After a few days' rest, Zhang Huaxiu's face obviously looked better. Shuyan was sure that she had no problem before allowing her to continue to work.

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"If you have any comfort, tell me in advance. Don't hold on. Nothing is as important as the child in your stomach." At this time, many people will endure for work. In case the child is damaged, who do you think is the responsibility?

"I know, if I'm not feeling well, I'll say it." Zhang Huaxiu hesitated for a while, and Shuyan said, "I think sister Ling is good, although the sales ability is average, but this can be slowly exercised."

Sister Ling is the older salesman. She is very steady and careful. She is not here these days. She is in charge of the store, and there is no mistake.

"Are you going to stay away from the baby?" Shuyan must be sure of this, if Zhang Huaxiu is not sure, then she will do the next step.

Of course, she still wants to go to work. After the work here goes smoothly, she is not as tired as before and her salary is high. Of course, Zhang Huaxiu doesn't want to give up. She just can't bear to have a big month. It takes a lot of time for another child to be born. What should I do then?

You can see from her face that she still likes this job. Shu Yan said, "didn't I tell you last time? If you want to go to work, go ahead. I'll give you three months' maternity leave. Don't think so much. It's bad for children to think too much. "

Maybe it was after a five-day break and came back to find that sister Ling had done a good job and her status was affected, so she felt a little flustered.

When Zhang Huaxiu and Chen Fei got married, Shuyan thought about this problem. At their age, when they got married, they would definitely consider children's problems. At that time, she thought about herself for a while, but she didn't expect that Yan Xue would develop so fast, but now it's OK. At that time, sister tiling will be the Deputy store manager and let her hold it for a while. If she has enough ability, Shuyan can recommend her to the underwear store shopowner.

When Zhang Huaxiu was pregnant, Shuyan asked her not to do heavy goods, such as incoming goods to be put into storage, and so on. All of them were handed over to the following salesmen. Of course, it was not a problem to sell clothes, and there was no money to that extent. If she didn't do anything, what class would she go to.

When she comes back, Shuyan doesn't have to be in the store all day. Hu Ruixue comes back. Shuyan plans to meet her.

Seeing Shu Yan, Hu Ruixue was very excited and said, "flowers When Duoduo saw me yesterday, she called me mom. She called me mom. " Hu Ruixue sat there, covering her face and crying.

Shuyan gently patted her on the shoulder and held her in his arms. This woman has always been strong and confident, but in fact, her heart is very fragile.

"It's a good thing that every flower can call her mother. I believe it will get better and better in the future." Blossoms can be improved, Shuyan is also very happy, but can not be cured.

Hu Ruixue cried more and more uncontrollable, stuffy in Shuyan loose mouth pain happy cry.

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"I'll make you laugh." Hu Ruixue sucked her nose, broke her tears and laughed, "I'm so excited that I can hear many flowers calling mom in my lifetime, I'm..." With that, she couldn't help crying.

Look at the Shu Yan are sour nose.

"It's going to get better and better. I came to see you today. I have something to tell you. Our company is getting bigger and bigger. In the future, both of us will definitely go on business. My idea is to reduce business trips as much as possible, and leave more time to accompany the children. Even if you want to go on a business trip, don't go out together. What do you think? " Not to mention the flowers need Hu Ruixue for a long time to accompany and teach, Jingjing and Tianbao also need Shuyan to be around, and they can't be thrown to the nanny, so they don't care about anything.

"I think so." Hu Ruixue calmed down slowly. Her eyes were red and her hair was disordered. If this room was not Shu Yan but a man, it would be rumored. "Experts told me yesterday that I hope I can spend more time with Duoduo. So I want to put down all the work that I can put on hand. I can't earn money, and I can't go back if I miss the growth of children."

"I think so. You say we've made a lot of money now, just eat, drink and spend as much as you can. " Their company's total assets have exceeded 100 million yuan. Even if you give a 50% discount, she and Hu Ruixue can share 25 million yuan. She can buy dozens of houses at random, and she will not worry about food and clothing in her life.

"Yes, but money is to be made." Hu Ruixue said with a smile.

The situation of Duoduo has been unable to take care of herself all her life. If she wants to live delicately, she needs more money than ordinary people. Hu Ruixue can't predict how long she can live. Life is changeable. Who knows which day she will die. So she has to make sure Duoduo can live well under this premise.

"Always said to take the children to play, but has not been able to, in two days the weather is fine, we will go." Shu Yan also felt sorry for Jingjing and Tianbao. Of course, it had something to do with the weather. This year, I didn't know what was wrong with it. It had been raining for more than a month, and it didn't stop. She couldn't go out to play.

At more than three o'clock in the afternoon, Shuyan wants to go back to pick up the child. The aunt has asked for leave today and will come back tomorrow.

"Mom." Tianbao is happy to see Shuyan.

"Be careful. Don't fall." Shuyan holds Tianbao's hand.

"Mom, you haven't come to pick me up for a long time." Tianbao is so happy.

Shuyan touched his head, took him to pick up Jingjing, and ran into Zhang Ma, who was coming to pick up his grandson."Pick up the baby yourself today?"

"Yes, today my aunt is off. I'll pick up the baby myself." Shu Yan looked at Zhang Chenghan, who was withered. "What's the matter?"

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"This child's birthday, want his parents to take him to eat what Deji, his father has to work overtime, his mother you know, busy even want me to deliver the meal." Zhang Ma shakes her head. Her daughter-in-law is making money, but she has never seen anything better.

