Hu Ruixue gave Shuyan a VIP class with one-on-one service. The training site and ordinary students were still separated. Many people shared the same outside. Inside was an independent small training ground, covered with sheds. The wind couldn't blow or rain.

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The coach is very kind. Even if Shuyan did something wrong, she never said anything about her. She explained to her patiently. When she was in college, she had to drive a car for four or five people. She could only drive a few times a day. Most of the time she was waiting for her car, she practiced half a day in one hour.

I really didn't expect that subject 2 would be so difficult at this time. She thought it would be easier to learn a car in the 1990s. As a result, it was difficult for her to take the pile test alone. She had never learned how to pass the unilateral bridge or the ups and downs road before. Maybe the road is not good now. She needs to learn these things. Shu Yan can only comfort herself.

"Don't panic. It's easy to turn off the engine when you are flustered. Don't worry. I will remind you when I'm next to you when the exam comes." The coach said patiently.

Shu Yan looked at him and went back to practice driving silently. At this time, it seemed that the accompanying examiners were not the examiners, but the coaches, so there was a lot of maneuverability. According to the coach, the difficulty lies in subject 2. The road test is simple. As long as the traffic lights are passed, he says it will be OK.

In fact, subject 2 is also easy, and there is no infrared at this time. If you run into a loose examiner, you will be able to cross the line a little bit.

After learning to drive in the morning, Shuyan came out with backache and backache. He had planned to continue in the afternoon and told the coach to come back tomorrow morning.

"How are you doing?" Hu Ruixue saw Shu Yan pickling on the sofa and asked with a smile.

"Don't mention it. I'm so tired. But who makes me smart? I can go to the exam in two days You can take two courses and three subjects together. At this time, you can get your driver's license after taking the road test.

"Well, I'll give you a present when you get your driver's license." Hu Ruixue chuckles.

Shu Yan looked at her suspiciously, "won't you plan to send me a car? It's too expensive. I don't want it. "

I took what I had eaten, but I didn't know what gift to give back when I received too expensive things. Besides, she could afford it.

"It's not for nothing. Do you know how many franchise stores we have now?" Hu Ruixue looks at Shu Yan seriously.

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"How much?" Shu Yan sat up and asked.

"500. Xianxue has broken through 500 franchise stores. How about our clothing factory becoming a big factory with thousands of people? Is it worth celebrating? "

Shu Yan was stunned by the data. How long has it been? How fast has it developed? She was suddenly a little afraid, such a rapid development, once there is a problem, it is easy to collapse.

"Is the debt ratio high?" Shuyan asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, the franchise fee and payment for goods alone will be enough for us." One store is 60000, and 500 stores are 30 million. What's more, autumn clothes and trousers have been sold abroad and become export products, which also bring continuous income to the company. Their company has been making profits, so there is no need to worry about it.

"It's worth celebrating, but why buy me something?" Even if she can wait for a labor party.

Hu Ruixue disagreed, "if our company can have today, you should remember the first merit. You write the advertising plan and join in plan. You plan the opening activities of franchise stores. Without your planning, the company can't develop so fast. Moreover, this car was bought for you in the name of the company. You said that the boss of such a large company didn't have a car Do you have to get there? "

That is to say, in fact, it is for her private use, Shuyan suddenly some can not adapt, this has a car driver?

"Let me tell you another piece of good news. I got the piece of land next to the logistics center. Not only that, I also photographed the land No. 9 this time."

Shu Yan quickly took the map. Although No. 9 is not where Hu Ruixue drew the circle at first, it will be an inch of gold in the future. Knowing that the price is enough, Shuyan calls Hu Ruixue powerful.

"Why do you get so much land at once, and the bank can get loans?" Shu Yan looked at No. 9, where are high-rise buildings, do not know how ZF will compensate them.

"Don't worry, how many enterprises have 500 franchise stores in China? I don't have to come to my door at all. I'm directly granted the information when it's handed over. I'm going to build a clothing factory in No.9. I can put it on first. Next to the logistics center, construction can start immediately. This time, I plan to build more perfect. "

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"What do you mean?"

"I plan to put the brand of Xianxue here and divide it into four factories and one warehouse. The first one is for autumn clothes and trousers, the second for home clothes, the third for underwear and underwear, and the fourth for socks. In addition, there are canteens, staff dormitories and nurseries. Here, I plan to reserve a piece of land for the construction of welfare housing. Although we are not a state-owned enterprise, we have welfare comparable to that of state-owned enterprises. As long as they contribute to our factory, we also reward houses. "

"Is this industrial land?" Can houses be built on industrial land?

"Industrial land is right, but if I apply for the construction of welfare housing, there will be no problem. On the contrary, the government will strongly support it."The reason why Hu Ruixue successfully photographed two pieces of land this time is not only the reason why their enterprises are getting bigger and bigger, but also because she has accepted a group of female workers from the original textile factory to work in the factory. In addition, she has also received some workers who have retired from other units, helping the government to ease the pressure of employment. Now if they apply for welfare housing again, they can definitely become private enterprises in Nancheng city The model of, perhaps also can appraise is the outstanding enterprise and so on.

About those employees, Shu Yan also knew that Hu Ruixue had talked to her. At that time, Hu Ruixue said the advantages and disadvantages, but Shuyan didn't expect such a big return.

