyu walk in front of her without saying a word. She was stunned for a moment. The corners of her mouth rose slightly and followed him silently.

Men often confuse straight men's cancer with male chauvinism. In fact, the slight male chauvinism really pricks women's hearts. For example, when crossing the road, men directly pull women into it. When you are sick, take medicine strongly

"Are you usually in this hotel?" Fang Zeyu watched carefully outside. Ordinary people looked very high. In his eyes, everything was unsafe.

"Yes, I'm already familiar with the landlady. Don't worry. I'm safe here. " Shu Yan saw his frown and said with a smile, "I am an ordinary person. Nothing will happen here. Besides, there are many people who come to buy goods. Then we can go to the market together."

Fang Zeyu originally intended to help Shu Yan pay, but Shuyan refused. Let alone that she had money, she could not take advantage of it even if she had no money.

The landlady looked at it and asked Shu Yan in a low voice, "was that your object just now?"

"No, just an ordinary friend." Shu Yan Leng for a while, return way.

"Don't cheat people, ordinary friends send you to the hotel in the middle of the night. When you leave, you are reluctant to give up." The landlady didn't believe a word.

"He didn't want to give up. He walked very neatly." Shuyan can't laugh or cry.

"You don't know. I've been in the hotel for so many years, and I've seen all kinds of people. My eyes are very strong. When he just left, he was obviously reluctant to give up. He was either your object or your suitor. He was quite calm when he looked at him, but he had a scar on his face The landlady said regretfully."It's OK for a man to have a scar." What's more, Shuyan felt that the scar was domineering on Fang Zeyu's face.

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The boss Niang looked at Shu Yan's ambiguous smile and said, "this is the protection?"

"No, I'm just talking about the matter. Madame, I'll go to bed first. I'll return the alarm clock to you when I've run out." Shuyan didn't want to discuss this problem with the boss's wife, and he just walked away.

I used to sleep on the pillow, but today I can't sleep. Shuyan's mind constantly recalled the words of the boss's wife.

Many people say that they are insensitive to their feelings and don't know what the other party is thinking when they don't express their feelings. This is just pulling. Whether it's a man or a woman, as long as they are not stupid, how can they not feel each other's heart? As long as it's not really hidden, or the other party doesn't know that he or she has other feelings for you, the one who is loved can feel it, don't tell the truth, just enjoy the pursuit and kindness of the other party.

Today's Fang Zeyu is obviously different from that in the past. Shu Yan feels this. In fact, she also murmurs in her heart. It's not her narcissism. It's really obvious that the other party has changed too much. People who have always been silent suddenly talk a lot more and send her to the hotel

Shu Yan is very aware of her current situation. She is divorced, with two children, no culture and no appearance. It's hard to find a good condition. However, Shuyan doesn't want to get married immediately. If she doesn't, she will take two children with her.

Suddenly felt that someone wanted to get close to her, to tell the truth, Shuyan was not surprised, but some panic.

However, Fang Zeyu's identity as a veteran and his behavior give Shuyan a strong sense of security. However, Fang Zeyu's present situation has to be taken into account by Shu Yan. She has two children, both of whom go to school in that area. They can't stand the rumors.

Thinking of slowly falling asleep, if not for the alarm clock, I would have overslept. Come to the door of the clothing market and so on, Shuyan saw a familiar figure from afar, ran quickly past.

"Elder sister." She was the elder sister of Wenxian County who came to purchase goods for the first time.

"Is it you, sister? What a coincidence. " The elder sister is also very happy to see Shuyan.

"It's a coincidence that I come every week and look at the square every time, but I don't see you." Shuyan took the elder sister's hand, "did you just wait outside at night? How cold it is! I have hot water here. Take a sip. "

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"No, I'll take it with me. How is your business in the clothing store now?" The elder sister actually saw Shu Yan just now, but she didn't recognize it. It's really a big change. She's thinner and whiter, and the spirit of the whole person is also different.

"Business is OK. How about you, sister?" When they came to the bright place, Shuyan found that the elder sister's face was a little dark and yellow, which was totally different from the first time she saw the confident elder sister. "What's the matter with you? Is it sick? "

"No Elder sister wryly smile, "I went back not long last year, the store I rented was about to be demolished. There was no way, I had to run the store and take care of the children. It was easy to rent a new store, and the business was not as good as before." No one is to blame for this, but to admit that it is bad luck.

"Don't worry, elder sister, if you can do business like this, you will be better in the future." Shuyan suddenly thought that there was no franchise store in Wenxian, so she asked, "do you know about Xianxue, elder sister?"

"Xianxue brand autumn clothes and trousers of Yanxue company?"

"Yes, it's the snow." Shuyan felt that this time she had to tell Hu Ruixue that she could change the advertisement. She could not make people feel that she only had autumn clothes and trousers.

"How can we not know that the clothing makers don't know that Xianxue is the first underwear brand in China. That boss is really a big hand. I don't know how much money it costs to advertise on CCTV. " Elder sister is there feeling.

Shuyan said with a smile: "I have a friend who works in Yanxue. I heard that the second tier city will be opened to join. Do you want to join a company? You are the first in Wenxian county. You can choose any location. The business should be good. After you open a franchise store, you don't have to run to Hangzhou to purchase goods. You can make money and take care of the children."

"Autumn clothes and trousers are almost out of season. It's too late now." Elder sister shakes her head.

"Who said that Xianxue only has autumn clothes and trousers, including home clothes, which are used all year round. If you don't have anything on your side, you can go to the Zhiying store in Nancheng with me." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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