Shu Yan a Leng, "she that has so busy?"

She estimated the turnover of Wu Xiuyue's shop at four or five hundred or five or six hundred. She should not be too busy to eat.

"I'm very busy. I'm doing activities recently. I go out early and return late every day." Zhang Ma is happy when she talks about this. She also hopes her son, daughter-in-law and grandson can live in a big house. Only when Wu Xiuyue can make money can the house have hope.

Do activities? What activities have you been doing recently?

Shu Yan is not clear, and plans to go back to ask Zhang Huaxiu.

When Shuyan gets up to go to the toilet in the evening, she goes to see the two children. Jingjing sleeps honestly. Shuyan takes a look and closes the door. Where has Tianbao's quilt been kicked by him? Shuyan in the past, see Tianbao's small face flushed, touched, hot can not.

"Tianbao, Tianbao..."

"Mom, I feel bad, I'm so hot..." Tianbao has a cat like voice with hoarseness.

Shuyan quickly went to the living room to find a thermometer, 39 degrees 6. This is a high fever. I must go to the hospital.

These two children are usually like little tigers, never had a disease, this sudden illness, Shuyan special flustered. I went in and out for several times, but I didn't know what I was busy with.

After a look at the time, it is now more than 1 o'clock in the morning. The road from here to the hospital is still a little rough. Shu Yan is really afraid to go alone. His aunt is not there. I don't know why. Shuyan thinks of Fang Zeyu.

"Hello." Fang Zeyu's voice came from the phone.

"It's me. Tianbao has a high fever. I want to go to the hospital, but I can't get a taxi outside now."

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"You wait. I'll be right here." Fang put on his clothes and trousers, picked up a coat and left.

Hang up the phone, Shuyan first give Tianbao some antipyretic medicine, and then take alcohol to Tianbao wipe in the armpit, arm armpit, these places, slowly, as if it is a little cold, and he took his temperature, 39 degrees 4, is a little cold, Shuyan continue to give him alcohol.

Hearing the doorbell, Shuyan took a look and confirmed that Fang Zeyu opened the door quickly.

"And the child?"

"At the sofa, I'm rubbing alcohol on him to cool him down. I'll take him out."

"No, go and change your clothes. I'll hold Tianbao." Fang Zeyu crossed Shuyan and helped Tianbao get dressed.

Shuyan looked down at herself, and her face turned red. The company produced a SILK PAJAMA with a sling inside and a bathrobe on the outside, which was very sexy. But Hu Ruixue forced her to take three sets home. Today, she was so dead that she wore the scarlet one. She just ran in and out. The belt of the bathrobe outside was broken, and the sling inside was really It's really tempting anyway.

He quickly wrapped up his coat and ran back to the room to change his clothes and trousers. If he hadn't been thinking about his son, Shuyan would not have dared to go out.

To go to the hospital, Shuyan wakes Jingjing, lest she wakes up and doesn't see them afraid.

"Tianbao has a fever. His mother takes him to the hospital. You sleep at home. If your aunt doesn't come back tomorrow morning, you can eat bread and milk in the refrigerator and go to school with aunt Lin Hui."

"I see." Jingjing said cleverly.

In fact, just as Fang Zeyu rang the doorbell, Jingjing woke up, but she didn't say a word. She sent her mother out and saw Uncle Fang standing at the door waiting for her mother with Tianbao in her arms. She unconsciously compared with her father. Her impression is that her father never smiles when he comes home. He always yells at his mother and often scolds her, Scold her too, face? She suddenly couldn't remember what her father looked like. She took another look at Fang Zeyu. Could this be her new father? Would he be nice to her and her brother?

Shu Yan doesn't know that Jingjing's cerebellum bag melon thinks so much. When she is ready to close the door, she turns back and says to Jingjing in a hurry, "go to bed. There's aunt Lin Hui on the opposite side. If you have something to tell her, don't be afraid."

"I see, mom, you go."

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Go to the emergency department of the hospital and explain the situation to the doctor. The doctor takes the temperature of Tianbao again.

"39 degrees 5, a little higher than what you measured. We need a hanging bottle. Mom's holding the baby, and dad's going to pay. " The doctor brushed out a list and handed it to Fang Zeyu.

Shu Yan quickly handed in the list, "I'll do it, I'll..."

"Let your lover do it, and I have something to tell you." Said the doctor with a frown.

Shu Yan just wanted to explain, Fang Zeyu took the list, "you keep it, the doctor must have something to tell you."

Shu Yan side head to see him, just like his ear root son is red, immediately also heartbeat leakage a pat, pursed the lower lip, "that you go."

The child hangs on the bottle, the temperature slowly drops down, also no longer clamor uncomfortable."I'll hold it. You've been holding it for so long." Fang Zeyu took Tianbao back after paying the money. He held it all the time, but Shuyan didn't give it to him.

"No, I'm not tired." Fang Zeyu patted and patted Tianbao. His movements were very gentle, even his expression was very soft.

Shuyan can't help but look at a Leng, if he becomes a father, he will certainly be a good father, bow to see Tianbao, unfortunately, these two children are not his.

"You lie down on the stool and have a rest. OK, I'll call you." Fang Zeyu said to Shu Yan.

"No, I I call you in the middle of the night... " She also went to lie down and rest by herself. She didn't want her face.

Fang Zeyu's mouth slightly raised, "I'm very happy."


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