To tell you the truth, many private enterprises are reluctant to accept these old workers from state-owned enterprises. In fact, they are not as hard-working as the workers recruited by the society. They are also fond of putting on airs, going on strike and protesting. If they dare to dismiss them, they will dare to sit in front of ZF.

Therefore, Shu Yan agreed to accept these employees, but asked the government to promise them the right to dismiss their employees. After negotiation, it was agreed that they could fire up to 10% of the employees, and absolutely not more than 10%.

In the past, as long as the state-owned enterprises did not make major mistakes, they would not be dismissed. Now they can be dismissed in their factories. I believe that those who cheat and cheat will not dare to be the same as before.

At first, when those people came in, there were still many people with the same old habits as before. Hu Ruixue directly caught a few people as an example. Originally, some people wanted to make trouble. Hu Ruixue said in front of all of them that if they did, she would rather cancel the agreement with the government than everyone.

They were scared out of their wits. They didn't work for half a year. If they didn't go to work, their families would be out of business.

More than 20 people were expelled in one breath, and all of them were suppressed. Hu Ruixue paid them a month's salary in advance to settle down in their home. In addition, he also made it clear to them that their factory was different from the original state-owned enterprises. In addition to the basic salary of each month, there was a commission for every piece of clothing, and there was a bonus for doing as much as possible. It's more than double their wages in state-owned factories.

For a time, these employees have no complaints, and they stay in the factory to work in peace of mind. They are all old employees of textile mills. They are very quick to start. Shuyan and Hu Ruixue are very satisfied with this.

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"By the way, the day before yesterday I didn't mean to go for a spring outing until I finished my driving test." Shuyan is really not in the mood to go for a spring outing.

"The weather is not good these days. You can go when the weather is good. Tianbao told me many times that I would like to ride a horse. You won't let him go." Hu Ruixue made an appointment with Shuyan several times, which was pushed by her.

"What kind of horse to ride in such a cold weather? The night university you talked about last time? How do I sign up? "


"Well. There is no end to learning. I went out to see clients. When someone asked me where I went to university, I didn't know how to answer. I originally wanted to open a clothing store and raise my two children. I didn't expect to meet you. Now we are still working together to open a company. The enterprise is getting bigger and bigger. In the future, our company will certainly become a famous big enterprise in China. After that, when we go abroad, a boss will study The other boss didn't graduate from primary school. It's a shame to talk about it. " Shu Yan really read enough, really do not want to go to the classroom to sit for a diploma, but today's society is like this, many people say that diploma is useless, in fact, when you really go to the big city, you will find that diploma is a stepping stone, otherwise you can't get into that door no matter how strong your ability is.

Shuyan decided to go to self-taught high school and University, then go to a famous university training class, get a graduate student, whether formal or not, the reputation is good.

"I hear you're still learning English by yourself?" Hu Ruixue asked.

"Yes, the last time I sent Jingjing and Tianbao to the training class to study, I thought I should learn something. I am an old arm and a long leg. Singing and dancing are definitely not good. I just want to learn English. No matter whether I can use it or not, it is always right to learn more." Shuyan said modestly.

"That's a good idea, and it'll be useful in the future." Hu Ruixue really thinks Shuyan is so good.

Hu Ruixue talked about the next development of the company. After lunch, he called the company's middle and high-level personnel together for a meeting, and Shuyan went back to his shop.

According to Hu Ruixue, with Shuyan's present wealth, there is really no need to open a clothing store. After all, it was Shu Yan's first career in the world, or did she build it up bit by bit, so she was reluctant to turn it off.

I saw Zhang Huaxiu in bookkeeping, and two other salesmen were tidying up their clothes. They came in and took a look at Zhang Huaxiu. "You don't look good recently. If you're not feeling well, please take a rest."

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Zhang Huaxiu touched his face, "may not have a good rest recently."

I work in the shop during the day, and I have to help her sister-in-law tally and make accounts at night. Of course, I have a bad rest.

"You can't do this. If your sister-in-law's business is good, tell her to find someone." Shu Yan frowned.

"She had to say she was busy." In this regard, Zhang Huaxiu is also helpless.

She is too busy to answer the question. Zhang Huaxiu is too busy. Wu Xiuyue asked Zhang Huaxiu to ask for leave to visit her shop last time. In this way, it is equivalent to Zhang Huaxiu having no rest time for a month. He works 12 hours a day and doesn't allow a day's rest. Iron man can't stand it."Nothing. I have stomach trouble these days, and I'll be fine in a few days

"Just know it yourself." It's not easy for her to say too much. Anyway, Zhang Huaxiu can't delay the business in the store. If she says too much, she will stir up the relationship between her aunt and sister-in-law and make her a stranger at home and abroad.

There was no inventory for a long time. Shuyan asked Zhang Huaxiu to look outside, take his own people to inventory, and then check the accounts. Zhang Huaxiu did things carefully, and the accounts were very clear. He made it almost to the meal point. It was hard for them during this period of time. Shu Yan simply stayed to invite them to dinner.

In addition to the necessary braised pork, there was a live fish in the hotel today. Shu Yan also made one. The two salesmen were very happy. Zhang Hua Xiucai took a bite and put it down.

"What's the matter?"

"It's nothing. Your stomach doesn't feel good. You eat it first." Said to run out, Shuyan is not at ease, follow out, see her in the corner retch. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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